// Grind : Deal/problem - Tumblr Posts

“Oh, yeah!” If it’s funny or not, y’know, Willow’s not sure. She finds everything funny, though, so in a way, Gag’s already won. “Supes hilarious.”
Is supes a thing people say? Eh. Anyway…
“Is the style not learning names? Because I’m good at that. Or remembering the sounds as different than they are. It’s hard, when you have the little thing in your head.” She taps, briefly, at her temple – then beams, at the blessing of the question she’d been given. “I’ve always been free! But… Traveling, like… yeah! Uh. A while. A good while. What about you? You do it too, right? Did you already say that, or did I just like, feel it off you? I dunno, but it’s… there, y’know?”
Gag-Arm’s got less than an idea what the li’l thing in your head might be, but that’s Willow’s grind, she reconnoiters. Willow didn’ blanch at her chuckle over her gam, so’s she doesn’ ask over her head.
She does light up all moony and grinning at the idea Willow pinpoints down the stink of the floating fraternity onnher, though. It’s for sure that life on the skyline makes you sommat else —what gudge just don’t see,— and it’s aces to get made like that. Looks as she had the right read on Willow here.
“A good while. Me too,” Gag-Arm nods along. “Sommody-years, you know how it goes. Feels like longer.”