6 months ago

if there are things that need to be done, i want to do them. / for muzan...

crimson spheres look down upon doma's newest creation : a slight twitch of annoyance “   are you merely for decoration ?   ” venom drips as legs cross , sitting upon the throne . . . dedicated for someone thought of like a god. “   you should know what to do without asking me,   ” steam rises from the volcano that he is as head drops into his palm. claws scratch at wood “   what have you done since he shared my blood with you ? feast ? minor slayers barely make a scratch.   ”

If There Are Things That Need To Be Done, I Want To Do Them. / For Muzan...

“   doma may have created you but i can erase you.   ” string echoes as sliding door opens & he rises from where he sat. nakime waits for his return “   use your head.   ” he doesn't care for intentions . . . how he interprets her words ? they were final. as if he should hold her hand like a child , tell her what's on his list. he only needed to focus on the blue tiger lily . . . create more demons until the one appeared.

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