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Life-Changing Massage

“Take off your clothes and lie down on the massage table. I’ll be with you in one moment”
“Take off my clothes? You’re not gay, are you?” Danny nervously laughed unbuttoning his shirt.
The masseur rolled his eyes at Danny’s comment.
“No... but you will be” the masseur muttered to himself.
“What?” Danny questioned. “I didn’t hear you”
“Oh nothing, sir. Just lie down and let me get to work.” the masseur smirked deviously.
“You’d be shocked at what these fingers can do. They’re... life changing”
Danny lay down on the massage table with only a small towel covering his private parts. The masseur began slowly working his hands over Danny’s slender frame.
Danny tried to relax. He wanted to just let go. But he couldn’t help but worry. If any of his bros heard that he was getting a massage from a dude, he would be the butt of jokes for years to come. Danny would rather be known as anything other than gay.
As the masseur lay his hands on Danny’s skin, Danny felt a warm rush flow through his body. It was as if the masseur’s fingertips were sending waves of warm pleasure through Danny’s slender body. The pleasure shot through Danny’s body until...
“Ughhhhhhhhhhh” A long orgasmic moan escaped through Danny’s lips.

“Now, let’s start the real massage” the masseur smirked.
“Wait... this is too gay. I have to leav- OHHHH” Danny was cut off by the sensation of soft lips sucking his nipple.

Danny looked down to see the masseur tenderly sucking on his sensitive nipple. A hot intense pleasure began to formulate around his chest. An orgasmic throbbing pleasure. So intense. So intoxicating. Danny couldn’t help but moan in pleasure. It was too much to handle. The intense tingling orgasmic pleasure began to target his pecs, making them feel heavier. It was almost as if his pecs were... growing.
Danny’s pleasure-filled pecs began to grow bigger. With each suck on his nipple, his pecs grew rounder. His once lean pecs were now soft and perky muscle tits. His nipples fattened, they looked like they were begging to be sucked. The pleasure only grew in Danny’s pecs as his moans grew louder and more intense. But the masseur wouldn’t stop. He kept sucking.

Danny’s once nonexistent pecs were now massive. So big and fat. Danny’s chest looked like it was just begging to be titty fucked. His meaty pecs yearned to have a man blow his thick potent alpha load on them. It’s what they were designed for.
Deep down Danny was scared. How was this man causing him so much pleasure? This man was making him feel more pleasure than any woman ever had. Was Danny... gay? No, he couldn’t have been. Danny had never even thought of men sexually before now. He had never even thought of their... big hard cocks between his juicy tits. He had never fantasised about sucking big fat cocks or... shoving dildos up his ass. But now, just the thought of it makes his cock twitch.
“You may lie face down now” the masseur commanded
Danny’s body obediently flipped itself over. Danny now lay on his new juicy pecs. Danny let out a moan as his big sensitive nipples brushed off the massage table.
“Now. Let’s show everyone how fertile you really are”
The masseur then lay his magical hands on Danny’s flat bottom. The fear set in. Danny knew what was coming. But what scared Danny even more was... he was excited for it.
Pleasure filled Danny’s flat bottom as it inflated in size. Growing big and round. His ass grew rounder and softer. His hips widened to accommodate for his new gargantuan sized booty. It grew bigger and bigger until it was bigger than any ass he’d ever seen. His once flat bottom was now a fat fuckable booty.
As the pleasure subsided, Danny’s rational mind resurfaced. Danny knew he had to escape. He threw himself off the massage table and onto the floor. His big ass and juicy pecs jiggled hypnotically as he hit the floor.
“That’s it, dumbslut. Shake that fertile ass”

The masseur picked up the himbo and lay him back down on the massage table. Before Danny could resist, the masseur ran his fingers over Danny’s face.
“Let’s massage that face of yours, shall we?”
The heated pleasure filled Danny’s face. His lips began plumping up, becoming the most fuckable dick sucking lips anyone had ever seen. Danny’s face became more angular. His jaw sharpened. Facial hair began sprouting on his young 19 year old face. A big thick mustache formed above his big lips. The hair spread further down his body covering his perky tits and defined six pack in a pelt of hair. His body began beefing up. His biceps grew bigger and his shoulders broadened.
He looked like the most fuckable muscle stud.

“I think we’re done here.” the masseur smugly grinned.
Danny stepped off the massage table and put his two massive feet on the ground. Danny stared at his insanely fuckable body in the mirror.
“What did you do to me?!” Danny exclaimed through his pouty lips. “Change me back! I’m begging you!”
“Change you back?” the masseur questioned. “What’re you talking about? You’ve always been like this.”
Danny’s head began aching. The words of the masseur buried themselves deep inside Danny’s mind.
“What? No... no, I haven’t”
“Yes, you have. You’ve always been a big, gay, dumb, balloon titted himbo.” The masseur pulled on Danny’s sensitive nipple, eliciting a soft moan from Danny’s big lips.
There was a long silence. Danny’s identity slowly faded away, becoming nothing more than drool inside his big dumb mouth. Danny’s face became so vacant. So dumb. His jaw hanged open as he began breathing only through his mouth. He looked so empty and relaxed. The more IQ he lost, the more drool formed in his mouth. He got dumber and dumber until his personality, his heterosexuality and all his memories leaked out of his mouth and fell onto the wooden floor, creating a big puddle of drool.
“So Danny, I think we’re done here. How was that?” The masseur looked at Danny smugly.
Danny’s face lit up as he giggled dumbly. His big tits and fat ass jiggled.
“That was, like, so totally fucking awesome hehe”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it, Danny.”
“Next time you should, like, totally fuck my big bubble butt, hehehe”
And so, the homophobe lived out the rest of his life as a dumb gay balloon titted himbo. The slut can’t go an hour without fingering himself, shoving a dildo up his ass or getting ravenously fucked by sexy daddies on Grindr.
Danny has become a regular at the spa, getting at least two massages every week. However, the masseur only likes to focus on massaging one specific part of Danny’s body.
His prostate.

Ignorance Is Bliss
“Hello ladies and gentleman and welcome to the special edition of Ignorance is Bliss, the critically acclaimed gameshow where reality is not always as it seems!”

