Horikoshi Critical - Tumblr Posts
No me e visto aun el final de My hero academia, pero si es tan malo como se dice, entonces eso significa que...
Reblog the difference!

man. spinner and shoji were two characters that i really enjoyed and wanted to see more of... until i did get to see more of them and horikoshi stomped on my dreams...
spinner goes from being one of the best characters to being ridiculously one-dimensional. the heroes don't do jack shit, until it's revealed at the last second that they did, meaning that everything the 'bad guys' did was ultimately useless. kurogiri being in a hospital made no sense; the guy is a high-ranking villain who is far too useful to the villains to give up, he should be in a highly secure location like tartarus. shoji goes from being someone who i really enjoyed to being someone with ignorant beliefs, despite him accusing his friends of being such people.
seriously, shoji's rant on how the 'people from the city' wouldn't understand because they 'had it easy'. NEWSFLASH: discrimination happens everywhere. yes, it's a lot more rampant outside of cities, but it still exists within a city. heck, i had someone scream racial slurs at me while i was walking home, and i live in a big city. to say that someone had it easy just because you had it worse is a horrible thing to say, especially when it's coming from someone who is supposed to be empathetic.
this is not shoji's beliefs. this is horikoshi's beliefs. he could have easily had shoji say something like 'you have had it hard. that being said, people are more willing to turn to extremes outside of the city'.
also, shoji's whole 'violence to get what you want never works out!!' is wrong. i'm not saying from a moral standpoint - that's perfectly fine. but it's historically wrong. yes, there are such a thing as peaceful protests, but they have never worked out as well as those that fight violence with violence. blm riots, for example, were the thing to force the government to take a closer look at why people were rioting and do things to prevent more property damage.
another thing i found troubling was how the mutants became enraged at a person of colour, specifically black, for trying to intervene and empathise with them, screaming that he could not understand. it's supposed to imply that racism wasn't a concern after quirks emerged, as people found other things to discriminate.
which is... very idealistic. if that were something people would really do, then racism wouldn't be a thing after sexism came to light. and neither of them would exist after the lgbt or the neurodivergent. but that's not what happened.
if someone else arises that people could discriminate upon, people would just add that to the list of things to discriminate on.
horikoshi could have drawn anyone for the mutants to yell at. he chose to use a person of colour. it comes off as very tone-deaf and it was just another sign that the mini-arc would screw up.
spinner losing his mind was bad. as in bad-bad. as in, there were so many ways to write this fight, and he chose this? instead of being a battle of ideaologies, it's shoji convincing the rest to step down, then trying to beat a mind-less spinner.
it could have been one of the best fights, with shoji's belief that using violence to solve your issues will only make it worse, and spinner arguing that using violence is the only way to do it with the state of their society.
no matter who won, in that case, it would be ultimately up to the readers to decide who truly won. who had the stronger argument, who made the more sense, all that jazz...
instead, shoji yells at a bunch of people about how 'destroying property isn't good' and 'violence is never the answer', all the while using violence to subdue him.
that could have been could, if it was commented on. if there were some sort of self-awareness.
but it's not and there is none. it went from being an arc i was really looking forward to reading, to something i can no longer stand.
shoji. spinner. you were both done so dirty
toshinori's character was supposed to encapsulate the idea that 'not everyone can be heroes, but everyone has the capacity for heroism'.
maybe you can't be a hero without a quirk, maybe you can't be a hero with strength.
but it doesn't change the fact that everyone can be heroic.
after all might's retirement, toshinori goes through a bit of an identity crisis, wondering who he is if he cannot be all might. and aizawa tells him straight up that he does not need to be all might. all he has to be is toshinori.
stain further exemplifies this, when he saves all might and tells him that it was not his strength that moved him. it was his actions. the all might statue built had been defecated, and this upsets toshinori. it makes him feel as though he failed in being a symbol of peace.
yet, when stain tells him that people loved all might for his actions and what he stood for, not his strength, a single person goes up to that statue and cleans it.
all might may have died, but toshinori lives on and that is all he needs to do. all he has to do is be himself.
all this gets thrown out with iron might.
iron might goes against what his character was building up to be, what his character was going to say.
