Hc Talks - Tumblr Posts
Hi, hi! Intro time!
I meant to make an official introduction much sooner than this. I know it’s not required or anything, but I still wanted to let you guys know a little bit about me and what to expect from this blog.
First of all, I want to thank everyone who’s followed me so far. Your support means a lot and I hope you enjoy your stay here!
I have three names I go by—I usually just let people choose what they want to call me. While I prefer my middle name, Ceilidh (kay-lee), it’s not the easiest for others to spell or pronounce so I’ve made a habit of introducing myself as either Hannah or HC. Any one of those is fine.
As for the content on my blog, I generally incline towards drawing fanart over anything else, so you’ll be seeing a lot of that. I do have original characters for a project that’s been in the works for several years, but it’s on the back burner for now and I’ve been drawing them less as a result. Y’all miiiiight see them every now and then, though.
I love cartoons, comics, and games. In recent years, I got back into anime after having fallen out of it forever ago. I like to write, but I’m still on the fence about posting anything like that. Cross-stitching is a very new hobby of mine. I also take care of three Guinea pigs (my bay-beeeees).
I’m a naturally shy person, so I apologize in advance if I ever come across as awkward or anything, but I’m more than happy to talk with anyone who wants to. My asks/messages are always open; feel free to say hi or ask me things!
Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful day/afternoon/night!
For someone with a username like hc-artz, I sure don’t be artin’.
Being a multifandom artist is all fun and games til you have a million things you wanna draw and you just can’t settle on one.
This, this, THIS. My relationship with my siblings is one of the greatest joys of my life.
They’re my best friends. We do pretty much everything together. We share a lot of interests as well as the same sense of humor. Whenever we’re out in public, our poor mom has to remind us to “act like normal human beings” because we’re always goofing off. We build each other up. We’re protective. We do argue sometimes, but conflict generally dissolves quickly. I can’t imagine being unreasonably cold or uncaring towards them.
Every once in a while, there’s that one person who tries to make us feel weird about how close we are. “Tries” being the key word; we’re all too old to really care what anyone says. If they consider it to be strange or creepy, that’s a them problem.
okay, the whole “silly writers, siblings aren’t supposed to actually like each other” thing was always annoying, but it has now morphed into actual real-life people telling me and my actual real-life sibling that our relationship is weird and creepy because we enjoy spending time together and aren’t constantly at each other’s throats, so if we could all collectively stop pretending that siblings are only capable of being cruel to each other, and that any depiction otherwise is unrealistic, that would be great, thanks
For me, talking is difficult both in person and online. There’s this intense fear of saying the wrong things and coming off as weird/annoying, so more often than not I keep to myself—and then I worry that my quietness will be interpreted as me being rude or snobby. It’s frustrating because everyone seems to know what to say all the time, meanwhile my dumb butt will sit here and overthink how to tell someone happy birthday or something.
not to be dramatic but why is it so hard to hold a conversation. like I cannot do it in person!!! i have no idea what to say ever. it makes me feel so weird too, like why does everyone else know how to socialize and I do not!! where is my script on how to act and what to say. why did everyone else get one and I didn’t. Anyway can anyone relate pls say you can it’s getting hard out here irl idk what’s wrong with me
I want to do FNAF Security Breach fanart. So bad. But. These characters. Are not easy for me to draw. 😭
Rate Floff’s setup

What should I draw next?
I’ve decided to temporarily take art suggestions, limited to existing characters for the fandoms that I’m in. They’re listed here.
Due to life/job-related things, I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to do every last one, so I apologize in advance if I don’t get to yours.
The rules are the same as my commissions—no NSFW, fetishes, gore, politics, hate speech, etc.
So, what would you like to see from me? Feel free to send me an ask!
Just when I think I can’t dislike IG any more…

TYSM!!!! 🙏💕 I’ll do my best to explain!
Okie, so this is how my drawings look before I do anything to them. Depending on the lighting of the room, the color(s) might already pop well enough.

Next, I decrease the contrast. You can go all the way back to -100, but usually I go to about -70 or less. It varies from drawing to drawing and really just depends on what looks best to you. I also like it because any pencil/eraser marks don’t stick out as badly.
After that, I adjust the brightness and black point until they look right to me.
By then, the colors will probably be vibrant enough to where increasing the saturation won’t be necessary, but I say go for it if you want. I like to go up a smidge myself.
Lastly, I slap a filter I like best over the drawing (“Vivid” for the iPhone is my go-to).

And here’s the result! I hope this was helpful. :>

Idk if this is really noteworthy or not, but I was going through my folders on DA and realized that I’ve already drawn more now than I have in years.