I nervously tap on my contestant podium. The host stands metres away from me, reciting his perfectly practiced speech into the intimidatingly large camera. The studio lights reflect off his teeth and blind me. Behind the camera stands three bleachers, seating large crowds of giddy gawking audiences. Most of them are men. Just a bit older than me, I say. But what really caught my attention was the cube on the other side of the stage. A big one too. It’s like a glass room. A room without a door. What the hell could that be?
The host smiles and waves his hands openly. He’s charismatic, I’ll give him that. I can see why people like his show. Though me personally, I’ve never seen it. I’ve heard about it though. Specifically through people on Reddit. Apparently, it’s a generic trivia show. Aired after midnight too, so the audience for the show can’t be too big. So, even if I embarrass myself on here, my dignity won’t be completely destroyed. I just have to answer a few pointless questions and then I’ll be rich. Shouldn’t be too hard. At this point, I’m broke, so I’ll take any cash prize I can get. Whether it’s $100 or the full $1,000,000, I’m not leaving here empty handed.
“I am your host, Jimmy Clark. Let’s get right into it!” The crowd lets out a large cheer.
“Our first contestant of the day is Atlas Green, an economics student at MIT. He’s a self-proclaimed maths genius, his favourite TV show is Survivor and he has never travelled outside of America!” The crowd lets out a light chuckle.
I didn’t think they’d use my application as my introduction. We’re not even a minute in and my cheeks are already red.
“Hi there, Jimmy.” I exaggerate my phoney smile for the camera.
“So, Atlas, you know how the game works. Get a question right and you’ll be one step closer to our grand prize of $1,000,000.” The crowd goes wild as the figure flashes up on the large screens behind us. “Get a question wrong however…”
The studio falls silent, anxiously waiting for Jimmy’s reveal.
“You will leave here, no money, no grand prize. But don’t worry, here on Ignorance is Bliss, no one ever leaves empty handed…”
I glance nervously at the audience. They had reverted back to their obnoxious cheering and shouting. Although, a part inside me is celebrating too from hearing I won’t be leaving without some sort of prize. But what kind of prize? That’s the real question here. It won’t be a $1,000,000 dollars worth prize, I can tell you that much. Maybe it’ll be a small Ignorance is Bliss trinket or something? I hope not. Though I’m curious about the loser’s prize, I don’t intend on finding out what it is. I’m here for that grand prize. I’m not leaving without it.
“Let’s get started!” Jimmy beamed, the crowd screaming. “First question.”
The rounds start off easy. As easy as you’d expect from a stereotypical game show. Current events, pop culture, geographical stuff. Though, none were particularly difficult, I can’t let myself get cocky. It only takes one royal fuckup and that $1,000,000 dollar prize slips right through my fingers. And the questions are definitely getting more difficult. I know that much. Now, the questions are delving into actors I’ve never heard of or countries I know bare minimum about. I just gotta keep calm and I should be able to do it.
“Last question of the night!” Jimmy applauds me. “Almost no one has gotten this far. In fact, no one has ever won the cash prize, Atlas. Will you be the first?”
“The final question of today’s show is…. ‘In Hinduism, who is the male God of erotic love, lust and sexual pleasure?’”
I look towards Jim, then to one of the camera men and smile nervously. Weird final question. And what makes it worse is I have no clue what the answer is. I’m a young white student. Never left the country. Was raised Roman Catholic. There is no way I am getting this. At least not through rational thought or logical reasoning. I’m just gonna have to guess. I have a one in four chance of winning a million dollars. 25%. Fuck. That doesn’t bode well for me. One in four… one in four… okay. No point in delaying it.
“Your options are:
A) Vishnu
B) Krishna
C) Ganesha
D) Rama”
A timer appears on the screens behind us, ticking down quickly. I glance at all four options. It could be any of them. I don’t know. How am I supposed to know? I have to guess.
“We’re gonna need an answer now, Atlas!” Jimmy warns.
The timer continues to tick down.
Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.
“3 seconds left Atlas!” Jimmy yells frantically.
“Rama!” I shout. Less than a second left on the timer. But is it right…?
“You chose option D, Rama.” The charismatic host looks towards the screens, waiting for them to turn green or red. “The correct answer is…”
Time stops. I look at the screen. Waiting. One million dollars…
Suddenly, the screen and studio lights turn a deep dark red. The words ‘wrong answer’ flash across the monitor. I feel my heart sink into my stomach. Jimmy emulates a sympathetic wince, letting out a condescending ‘awww’.
“The correct answer is…”
What? Kamadeva? That wasn’t one of my options! Was it a mistake? Or was the show rigged? I’m betting the latter. No wonder no one has ever reached the grand prize. They’re being lied too, forced take the stupid loser prize home. I was set up.
“Hey! That’s bullshit! That wasn’t-“ I scream before Jimmy cuts me off.
“Don’t worry my boy! As you know, no one goes home empty handed!” He pats me on the back. “Get over here.”
Jimmy throws his arm around me, tightly holding me in place. He escorts me towards the other side of the stage. Towards the big mysterious glass cube. As I’m forced to approach it, a side of the cube lifts open letting mist seep out of it, like some kind of sci-fi movie. The intimidatingly tight grip of the host eases before he tosses me inside. As I stumble to the ground, the glass door behind me slams shut, leaving me trapped inside the glass cage. I scramble to my feet. The audience gawks at me. I feel like an animal in a zoo. Is this some kind of humiliation technique? Is there actually a loser prize? Or is this the loser prize after all? It’s a sham either way, that’s for sure. I begin looking for a way out but the cage is empty. Although, at the top of each glass corner, there are orange tubes. The tubes connect to the ceiling of the studio. God knows what’s in it. Maybe thats where the mist came from? It can’t be good, that’s all I know.
“So Atlas! You lost Ignorance is Bliss!” The host announces. I can feel rage filling inside me. “But, no one leaves here empty handed! It’s time to announce your prize!”
“You clearly don’t know much about Hinduism or Indian culture, Atlas!” The crowd giggles and whispers to each other. “So as your prize, Ignorance is Bliss is granting you a LIFELONG TRIP TO YOUR HOMELAND, INDIA!”
The crowd goes wild.
My clueless expression remains unchanged. Lifetime? Homeland? What does he mea- what the fuck? Suddenly, an orange gas is pumped into the glass cage from the tubes above, robbing me of clean air and replacing it with a hot suffocating warmth. I pounce onto the glass and yell for help. My cries are met with the audience gawking at me like I’m some kind of monkey at the Zoo. I try to avoid breathing the gas, but at this point it’s all-encompassing, giving me no choice but to take a gas filled breathe. As I breathe in, a strange feeling travels throughout my body. A strange pleasurable feeling. Erotic almost… I look down to see my 6 inch boner straining against my pants, on full display for the audience. I feel more and more blood rush into my cock. At this point, it feels as if my cock is hard enough to burst through my pants. I grab my boner with my two hands and then realise... never in the 22 years of my life have I fit both hands on my cock… one hand was enough to cover it whole. I slowly look down at my body. My cock… its growing. Inch by inch, I see my cock expand. As if I have a growing boner which never stops increasing in size. It grows and grows, straining my pants, until the tip of my boner presses against the side of my hip. The new cock, which fills my pants, suddenly stops growing in length. Instead, it starts thickening. My cock, which was just thicker than my thumb, begins fattening up, becoming chunkier and thicker. It grows heavier and heavier until my knees feel like giving out. Still adjusting to my new fat manhood, I take a step backwards, tripping. I twist and fall on my new fat package, causing the seams of my pants to burst open. My fat cock flops out, acting as a cushion for my pelvis to lay on. I pick myself up and sit back on my flat ass, my cock now long and heavy enough to still be laying on the ground. I panic, lift myself to my feet and turn around to the audience, displaying my new unnaturally large appendage. It hangs down between my legs, reaching my knee. The heat fills my genitals, more specifically, my balls. My balls, which looked ridiculously small compared to my new massive cock, begin to grow. Almost like a water balloon, my balls fill with hot potent semen, ready to shoot inside some fuckable ass. My new balls begin to appear proportionate to my unnaturally thick penis, forcing my legs apart to accommodate it.
“Look how flustered he is, folks! That new big appendage of his looks like it could cum everywhere at any moment!” The host laughs, inspiring cheers from audience members.
God… I’m so hard. The audience is staring at me… but that turns me on even more. They’re in awe of my Godly cock. My Godly Indian cock…. wait… no. Why am I thinking this? I’m not Indian. I’m not… gonna stuff my Godly Hindu cock into some pathetic white boy and impregnate his hole. Oh fuck! I need to stop. What’s wrong with me?! My average dick turning into a massive monster cock is one thing, but this is even more overwhelming. Not only have I lost control of my body, but now… I’m losing control of my mind. It’s as if the gas is seeping into every crevice of my brain, making my thoughts more lustful… more primal. Images of my fat cock breeding men assault my mind. Vivid fantasies which involve my thick sperm shooting into a big fat jiggling ass. I begin hitting my head. This is too much. It’s all too much. As I smack my head, attempting to knock some sense into myself, I notice something strange.
I look down at my body. It seems to be… growing. My chest… its inflating like a balloon. The two muscles press against my tight shirt. They look soft. The kind of soft that would make for the most comfortable and fuckable pillows. I decide to feel it. I press my hand on it. It sinks into it, fat flowing through the crevices between my fingers. My pecs look like the most beautiful pair of perky fuckable tits. Is that what they’re making me into? Some big titted, massive cocked hybrid? Maximising femininity and masculinity on the body of one person… I panic that this will be my final form. A bisexual’s wet dream.

This worry is soon subsided as I feel the growth shoot down my arms. My biceps triple in size, looking like the arms of a professional NFL player. My hands begin fattening up too. My fingers turning into sausage sized monsters. Each finger is as fat as my old penis used to be… I’m thankful that they’re still useable… mostly. I might struggle to use a keyboard or accurately press the numbers on my phone now. The fingers are fat enough to press multiple buttons at once, like some big brute. My stomach begins to develop abs. They form into six perfectly shaped mountains. I run my thick brute hands over them, feeling the calluses from my fingers glide over each crevice. The growth finally reaches my lower half. Thankfully, my massive cock and balls are unaffected. I don’t think I could handle them growing any larger. I wouldn’t be able to walk… The growth mainly affects my legs, feet and unfortunately… my ass. My two cheeks begin to inflate but not in the way you’d expect. Instead of an unnaturally large increase in muscle mass like the rest of me, my ass seemed to only fill up with fat. Like two water balloons, my cheeks grow and jiggle, bouncing and shaking around with every slight movement. The audience watches as my insanely fuckable feminine ass sways from side to side, preventing me from walking normally. I waddle. It’s humiliating. This will be on TV. My friends will see this. My coworkers will see this. My classmates. My family…

Jiggle. Jiggle. Jiggle.
My fuckable ass reaches its limit. It looks like two huge beachballs attached to me. The growth spreads to my legs. My thighs and calves grow, though not to an unnatural size like my bouncy cheeks. Their size is still nothing to scoff at. My legs look like two heavy tree trunks. They make it even more difficult to walk, or should I say, waddle.
I look down at my new self… I feel weird even saying its me. My pecs… my ass… my muscles.. I don’t resemble the skinny economics student who entered this studio an hour ago. I don’t look like me. I look like some dumb fuckable brute. It’s humiliating. I watch the crowd laugh and cheer at me. The new me. Mocking my waddling. Flexing their biceps, which were nothing compared to mine. Bouncing their pecs, which looked nothing like my big fuckable tits. I even glance at one guy in the second row who is fingering his hairy straight ass, letting out a jokingly high feminine moan.
“Do you feel like an Indian God, Atlas?!” The host laughs, his voice booming through the entire studio. “No? Let us help with that!”
The host clicks his fingers causing the gas to become noticeably more intense. It pumps the orange transformation gas into the glass cage at a higher rate than before, forcing me to inhale even more than before. I look down at my huge body, anticipating what could happen next. What is there left to change? The gas already inflated every part of my once skinny body. It elongated my cock, inflated my ass. What more could this smelly gas possibly do? How much more humiliating could this become?
I glance down at my thick forearm to realise something… it seems hairier than before. The hair seemed different too. Well, at least it looked different. Instead of my normal weak arm hairs, this new hair is noticeably thicker, like a wolf’s pelt. I never remember my arm hair being so dark. I assume it must be the gas again. I look at my body, realising my arms aren’t the only part of my body sprouting in thick hair. My chest has too. My once hairless chest now sprouts a thick sweaty pelt of hair. My legs seem to have adopted the wet pelt too. My armpit hair also seems more thick, although that’s the least of my worries right now. My face begins to itch. I reach up with my hairy paws and scratch it. My face feels fully bearded. My eyebrows are significantly more bushy too. Untrimmed. As if they had never seen a tweezers in their life.

I glance beside me to see a man standing on the other side of the glass. He stares at me, watching my transformation. He has dark skin. Beautiful dark skin. It glistens with sweat. I could almost smell his stench from here. He continues to stare at me. He looks confused. Confused and dumb. Very dumb. His jaw hangs agape, breathing strictly through his mouth. His forehead is very pronounced. His eyes are vacant. As if he had no brain. Couldn’t form a single thought of his own. Drool dribbles out the side of his mouth. It gathers in his beard as he dumbly chuckles at me. He looks like he’s only good for one thing: fucking. He continues to stare at me. Dumbly. Vacantly. Confusedly. I reach up and scratch my beard… he does the same. I tilt my head to the side… he does the same. I grab my juicy fuckable big pecs… he does the same. I stumble back in shock. It hit me. All at once… the smelly stench… the big pecs… the huge muscles… juicy pecs… fat cock and fuckable ass… it’s… me.