'not everyone can be heroes, but all can be heroic.'
by giving us iron might, it erases that first half. because, while quirkless, toshinori is able to fight on using this suit to mimic quirks. which, while i'd accept if izuku did this at the start, or if a different quirkless character did, is just not good.
the whole point of all might dying was so that toshinori could live on. he shouldn't have to fight after everything that he's already done.
toshinori dying would have been trash, but i wouldn't mind it so much if he died an honorable and heroic death, such as saving someone from an attack, maybe having a call-back to izuku's 'my feet started moving on its own'.
he wouldn't be a hero in that moment, but he would be heroic, and that is what his character was supposed to say.
his character was supposed to show us that. we were supposed to gather that, even if toshinori is no longer a hero, he is still heroic.
supporting others, trying to reach out to izuku in his dark hero arc, dong whatever he can to keep morale up.
iron might is cool and all, but it goes against his own narrative.
horikoshi, once again, did him dirty. he does so many character dirty.
Sorry, I keep adding onto this, but I agree completely.
Bakugou didn't experience any actual development. Maybe if Horikoshi acknowledged the emotional abuse, there could have been something, but as it stands, I wouldn't like that as it would enable the Bakugou stans. It would make them go, "See! See! I told you so!", while completely ignoring that he inflicted abuse onto Izuku.
I'm not going to sit here and compare people's trauma. That's wrong.
What I will say is that, again, you're completely right. Mitsuki doesn't seem to gain any pleasure from hurting Bakugou, emotionally-wise, whereas Bakugou did. He grins and laughs and feels powerful, and it's awful.
He likes beating down people who are already weaker than him, just to feel stronger. And there is nothing to convince me that he's changed from this. He still fights with a grin, not because he wants people to feel safe like All Might or Izuku do, but because he enjoys beating people up.
Like I said, the issue is the fact that people use 'he was abused' as an excuse, rather than a reason. I could accept it as a reason, something that influenced him to take such actions, but it's not. Every time this is seen in fanfiction, it's only there to make his abuse towards Izuku feel less, as though it suddenly doesn't matter just because he was abused.
What I'm fine with is: he was abused, but that is not an excuse. It's only a reason. He still should not be forgiven immediately, because that's not a reason to do so. We see this in canon with the League of Villains, like Toga who was psychologically abused by everyone around her. There is a reason as to why she turned to a dark area, but she is not forgiven. Her actions are not pardoned.
This is why I don't like Bakugou stans, and why I don't like people saying he was abused. If written well, I can stand it. But it's never written well.
There was a fanfiction where 1-A is hit with a truth quirk, and it looked really good. Bakugou was revealed to have bullied Izuku visciously for years, and the class reacted by isolating him, and Ochako is particularly upset.
It was going fine until Bakugou revealed that Mitsuki also visciously abused him, and suddenly everyone is okay with him. It's fine to be horrified by that, but then Ochako is painted in a bad light, and everyone forgets that he bullied Izuku.
(I ended up dropping it - I'm not going to say the name, because I'm not that mean or petty. I'm still petty, but not to that extent. If you know what I'm talking about, please don't reveal it. The writing was good, I just didn't like Bakugou enough to stay through that.)
A good example of the type of character Horikoshi wished Bakugou was, is Teruki Hanazawa from Mob Psycho 100. If you don't know, he's introduced a minor antagonist who used his psychic powers to bully people and keep himself on top. Because of his superior powers and strength, he held himself above people. He did this because he was bored. It's not shown as well in the anime, but you can tell in the manga how dull he percieved his life as.
It's not until he fights Mob, who doesn't fight back because he doesn't like using his psychic powers for such means. Hanazawa is confused and views this as Mob looking down on him. His ego can't handle this and he ends up going too far, choking Mob out to the point that he believes he killed him. His victory is hollow.
Then Mob reaches ???%. In his unconscious state, he gets up and his powers get out of control. Hanazawa is initially happy that he made Mob fight back, until he realises that he screwed up. Mob decimates him and he apologises for everything. Up in the air, he has this moment of clarity. The world is large and he is small. His power doesn't mean anything.
He apologises to Mob, and that's the end.
The next time we see him, he's admonishing someone for using their psychic powers willy-nilly. The best part of it: I can believe it. I can believe that, in the time we didn't see him, he internalised the message Mob sent to him. Being powerful does not mean you are strong. Protecting the weak, rather than holding yourself over them, is the mark of the strong.
It's a simpe yet powerful message that Bakugou could never portray, because his arc goes against this message.
