Hes Not As Fleshed Out As The Other 3 - Tumblr Posts
@libras-interactives So here are their names and some info about them

This is Alice Shire, she's the musician.
She's from England(she's Irish in the fic cause that's whats closest to the UK). She's definitely the smartest among my OC's second to Aminul.Also she's partially deaf

This is Ava Simons, She's the gunman. Her son's name is Carl
She's French (Italian in the fic cause thats the closest to France) I just imagine Marius, Evelyn and Ava talking in French and Jack: "...." I imagine them (or atleast her)trying to teach him if he wanted to learn.
She adopted her son cause yk the eyes, she was ill-treated as a kid for her eyes and dosen't want him to go through the same.
RIP my black marker

This is Αμάρα κόσμημα (pronounced Amara Kosmima, kosmima means jewel in greek) She's the callgirl
She's from Greece. She's the youngest out of all of them. She makes it a point to befriend all members of the Duchess (or atleast be on friendly terms with them) She's friends with my other OCs and gets along with everyone else just fine. She sees Aminul as an older brother,she tries to stay around him whenever she's not working and hes not at Mr.Flynn's law firm.she's wearing his jacket.
If you had all 4 of them compete in a driving race she would win
also her outfit is inspired by(itslitrallythesamejustadifferentcolour) Schneider from Reverse 1999

This is Aminul Shilva, he eats books...get it...cause he cooks books....it was funny in my head.
He's Filipino. There's no relation between him and Ava's son(they look alike)His and Amara's dynamic is literally Sunshine and Sunshine protector, no small crushes or anything just sibling energy to the max. He doesn't come to the duchess often so he only knows Marius, Jack, Alice and Amara.I actually think him and Mordecai would get along pretty well, same personality just less...intense yk,isnt asss serious as Mordecai.
i realised after all of this that i didnt outline some parts of him