Hollow Lands - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
Ehas, The Hollow Lands:the Party
Ehas, The Hollow Lands:the Party
Ehas, The Hollow Lands:the Party
Ehas, The Hollow Lands:the Party
Ehas, The Hollow Lands:the Party
Ehas, The Hollow Lands:the Party

ehas, the hollow lands: the party

[image descriptions: six rectangular images edited with text on them.

1. a cream-colored teacup on a black background. white text reads: castor, owner of the oleander apothecary, nobody. owner of the oleander apothecary is crossed out. words rounded around the teacup read: family isn’t worth dying for.

2. golden-orange light casting shadows through patterned windows down a hallway. white text reads: pebble, VI. the serpent, suit of daggers. words repeated across the floor read: you really haven’t aged a day.

3. close up image of a honeycomb with honey in it. black text reads: thi, II. the anvil, suit of hands. in some of the honeycomb pieces, words rounded into circles read: i’m learning to be scared all the time.

4. two black birds mid-flight on a grey background, seemingly fighting. black text reads: angry, reminder: she’s living on time you stole for her. behind the birds words repeat: what are you?

5. a black and grey image of a woman in a black dress from the shoulders down holding a large black bird. light casts the outline of a window pane behind her. black text reads: nemesis, the horseman, the watchdog of the raven queen. in the outline of the window pane words repeat: maybe i’m getting soft too.

6. a black background with gold, marbled streaks. white text reads: aierdyn, IV. the steed, suit of hands. words around various veins of gold read: we won’t let you get hurt. /end image descriptions]

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