The man… the one staring back at me… my reflection… his… his skin. His deep dark beautiful brown skin. It’s mine. Gone was my caucasian skin. Gone were my caucasian features. The show completely changed me. It changed me into some big, dumb, fuckable, Indian brute…
“There we have it ladies and gentleman! Our sex God, Kamadeva!” The crowd screams in awe. I gaze into the crowd, displaying my new Godly form. I see men jerking each others cocks while looking at me. Even some fingering their holes chanting my name. I am… a sex God.
“That’s it for today’s show, folks. Tune in next time to see what happens to our next contestant!” The crowd screams and cheers. “This has been Ignorance is Bliss. Goodnight!”
The lights and camera shut off. Members of the crowd pull up their pants and make their way out of the studio. The host walks over to my glass cage and chuckles. I adjust to my new weight. He stares at the Indian God in front of him.
“Don’t worry, Kamadeva. We’ll have you shipped off to India in no time.” He smirks. “Soon, all of this will be just a distant memory…”
“प्लीज मेरा सुराख भर दो। मैं बहुत हॉर्नी हूं” I mutter.
And so, Atlas will live out the rest of his life in Mumbai as the Indian sex God, Kamadeva.
Reviews conclude he definitely lives up to his name. He puts both his massive cock and fuckable ass to good use, providing pleasure to men all over India. He lets men cum up his big juicy wobbling ass and he also breeds every man with a bubble butt that he sees, making the most out of his Godly body.
The man has no memory of his life in the US. To Kamadeva, he was always Indian. He was always a sex God. He was always a dumb fuckable brute with a low IQ. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
As Ignorance is Bliss promised, he definitely didn’t go home empty handed…

Never Trust A Genie
*1000 Follower Special*

“A lamp?” Bobby chuckled, sifting through the miscellanea stored in the decrepit attic’s filthy boxes.
“Must have been left by the old tenants…” Bobby stuck both hands into the cardboard box, pushed aside the useless sundries and took out the dust covered lamp.
“A dusty lamp… just like in the movies.” He smiled to himself. “Better be a genie or something in here that’ll help pay rent for this place.”
Bobby tapped the lamp’s spout on the palm of his dusty hands and sighed. He’d moved into this old Victorian house two days ago. He now lived with his new roommate Carter, someone who Bobby hadn’t taken much interest in getting to know. He was gay, which didn’t necessarily bother Bobby, but it didn’t thrill him either. He had never pictured himself living with a gay person, especially a gay man, but he was willing to for this house. It was everything Bobby looked for in a home. It was spacious, but not enough to inspire feelings of loneliness. It had a good location, only taking Bobby twenty minutes to walk to the office. The house was nestled inside a gated community too, keeping it safe from the rebellious teenage troublemakers that Brooktane City had grown so infamous for. There was only one problem. The price.
Bobby’s sales job at Brooktane City’s well known IT distribution company, Hyatt Ltd, barely provided him with enough money to feed himself, let alone pay rent for this new place. Carter was no richer. He was a digital artist. Paid by commission too. Even on a good month, he wasn’t paid half as much as Bobby. Though Bobby’s relentless optimism helped him prevail through the most difficult situations, not even Bobby knew how things would end out here.
Bobby’s hands rose up from the disheveled cardboard box, the glistening lamp resting on his soft palms. He took a deep breathe and blew on the lamp, sprinkling the dull grey dust over the attic’s creaking floorboards. Bobby cleared his throat triumphantly and cupped the side of the lamp.
“Genie!” He announced with a playfully exaggerated grandeur. “Show yourself!”
Bobby closed his eyes and repeatedly rubbed the lamp’s golden curve. His eyes shot back open as the lamp rumbled in his grasp. Without warning, a sparkling purple mist shot out the lamp’s spout, forming into the shape of a man. A fat one at that. He was round, sporting a soft pudgy gut. He wore flashy gaudy necklaces and yellow tinted glasses. His hairless tits jiggled and bounced, showing off his thick suckable nipples. He looked like a joke. Nothing like the stereotypical blue genie you see in the movies.

“Holy shit!” Bobby stumbled backwards, tripping over the previous tenant’s musty boxes. He fell harshly on his flat ass, peering up at the monstrous man in front of him.
“FINALLY MASTER!” The genie’s booming voice bounces around the desolate attic. “I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU!”.
The genie crosses his arms and laughs.

“Mmm- m- master?” Bobby stuttered at the giant in front of him. “M- me? I’m your master?”
“That’s right, master.” The genie chippered. “I’m just an obedient genie and you are my master!”
“So…” Bobby’s eyes remained wide open, staring at the blubbering genie. “Do I have wishes or something?”
“Three to be exact! You may wish for anything. No limits.” The genie rubbed his hands together. “Make em good, Master. I’m ready for some fun!”
Bobby didn’t know what to say. How do you decide? How do you choose a wish when there are endless possibilities? A new house? A new car? A perfect girlfriend? Or why not go even bigger? Though, Bobby never saw himself as an ego maniac but he could go crazy with these wishes if he so wanted. Wish to be a king, prince or something crazy like that. He had an opportunity to bend the world over and make it worship the ground he walked on. Though, these ideas intrigued Bobby, they mostly intimidated him. But among these daunting wishes, one stood out from the rest. One which would solve all his problems and allow him to create a dream life for himself without financial worries. All he needed was money.
“Genie!” Bobby puffed out his chest triumphantly. “I wish I was extremely rich!”
The genie smiled, extended his finger and shot a purple lightening bolt into Bobby’s chest. The light absorbed him and created swirls of purple sparkles which trickled around the room. The purple light faded and Bobby relaxed his scrunched up face.
“Did it work?!” Bobby yelled in excitement, his dreams of becoming a millionaire on the brink of fruition. He pulled out his phone and checked his bank account. The screen read:
“Holy shit!” Bobby screamed. “ Like one million fucking dollars! That’s like… so totally fucking cool!”
Bobby clasped at his mouth. His voice sounded… different. It definitely didn’t sound like Bobby’s regular deep voice. The one which garnered much male approval from his coworkers and football buddies. It was now almost feminine in its inflections. His tongue now making it hard for him to pronounce his S sounds, giving him a slight lisp. He sounded really… gay.
Bobby had never thought of himself as homophobic. It was true, he had never had any gay friends, but that didn’t mean he didn’t like them. As long as they didn’t flaunt their gayness around Bobby, he wouldn’t have a problem with it. Yet, Bobby didn’t realise how homophobic he was until he was forced to speak with the most stereotypical feminine gay inflections. It was humiliating. He couldn’t help imagine what his coworkers would think. “Damn Bobby, you sound like you suck dick with that mouth!” or “You turn gay over the weekend or somethin?”. Bobby’s face turned a crimson red at the very thought of it. Bobby grew more embarrassed as he thought of Carter. Would Carter think he was gay? Make a move on him? Bobby’s imaginary scenarios just got worse and worse.
“I like TOTALLY love the new shirt Daddy bought for me!” The words slipped out of Bobby’s mouth with ease. “He always buys me the sweetest things!”
Bobby looked down in horror to see his Texas sweater, showcasing his proud state of birth, had turned into a thin see-through shirt reading:

“Like, what happened to my stupid boring sweater?! And super masculine voice?!” Bobby blurted out. “I sound like so totally gay and stupid! I totally sound like all i’m good for is sucking cock!”
Bobby, in shock, stepped backwards onto a pile of boxes, losing his footing. He fell backwards onto the hard wooden attic floor.
“That totally like hurt my fucking pussy! I wish there was a dildo that I could have fallen back onto!” Bobby’s mouth moaned despite his resistance.
This wasn’t Bobby. Bobby knew that. He wasn’t like this. He wasn’t feminine. He wasn’t gay. He had never touched a dildo in his life, let alone want one in him. He was masculine! A masculine straight man. Not some slutty feminine gay boy!
Bobby sat in disbelief on the floor, gazing up at the gaudy Genie’s grin. He was enjoying this. Seeing Bobby so humiliated. Acting so… gay. Suddenly, Bobby noticed a different sensation in his lower half. It didn’t feel like he was sitting on the harsh wooden floor anymore. The floor… it felt soft… like a cushion. It was more comfortable, for sure. The warm soft sensation of sinking into the cushion almost made Bobby forget the humiliating position he had found himself in. The cushion became softer and so very comfortable. It was like it was just forming under him, propping him off the ground. It was so soft… Bobby just wanted to let himself sink into its comfort. The cushion suddenly sent a tingling jolt of pleasure throughout his body.
“Ohhhh fuckkkk.” Bobby moaned. “My new fat fuckable ass feels like, so totally fucking comfortable…” Bobby’s heart dropped and his eyes shot open. He looked down. He wasn’t sitting on a cushion… the warm soft comfortable ‘cushion’ he was sitting on… was his inflating ass.
“What the fuck!” Bobby’s deep masculine voice had suddenly returned.
“You can’t do this to me! M- m- my ass! It’s so fucking big- UGHHH I JUST WANT SOMEONE TO FUCK ME!!!” Bobby’s body began absentmindedly rubbing its new bouncy fuckable ass on the floor, desperate for something to fill his jiggling cheeks.

“I granted your wish, Master!” The genie innocently grinned, his cock rock hard as he watched Bobby show off his altered body.
“I didn’t! I didn’t wish… FOR MY FAT FUCKABLE ASS TO BE FILLED LIKE THE GOOD SLUT I AM!” Bobby drooled in ecstasy, bouncing his fat cheeks, causing them to clap loudly for his neighbours to hear.
Bobby, still having control over his body, attempted to stand up. He grunted and let out a loud girly moan, struggling to get up. After two more tries, the altered office worker found himself back on his feet. It felt so strange. Bobby could feel his two inflated cheeks weighing him down, bouncing behind him. It was a new and unwelcome sensation for the 25-year-old.
Bobby looked down at his body, noticing more alterations. The genie’s purple magic had changed Bobby’s lean body. Now, he looked more muscular. His biceps had grown to the size of footballs. His forearms were now double the size they were before. His chest had undergone changes too. His two pectoral muscles had inflated like balloons, bouncing independently of one another. Their growth caused the the seams of his “SLUT” t-shirt to burst, letting his new heavy round pecs jiggle in front of the genie. They swayed side to side, looking more like tits than masculine pecs. They’d grown so big, they had caused his nipples to point downwards under their weight. His nipples looked thick like pegs. The genie drooled at the slut in front of him, imagining what it was like to suck his new round breasts.

Bobby’s stomach had formed a six pack, creating deep trenches in which sweat would soon gather. Bobby noticed changes in his legs too. His thighs had grown as to accommodate his large butt cheeks. His feet had grown to match the proportions of his new body too. Bursting through his size 8 socks and increasing to a size 13.
Bobby stood exposed in front of the genie. Feelings of humiliation, fear and arousal flooding his mind. Not only did he speak like some gay feminine fucktoy, but he looked like one now too. Carter was supposed to be home soon. What if he found him like this? Surely he would help, right? Right now, that seemed like Bobby’s only hope.
Bobby stood in the attic drooling, watching the Genie tug his precum soaked cock.

