Here's Hopin Some Folks Take The Bite :D - Tumblr Posts

[Posted on 07/13/22]

[Starter Status: OPEN]

[Posted On 07/13/22]

Tired chatter and footsteps filled the halls of Talon HQ. It was the end of last shift, around 9:30 PM, for the employees of Talon and many were clocking out to leave. The clicking of punch cards echoed in the front room of the facility and the tired but still bright laughter of some of the operatives accompanied it. By now it was time to head home, relax, and maybe catch a few z's for the Talon employees. But while many operatives and staff were calling it a night and heading home, Siebren was most definitely not.

The tall Dutchman stood leaned over a pile of documents and reports, brows furrowed as he stared down at them through his reading glasses. He was dressed in rather comfy fashions for being in the lab: he wore a beige turtleneck sweater and black slacks with no shoes of course. He seemed perplexed, frustrated even, as he stared down at this stack of paper. What could possibly have him so worked up? Sieb brings a hand to his chin and scratches it in thought.

"Verdorie.. What am I missing..?"

A deep frown slowly formed on the normally calm, composed features of the tall male. He'd been staring at these papers for an hour now and still he couldn't figure out why the numbers didn't add up! Had he miscalculated? Was he using the improper formula? As his frustration began to build, the faint whispers of his unheard "melody" drifted through the back of his mind. Siebren quickly shuts his eyes and takes several deep breaths while muttering to himself.

"Hold it together, hold it together.."

Once his melody had subsided, he sighs. He opens his eyes again just to focus them right back down on this stack of god forsaken paper. Perhaps he needed a second opinion? No, everyone had already left for the day hadn't they? If only he could do the same.. But his scientific pride would not allow such a thing with a blunder like this staring at him in the face! He needed to figure out what was awry and then he would rest...

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