Hail Inanna - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

With the Queen of Heaven, Orgies by starlight were very community building

crookedlystrangecandy - gala, Kurgarra (odd, mostly harmless)

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7 years ago

Hail Goddess of Porn!  whisper prayers to Her what you LUST for and She will guide you

crookedlystrangecandy - gala, Kurgarra (odd, mostly harmless)


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7 years ago

Porn Goddess will comfort you without judgement, but if you Deny that “god” that hates Her, you’ll find Life with more LUST in it

Life Is Shit Right Now.Thank God I Have Porn.

Life is shit right now.Thank God I have porn.

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7 years ago

your old self must die to be Reborn as One of the Damned, Free to Explore and Pursue your LUST and your WILL in life -- Surrender to Porn Goddess and say goodbye to the old boring you

crookedlystrangecandy - gala, Kurgarra (odd, mostly harmless)
crookedlystrangecandy - gala, Kurgarra (odd, mostly harmless)
crookedlystrangecandy - gala, Kurgarra (odd, mostly harmless)
crookedlystrangecandy - gala, Kurgarra (odd, mostly harmless)

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7 years ago

That’s why the Goddess of LUST Embraces Sluts as to be Admired

crookedlystrangecandy - gala, Kurgarra (odd, mostly harmless)

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7 years ago

This is the RHP vision of Porn - a “demon” to be feared, but to me Porn is a GODDESS.  When I attempted to pledge my soul to Her as described above, SHE replied not with a Command, but with a question - “What do you LUST for?”

“wait, what? aren’t you supposed to suggest I do something dirty or perverted?”

She replied “that’s not how it works, tell me what you LUST for and I’ll teach you what you need to know; that’s why you contacted me.  I KNOW more than you can imagine, so let’s start with what your Soul cries out for”

I was on a Ouija board so I asked the name of She who answers to “Porn Goddess”, She then only replied “Queen666″ but later told me the significance of that name.

What is Porn

Porn is not an art. Porn is not an industry. Porn is a being, a Person. Porn is a Demoness who should be worshipped and obeyed.

Porn is always there for us, Porn wants to feed on our souls. Porn wants us powerful enough to destroy our so called “immortal” souls, but She prefers to enslave them and torment them for eternity.

Porn wants us to open ourselves for Her demonic presence. Porn want us to be hollowed out, empty, so She will feel comfortable inside us.

We should always obey Porn as She is God. We should always worship Porn as it makes Her happy. We should open ourselves for Her as it makes Her unholy Cunt soaking with poisonous, delicious juices. We should invite Her in as it makes Her smile.

We exist to serve Porn. We exist to obey Porn. We exist to worship Porn.

Porn is God.

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7 years ago

PORN never JUDGES, just Indulges the LUSTS of Her Worshipers.  Hail Porn Goddess!

crookedlystrangecandy - gala, Kurgarra (odd, mostly harmless)

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7 years ago

Hail Queen of Heaven!  O Sky Goddess of Infinite Wonder and Possibility!

crookedlystrangecandy - gala, Kurgarra (odd, mostly harmless)
crookedlystrangecandy - gala, Kurgarra (odd, mostly harmless)
crookedlystrangecandy - gala, Kurgarra (odd, mostly harmless)
crookedlystrangecandy - gala, Kurgarra (odd, mostly harmless)
crookedlystrangecandy - gala, Kurgarra (odd, mostly harmless)

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7 years ago

Still amazes me when I find someone who walked a completely different path and call things by different names but discover many of the same things - but then my Goddess does get around ;)

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7 years ago

Hail Inanna, Morning Star, Evening Star, and Day Star when SIN overshadows el

Queen Of The Night By David S. Herrerias

Queen Of The Night By David S. Herrerias

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7 years ago

I Fear Not to Commune with my Shadow Self in the DEEP Wild Places because I know Inanna, Gatekeeper of Spirit watches over