Bobby heard a door slam downstairs. Sounded like the front door. Could it have been Carter? It must have been, right? No one else has keys to this place. At least, Bobby didn’t think so. Though he tried, Bobby couldn’t scream for help. It would just gather in his throat, then dissipate.
Bobby heard the sound of keys downstairs. “Honey, I’m home!” A deep growling voice boomed up into the attic. Bobby furrowed his brow. It sounded like Carter, but there was something off. Carter’s voice was definitely not as deep as the man downstairs. It also lacked the gay ‘like’ and ‘totally’ fill words which Carter was so fond of filling his sentences with. Maybe he was sick? Or maybe it wasn’t even Carter at all… an intruder maybe?
“What’re you doing up in the attic?” The voice growled. “Did someone get lost?”
The intruder’s voice sent shivers down Bobby’s spine. Who the hell was that? Even though Bobby didn’t fully recognise the voice, a part of him felt safer knowing someone was here. He needed help. Even if it was from an intruder. Though, something about the man downstairs did seem off. Bobby wasn’t blind to that fact.
“Is Daddy gonna have to come up there and get ya?” The voice chuckled below. “I can’t have my husband getting lost, can I?”
Bobby clasped at his mouth, feeling a sense of danger from the man below. Though, as soon as Bobby’s hand reached his face, he noticed something strange. As his fingers ran along his lip, he felt something cold. Something metal… on his finger, it seemed. Then it hit him…
“No…” Bobby held up his hand in dread. A wedding ring. He grabbed at it. Twisted it. Yanked it. No matter how hard he tried, it wouldn’t come off. It was like it was locked onto his finger, reminding him that he was legally bound to someone. To… a man.
Before it could get any worse, Bobby pleaded to the genie. He got on his knees and begged.
“Please! Give me my old life back! Genie! I wish- I wish… TO HAVE A SELF LUBRICATING ASSHOLE!”
Bobby’s heart dropped. The genie’s finger raised and shot its purple light into Bobby. Bobby felt hopeless. His second wish… wasted. Squandered by the dumb slut he was becoming.
“Slut! Get down here. I had a rough day at work and need to pleasure my fat cock in that breedable ass of yours!” The stranger downstairs demanded.
The man’s deep voice caused Bobby’s sensitive skin to shiver. The man sounded so dominant… so demanding. The man’s voice alone caused Bobby’s ass to start emitting a certain wetness which lubricated his hole. A type of wetness which would perfectly lubricate any dick that came near it, allowing it to slide into Bobby’s greedy tight hole.
“Down here now, boy! I’m not joking now!” Bobby’s husband shouted in a slight southern drawl. “Or am I gonna have to come up there?!”
Bobby felt an overbearing pleasure emit from his ass as soon as his husband spoke. It was overbearing, causing the straight man to cry out in overwhelming pleasure. The pleasure created pink clouds which fogged over Bobby’s mind. Thoughts of big cocks and sucking on the fat nipples of hairy chests filled his straight mind. Bobby could feel his heterosexuality slipping away. But he force himself to care. He just continued to slip away into the pink fog’s pleasure.
“I’m coming up there, boy!” The ladder shook and the sound of the man’s footsteps on each ladder rung grew louder.
As the man climbed each rung, the pleasure grew more intense, causing Bobby to moan like the pathetic slut. The pleasure just filled Bobby from head to toe, destroying his rational mind. Making his thoughts hazy and more sexual. Making him lose himself in a pink fog of dumbness.
The gravelly voiced man reached the attic. He slowly stomped his way over to Bobby, each step shaking the boxes of clutter around him. He stood right behind Bobby and growled like a primal animal.
“So that’s what you’ve been doin up here, eh?” The dominant man grumbled.
Bobby, able to pull himself away from the pleasure, turned around. The man towered over Bobby, causing him to feel insecure. Bobby’s head reached just under the man’s hairy pecs. The man looked like a monster! Or some kind of animal. An ape, to be exact. His entire body was covered with a thick coat of smelly manly body hair. His beard was thick and crawled up the man’s cheeks. He looked familiar to Bobby. He’d seen this man before. Had it been in work? No. Maybe back in college? No one looks like this in college. Then it hit him… it was… Carter.
The genie’s magic had devolved Carter into this monstrous ape-man. He looked nothing like his frilly feminine self. Instead, he looked more manly than any man Bobby had ever seen before.

Carter’s stench was invading Bobby’s nostrils, causing him to scrunch his nose.
“What’re you doing with that hand of yours, boy?”
Bobby focused his fading attention on his hand, realising it was not down by his side like he had thought. Instead, it was jammed in between his big fuckable ass cheeks. His fingers reaching deep inside his hole, jamming against his prostate.
Bobby slides his fingers out of his hole and looks at the lube tracing down his wedding ring.
“That’s nothing, trophy boy! Let me show you what real pleasure feels like!” The big man grunts and whips out his cock. He forces Bobby onto the ground and easily slides his fat 10 incher into his boy’s wet hole. The genie watched eagerly, laughing and chuckling at Bobby’s struggle.
The pleasure was unlike anything Bobby had ever felt. It was intoxicating. More pleasurable than sitting on his inflated cheeks. More pleasurable than his sensitive nipples. More pleasurable than fingering himself. No one but his husband could make him feel like this. His husband is who held the power to pleasure. His husband is who held the power to everything.
No, he wasn’t Bobby’s husband! He wasn’t earlier at least… right? Bobby was single. He was straight. He wanted a wife and kids. Bobby tried to remember but he couldn’t escape the blissful confusing pleasure caused by his husband’s cock ramming against his prostate. He felt so confused.
“SUCH A GOOD TROPHY HUSBAND!” His husband yelled. Bobby’s ass and tits bounced with each thrust. “YOU LOVE DADDY CARTER, DONT YOU?”
Bobby knew he had full control over his body, his voice, everything. Yet, the tight grip from his husband and the pleasure he felt was enough to make him question everything. Maybe he was gay? Maybe Carter was his husband? Maybe he was just a gay fuckable submissive himbo after all? Were the memories of his ordinary straight life from a dream? They had to have been. They had to have been fake. He was getting deep dicked by his husband, his wedding ring scraping along the floor. He could feel the pleasure. This was real. This was reality. Bobby was a dumb slut. What had gotten into his head? Thinking he was a successful businessman? He couldn’t even spell ‘businessman’, let alone, be one. He was only good for shaking his fat ass and taking care of his Daddy’s cock.
“SAY IT, BOY!” His husband yelled into his ear.
“I. LOVE. YOU.” Bobby yelled in between Carter’s thrusts. “DADDY MY PUSSY IS SO WET!”
“YES DADDY!” Bobby, his brain completely scrambled, moaned in ecstasy.
“SAY IT. YOU KNOW WHAT TO SAY.” His husband began fucking him harder and harder. “SAY IT FUCKTOY!”
“I WISH…” Bobby screamed as prostate got rammed harder and harder. “I WISH…”
“I WISH I WAS STUCK LIKE THIS FOREVER!” Bobby screamed causing his Daddy to grunt and shoot his thick potent load between Bobby’s jiggling fertile cheeks.

The genie chuckled in amusement watching the former roommates, now husbands, collapse upon each other’s new hyper sexualised bodies.
And so, Bobby lives as a trophy boy with his husband, Carter, in a million dollar mansion. No more thinking about work or mortgages. In fact, he couldn’t think about those things even if he wanted to. He didn’t have the mental capacity to. Now, he can only focus on looking slutty and pleasuring his husband’s fat cock.
In the end, Bobby got what he wanted. Bobby is a millionaire. Well, his husband is anyway. You see, he married into a rich family. Carter is a bit of a sugar daddy. He buys Bobby all the things he could dream of. In this last week, he bought Bobby a vibrating prostate massager, a slutty pink thong and a new pair of dick sucking lips.
As for the genie, well, he remains in the attic. Sitting in his small lamp… waiting. Waiting for another man to come along and fall victim to their own grand ambitions…

This is a bit overdue, but we hit 1000 followers (we’re actually at 1.3k right now but still)! I didn’t do anything to celebrate it last time, but this time, I wanted to do something special! So, enjoy this LONG story as a celebration! :)
Happily Ever After

Samuel was the happiest he had been in years. He had moved into his dream home, got a promotion and he had recently proposed to his soon-to-be wife, Jessica. All of Samuel’s hard work was finally being rewarded. The future seemed bright. He was ready to settle down with his new wife and become a loving father. It was a true happily ever after... that was until the doorbell rang
Samuel was making dinner for his beloved fiancé when the doorbell rang. Samuel couldn’t help but smile. It’s probably Jessica, he thought to himself. He bounced his way over to the door and opened the front door expecting to see his fiancé. But Samuel opened the door to be greeted by a big hulking stranger.
“Hey” the man smiled. “Is this Jessica’s house?”
“Um... yeah, she’s out at the moment. Is there anything I can do for you?” Samuel was suspicious.
The man pushed by Samuel and charged into his house.
“Um, excuse me!” Samuel yelled at the man. “What do you think you’re doing?!”
Samuel ran after the man who was now exploring his house. Who did this man think he was? Barging into someone’s house like this. Samuel grabbed the man’s shoulder only for the man to turn around swiftly. The man softly held the back of Samuel’s neck. He then took his finger and pressed it against Samuel’s forehead and let out the heavy powerful word:
The word knocked Samuel out. Samuel stumbled into the strangers arms, falling into a deep sleep.
The next thing Samuel knew, he woke up lying on his bed. Had it all been a dream? Did that actually happen? Suddenly, Samuel heard heavy footsteps coming from the bathroom. A big hulking man strode out. The same hulking man that had barged into his house. This wasn’t a dream. This was actually happening.
Samuel jumped up from his bed only to realise that he was naked. He grabbed the sheets covering his 7 inch penis. Why had the man stripped him out of his clothes? What had happened?
“You see Samuel... me and Jessica were highschool sweethearts. We were a happy couple... until you came along” he said resentfully.
“But I’m not going to let you take her away from me” The man growled. Samuel coward in fear. “I need you out of the way... and I think I’ve got the perfect solution for that”
The man’s words digged deep into Samuel’s subconscious. Embedding itself deep inside his mind. His words were powerful. They were everything. It felt so good to just give into the man’s words. It felt so... right.
The man motioned to the bed. Samuel’s body disobeyed Samuel’s mind. His body complied to the man’s commands. Samuel walked to the intruder. He stared him directly in the eyes as he crawled onto the bed in the doggy style position.
Samuel had no time to react. The big man took his three fat fingers and forced them down Samuel’s throat. His fingers violating his mouth. His fingers diving deep down his throat. Normally, he would have started gagging. Started coughing. But Samuel’s throat took the fingers with ease. It accepted them. It was almost as if Samuel’s throat was used to it. As if it loved having fingers stuffed down it.

The man grinned. His fingers stuffed down Jessica’s fiancé’s throat. The man slowly slipped his fingers out of Samuel’s throat. Samuel gasped for air. He threw himself back on the bed. Disgusted by what he had just done. Ashamed. His fiancé would be disgusted. Would she ever forgive him?
“Now, Samuel. Let’s start the transformation, shall we” He grinned. “Do you want me to transform you into a fucktoy?”
Samuel tried to resist. But he couldn’t help it. His head started nodding. Samuel tried to stop it but he couldn’t. It just felt so good to give into Master.
“Jess dumped me because I wasn’t ‘masculine’ enough. Well let’s change that”
The hulking man jumped onto the bed and jammed his under average sized cock into Samuel’s straight mouth. He started forcefully face fucking Samuel. Samuel had no choice but to just let his throat get savagely fucked.
With each thrust, Master’s cock went deeper down Samuel’s throat. It was almost as if... it was growing. It went from a 4 inches, to 6 inches, to 8 inches, to a full 12 inch cock. It inflated becoming thicker and thicker. It forced Samuel’s mouth open wider and wider until he couldn’t take it anymore. It was filling the entirety of Samuel’s mouth. With one big grunt, Master forced his cock as deep as he could go, holding it there. Letting his cock rest in Samuel’s fuckable throat.