'Save to win, and win to save,' is such a bad message. Because saving people should always come first. He'll prioritise beating the villian instead of the child three seconds away from dying because he has to win. His mindset hasn't changed. He started off only caring about winning, and he still only cares about winning.
He doesn't care about saving people, as is the message of heroism. He holds himself over the weak. He looks down on people and thinks 'I'm stronger than them.'
This kind of devolved into a seperate matter entirely, but I stand by it anyhow. Even if Bakugou's abuse was taken seriously, stans needs to realise that it's just a reason, not an excuse.
(Sorry for continuing this already long rant.)
I need Bakugou stans to realise that it's not that I hate him as a person. It's that I hate him as a character.
A lot of my favourite characters are unrepentant assholes, or assholes who are set to or have already been redeemed. Vegeta from DBZ, Ouma Kokichi from DGR: V3, Dio from JoJo, Laxus from Fairy Tail, Greed from FMA: B, Bill from Gravity Falls, and the list that goes on.
If a character is a terrible person, that's fine by me. But if the author tries and fails to redeem them, yet still acts as though they are suddenly this amazing person, that's when I have an issue with it.
Bakugou was originally written to be a minor antagonist, and that would have been fine, if Horikoshi didn't suddenly go "I drew him crying so imma fix him".
Redemption is such a complex yet simple thing to do. So when you try to do it and fail spectacularly, um, yeah, I do not enjoy that character or your writing.
That is my main issue with Bakugou. I do not think he deserved any redemption, not because he's a bad person, but because there is nothing to convince me that he could change.
He gets one scene where he goes, "boohoo I lost and everyone is stronger than me" then cries, and that's supposed to be enough for him to become a better person? That is nowhere near enough.
There was no moment that made me believe he genuinely regretted and took accountability for the abuse he put Izuku through in middle school.
"He changed!" That's not my issue. I don't care that he's changed. I care that I don't believe in it. If there was a plausible reason as to why he changed, then I would be fine with it. Maybe I'd even enjoy him!
The fact that he's changed doesn't mean shit if it's not believable.
"That was in middle school!" Okay. This one pisses me off the most. That was a year pre-canon? Oh, wow, I guess that's completely fine! It's not as if characters are the way they are based on their past. Oh, Itachi killed the Uchiha clan before canon! Okay, maybe comparing a massacre to bullying is a bit unfair. Still, just because it happened a year ago, it doesn't mean it never happened. It doesn't mean that he's changed considerably.
"Izuku doesn't have any lasting damage and forgave him!" And? Just because your friend forgives their bully, it doesn't mean you have to forgive them. And, again, I do not believe Bakugou's apology was good in anyway. He was trash-talking Izuku, blaming All Might for Izuku's behaviour, and didn't accept any culpability for what he did to him. He didn't tell anyone else what he did to Izuku. Also, if Izuku really didn't have any lasting damage from the bullying, then why did Bakugou's apology make him calm down? If he didn't care about the bullying, then why is he so relieved by the apology? BECAUSE HE WAS AFFECTED.
"Bakugou was being abused!" ... NO HE WASN'T!! Mitsuki is not abusive. Yes, she hit him round the back of his head. After he threatened her. Anyone with Asian parents can tell you that her hit does not hurt. Not only is it somewhat normal in Asian families, but it also doesn't hurt. We have no evidence that she is abusive. Horikoshi knows how to set up abusive families, as seen with the Todorokis. This not that. Either way, even if she was, being abused doesn't mean it's okay to abuse others. You can hurt without hurting others.
"It's the school and teacher's fault!" No, it's not. Part of the fault lies with them enabling him, but Bakugou is already fifteen when the series starts. His mother clearly doesn't agree with his attitude. The school is only partially to blame. Bakugou should have learned by himself what is right and what is not. In fact, he clearly does know considering he doesn't want any of that stuff on his records in case U.A. rejects him.
Again. I don't care if he's a terrible person. I care that he's a terrible character.
So the next time someone says that I'm stuck in Season One, take a moment and think about what you're saying. Bad people in fiction are entertaining. Bad characters are not.
I’ll throw my two cents in.
Listening to Midoriya’s first words, “Not all men are created equal, I had thought it would be how Midoriya was going to bridge the gap between those that had quirks and those that were not born with quirks. That is why my answer was the first one. Because that was what I expected originally, and he would be a hero to all that way.