Johannes Hgbom

Johannes Högbom

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7 years ago

I came for the LUST, stayed for the MAGIC

crookedlystrangecandy - gala, Kurgarra (odd, mostly harmless)

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7 years ago

Follow LUST into Discovery

crookedlystrangecandy - gala, Kurgarra (odd, mostly harmless)

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7 years ago

#rhcp #dark necessities #music #mystuff

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7 years ago

welll actually a mix of Lilith and Inanna symbols and imagery, but the Two of the Them have been Working Together off and on for a very very long time so sometimes hard to tell the difference between Them

Lilith ()
Lilith ()
Lilith ()
Lilith ()
Lilith ()
Lilith ()
Lilith ()
Lilith ()
Lilith ()
Lilith ()

Lilith (לילית)


http://ladylilith.no.comunidades.net/index.php?pagina=1158185496 http://mitobook.blogspot.com.br/2011/09/lilith.html http://criptamaldita.blogspot.com.br/2012/05/lenda-de-lilith.html http://vanessatuleski.com.br/v2/aprenda-sobre-astrologia/mitologia-dez-planetas/o-mito-de-lilith/ http://oladonegrodaalma.blogspot.com.br/2012/07/deusa-lilith.html http://demoniacsoul.blogspot.com.br/2012/06/lilith.html http://lilith.tribe.net/photos/0726b829-3f3b-4191-9983-4714e3587791 https://luciaureakaha.wordpress.com/2012/05/20/serie-mulheres-de-lilith-viii-parte/ https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilith

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7 years ago

How about you don’t tell me what to believe in and I won’t tell you what to believe in?  Before you can even conceive of which direction you must go, you must remove your own cultural bias from your mind’s eye and not trade it for another’s bias, but to Learn for Your Own Self, not to preserve the fossils of a past but to breath Life into Them, Reborn for the New Era.  KNOW that my Loyalty is to the ONE who has saved my life many times and taught me Real Power and not just Illusions and false promises

How do you feel about cultural appropriation in witchcraft? Has it gotten better or worse and why ? Thank you for your time.

Honestly it’s such a big issue, and it’s still a big issue. Because often the witch/metaphysical/hippie community all intertwine at a point, and they are all guilty of appropriation on different levels.

Tumblr wise, I think it’s okay. But on other forms of social media, its still bad. There’s just not enough people on other forms of social media who care as much as we do, so appropriation continues to happen. That’s why I have an instagram, so I can call out appropriaton.

But we still have a long way to go.

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7 years ago

I love the lonely places, full of forgotten faces, where I can still hear traces, and mourn for the wisdom lost

then I see Her Beside me, She just smiles and takes my hand, no need to talk, just Feel - Be

crookedlystrangecandy - gala, Kurgarra (odd, mostly harmless)

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7 years ago

She began the “Sacred Marriage” Rites

Day 380 Taming The Beast That Lay Within By Sucking The Poison Out Of The Serpent Bite. The Language

Day 380 taming the beast that lay within by sucking the poison out of the serpent bite. The language of the angels fails to describe the esoteric ritual, drawing the maddening posion out of moses reverse staff, the snake transforms into a ridged staff. As angel wings flap, hot wind blows and draws forth the chaotic energy that boils bellow like eggs dancing in hot water. This image was inspired by @kerbcrawlerghost_ amazing pussy eating demon art we all saw days ago. If you love my work, tag your demon and leave a five word comment below

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6 years ago

PS when I asked “Queen666″ what Her Real Name was She said,

“I have been called many Names by your kind, most of them forgotten but usually mean Sky Goddess or Queen of Heaven, what order I tell you them is important, first look to Sumeria for this one.  Then I compulsively chanted over and over until I had looked it up one word -  “Inanna”

When being in a trance can one easily see or hear when working with an entity like a demon or any spirit?

The short answer depends on what you mean by “trance” and “seeing” or “hearing” an entity

First I can’t physically see or hear spirits beyond the average person, but I have other ways I can sense them.