Master took his 12 inch cock out of Samuel’s throat. Samuel began gasping for air only to notice something... missing. He noticed that he couldn’t feel his penis resting by his leg anymore. He looked down in horror. His penis was nothing but a nub now. Just a tiny 1 inch nub. The stranger had stolen Samuel’s cock. Samuel then saw his ballsack begin to shrink. It deinflated. Growing smaller and smaller. Samuel then glanced up to see Master grunting. Master’s balls were growing. Inflating. Getting heavier. Fuller. Alpha sperm filling his balls. It drooped with the weight of it.
“Now that’s what I’m talking about” Master laughed looking at his new massive ballsack.
“These alpha balls are gonna get emptied into your fiancé tonight, Sammy boi. I’m gonna fill your fiancés pussy with my alpha sperm. I’m gonna impregnate her. And Jess and I are gonna raise those kids together”
Sammy began tearing up. Master saw the tears welling up in Sammy’s eyes.
“How about I reward you, huh? You’ve been a very good boy so far. Good boys get rewarded”
Sammy began to inflate by hearing those very words. He began to inflate like some kind of sex doll. It was like his body was a balloon and Master was blowing air into it. His biceps grew big and muscular. His hands became thick and meaty. His fingers like fat sausages. His face became more boyish looking. Almost as if he was getting younger. The 32 year old slowly regressed into a 19 year old teenager. A teenager that spent all his time in the gym. His mind began emptying. His memories of working hard and running a business faded away. They were replaced by memories of downing protein shakes, working out and dropping out of highschool. Sammy couldn’t even read anymore. He couldn’t write. He could barely think. All education was erased from his mind.
“Eh, you still look too... masculine. I know how to fix that” he deviously grinned.
Suddenly, Sammy’s chest began to inflate. His two pecs began to grow big and heavy. Master sat down beside Sammy and began to playfully finger the space in between his pecs. His pecs grew and grew. Until eventually Sammy’s new tits enveloped Master’s finger. But there was something off about Sammy’s new pecs. They didn’t feel real. They were implants. Implants that made him look like some fake sex doll. A fake sex doll with big fat tits for men to tittyfuck.

Sammy’s face began to change. His face becoming more... fake looking. Sammy’s small lips plumped up. They grew into beautiful plump pillows. Pillows that looked so inviting. They looked like they were begging to be wrapped around a big fat cock.
Sam giggled. He looked like the biggest, most dumbest slut alive. He looked like a human sex doll. A sex doll that was ripe for the fucking. It’s only purpose was to be fucked and came into.

But the implants didn’t stop there. Sammy felt his ass begin to inflate into the size of two big beach balls. His ass becoming comically large. Big and fat. The implants made his ass look so big and extremely fuckable. It was built for fucking. It’s purpose was to be fucked. To be bred by alphas. Master clicked his fingers and suddenly the most feminine gay clothes materialised on Sammy.

“That’s a good fucktoy”
“I so horny, Master. I need to fuck Jessica so badly” Sammy moaned through his new filled lips. His ass bouncing with every movement. His tits on full display.
“Tut tut tut. You’re still straight? After all that? We have to fix that, don’t we... fucktoy” Master said condescendingly.
Sammy’s mind began to get filled with images of cock and cum. Images of getting his big fake ass stuffed full of cum filled his head. Thoughts of getting tittyfucked by daddies were buried inside his mind. The more he thought about it, the harder his one inch cock became. He began absentmindedly rubbing his nub.
“Don’t bother with that, boi. The only way you can cum now, is through this up here” Master smacked Sammy’s ass and forcefully stuck his finger up Sammy’s loose hole. Master began ramming his fingers against Sammy’s prostate. Sammy femininely squealed and moaned.
“UGH, FUCK MY PUSSY DADDY” Sammy screamed pushing himself against Master’s fingers.
Sammy pushed harder and harder until OHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKK. Cum shot everywhere out of Sammy’s small nub. Thin weak sperm squirting everywhere. It was nothing compared to Master’s alpha sperm. Sammy was never going to be getting anyone pregnant. His sperm was weak. It only exists to be fucked out of him. It exists to be wiped up with a tissue and thrown into a bin.
Sammy stood up still shaking from his intense orgasm. His lips plump. His ass shaking. His tits bouncing. He looked like the most perfect sex toy.

“Honey, I’m home” a voice called from downstairs. Jessica made her way to the bedroom.
“Babe!” Jessica screamed excitedly. She ran over to the stranger and gave him the most passionate kiss. “I missed you. I’ve been thinking about you all day”
The old Samuel was screaming inside his own mind after seeing his fiancé kiss the man who had transformed him into this himbo monster.
Jessica looked at Sammy. “How’s my gay best friend doing?” She smiled excitedly.
“I’m, like, totally doing amazing sweetie. I’m like totally gonna get my pussy fucked by some big dom on Grindr tonight” Sammy smacked his big fat ass. It jiggled hypnotically.
Sammy made his way out of the house. The house now belonged to the stranger. The stranger took his cock. His masculinity. His house. His fiancé. He took... Sammy’s entire life.
Sammy is now nothing but a mindless sex doll. Filled with implants and cum. No reading. No thinking. All Sammy does is get fucked and serve his Masters.
“Wait Sammy, before you leave...” The man called to Sammy right before he left.
“You’re coming to me and Jess’ wedding, right?”
“Totally, like, I wouldn’t miss it for the world hehehe” Sammy dumbly giggled as his fake ass jiggled behind him.
The old Samuel was trapped inside his own mind. Completely disconnected from his body. Crying. Screaming. Helplessly watching the man and Sammy’s fiancé live happily ever after... while all Sammy can do is get his new fake ass stuffed full on cum by dom daddies on Grindr.

An Exciting Life

Jason moved to New York with the hopes of making his life more exciting. The hipster had always regretted how much time he spent alone. While his peers were out partying, Jason was always studying or quietly listening to music in his bedroom. Jason thought that all of this would change when he moved to the Big Apple.
“My life will be nothing but bars, partying and strip clubs” he always said to himself
However, after two months in his Brooklyn apartment, Jason was just as lonely as before. He didn’t have friends to party with or bros to go to strip clubs and gawk at all the scantily clad women with. He was lonely.
Jason stepped out onto the fire escape. He gazed out onto the New York skyline and sighed.
“I wish my life was more exciting. Just partying, getting laid and going to strip clubs”
As soon as the words left his mouth, Jason began to feel faint. Jason quickly entered his apartment only to faint, hitting his head on his apartment floor.
When Jason woke up, he was shocked. He opened his eyes to see that he was no longer in his apartment. No longer was he in his cozy home. He was sitting in a comfy chair with a young man sitting next to him. He was in... a club? A strip club? Jason looked around to see the bright neon lights illuminating the room. There were stripper poles dispersed throughout the club and a big stage for the strippers to suggestively dance on. There were men sitting with stacks of $1 bills in their hands patiently waiting for the hot babes to come out onto the stage.
“Hey Jason, you okay?” the man sitting next to me laughed and punched Jason’s shoulder. “You look surprised, buddy”
The man looked like every stereotypical jock. He was handsome. Muscular. And didn’t look too smart. Jason wasn’t gay but even he could see the jock was attractive.

Jason began to get excited. Was his wish granted? Was his life of banging babes and going to strip clubs about to begin? Jason felt like the luckiest person in the world.
“Dude, it’s showtime. Come on” Jason’s new friend said as he jumped up from his seat.
Jason didn’t know where the jock was going. But before Jason had time to think, the man pulled Jason up from his chair and walked off. Jason’s body began to follow the jock against his will.
“Where are we going? I’m confused”
Jason’s new friend continued to walk backstage with Jason. The two eventually reached a secluded room backstage. The jock shut the door behind them.
“Who are you?” Jason asked suspiciously.
“Jason, you know who I am” the man laughed condescendingly. “I’m your coworker. We’re best friends, remember”
New memories began to flood Jason’s mind. Memories of his coworker, Danny, filled his mind. They were best friends. They spent every living moment together. They partied. They banged babes together. They watched football together. They loved to spend time in clubs, especially strip clubs.
“Sorry Danny. I don’t know how I forgot. I’ve been having a weird day. I could never forget about you” Jason smiled at Danny.
“It’s okay, you big dummy. Now let’s do some warmups” Danny began stripping until he was left in nothing but underwear. He made eye contact with Jason. Danny was towering over him. Jason was intimidated by the sheer size of the jock.
“What’re you doing, brah? Warm up and shake that famous bubble butt of yours, bro”
SHAKE. BUBBLE BUTT. The words rang out in Jason’s mind. Almost like he was under Danny’s complete control. Danny unwillingly got on the ground. He spread his legs and began shaking his flat ass. Suddenly, a pleasurable heat began to fill Jason’s ass checks. The heat inflated his cheeks filling them with fat. His ass became big and round. The more Jason twerked the fatter and juicier his ass got. It got so big and round that his ass jiggled like two full waterballoons. Jason moaned and smiled as the pleasure of shaking his juicy melons became too much for him.

“That’s a good, boy. Now strip. Get ready to show off those big muscles”
STRIP. MUSCLES. The hot pleasure filled Jason’s body, focusing on his muscles. Especially his chest. The hot pleasure caused his skinny body to grow. He became big and muscular. His arms the size of footballs. His legs like sturdy tree trunks. His pecs becoming big and round. They became big and soft. Jason couldn’t help but rub his big muscles. It felt so good. It felt so... erotic.

“Attaboy. Show off them big muscles. Damn bro, you’re such an exhibitionist”
SHOW OFF. EXHIBITIONIST. Jason lost all rational thought. Following the commands of Danny just made Jason feel so good. He couldn’t help but just do anything his coworker told him to. Jason wanted to feel good. He wanted to show off. He wanted women to just gawk at him. Admire his godly body. Jason flexed and let out a cocky grin.

