Hilda Pokemon - Tumblr Posts
If you want can you draw Serena and Hilda on these outfits without the hat

Yup! Here they are!

Pokemon you say? Yeah I know a bit about pokemon

Trying on a new jacket!
+ emolga getting lost in a shirt

BW childhood friends… them as lil kids…
Cheren is the airheaded sort but not in the sense way, but more unaware of his surroundings cause he’s constantly got them big thoughts. He’s the type of kid to read through the whole of those thick hardcover books in primary school so many times he can pretty much recite the whole thing
Bianca is being very very brave! She’s the type of kid who was sheltered a lot early in life and as a result started properly socialising w other kids her age a bit later, she’s spooked easily but very excited to see the world. Her minccino plushie is handmade by her mum and named Minnie
Hilda is an active kid who loves the outdoors and has no sense of danger, she just loves having fun man, not much beyond that. Good at climbing trees and making friends.
Edit - literally forgot half of my thoughts lol
They're those childhood friends who are friends cause their parents are and they've just always hung out together. They get along plenty well (for little kids) w Hilda often playing mediator between Cheren who can be too brash and Bianca who can be too 'sensitive' (she's a little sheltered kiddo...) so the two can be at odds w each other at the best of times.
They're all around 6-7 here btw!!

'Dear Hilda, Hilbert and little Zuzu
Alola! I'm currently in Alola and it's a beautiful place. Its sunny almost everyday and so many beaches to enjoy them at. It's only been two weeks but I think i've already developed a tan! The pokemon here are quite friendly too, the island seems to teeming with so many joyful voices, its really quite the thing to experience. Everyone should come visit at somepoint!
I'll be staying here for another 2 weeks before making my way Galar and from there back to Unova. I think I'll likely arrive in a month or a month and a half?
Looking forward to seeing you all again!
With love,
Anyway N would send Hilda and Hilbert letters from wherever he is, and its always an occasion when they arrive. Hilda and Hilbert of course miss him but understand the guy is just normadic you cannot tie him down.
Zuzu was originally N's (in the sense that the lil guy's been tagging along with N for years before the events of BW) but decided to settle down in one location staying with Hilda and Hilbert instead.
And if it wasn't clear, Hilda, Hilbert and N are in a polyamorus relationship together I will take no complaints.

Finally made a character sheet for Hilda… sorry to the pokemon im rusty drawing y’all
Graced Crazed by Power of an Arc Suit

Posting WIP because I don’t know when I finish this
G̴r̴a̴c̴e̴d̴ Crazed by power of an Arc Suit