However, I definitely think a mixture of the first and second choice would be best. That can give us reason to allow Izuku to interact with all the characters in some way or another. He can have an arc of characters with “weak” quirks like Ojiro, Hagakure, Mineta, and Sato, a section with him and the mutant looking students like Koda, Shoji, Ashido, Tsuyu and Tokoyami, as well as tackle the flaws of society with characters like Iida, Ochako, Momo, Aoyama, and Todoroki, including tackling the quirk marriage part. Maybe Momo would be forced into one…and to add the more awkward tension, it IS to Todoroki, and they just have a long small arc of getting a better relationship and saying no to the forced marriage and finding their own relationships, if they ever do.
The teachers and Nezu can have a small arc of realizing how the students were treated like soilder or show dogs instead of young people, and so Nezu and the teachers could sit down and make tweaks to their classes so they can be heroes but humans as well. And there’s a contrast between how not just 1-A, but all of UA’s students act as opposed to the other hero schools.
I would be more open to villain rehab if the villains showed like they WANT to get better. Some of them do or show potential, but the LOV in general seem more than happy being murderous psychopaths instead of “troubled” souls.
Anyways, that’s how I thought it was going to go and how it could have tackled these topics, as well as hopefully add more Acadamia portions of “My Hero Acadamia.”
With MHA coming to a close, I thought I'd see what you all thought should have been addressed. There's no small amount of missed opportunities in the story, but I want to see what folks were hoping for when they started reading/watching
Someone made an animatic of Bakugou and Shoto going to visit Izuku at his fast food job under the guise of "cheering him up." But they both just went there and laughed at him. And of course the comments were full of "I saved the world-" "Put the fries in the bag."
And I get they're supposed to be jokes, but I can't help but feel like the fandom has a tendency to make fun of Izuku's trauma. Everything he's ever gone through is always swept under the rug or ridiculed. And it's always by Bakugou fans who claim to like Izuku (they actually don't, they like Izuku being a prop for Bakugou)
Hi @sapphic-agent 👋
Honestly Iam really not surprised at all.
The MHA fandom has this very weird thing of never actually paying attention to the main character and just making fun/bullying everything that happens to him.
The McDonald's worker Izuku gag is horrible and it's not even the first time that the fandom has done something like this. Personally I just stay in MHAs critical Tumblr corner so I had to do some research into the things you mentioned and this is what I found. Both are honestly horrible.

Like I said this isn't new as the fandom has made memes of izuku and his pain multiple times.
1) either call him a crybaby and edit him crying
2) the whole hospital bed x Izuku gag ship
3) the hate that izuku has been getting by other fans (I have seen a post on Tumblr showing a screenshot of a twitter post saying that they wish izuku commits because he killed tomura)
I can't tell you the amount of times I have seen BKDK shippers romanticise bks abuse and severe bullying towards izuku whether that be using canon material or their own fanon material.
Also there's something weird about MHA fanfiction making izuku go through a hell ton of trauma (a lot are very exaggerated in times)
Tldr: Izuku's trauma is either made fun of, ignored or simply romanticised.
Horikoshi is a terrible writer
God, I wish I was kidding, these last couple of days I've been analyzing the whole damn manga and I finally understood where this guy is going with it and how it fails.
I'm going to make the post with spoilers and talk in random order about different things that he fail at, because honestly it's unthinkable to make an order in this manga chaos.
The League Without Goals:
I really can't understand how people look at this group and say "they have a plan" or "they're good antagonists" when neither of those things are true.
The league was founded by Tomura wanting to show the world that they live in a false peace, at first he wants to kill All Might for being the symbol that brought this false era of peace...
The claim is fair, I'm not going to lie to you, but after the Stain arc, instead of reflecting on how he can show the danger to society, he goes a step further and decides to destroy all the heroes, and the league "adopts" Stain's mentality with its new members.
You think it could improve, I mean, here they should tell us the reasons of the new members of the league about their mentality towards the heroes, but no, nothing, absolutely nothing.
Dabi introduces himself stating that he's there for Stain, Toga too, Spinner obviously too, but they don't reveal why they agree with Stain.