“Damn bro. I’m surprised you’re able to understand me so well. I mean, you are Mexican, right? I’m pretty sure you speak little to no English. You can only speak Spanish. Isn’t that right Miguel?”
Jason began to get worried. He had mostly been okay with the changes Danny had been making to him. Big muscles and a cocky attitude were things Jason never had. He secretly loved being huge. Jason did hate how big and juicy his ass looked. But his new big muscular body definitely made up for it.
But this was too far. Jason‘s English thoughts began to dissipate, being replaced by Spanish. His memories began to change. No longer did he remember being raised in Seattle. He remembered growing up in Mexico. He remembered being bullied for his big fat juicy ass in school.
“¿Qué? ¡Soy americana! ¡¿Que me esta pasando?!” Jason was shocked by the words that left his mouth.
“Damn, you really don’t speak any English. But you don’t need English for this job. You just need to look sexy. And you are a very sexy gay Mexican himbo, aren’t you... Miguel?” Danny grinned deviously.
GAY. MEXICAN. HIMBO. Jason... or Miguel’s appearance began to change. His hair becoming long and black. A thick luscious beard began to form. His eyes becoming dark brown. His skin darkening. Miguel’s appearance began to reflect his Mexican heritage. His entire body became Mexican. His average 5 inch white cock shot forward becoming a thick 12 inch Mexican cock. There was no trace of Miguel ever being a skinny, white hipster. He had always been a big sexy Mexican himbo.

The words GAY HIMBO rang out in Miguel’s head. Miguel’s ivy league college education began to drain out of his head. His thoughts began to turn in drool. Miguel stared blankly at Danny as his thoughts, ambition and old personality leaked out of his mouth, dribbling onto the floor. His mouth was forever stuck hanging open. His jaw so relaxed. So relaxed it would just let his drool leak right out of his mouth. His face looked so dumb. So vacant.
Miguel’s sexuality began to shift. Thoughts of cock and getting his new bouncy ass stuffed full of cum filled his mind. He loved cock. He needed cock. Miguel didn’t care about women anymore. He only wanted men to see his body. He wanted to show off his body to men. It felt so natural to show off to men. It felt so... right. Like his entire purpose in life was to show off his big bouncy ass to the horny daddies in the crowd.
“Soy un marica estupido” Jason dumbly giggled as drool dribbled from his hanging mouth.
“Alright, bud. You ready to do your job and strip?” Danny smirked.
“Sí, papi” Miguel drooled and let out a dumb vacant chuckle.
Miguel confidently strode out onto the stage and began his new life as a dumb Mexican stripper. No longer would he have to worry about being smart or even being able to form a coherent sentence. All he had to focus on was being sexy and enticing all the sexy gay men in the crowd.

Jason was now nothing more than a fat assed, dumb, Mexican stripper. But Jason got what he wanted. His life is exciting now. He is forever stuck as a dumb horny stripper dancing and gyrating his body for the men in the crowd. Jason wanted to be in a strip club and now he is forever bound to one.
That’s a good dumb himbo. Strip for daddy.

Pride Month

Johnathan had never considered himself a homophobe. He didn’t mind gay men as long as they weren’t over the top or too flamboyant. But he couldn’t help despise Pride month. He thought it was unnecessary and was disgusted by it. The idea of gay men overtaking the streets, wearing little clothing, forcing their sexuality on him was revolting to Johnathan. He couldn’t help but feel anger build up inside him every June.
“Stupid pride month. They get an entire month to shove their gayness down my throat” he mumbled as he looked out his apartment window seeing the Pride parade below him.
“I wish I got a whole month dedicated to my sexuality” he said smugly.
As soon as the words left his mouth, there was a knock at his apartment door. Johnathan was shocked. He wasn’t expecting anyone. Johnathan waltzed his way to the door and opened it. A big beefy masculine man stood in the doorway grinning at him. He was only wearing a pair of tight pink underwear. “He’s a queer” Johnathan thought to himself. Johnathan could see the outline of the hairy man’s meaty cock straining against his underwear. Even Johnathan was stunned by it’s size. It was as thick as a beer can. Johnathan could see glitter on the man. Johnathan could tell the beefy man had been down there partying with all the other annoying gays.

“You coming to the parade, boy?” the man growled in a condescending tone.
Johnathan was taken back. He had never been called ‘boy’ before. It was almost as if the strange man was trying to humiliate Johnathan.
“What? I ain’t no queer. I don’t want anything to do with that disgusting parade” Johnathan retaliated.
“What are you talking about, boy?” the mysterious man chuckled. He then used his big meaty hands to push Johnathan back into his apartment. The strange man then walked in and locked the door behind him.
“You must be confused” the hairy man said in his deep husky voice. “You’ve always loved the Pride parade, Johnny boi. It gives you a chance to show off that sexy body of yours, especially that big juicy ass.” The stranger grinned.
Johnathan felt a hot pleasure build up in his skinny body, especially his arms. Johnathan looked down to see his biceps grow. They began to inflate like footballs. Becoming bigger and stronger. His flat chest began to grow too. His once flat pectoral muscles inflating. Becoming round and fuller. Almost like a pair of heavy perky tits. He could feel the weight of them on his chest. It all felt so disorientating. Johnathan grabbed his new perky tits only to let out a high pitched feminine moan. His nipples were so sensitive. The slightest touch elicited a feminine pleasure filled moan.
“I love your new bleach blonde hair, Johnny boi. You look like a total himbo” the mysterious man laughed as Johnathan’s dark hair began to lighten becoming a light blonde. Johnathan began moaning as his pecs began involuntarily bouncing. Johnathan was shocked by the high pitched feminine whimpers coming out of his mouth. But he couldn’t stop them. It felt so... natural. It felt so right.

Johnathan’s legs began growing. Becoming thick and beefy. The hot pleasure then began to focus on Johnathan’s ass. His flat ass growing. Becoming big and round. Fat and juicy. His hips becoming wider to accommodate his new melon sized cheeks. Johnathan couldn’t help but fondle them. His new cheeks jiggled with every movement. His new ass looked so inviting. As if his ass cheeks were begging to have a nice big cock jammed up in between them.
“I’m loving your new style” the beefy man said “All you wear now is slutty pink clothes. In fact, you find it impossible to wear any other colour now.”
Johnathan’s suit began to change. The trousers shortened to become a nice pair of pink shorts not even long enough to cover his new big himbo cheeks. His shirt and jacket moulded together to become a nice crop top, exposing his new six pack. The crop top barely concealed Johnathan’s new pair of sensitive titties.

“What are you doing to me?” Johnathan shouts in fear. “I look so...”
“Gay?” the hairy man interrupted. “That’s because you are gay, Johnny. You’re a big homosexual himbo”
HOMOSEXUAL. HIMBO. The words rang out in Johnathan’s mind. He could feel himself fading. Being replaced. His mind was being rewritten by the dominant intruder. His attraction to women dissipated while his attraction to men increased. His fantasies of breeding women were replaced with thoughts of having his hole being stretched by big fat cocks. His apartment began to change. Pride flags appearing on the wall, his walls and furniture turning into a light playful pink and the clothes in his closet being turned into slutty pink crop tops and thongs. The dominant stranger began to fill Johnathan’s thoughts. Johnathan blushed as he imagined his hole being filled by the beast. Johnathan found himself daydreaming about sucking on the man’s big hairy cock. Johnathan began to get hard as all the new gay fantasies filled his little head. Johnathan couldn’t make eye contact with the beast anymore. He felt lesser than him. He was just a hole for him to fuck his potent cum into. Nothing more. His hole began to loosen. No more did he have a tight straight hole. His hole was now loose and sloppy. It had seen many years of penetration. And it was ready for many years more. To encourage anal penetration, Johnathan could now no longer cum from just stroking his penis. He needed a big dom daddy to jam their cock into his prostate in order to feel pleasure. As a result of this, Johnathan’s cock shrank. Shrank until it was nothing more than a one inch nub. He didn’t need his cock anymore. All he needed was his new big juicy melon sized ass cheeks. Johnathan’s nub began to leak precum as he fantasised about the dominant man stuffing his sloppy hole.
“You don’t have to hide your precummy nub from me” the big man cooed. “You’re a big dumb horny himbo. You can’t help it”
DUMB. HORNY. HIMBO. Johnathan felt his brain begin to melt away. The warm pleasure draining away his IQ. Johnathan got dumber and dumber. The dumber he got, the more vacant his face looked. His mouth dropped open. His drool dribbled out onto the floor as he let his intelligence drip away. His IQ dropped to a mind numbingly stupid 40. He was so stupid. His face was forever stuck in a dumb himbo expression. Everyone could tell he was just a big dumb himbo now. Johnathan didn’t even finish high school. He didn’t understand anything. He just sat at the back of the class dribbling on his big fat tits, thinking about getting his hole stuffed full of cum.

“I like totally forgot how stupid I was hehehe” Johnathan giggled in an extremely feminine voice.
“Don’t worry, Johnny. I’ll always be here to do the thinking for you” the daddy smirked. “That’s why I married you”
A wedding ring appeared on Johnny’s finger. Johnny let out an effeminate sigh as he looked at his new dominant husband.
“I like totally love you daddy” he swooned as he let out a high pitched giggle.
“Now show daddy how much you love him. Shake that ass for me, boi” the man deviously grinned.
Johnny immediately started shaking his massive jiggling ass. He began twerking for his daddy. He wanted to make him proud. That was Johnny’s main goal in life now. Looking sexy for his new dom daddy.

Johnny’s fat ass began to ache. It felt like it was missing something. Johnny felt so... empty.
“I need your cock, sir” Johnny whimpered as he nudged his husbands fat pecs with his face. Johnny rubbed his face all over his husband’s chest. He covered himself in his stink. He wanted to be able to smell his daddy at all times.
“Listen boy, go into your room. Strip. Get on all fours and get ready for the pounding of a lifetime” the hairy man smiled. Johnny did as he was told.
Johnny loves his new life as a gay himbo. He has a big fuckable body and a sexy daddy that would buy him anything he wanted. But most importantly, Johnny got exactly what he wished for. Johnny now has an entire month dedicated to his sexuality. Pride Month.

Sam and Mikey

“Sam, stop.” Michael laughed as his best friend Sam fondled the hunk’s breasts.
“I can’t believe it! I can’t believe the spell worked!” Sam yelled in disbelief. “Who would have thought it! Grandad’s old spell book…”
“Yeah Sam. With a body like this, no one is gonna mess with us now!” Michael celebrated.
Sammy continued to knead his friend’s perky breasts. Michael’s chest looked so big and soft, the exact opposite as it had looked 20 minutes ago. Just half an hour ago, Michael was just your average skinny twink. But now… now he was this muscular jock. Well, a jock with the mind of a nerd.
“When does the spell wear off…. bro?” Michael asks absentmindedly, admiring his new flexed bicep.
Sam looked at Michael in confusion. Was he joking? ‘Bro’. Michael would never say such a thing. At least, not in a serious manner like he just did. It just wasn’t in his vernacular. Nor was it in Sam’s. Sam hoped Michael was mocking the jock stereotype. I mean, he wouldn’t put it past Michael to play a joke like this. But it was just the way he said it… it just slipped out of his lips with ease. As if it was a common occurrence.
“Bro?” Sam laughed nervously. “Is everything alright, Michael?”
Michael, who was still admiring his new sexy body, scoffs and laughs. “Dude, who are you, my mother? It’s Mikey. When have you ever called me by my full name, man?”

