Habismal - Tumblr Posts
Something Good
imagine a kamal kinnie posting a fic. yeah thats what im about to do this is mostly a test so bear with me on this one
Habit stands as Kamal enters the glass-walled gazebo. He brushes off his suit, facing the shorter man. The two smile at one another. "...you called off the engagement?" The short man asks meekly, the taller one turning to face the window. "Yes. Well- you can't marry someone when you're..." Habit pauses, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "...in love with someone else." He turns to look at Kamal, the smaller figure staring up at him. Kamal fidgets with his tie a little. "Can you?" Habit asks, fully turning to him. Kamal lightly shakes his head. He leans down, giving Kamal a quick kiss. Kamal sighs as he buries his head into Habit's side. "Reverend Mother always says... whenever a door closes, a window always opens." Habit smiles, pulling back to look at Kamal. "What else does the Reverend Mother say?" He asks. Kamal blinks. "That you have to look for your life." The dentist holds a hand on Kamal's cheek. "Is that why you came back?" Kamal gives a small smile and nods. "And have you found it?" Kamal places a hand on Habit's chest. "I think I have. I know I have." The two stand in silence for a moment, listening to the crickets chirp. The two step out into the light from the doorway. "Do you know when I first started loving you?" Habit smiles, tilting his head slightly. "That night when you dropped that toothbrush while working." He can't help but laugh. Kamal's face flushes as he laughs softly. "I knew the first time you played those silly PSAs." He smiles. Habit sighs, letting his shoulders relax. "Oh, my love." He places a hand on Kamal's face, messing with his hair slightly. "For here you are, standing there, loving me... Whether or not.. you should..." Habit gently sings, his head tilting a bit. Kamal replies quickly in a lovely sing-songy tone. "So somewhere in my youth, or childhood... I must have done something good..." Their voices join, both of them smiling in the pale moonlight. "Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could..." Kamal holds onto Habit, the dentist wrapping his arms around Kamal's waist. "So somewhere in my youth..." Kamal hums. "Or childhood..." Habit answers with a slight laugh. Kamal takes Habit's hand, lifting it up. "I must have done something..." Their voices join once more. "Something... good..."

little gift thing 4 my bf............. @sephh-dearest ily stupid idiot nerd
"It's just a dream..."