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1 year ago

The hero was getting blood all over the villains nice jacket.

“I’m sorry about the blood—“ they murmured, and the villain hushed them.

“We’re almost there. Just—just stay still, okay?”

If the hero didn’t know better, they’d say the villain almost sounded afraid.

“It’s okay. M’fine.”

The villain breathed a harsh laugh, cradling the hero to their chest as they walked.

“Yes, you certainly look fine bleeding everywhere.”

There was that tone again. The hero frowned. The villain had never used that tone, especially not with them, and they had no idea what it was—

They barged into the villains apartment, as the hero realized the villain was concerned.


The villain set them down on a couch, gently, but the hero still flinched. The villain apologized, soft and gentle, and ran their hand over the wound, assessing the damage.

The villains face went carefully blank.

The hero’s head spun, just a little, and they closed their eyes to fight it off. A moment later, they opened them to find the villain wrapping their side.

Their eyebrows crinkled.

“You—when did you get those?” Their voice cracked.

The villain looked up at them.

“Just a minute ago. You passed out,” they said calmly.

Their fingers continued deftly wrapping the bandage on the hero’s side.

“Wait. Why are you,” the hero grit their teeth as the villain brushed against the wound. “Why are you helping me.”

The villain laughed.

“For someone so observant, you miss a lot of things.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

The villain shook their head.

“I knew you were a bit obtuse, but darling, really. Work with me.”

They tied off the bandages, helping the hero sit up against the arm of the couch. The villain held their gaze, cool and collected and concerned, all at once.

“Your powers stem from emotions, yes?”

The hero nodded, once.

“So positive emotions make you stronger. They can heal you, right?”

The hero had tried to keep that bit of information under wraps. Not only could they heal themselves if they were happy, they could heal anyone. They didn’t want to end up some tool to be used in some military stronghold. Still, they healed civilians when no one was looking.

If they were mad, though? They could destroy anything, tear concrete in half, send metal into dust.

The hero cleared their throat. “Yes. Positive emotions can heal me. Not feeling super happy right now, so I’ll get back to you on that—“

The villain sat back on their heels.

“Do you trust me?”

The hero blinked at them. They were ready to give them some bullshit answer about how they could never trust the villain and never would; but that wasn’t true. The villain had saved them, more times than they could count.

And between the agency and the villain? Well, the hero knew who they would choose.

“Yes,” they said hesitantly, and the villain kissed them.

Warmth flooded them, and they reached for the villain, tugging them closer, and the villain smiled against their mouth.

The wound on their side began to close, and the villain felt it. They smiled, pleased with themself, like a cat.

“I give you positive emotions, huh,” they said, still grinning.

“For someone so observant, you can be so obtuse—“ the villain kissed them, again, to get them to shut up. This time, the hero smiled.

The wound closed further.

“I didn’t know you liked me,” the hero murmured.”

“I tolerate you. I just happen to hate everyone else.”

The hero laughed, side twinging with pain.

The villain checked the half closed wound, then turned back to the hero.

“Kiss it better?”

The villain rolled their eyes.

This time, when the villain kissed them, the hero didn’t let them stop.

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4 months ago

Healing powers/magic hc

Every time someone uses healing magic of any kind it takes and uses the life force of anything around them that's still alive, killing whatever the life force was taken from. The more magic that's used the more things die.

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1 year ago

Embrace Renewal in 2024 with Distant Energy Healing from Shaina at Flower Therapy Healer

Shaina Tranquilino

January 2, 2024

Embrace Renewal In 2024 With Distant Energy Healing From Shaina At Flower Therapy Healer

As we embark on a brand-new year, the desire to kickstart it with positive energy and rejuvenation is stronger than ever. After facing numerous challenges and uncertainties in recent times, many of us are seeking alternative ways to nurture our well-being and find solace amidst the chaos. Enter Shaina, an exceptional distant energy healer who offers her incredible services through her Etsy shop, Flower Therapy Healer (www.etsy.com/shop/FlowerTherapyHealer). Join me as we explore how starting off the new year, 2024, with distant energy healing can be a transformative experience.

1. The Power of Distant Energy Healing:

Distant energy healing has gained significant popularity in recent years due to its ability to transcend physical boundaries and connect individuals with healers regardless of their geographical location. Through intention and focused energies, practitioners like Shaina tap into universal life force energy to bring about holistic healing for their clients. As we enter a new chapter in 2024, this form of therapy can help cleanse old energies, restore balance, and promote overall well-being.

2. Meet Shaina – A Dedicated Energy Healer:

Shaina's passion for helping others aligns perfectly with her unique talent as an energy healer. With years of experience under her belt, she has honed her skills in various modalities such as Reiki, crystal healing, chakra balancing, and flower essence therapy. Her compassionate nature combined with her energy healing abilities allows her to deliver personalized sessions that cater to each client's specific needs.

3. Flower Therapy Healing – A Unique Approach:

One aspect that sets Shaina apart from other energy healers is her specialization in flower therapy healing. This innovative approach involves harnessing the powerful vibrational frequencies emitted by flowers to address emotional imbalances and facilitate deep healing. By working with the unique energy of each flower, Shaina helps clients release emotional blockages and find inner peace. You may also do your own flower therapy healing by using Bach Flower Remedies. 

4. The Benefits of Starting Off 2024 with Distant Energy Healing:

a) Emotional Release: The start of a new year is an ideal time to let go of any emotional baggage that may be holding us back. Distant energy healing can help release negative emotions, allowing us to begin the year with a renewed sense of clarity and positivity.

b) Increased Energy and Vitality: Energy healing sessions have been known to enhance overall energy levels by removing energetic blockages within the body. As we enter 2024, this boost in vitality can help us tackle our goals head-on and approach life with enthusiasm.

c) Stress Relief and Relaxation: In our fast-paced world, stress has become all too common. Distant energy healing offers a tranquil space for relaxation, reducing stress levels and promoting mental well-being as we navigate the challenges of the new year.

d) Spiritual Growth and Self-Discovery: Embarking on a journey towards self-growth is a wonderful way to start the new year. With distant energy healing, you can tap into your own spiritual essence, gaining valuable insights about your true self and unlocking hidden potential.

As we usher in 2024, it's crucial to prioritize our well-being and embrace opportunities for growth and renewal. Through distant energy healing sessions with Shaina at Flower Therapy Healer (www.etsy.com/shop/FlowerTherapyHealer), we have a chance to access profound transformation and holistic healing from the comfort of our homes. So why not embark on this incredible journey as we step into the new year? Let Shaina guide you towards balance, harmony, and radiant energy in 2024!

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