As time goes by we see glimpses of everyone's personality and past, and the first thing that comes to mind when I think back to the entire history of the villains, is that they don't have a group spirit here, in fact, not even a hint of personalities, Dabi and Toga are serial killers, Spinner is a mutant and Compress is a thief. Twice is a disturbed guy who lost his place in society by no longer being able to control his quirk, but he also has no qualms about kidnapping and killing children and god, Magne, Mudstard, Muscular and Moonfish are forgettable
The league's goal changes from "Show society the false peace" to "Let's do whatever we want" after the liberation army arc, here there is no direct reason, but Tenko says that he wants to destroy everything that breathes.
They show us their pasts but there is not really a more appropriate answer to "these people are crazy"
Spinner, who is the one with his head on his shoulders, should question why but he doesn't, He don't tell us what he wants to do other than "follow Shigaraki", and then in the final war they put him almost into a Nomu and leading an army of mutants without any plan of what to do when the world is his, there are no community plans, nothing, just find Kurogiri and destroy Japan.
Toga was deprived her entire life of living the way she wanted and she wants to do that, but when Twice dies she wonders if the heroes don't see her as a person when she can't even wonder why the heroes would see her that way, she kills people and animals without any shame and is plotting to destroy the world.
Dabi wants dad's attention, that's why he's going to destroy everything dad built including his mother and siblings, but he could go one by one, first Natsuo, then Fuyumi, then Rei, then the "Masterpiece" Shoto, or better yet, broadcast the video of Endeavor after the battle against High-End Hood, but instead he waits for the damn climax of the story to try to detonate himself. Not only could he have saved Twice and didn't, but he also has reasons to follow Stain but still sticks to "let's kill whoever gets in our way"... and that's it.
Tomura already came to this story in an extremist way and has reasons to hate society, at the beginning of the story I thought his motivation was going to be to reveal the imperfections of civilians and heroes, but his motivations grow to commit acts of terrorism to ACADEMY STUDENTS. And they are not even varied, it is the same academy and the same damn class
And when I thought that Horikoshi could not make it any emptier, AFO reveals that he always planned to take his body and orchestrated everything that happened to Tenko. AND THE WORST THING IS THAT HE DOESN'T EVEN REFLECT AFTER THAT, IF IT WERE UP TO HIM HE WOULD DESTROY EVERYTHING ANYWAY.
How do Hori expect me to feel bad about their defeats and deaths? They literally grew up in the opposite way to how they should have, and that's when I realized: Hori didn't want to give this group of clowns any redemption at any point.
Before you ask me "then why did Horikoshi make Midoriya, Uraraka and Shoto want to save them?"
No, here Horikoshi is writing 2 things, but he writes them so badly that the fandom interprets something totally different:
1-A hero is a human being, and villains born in their mistakes: The members of the league, if we look at their origins first, arise from the fault of people (not just heroes
Toga must be one of many who has their biology affected by their quirk, at no time do we have reference to the fact that there are specialized centers to help this type of people, because if that were the case, her parents would have accompanied their daughter in that way instead of repressing her.
Spinner is a mutant, so he hasn't grown up in a conventional way (as we're told, he was always alone). But that's the incomplete picture, being a mutant and following Stain's ideology, you add 2+2 and notice that Spinner suffered mistreatment even from heroes, but it's something he doesn't mention, and Horikoshi didn't delve into either his history or the mutant plot.
Dabi is the son of an arranged marriage (know how to differentiate it from a forced marriage) and that's already a lot to say, but his origin resonates with Stain's words about heroes only seeking fame and power. If the top heroes didn't exist or worked differently, things in the Todoroki family would have been different.
Tomura is the mark of an imperfect society, as his problems are not only his own, they come from generations ago. His grandmother left his father for adoption after his grandfather's death, and there is already a big red flag about the safety between heroes.
Then, his father grows up hating heroes because he never knew about the danger that his mother and he were in. And he hits his son every time he says the word "hero" just because he never knew how to properly deal with his father's death or his mother's abandonment.
And after what happened to his family, people look the other way hoping that a hero might appear, when that is not the job of a hero, it is something that everyone can do. Tomura marks the total and combined result of a society that has made heroes into nothing more than a service instead of people, while people simply go on with their lives.
Society in general after the dawn of power remains the same: discrimination, power and ignorance continue to be the daily life of people.
The biggest problem? is that Horikoshi shows us the league at first wanting to point out these injustices, but little by little they get to "let's destroy everything because Tomura is upset."
