He Really Is Just Your Average Dude Who Took Some Of The Most Underestimated Pokmon And Went So Far - Tumblr Posts
Brendan's Team He Won the Hoenn League Conference With
Taken from this list of all his Pokémon.
Sceptile Ability: Overgrow -> Lightningrod Held Item: Sceptilite Moves: Upper Hand, Giga Drain, Focus Blast, Dragon Pulse Notes: Brendan's first partner and most powerful Pokémon, there's no way he was going to have him miss this.
Poochyena Ability: Quick Feet Held Item: Vibrant Blade--A traditional Hoennese item that causes status-category moves to hit through Abilities that block them. Moves: Yawn, Sucker Punch, Crunch, Taunt
Linoone Ability: Pickup Held Item: Figy Berry Moves: Belly Drum, Extremespeed, Stomping Tantrum, Throat Chop
Swellow Ability: Guts Held Item: Flame Orb Moves: Façade, Brave Bird, Roost, Steel Wing
Volbeat Ability: Prankster Held Item: Beaded Binds--A traditional Hoennese item that causes Binding moves and other moves that temporarily prevent escape to always last for the max # of turns. Moves: Tail Glow, Infestation, Baton Pass, Seismic Toss Notes: Tail Glow's +3 Special Attack boost gets passed to Sceptile.
Gulpin Ability: Liquid Ooze Held Item: Eviolite Moves: Toxic, Destiny Bond, Venoshock, Ice Beam