Gryffindor!draco - Tumblr Posts
You know what AU I really like for Harry Potter? Not the Harry-in-Slytherin ones, but the Draco-Malfoy-anywhere-BUT-Slytherin ones.
Like??? Rowling says in the books that the Sorting Hat doesn’t even touch Draco’s head before it’s yelling SLYTHERIN. And she says that it puts you where you’re meant to go, but if you’re absolutely unquestionably against your assigned house it will reconsider.
I like the scenario where Draco Malfoy, 11 years old, has been taught from as young as he can remember that he will be a Slytherin. I like the scenario where he doesn’t have the capability to be unquestionably against the other houses, he simply does not consider them at all. I like the scenario where he expects the hat to immediately place him in Slytherin, without even touching his head… and then it drops over his eyes, and every expectation he had of this day is shattered.
I like the scenario where, against all odds, Draco Malfoy is a hatstall.
Where the Sorting Hat debates over his placement, does what it was always meant to do, considers him as a child of his own right and not a miniature version of his father, and considers where woud be the best for Draco to grow into himself.
Perhaps he’s placed in Ravenclaw, where his studies can bring him to new understanding of himself. Where he learns to answer riddles with logic and learns that there is worth in things you cannot buy, and greatness in knowledge, rather than bloodlines.
Perhaps he’s placed in Hufflepuff, where his housemates can bring him into the fold and comfort him for the loss of his expectations. Where he can learn the value of hard work and plain stubbornness and the worth of a helping hand out of a difficult position.
Perhaps, against every expectation, the Hat looks into this child’s head and sees not expectations of greatness for himself, but intense fears of failure and a fierce, callous bravery in telling himself those fears are wrong, they have to be wrong. And so, perhaps, sitting there on the stool and fidgiting and suddenly terrified, the Hat sits on his head and tells him that he is far more deserving of the House of the Brave than the House of the Ambitious.
And when the Hat yells GRYFFINDOR, the hall is silent. It’s pulled off of his head and everyone sees nothing but the look of uncomprehending terror on his face.
Harry, a few moments from being sorted himself, sees the would-be bully suddenly terrified of being anything but, and sees the sickened look on Ron’s face, and knows that Ron will be a Gryffindor, and that he and Malfoy will be at each other’s throats in an instant. Harry doesn’t like bullies. Harry doesn’t like fighting. But most of all, Harry doesn’t like people being targeted for something they can’t change.
Draco has just taken a seat at the end of the table, as far away from everyone as he can get, huddled in on himself, when Harry sits down. The Hat drops over his head and is barely there for half a minute before it’s yelling GRYFFINDOR.
He strides right to the end of the table with a purpose, and sits down next to Malfoy. Under his breath, he mutters “You’ll need someone to help you meet the right sorts. I can help you there.” and despite everything, Draco lets out a startled and overwhelmed snort of a laugh.
Ron gets sorted Gryffindor. How could he not? Harry waves him over. Draco shrinks a bit more in his seat.
One week later he gets a Howler from his father at breakfast, disgracing him. Apparently there’s no easy way to force the school to resort him, so clearly it’s his fault for not being Slytherin enough. Harry flicks a piece of bacon into the moving envelope’s ‘mouth’ and makes it choke. Ron shakes his head in dubious discomfort, but claps him on the shoulder and tells him that his father shouldn’t be yelling at him for being sorted somewhere other than expected.
Fred and George converge on the three of them, and somehow, the children of Arthur Weasley talk to the scion of the house of Malfoy, the son of the only man Arthur could truly be said to hate, and realize they’re all Gryffindors now.
Ron sighs and complains that Draco snores, and he’d been looking forward to sleeping in a room without obnoxious noises at night. Draco snaps back that at least he remembers to pick up his laundry each night, and somehow, in the fashion of children, the family rivalry is dismissed without really being brought up. Draco isn’t quite sure how he got stuck here, but apparently this is happening.
And maybe it’s not as bad as it seems.