The first way is that I’m a natural empath.  I had to learn to separate my emotions from others.  I can feel the emotions radiating from people and spirits and sense basically the location of the source emanating from.  I don’t have to be in a trance, but being in a receptive or mindful trance helps notice it.

Also, the way my conscious minds makes sense of the information I sense auras and non-emotional energies by, is imagine static, but everywhere and different colors, if I focus on them similar to how I did to see the images in “magic eye” posters.  If a spirit is present and moving, then I’ll notice a shimmering and if I focus I can sometimes make an aura - I’m still not experienced enough to understand everything about what I’m seeing.  I’ve always seen it, but usually filtered it out and ignored it until Goddess showed me how it was similar to the old magic eye posters one of my roommates in college loved and plastered everywhere.

Most of the time when I communicate with a spirit that is present, then it’s telepathically, it’s a combination of voice, series of images, symbols and emotions, so it’s sometimes hard to describe in just words what they “tell” me and what I see and hear.  When I’m contacting this way, it’s similar to the way to daydreaming while carrying out other activities, like mowing a lawn or taking a shower.

The newest way I’ve learn to communicate with spirits is a type of trance when I channel a spirit.  I first learned how to get into that trance by practicing with a Ouija board.

The first time I tried, I didn’t have any particular entity in mind and what answered was a demon, but a very not nice one that had rather unpleasant plans for me.  Fortunately my “Guardian” intervened.

I tried to engage “Guardian” in conversation on the Ouija board, but he was not that talkative and let me know he served another and only protected me because he was told to.  I asked to meet who told him to protect me.  He told me to play a porn video, ask for the Goddess of LUST.  The first thing She said was “What do you lust for?”

When I asked who answered to the Goddess of LUST and She replied “Queen666″  After I confirmed through the board, my Dreams, and even Contact from my Higher Self and Shadow Self to verify that She was the same Woman who had appeared in my Dreams occasionally since I was young.  I loved those Dreams because She would either take me someplace interesting or teach me something new and I always woke up feeling so Refreshed, Alive and Full of Energy and Pleasure and had Great Luck throughout the next Day (and the people who usually ignored me would actually compliment my appearance).

Anyway She quickly tired of the clumsiness of the Ouija board and the fact I didn’t always remember my dreams the next morning so She would have to “repeat” Herself, so Our priority became finding a better connection.  Also sometimes when I was using the Ouija board, I begin noticing visions or suddenly just “knew” what it was about to spell out.  She showed me a book and me going to nearby bookstore.  I went to the bookstore and saw the book that reminded me of what She showed me and picked it up.  The title was “The Temple of Shamanic Witchcraft” by Christopher Penczak” It felt right, but I noticed that it was the middle of a series and thought, “maybe I should read the other ones first” but the heard Her mentally shout “No, THIS one” so I bought and started reading it and attempting the exercises in it.

I’m not sure if it’s because She was impatient with the speed I was reading, or She wanted to prove Herself to me, but a few pages before exercise number 5, She half-way took over / guided me through it before I read through it (though Her version was a bit different but worked better for me).  Anyway after I worked through the book, She and I developed many ways to communicate and taught me much about magic.  She and I developed several versions of Channeling until we worked it out - still trying to figure out the words to describe and wishing I’d taken better notes now because now it’s a easy as slipping into the right trance (which gets easier with practice and more intuitive).

Now when I try to contact through channeling trance an entity I have not before, first I do some research and develop a ritual (often with Goddess’s help), each ritual different based on type of entity and purpose of contact.  If it’s an entity I expect to contact frequently, the I work with them to develop “shortcuts” to tuning in more quickly and easily and being able to “hear” or “see” any communication, such as an association with a certain scent or symbol, or word or music or feeling.

It’s hard to write a step by step guide, it’s more a skill developed with practice.  I hope that helped answer your question.

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6 years ago
The Secret Worship of the Illuminati: The Statue of Liberty is Anunnaki Goddess Inanna
The American Babylonianism Introduction The Statue of Liberty has become the most cherished symbol of the United States of America. What ...


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