#.profiles:: jungwon and friends.!!

#.jungwon:: 17 year old who's obsessed with cats. gamer fanatic who is not as bad as riki says he is but always gets paired with amateurs. pro at gaming except for minecraft because he is too scared to go mine alone. has tried several times to convince jay to play with him but was always rejected. did, in fact, kill his cactus, although not intentionally (rip injang). has nightmares every night about injang's death. the only thing keeping him awake is his favorite drink made by the cat cafe two blocks away from school.
#.jay:: 19 year old sugar daddy, literally. has and will always pay for the group (says he is being robbed but secretly likes spoilling them). would scream at heeseung because of his flannels if they ever meet. most likely to die first in any horror movie. goes to school dressed like it's fashion week and is very proud of his style. smells expensive as hell and lowkey makes other look poor.
#.sunoo:: 18 year old and king of aegyo. very very sassy and will not hesitate to throw punches if necessary (or not). stalks people for fun on a daily basis. teachers love him, he hates teachers. knows every little thing about everyone, he is the person to go to if you want gossip. considered making a gossip twitter account about his school but decided against it at the last minute. likes to play games too but will not play with jungwon because jungwon screams way too loud into the mic.
#.niki:: 15 years old and everyone's nightmare. a literal menace. he's like the annoying kid in class that kicks your chair, tugs on your hair and pokes your back with his pens. has one-sided beef with jungwon because he doesn't like murderers (rip injang). looks tiny but is the tallest out of everyone. will bark at you non-sarcastically. has an unhealthy obsession with heartbreak anniversary. will burn down his friends' houses in minecraft when they accidently hit him.

#.masterlist.!! | #.private twitters.!!

#.author's notes:: once again, thanks to @0x1lovebot for helping me with the profiles!!
#.taglist:: @0x1lovebot @itsyaapollochild @sunshinelixie-lee @meraniki @fairybinie @fluttering-tbz @verifiedsunghoonsimp @simpforsung @msxflower @nikieskoo @youreverydayzebra @shrutiajit @creamkwan @heeseungarden
please do not copy, steal or repost any of my work. all content belongs to @odxrilove. like and reblogs are very appreciated!