Happy Birthday Vash (and Knives) - Tumblr Posts
Vash with a wide, dopey grin as he walks backwards up the stairs to his room, waving to everyone left in the bar, a garish tie knotted over his forehead
Vash who lets the mask slip as soon as he gets to the dark hallway, his strained smile falling away as he loosens the tie and tucks it into his pocket
Vash who closes his eyes, leaning his head against the door as he unlocks it, stumbling in to kick off his boots and slump on the bed with an arm over his face
Vash who flinches when someone knocks on the door, shoving himself back upright and pasting on another glassy-eyed look of sleepy drunkenness before he opens it
Wolfwood who stands outside with a paper bag of doughnuts, holding it up to Vash with a shy, crooked smile
“Happy birthday, needle-noggin. You didn’t think I’d forget, did ya?”
Wolfwood with a heart that skips a beat when he notices Vash turning pink, sees a genuine smile break across his face like a sunrise
Wolfwood who sings in a scratchy voice, smoke from his perpetual cigarette mingling with that of the single candle he managed to find for Vash
Wolfwood who makes a wish even though he doesn’t believe in them, who silently promises never to leave Vash alone as he watches the blonde man scrunch his eyes shut and blow out the candle
He doesn’t know that Vash is wishing the very same thing.