Sam’s heart dropped into his stomach. Something was wrong. Sam had never called Michael ‘Mikey’ in his life. It had always felt so… so weird. While the two were the closest of friends, they never called each other by anything other than their proper names. Michael and Sam. Sam and Michael. That’s how it had always been. Not Sam and ‘Mikey’.
“I’m getting worried, Michael. I think we should just refer the spell. We can try again later-” Sam panicked, grasping at his grandfather’s spell book. He frantically flicked through the pages before Mikey’s thick hands snatched it away from him.
“I said, DON’T call me that!” Mikey grunts, carelessly swinging the spell book around. “I’m not some fuckin nerd like you, bro!”
Sam flinches, almost cowering before his best friend. This wasn’t part of the plan. The spell book said nothing about mental changes. Only physical. Sam’s hands shake and sweat begins to glisten his skin.
“Calm down, Micha- I mean, Mikey… you’re scaring me-” Sam stutters.
“SCARING YOU? YOU FUCKIN PUSSY, BRO?” Mikey pushes Sam against the wall, his pecs pressing against the twink’s face. “YOU WANNA ACT LIKE A PUSSY? THEN I’M GONNA TREAT YOU LIKE ONE… ISN’T THAT RIGHT, FUCKTOY?”
“No… no please. Don’t-” Before Sam can finish his sentence, Mikey grabs Sam’s head and forces his lips onto his massive pecs. Mikey’s nipples slip their way into Sam’s mouth, forcing him to nurse on his friend’s tits. “SUCK LIKE THE GOOD BITCH YOU ARE!”

Sam, still pressed against the wall, could feel Mikey’s cock pressing against his stomach. Michael, whose cock was around 5 inches on a good day, now had a fat 11 inch cock. A cock big enough to force any slut into submission. Sam didn’t think the spell would affect Michael this much. It was only supposed to turn him into “the man he desired to be”. But Michael didn’t mention that he wanted to be anything like this.
Mikey took a step back, letting Sam fall to his knees. Sam felt dazed from sucking his friend-turned-bully’s tit. He sat back against the wall and noticed something lying on the ground. On the floor, behind the jock, lay Sam’s one chance at escape: the spell book. Maybe there was a way at reversing all this. Changing the hot-headed horny jock Mikey back to sweet caring Michael. Sam had no other choice.
As soon as Sam saw the big hunk admiring his biceps, he made a break for it. He threw himself across the room and onto the book. He clawed at it, scrambling to find the reverse spell. Just as Sam opens the correct page, he feels a force tug him from behind.
Mikey flips Sam on his back and sits on him. The jock’s weight making it impossible for Sam to move. The jock rips the book from Sam’s small hands and stared at it. Mikey squinted at the front cover, struggling to pronounce the words taped onto the book.
“Gran…. grand-fath-er’s spell-book…. Grandfather’s Spellbook!” he yelled triumphantly as drool trickled down the side of his mouth.
“This is what you wanted, lil bro? Wanted to change me? As if…” the jock smiled deviously. “How about I change you, bro. Anything is better than being a nerd, man.”
“How about turning you into my submissive pet or an inflatable sexdoll… or maybe a jock like me…?” Mikey grinned as Sam began pleading to the huge jock.
“Huhuhuhu bro. Oh no bro. You’re fucked huhuhu. This one is perfect.” He dumbly chuckles.
“Don’t worry, brah. You’re gonna love being my happy, air-headed submissive boiwife” the jock smiled and recited the wish.
Sam began growing beneath him. More fuckable. More bouncy. More slutty. His brain emptying of all thoughts and worries. Leaving him as nothing more than a big assed fuckable himbo.
Mikey looked down at his creation beneath him, smirking at the wedding ring trapped on former Sam’s finger.
“Oh fuck man… you’re perfect.”

Riding Shotgun
Cristofer said he would only be inside for a minute.
He left his bud Matthew in the car. They’ve been friends since they were kids through now in their college years, but Matthew always wished for more. Matthew’s self image was poor, especially around Cristofer. After all, his short, slim, white body didn’t even compare to Cristofer’s Latin god-like physique. Cristofer always had the attention of every girl and guy in Matthew’s life, and while Matthew did have his share of flings with guys from his home town, he always wanted his best friend more than anything.
The two had finally finished moving into their dorms and decided to have one of their familiar smoke sesh’s they enjoyed throughout high school to usher in their first year at college. Cristofer said he would only be a minute in the plug’s apartment so Matthew stayed behind in the car. Something else stayed behind in the car too. Cristofer’s sweet, hypnotising musk.
Matthew always had a weak spot for musk, especially his best friend’s. In this instance, it was especially powerful. Maybe it was the heat of the car, maybe it was Cristofer’s sweat from moving his stuff into the dorms. Matthew couldn’t help it, he was chubbing.
He inhaled deeply, feeling as though he was burying his face in Cristofer’s chest, taking in his scent. He rubbed his thickening dick through his shorts. Thank goodness Cristofer was taking so long in the plug’s house... he was probably sampling what he was buying. Matthew was at full mast at this point, aggressively rubbing his dick over his shorts. Under the fabric, something was growing.
Matthew couldn’t feel it in his bouts of ecstasy, but his dick was getting plumper and plumper with each pump, his foreskin inexplicably growing back. Matthew teased his nipples over his shirt, nipples that were growing darker and darker under his clothing, like the rest of his skin. The scent was getting stronger. Where the fuck was it coming from??
Matthew shot his eyes into the back seat of the car, one of Cristofer’s workout tanks was laying in the backseat of the car. Matthew was unhinged, he quickly snatched it from the seat, brought it straight to his face, and inhaled deeply. His lungs filled up with Cristofer’s aroma, sweet, soapy, sweaty, a touch of his trademark cologne. As he inhaled, a warm, vibrating sensation surged through his body, it felt like he was floating. Matthew was hardly floating, but getting heavier and heavier by the second. Matthew’s chest thickened as he inhaled, his once extremely humble pecs growing like mounds. In no time, Matthew had a bulbous, heaving set of muscle tits. Matthew continued stroking his dick over his shorts, overtaken by the moment and unaware of the change occurring all over his body. Under his shirt, his abs protruded and formed deep ridges, quickly forming a steadily thickening washboard. On either side of his now 9 inch horse cock and pendulous balls, his calf and leg muscles thickened like tree trunks, threatening the stitching of his shorts. His muffled moans under Cristofer’s tank deepened and deepened to a sensuous bass, and his neck thickened with hard muscle and protruding veins. His body was growing almost twice the size as it had been, leaving him hot and sweaty with effort. Matthew’s hair shrank back into his head, making a nice clean buzz like Cristofer’s. His features rearranged themselves, his jaw sharpening, his cheekbones lifting, a dusting of facial hair sprouting, and his lips fattening (“great dick sucking lips” Matthew always shamelessly thought of his friend’s kissers). Finally, his arms began swelling, larger and larger, his bis and tris forcing against the edges of the seat and the passenger side door. Fuck, it looked like he could tear a phone book in half.
It was after he felt the itching on his arm, which turned out to be Cristofer’s tattoo forming against his arm and wrist, and the intensity of the heat, that Matthew, in his fit of ecstasy, decided to shed himself of his now ridiculously tight shirt. As soon as he did, he looked down on himself, felt the familiar heightened shudder of an orgasm rock his body, but this time with double the intensity, and immediately shot a thick, ropey, volumous load in his shorts.
Matthew sat staring at himself, panting, damp with perspiration, his load slowly dripping out of the legs of his shorts and onto the carpet of the car. He felt himself up, groping his thick arms, squeezing his pecs, running his hands down his washboard abs, and seeing the still pulsing tent in his short. His cock had *never* been this hard or large. What’s more, the heft of all these muscles was a completely new sensation. Wilder still, his skin had never been this..... tan? He quickly pulled down the passenger side vanity mirror and gasped. He was Cristofer. Inexplicably, but unmistakably, he was Cristofer. Another earth-shattering orgasm rocked his body, thick cum pouring out of his already damp shorts and onto the carpet, adding to the already impressive puddle between his feet.

The click of the drivers door stunned Matthew back to his senses. Cristofer shimmied into the car, explaining himself as he did.
“Sorry, he kept going on and on about chemtrails or how birds aren’t real or whatever the fuck. What the hell is that smell, smells like—“
Cristofer’s words were cut short when he finally turned to look at his friend. Instead of Matthew, there sat a complete and total carbon copy of himself, still panting with exertion, still slightly damp with sweat, clutching Cristofer’s tank he had been meaning to take out of his back seat. A thousand emotions hit him all at once, anger, confusion, concern, slight joy, intrigue, shock.. but only one stood out to him now. Arousal, which was causing his horse cock to lift up against his sweatpants.
Matthew felt it too. He saw the massive tent in Cristofer’s sweatpants. He could feel his own, feeling like it was going to burst for a third time.
Eyes locked, the two simultaneously licked their lips, and dove into each other across the car’s center console, passionately making out, feeling each other up like madmen.

"what do you mean you think you like this new hairless look I've got going on bro?" The jock asked me gesturing to the thick expanse of hair covering his shirtless chest, like it was the most ridiculous thing he had heard today. I mean he had every right, he WAS a hairy mountain of a man but as the question left my lips I saw the forestbof hairs retreat from his chest, arms, legs, and jaw. Leaving him as smooth as the day he was born.
Chet over here had the misfortune of being rude to me at the gym, I apparently was on his favorite leg press and he'd made an ass out of himself. So I was going to use it. He sat down between his sets resting and I had decided to do the same next to him.
"I just mean it goes so well with that new hairstyle you got yesterday at the salon" dog piling on the changes, his face cocked in confusion. "Bro. I don't know you, and I don't go to no faggy salons!" He says brushing his hair back, before he rolls his eyes at you. "I get myself waxed for comps and that's it!" His voice sounding so done with me. But his brows were furrowing, things felt dizzy confusing as his posture shifted a little.
I just smirk, "ofcourse you go to faggy salons you silly airhead, they always give you those facials you love that make the skin around your gorgeous dick sucking lips, so nice and pristine!" I could see him ball his fists, my god who would dare fucking talk Chet Wilder, College Quarter back this way. I would.
I could see my choice of words already taking effect, the airhead comment was making his faces' anger soften, his lips began to plump until they were nice and supple always in a permanent pout. He couldn't stop himself from letting out a giggle. "What..what are you doing...doing to me" Chet rapidly said, he felt warm and fuzzy, all his thoughts flooding out of his brain, drifting aimlessly until I decided where to put them.
"you don't have to think about that, you never have to think about anything other than stuffing that giant bubble butt of yours with as many cocks as your slutty hole can dream of" I say, god I was really laying it onto him thick. I shifted his own thoughts and identity into mass and shifted all of that energy down his body and onto his tight muscled ass. He started to squirm in his chair, his pants already tight began to rip and tear as his new beach ball ass lifted him out of the seat. His face became what I could only describe as empty, his eyes rolling back in pleasure as he bit his lips. I was destroying a masculine man, I was remaking him into a bubble butted slut himbo who needed cock like an addict needed their fix.
I felt the raw magic settle and heard him moan, more like whine in a high pitched voice... "Fuck..fuck yes somebody fill my holes" he yelled throwing his head back biting his lips eyes closed.