2- The origin of true heroes
The arcs that resonate the most with the soul of the manga are Uraraka and Hawks' arcs, two of which in my opinion are the best in the work
Uraraka enters the academy with the wrong intentions, but her heart is in the right place, she wants to help people and little by little she realizes something that many people ignore, that heroes and villains are also people.
Hawks is trained directly in the commission as a human weapon, but he does not fight against this because his desire is to be a hero, as he grows up between so much training and work, he realizes that despite being a hero, he is not allowed to be a person, and this is reflected in all the other heroes thanks to his phrase "I just want a world where heroes have free time"
Uraraka is the one who initiates the change to society by asking the civilians to let Midoriya rest in the academy, the civilians are scared but notice for the first time that the heroes are not in good shape either.
And they are not even heroes yet, they are children who still have the spirit to stand in front of the bullets when they should be crying for what happened, they lost teachers and classmates, in addition to being mutilated by people older than them.
In these epilogue chapters, civilians and heroes began to work shoulder to shoulder after this event and the battle in which Midoriya gave his all to prevent everything known from disappearing, and he succeeded by very little.
In chapter 429 we see a child who escaped from hell, and for the first time a civilian helps someone without having to request support from a hero, and it is the same woman who did not help Tenko years ago who still carries the guilt.
But what is the problem with this point?
Two small details, one being that Horikoshi isn't giving dialogue to those who started this change, and if he did, he did it incorrectly.
Uraraka feels bad for not being able to save someone who didn't want to be saved, when she doesn't reflect on how Toga got to that point of no return, or what made the heroes get to where they are now
Midoriya calms her down by telling her that she's his heroine (which isn't bad at all) but it's a very short dialogue for two characters who saw through all the flaws of this system and fight to change that same system for the better.
and Hawks is in a position to restructure the hero system for the better based on the things he knows, taking a correct step in creating a Top that is defined by the actions in the place of power... BUT YOU DIDN'T ELIMINATE THE OLD TOP? ARE YOU SERIOUS?
And now I know why he doesn't do it, because of someone who has taken up more than enough pages in this work, the damn Katsuki Bakugo, another damn symbol of the old society that glorifies power over heroic actions.
Horikoshi himself didn't know what to do with the character beyond the first tests arc and HE SHOWS IT, because it is so contradictory with this character and everything that surrounds him in a disgusting way and the fandom doesn't want to accept it.
He literally doesn't get any attention when he does wrong, when he attacked Kurogiri with Kirishima, when he acts arrogant at the sports festival, when he hits Midoriya at the final exams and verbally abuses him in front of everyone, when at the camp he ignores Mandalay's instructions.
There is only one consequence for him in the manga, ONE, AND THAT IS THAT HE FAILS AN EXAM AND THAT'S IT.
Then he has a nervous breakdown saying "it's my fault that All Might retired" when he doesn't reflect on the danger he put his teammates in or the way he acts.
Here everyone is useless when it comes to Bakugo; Aizawa lets him go with a pat on the arm when he tries to attack Midoriya, 13 should have reported Bakugo and Kirishima to the principal after Kurogiri, Aizawa justifies Bakugo's behavior to heroes who are obviously outraged by his attitude during the festival, All Might ignores that his disciple bled from a punch from Bakugo and also that Bakugo almost killed him in the team tests.
When he is kidnapped, no one points out that he disobeyed a direct instruction in an emergency like the camp, instead Aizawa grabs a microphone and says "He's a great hero."
And in the provisional license exams, the Commission should have intervened and called him to attention, or at least Aizawa, but NOTHING.
Horikoshi makes him absent for a couple of arcs and then Bakugo reappears at the cultural festival where he doesn't change a cent, he just plays the drums, then he passes the provisional exams making the minimum effort possible while Todoroki, Utsushimi and Yoarashi do all the work with the children, and he tells the leader of the children "don't be an idiot" and that's it.
Then the Endeavor arc, he sneaks into Midoriya and Todoroki's internships and disrespects half the world, again without consequences and his appearance in this arc is to justify the disaster of power increase in the next arcs, wasn't it that he had already mastered his quirk? wasn't he a prodigal?
Then there's the war and he only serves as a human shield, receiving a lethal wound and SURVIVING to then wake up in the hospital and ignore that everyone is injured or in mourning and start screaming.
