Heroes Nbc - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Chapter 67: Winged Cupid Painted Blind

It's finally Valentine's Day and the long awaited celebration is more than either of them was prepared for.

Chapter 67: Winged Cupid Painted Blind
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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9 months ago

Chapter 70: Awakening

Claire makes a change, and new discoveries lead to her and Gabriel even closer.

Chapter 70: Awakening
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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9 months ago

Doyle's exasperation is because this is the second time Sylar has strung him up as a present for someone. The first was to convince Danko that he should work with him and prove that Danko was accessible and killable. He thought about who to do this to then chose, and hunted down, Doyle. The best part of all this, and the reason, is that when Doyle first crossed his path he used the puppetry on him and Sylar said: "You think you can control me," then proceeded to overpower him until his nose bleed, through willpower alone. Ever since that moment, Sylar has been constantly reminding Eric Doyle that he is inferior to him and putting him in what he perceives is his place. 😂

madamemidnight - Author & Aesthete
madamemidnight - Author & Aesthete
madamemidnight - Author & Aesthete
madamemidnight - Author & Aesthete
madamemidnight - Author & Aesthete
madamemidnight - Author & Aesthete

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9 months ago

Chapter 72: Avaricious Arousal

Claire and Gabriel have their first public date and explore than growing desires.

Chapter 72: Avaricious Arousal

The restaurant they go to: Figueira Rubaiyat in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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8 months ago

It's finished! It's taken over 2 years, but HMA is completed. I will be posting twice a week starting next week.

It's Finished! It's Taken Over 2 Years, But HMA Is Completed. I Will Be Posting Twice A Week Starting

Chapter 72: Looking Outside Fixed Patterns

Gabriel and Claire spend a morning in bed then they both prepare to be assist as he embarks on his longest mission.

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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8 months ago

Chapter 74: A Promise You Couldn't Hold on To

Gabriel returns and the group celebrates his birthday.

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Claire's current hair color and style. Just replace the bow with a simple gold cuff.

Chapter 74: A Promise You Couldn't Hold On To

Claire's dress.

Chapter 74: A Promise You Couldn't Hold On To

Gabriel's outfit, just add his brown glasses.

Chapter 74: A Promise You Couldn't Hold On To

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8 months ago

Chapter 75: To Die For

Gabriel continues to struggle with his feelings and Claire forces a confrontation that changes things permanently.

The song playing on the soundtrack when it happens.

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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7 months ago

Chapter 77: Love Blooms

Claire and Gabriel begin exploring the new aspect of their relationship with gusto.

Chapter 77: Love Blooms
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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7 months ago

Chapter 78: Sexploration

It was the schoolgirl in the library with a lollipop.

The books in the chapter are real and are linked below for anyone that wants to learn more on these subjects.

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Sex for One: The Joy of Selfloving - Kindle edition by Dodson, Betty. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tabl
Amazon.com: The Science of Orgasm: 9780801884900: Komisaruk, Barry R., Beyer-Flores, Carlos, Whipple, Beverly: Books

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7 months ago

Chapter 79: Projection & Apologies

Is Claire becoming a sex addict?

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

The song Gabriel gets stuck in his head.

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7 months ago

Chapter 80: Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Anxiety and helplessness can cause even the wisest person to make foolish choices.

Chapter 80: Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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7 months ago

Chapter 81: What Could Be

Claire and Gabriel fall deeper into each other as they get a preview of what life alone together could be.

Chapter 81: What Could Be
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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6 months ago

Chapter 82:

Symphony No.2 in G Minor, Op. 71 "Gabriel's Horn": 1. Presto con vendetta

Chapter 82:

It starts.

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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6 months ago

Chapter 82: Requiem for the Damned

The prophecy comes to pass.

The song playing during the final scene starting at the sentence: The buttons finished closing mentally as he turned and walked out.

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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6 months ago

They weren't even trying to be subtle with where they were going to take the narrative. Look at the season 3 and 4 promo art and dvd covers.

They Weren't Even Trying To Be Subtle With Where They Were Going To Take The Narrative. Look At The Season

They Weren't Even Trying To Be Subtle With Where They Were Going To Take The Narrative. Look At The Season

In both Claire's body language is towards Sylar while looking away but she gets closer to him and all the other characters get further away from them. Peter and Hiro are barely in the "eclipse" ring for the last one. In the first Sylar's body language is guarded and he's facing the camera but in the second he's open and angled towards Claire.

For anyone that might think they don't consider things like this when posing people for shoots, you're 100% wrong. The point of the photos is to capture the mood or theme of the season to entice the audience while conveying the relationships of characters. It's done all throughout film and television promotional art. They were like Mike Tyson with the doves for these two, and, in this season, they do in fact kiss. Consensually or not, it happens.

And on the matter of consent, it amuses me that Claire never tells him to not touch her affectionately and doesn't say a word of protest when it's abundantly clear he's about to kiss her. She only glares at him, and if she's mobile she stabs him, but she never tries to prevent his advances using the only tool he leaves her with. Not saying she does want it, mind you. Just that I think it's strange she tolerates it when she has no problem telling others to get off her or to not touch her. There's a literal unspoken permission he gets that others don't.

What was the reason?

What Was The Reason?
What Was The Reason?
What Was The Reason?
What Was The Reason?
What Was The Reason?
What Was The Reason?
What Was The Reason?
What Was The Reason?

I get it, it's a figure of speech. But knowing Sylar's future obsession with Claire, his weird romantic relationship with Elle, the fact that Elle and Claire look almost identical to me ... That wording is nice

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6 months ago

Chapter 84: The Angel from My Nightmare

Claire follows the instructions Gabriel's left behind.

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

What the first closet looks like.

Chapter 84: The Angel From My Nightmare

But it has islands like these that are all white with gold handles and trays just like that one.

Chapter 84: The Angel From My Nightmare

The bookcases of shoes are similar to this but all one colour down each.

Chapter 84: The Angel From My Nightmare

This is what the tub and window set up look like in the bathroom except there are no blinds. There's a see through shower where that left sink is and the sauna starts where that right sink is. The floor is marble like the closet, not diamond tiles like these.

Chapter 84: The Angel From My Nightmare

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