He Simply Has His Ralts That He Rescued From A Poacher - Tumblr Posts
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Pocket Monsters: X & Y | Pokemon X & Y Versions Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Calme | Calem & Serena, Calme | Calem & Platane-hakase | Professor Augustine Sycamore Characters: Calme | Calem, Serena (Pokemon), Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Citron | Clemont, Eureka | Bonnie, Platane-hakase | Professor Augustine Sycamore Additional Tags: Test Fanfic, hospital mention Series: Part 1 of Pokémon Alternate Summary:
Calem, a quiet and frail teenager, leaves the hospital to embark on his journey.
The thirteen-year-old boy slowly opened his eyes. All he saw, was a blank ceiling, with a single light. He looked around, and realized that he was in a hospital.
He tried to remember why he was here, and how long he was here. From the looks of it, he must have been here for a while. The boy then heard the door creak open and turned around to see an old-looking doctor. The doctor said, “You have fully recovered. You’ll officially be released. All I need is proper paperwork from your parent or guardian.”
After the necessary paperwork was done, the boy was finally able to leave the hospital. A few days after leaving, he finally decided to start his journey. He was sent off to Professor Sycamore’s office, where he would start his journey.
”This world of ours is widely inhabited by creatures known as Pokémon! These mysterious creatures can be found in every corner of our world...some run across the plains, others fly through the skies, and others yet swim in deep oceans...We live together with these Pokémon, lending our strength to one another to live and prosper.” Professor Sycamore told the boy as he motioned towards the starters. There was only one PokéBall left.
”Tell me, what’s your name?” the professor asked the boy, before he could take the starter.
”It’s...C...Calem...” the boy stuttered, trying to straighten up.
”Alright, Calem, you can now choose your Pokémon,” Professor Sycamore told Calem.
Calem then took the only starter that was left, Chespin.
He then received his Pokédex and PokéBalls, and was now ready to start his journey.
*a few weeks later*
Coumarine City Gym
Leader: Ramos
Calem read the stone plate, fingering its engraved words.
He then thought to himself, Since Kirlia’s on my team, I might be able to win this...
When Calem was about to walk inside, a familiar girl and her friends walked out. Whirling around, he saw a girl with blonde hair, talking to a teenage boy with spiky black hair. Another teenage boy, with light blond hair, and his sister, also happily participated in their conversation. They all walked away together, without a care in the world.
”S...Serena...?” Calem whispered as he started to follow them. “WAIT!”
It was only then, he got the group’s attention.