Then in the Dark Deku arc he mocks Izuku who is at his lowest point and makes the emptiest apologies I've read in a manga, with an apology comes a change and HE doesn't change.
His death and resurrection is totally useless to the plot other than to nerf (not kill) Edgeshot, who turns from a paper man into a surgery man to repair his heart and vital organs that are shown to have EXPLODED BY SHIGARAKI'S PUNCH.
He gets up and fights All For One at his weakest point and eliminates him, which has no real value because AFO then possesses Shigaraki anyway. And to make this more regrettable Bakugo KILLS KUROGIRI WHO WAS ON HIS SIDE.
What makes me the most angry is that Izuku is losing OFA and HE IS THE ONE CRYING
At this last point Midoriya has already completely lost the spotlight because Horikoshi never tires of inflating the Gary Stu that is Bakugo. And God forbid Midoriya to do even a little of what Bakugo did.
Midoriya at the end of each arc has no recognition, in fact, the recognition that Horikoshi gives him is reduced as the arcs go by
The story started with Midoriya saying that this would be like him "he became the greatest hero" and in the last arc he changes it to "we all became the greatest heroes" and it doesn't feel like a true victory once they achieve it, because Midoriya is not even the shadow of what he was.
With Horikoshi's decision to preserve the previous Top of Heroes it is obvious that he will give it to Bakugo, it is a worthless title because it is not defined by heroism, but by statistics that come from power and solved cases.
and this last one ruins Endeavor's ending even more
Speaking of Endeavor, he doesn't have his family anymore, he already lost his position, he's disabled and his money won't be his anymore, since he's going to put it at the disposal of his children. I was wondering if Horikoshi would make him face something legally but with everything that's happened I think it would have been the same result, with him paying monthly damages to his family.
and his family, god, what a family.
Rei needed more introspection and perspective on the situation, especially with Shoto and Touya if she was going to be included in the final battle. And yes, she stays with Endeavor, good for some and bad for others, but I want to know what led her to that, Horikoshi didn't justify it.
Fuyumi was fired not because of Endeavor's abuse, but because of the things Touya did. Again, this information is useless without a proper explanation. What information do you want to leave me with, that she got a new job? Will she work at the UA library or what?
Natsuo will be a Kotaro 2.0 because of his attitude, and honestly I never really liked him, especially because he didn't put any energy into getting to know Shoto or trying to reconcile with Touya after the final battle.
Shoto... poor Shoto, it feels like he was orphaned after the last family talk. In fact it feels disconnected from the story since the Dark Deku arc.
Well, I only have to talk about Eraser, because I already pointed out everything, empty villains, Midoriya's lack of introspection, Bakugo Katsuki's superfluous character... and there's this incapable who must be Horikoshi's self-insert.
Shouta Aizawa, aka Eraserhead, underground hero and the worst teacher in the known universe.
This guy never knew what he did, and just like Horikoshi, he tipped the scales towards Bakugo in every situation he could. He forced his students to give their all, but he didn't help at any time in the evolution of their powers... WHILE HE WAS TRAINING SHINSO.
He's not a teacher, he's just a security measure in case a quirk gets out of control, nothing more, and he even does wrong, he ties up students with his capture weapon and attacks them with his quirk threatening expulsion in any situation that bothers him
Present Mic points this out and many other things but is continually silenced by Aizawa and the fandom, even worse
The Fandom ships them.
and since we're mentioning the fandom, this is one of the worst fandoms in the universe.
90% of them seem to have gotten the story wrong and don't have a cent of criticism towards Bakugo or the league, and don't value the moments of the manga in the proper way.
There can't be a second without them believing that this is Shoujo, because they focus on Bakugo and Deku in the same panel and take it completely out of context (a bad habit that Rukasu created by translating the leaks absolutely wrong on purpose).
Now everyone is angry with Horikoshi not because he wrote a story in the most absurd way possible, but because the league of assassins did not have a happy ending and they just discovered that this was never a shojo.
Horikoshi was right to fear that the manga would be cancelled, because he clearly excels at drawing, not writing. Now we're getting a fan-made Attack of Titan Requiem 2.0 of Bakugo and the league making this twenty times worse than it already was.
I've also noticed that there are some creative people who are writing arc by arc either on tumblr or ao3, which gives me some faith that this nightmare is bearable.
Well, I read opinions, but not from fans of Bakugo, BKDK or the League of Villains.