Have To Think About How This Will Work With PC Dialogue :/ - Tumblr Posts
Alistair: So those... designs you have all over your back...
Zevran: They're called tattoos. And I have them in many more places than just on my back, my friend.
VO Note: saucy
Alistair: Er... right. I hear that someone gets those by having needles put the ink under your skin?
VO Note: creeped out by the idea
Zevran: A great many needles, amongst other things. Yes, that would be true.
Alistair: Didn't that hurt?
Zevran: Ohhh, yes, yes. But it is not so bad, in truth. If you like, I could give you one. I learned a bit of the art myself in Antiva.
Alistair: Oh, no. No, I don't think so.
VO Note: shuddering with disgust
Zevran: Come, it will just be a small one. Perhaps the symbol of the Grey Wardens? Something manly! Where are my needles?
VO Note: suddenly excited
Alistair: Um... Maybe some other time... I'm going to go stand over here, now.
VO Note: uncomfortable