Habutae - Tumblr Posts
4 years ago
A lot of the material used for traditional tsumami zaiku is not vegan friendly so here I have used polyester habutae. It is thicker then the 5 momme silk I use for my miniature piece so I normally make larger flowers with it. I love the array of bright vibrant colours available. #tsumamizaiku #tsumamikanzashi #kimonoremake #ume #habutae #brooch #handmade #japanesecraft #つまみ簪 #つまみ細工 #日本文化 #日本つまみ細工コンテスト #つまみ細工コンテスト #趣味 #梅 #かんざし #手作り雑貨 #和小物 #着物小物 #着付け #髪飾り #羽二重生地 https://www.instagram.com/p/CFC7Cxzg2DE/?igshid=4svy74ykzsgq
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