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the nightmare paints itself out across their bond, the panic & looming death loud enough to keep him awake. it's almost routine at this point, when his own dreams aren't engulfing him in terror — the clear crack of feyre's neck, the light fleeting from her eyes, the hopeless grief that consumed him — it's hers, leaving him tossing in his bed, wide awake until the birds start singing outside his window. only, this time, he can actually do something about it. he doesn't even bother to think it through, throwing on only pants, before he's crossing the threshold of feyre's bedroom.
star filled darkness surrounds them, his voice light, all attempts at bringing comfort to her. he holds her hair back as she empties out her stomach, waits it out until she seems to have steadied herself, before offering to leave. rhysand knows his face is the last she'd wish to see in this moment, doesn't allow him to fool himself otherwise — but before he can even finish it, the thought is quickly shut down. he hides the surprise in his face, offering a small nod, cementing that he won't be going anywhere.
his hand finds the one on his wrist, lifting it to his cheek, grounding her. " i'm here. " he ignores how his chest tightens, how his breathing changes, voicing the words into her palm. " you're safe ... " he doesn't know if he's saying that to remind her, or himself. " you're safe. i won't let anything like that happen to you again. "
@rhysie said: if you want me to go , i will . do you want me to leave ? (x)
i don't look up, my eyes glazed over as if i were still somewhere else. the cool, night breeze drifting through the open window was the only real confirmation i had that i was no longer encaged under the mountain. this time, the walls of my tiny cell were quickly closing in, adorned with the same sharp, spinning blades that had almost killed me during my second trial. i still couldn't read and i still couldn't pick the right lever, and my death was approaching faster than ever. it was easier to just give up, accept what i deserved. a part of my soul was resigned to my fate -- looked forward to it even, as the metal of the blades reflected the hideous monster i had become. agonizing reprieve was finally here, just inches away, when strong hands had jolted me awake. rhys's calm voice was all that steadied me as i panted and i retched.
once i was back sitting on the bed, my body curled into itself -- my arms wrapped around my legs, as if i were in danger of fully falling apart. afraid of what could happen if i were suddenly alone. before i knew what i was doing, my shaky hand reached out to grasp his wrist with surprising firmness. i shook my head, my voice low and hoarse, barely a whisper -- almost worried amarantha was just around the corner and could hear. " i don't want to be alone. " i don't let go, as i shut my eyes, remembering the nightmare, my features twisted with torment. " it felt so real. " in many ways, it had been.