For @teku73neku69. I’m still typing on my broken iPhone, so excuse the potential typos that will pop up.
Harry had been working out for the past two hours, desperately trying to lose his stubborn paunch. The past few years of 9 to 5 cubicle life had taken a toll on his self esteem, so thanks to a wayward Pinterest post, he bought a membership at the local neighborhood gym. After his first day of a rather pathetic attempt at the rowing machine and treadmill, he thought a nice relaxing stint in the sauna would help relax his aching legs.
Opening the thick cedar wood door to the sauna, the humid air burst forth through the opening. He walked over the creaking wooden floor, and plopped down onto the dry, warm bench. The oppressive heat combined with the subtle pain in his neck encouraged him to relax and melt into a slouch, ignoring the other patron lounging in the corner.
Like a panther stalking it’s prey, the man sitting hunched over in the corner stared at Harry. He silently analyzed him, all the while smirking with restrained excitement.
“First time?” Harry jumped, startled by the unseen man sharing the sweltering sauna. He gingerly nodded, praying to God he could escape any socialization with this… gorgeous man. The man was glistening with crystalline beads of sweat across his sumkissed skin. Every crevice between his hard muscles was brilliantly outlined with the glow of steamy sweat and light forests of hair. His rugged beard surrounded his cocky smirk, bringing direct attention to his supple lips and sweet saccharine eyes. Harry was caught off guard, tripping over whatever words he could muster.
The jock knew of his magnetic presence all too well. Many a man have been caught in his irresistible web. He’d done this schtick thousands of times over his lifetime, it’d never failed him thus. Cockiness was a given.
“Never seen ya before. The name’s Matty.” Harry shifted uncomfortably as Matty jumped down from the bench above him, plopping down right next to him. He stretched his arms out and spread his legs with a big sigh. “Nothing like a good sauna after a long ass lift session.” What appeared to Harry as dimwitted jockspeak and typical broish behavior hid a more calculated agenda, as the exposure of Matty’s pits began a process that couldn’t be reversed.
It started as a little twitch in his nostril. A tickle almost. Within moments he knew exactly what it was: the sour, salty scent of pitsweat. Harry looked slightly to his right, straight into Matty’s sticky pits. The way the dim light hit the beadlets of sweat on his curly pithairs seemed to transfix his gaze. Perspiration dripped in streams like rivers down his sides. Matty babbled ob, knowing full well whatever words he said were droned out by his mesmerizing musk.
Harry kept inching toward Matty, becoming increasingly more desperate for a closer whiff. Just a little bit of his sweat on his tongue and he’d be satisfied… These foreign, uncharacteristic thoughts both frightened and aroused Harry, and as they grew within him they became stronger and more pervasive.
Having lost track of time, Matty hadn’t realized that his rank pheromones had worked all too well, even quicker than usual. Harry had been intently staring at Matty’s body, losing any semblance of self-control. Sporting his trademark cocky grin, he grabbed the back of Harry’s head and buried it into his pits.
“Yeah, I knew you liked it. You love that sweaty stink. You love these rock hard muscles.” Harry felt the sticky sweat transfer from Matty to his face, his scent marking his territory. The pungent sour smell was intoxicating, and highly addictive. “Lap it up, man. Take it all in. I got plenty.” Harry let his tongue slip out of his mouth, and taste the salty sweat. No five star chef could serve anything as delectable. “Yeah, let my essence in. Let it mould you. Let it shape you.”
With every lap of his tongue, Matty’s musk did its work on Harry. His flabby body lost its marshmallowy padding, little by little. His mind became hazy and empty, his persona becoming completely erased from reality. His weight dropped rapidly: 250… 220… 195… with each pound lost, a brain cell followed suit. By the time Matty pulled him out, Harry was a completely blank slate. A scrawny mindless drone.
Matty rubbed his hands together, beaming with electric glee at his canvas. He swung around grabbing Harry’s head once again , and laid down onto the bench. This round, Harry met Matty’s dank, damp crotch face first. The smell here was different- buttery, sweet, maybe even a bit bitter. One thing was certain: it was just as strong as his pits. Matty eagerly pulled his shorts down, exposing his thick, long, uncut cock. Without even forcing him to do so, Harry instinctively thrust the slick, sweaty cock deep down his throat. Matty groweled in ecstasy, grabbing Harry’s hair and skull fuckibg his empty head.
“Yeah you love cock, don’t ya? Can’t deny it, I do too. I love my thick, dirty, cheesy cock just as much as you!” The sound of Matty’s pendulous balls smacking Harry’s chin as he thrust in and out echoed in the tiny humid room. Each slurp, Harry had a face full of Matty’s bush stink, unparalleled in its veracity. From within him bellowed a rumbling- a sloshing, bubbling, slimy sound which emanated from his balls. “Aww fuck man, you wanna be like me don’t ya bro? You wanna be a fuckibg king! You wanna fuck like a king, smell like a king, look like a king.” He howled as he blew his thick, creamy load into Harry.
What started as a rather large load became much much more, as Matty shot gallon after gallon of cum inside Harry like a firehose. He grinned from ear to ear as he saw Harry begin to grow, as his muscles inflated with the strange cum. Guzzling it down, Harry began to feel again. He felt the cum flow into his feet, inflating them like water balloons to a strong size 13. It seeped into his calves, his quads and hams… feeling the liquids fill him and harden into strong, powerful muscle. Gurgling and gagging noises began to escape his mouth.
“Don’t you give up on me bro!!” Matty shouted, as he kicked off his trashed white trainers and damp socks, pulled down Harry’s shorts, and began to pump his growing cock with his rank, filthy feet. Of all of Matty’s pheromones, none were as powerful as his foot funk. The cheesy, buttery, acidic smell was his secret weapon: enough to bring even the strongest man to his knees. Matty could feel his cum begin to inflate Harry’s cock, as the rod slithered and squirmed its way to a stark ten inches with a foreskin slipping over the head. “Yeahhhhh. There we go.”
Harry’s pecks ballooned out, and abs audibly popped out from his midsection one by one. His hands grew meaty and calloused, biceps bulging and veiny, shoulders burst like mountains, and pits grew dank and emanated a familiar stench. Harry wrapped his body around Matty, suckling his cock like a calf to an utter, bow actively sucking the cum into him. By the time the cum had filled his head, he was no longer Harry. He finally released from Matty’s engorged cock, and roared as he shot the excess cum from his new cock, coating Matty in a mix of his own cum and that of his new buddy. Matty looked at his work, pleasantly surprised by the outcome.
“Oooh. An Asian invasion eh? That’s new. I think it’s a good look on you.” The new hunk smirked and chuckled.
“Hahah, fuck yeah man. Name’s Kwan.” Kwan swiped up Matty’s ratty socks and wiped off his thick cock, his sweaty abs, and even took a proud whiff. Matty watched proudly as Kwan slipped the socks and trashed trainers on. After all, sharing is caring amongst bros! The two spent the next three hours fuckibg and making out, coating the entire sauna in a thick layer of their seed. As they sauntered out, they smirked knowing that two men completely filled with cum had to share… and multiply.

If y’all liked this, please check out my Patreon to keep this blog (and me) alive!!
So I'm a chubby gay White guy, any chance you could turn me into a muscular gay East Asian guy that's a jock that still likes stuff like anime? Or biracial, as long as the more dominant heritage is something like Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Taiwanese.
I'd prefer a build anywhere between a like swimmer/tennis players build, a baseball players build, or a football/rugby players build, I'm not really that picky as long as I have decent abs.
How can a package smell like that?
That's the first thing you think when you pull it from outside. Jesus it's like an armpit in your place just that quickly.
You ordered a bath bomb from that weird website, just out of curiosity and half expecting it to be some kind of scam. You were watching Chainsaw Man when you got a knock on your door. It's one of those soft packages that Amazon sometimes uses but with YourNewBody stamped on it. And at the bottom, rolling around, is the bath bomb.
You open it and get a gamey wallop of pure musk to your face. Images flash through your skull: used jockstraps and cups, sweaty hairy armpits just inches from your face, locker rooms.
You've never even had those thoughts before so why do they feel so....familiar. Like memories almost.
You're hard. Your cock pitching a serious tent in your boxers. The muscles flex involuntarily and you groan.
You take the bath bomb out of the package. It's see through and kind of murky from the fluid inside? You've never seen one like this. Hell you've never smelled one like this. You bring it to your nose, take a big whiff.....
And nearly cream your boxers right then and there. Another image: this time of you bent over in a dugout while your teammate - wait teammate - fucks you from behind, your smells - smells? - mixing together despite the open air space. Stranger still, you can't even imagine your body in this memory - fantasy, not a memory, a fantasy - which adds to the artificial feeling of it. You want to see what it'll smell like when you drop it in water.
So you go to your bathtub and fill it. Not even fully comprehending you walking to the tub and plugging in the stopper, and turning on the water. There's a distinctly quieter voice telling you that something is very, very wrong. It's drowned out by this increasing fuzziness, like TV static is filling your head. You should be thinking about your D&D session tomorrow. You should be thinking about trying to get some sleep.
But you're not thinking about that, are you?
Your swollen cockhead seems to become your actual brain. You're fondling the bath bomb like a pair of balls in your hand. What kind of balls? For a split second it's a baseball. Then it's the swinging, sagging, fat, sweaty, hairy, musky balls of one of your teammates, pent up and swollen after a long, hard game. He's fucking your throat while his balls slap your chin. "Good boy." His voice is deep and rough.
That fantasy memory is particularly powerful and compelling.
You open your eyes, both of them bugging out. Both at the loud, whimpering moan you just unleashed and at the involuntary word switch. The static in your head clears just long enough for you to accidentally drop the bath bomb in your bathtub, and it starts dissolving the moment it contacts the water.
The murky liquid spills out and turns your bathwater into pure jock sweat.
The smell it unleashes is intoxicating. Your bathroom is becoming a steamy sauna. The mirror fogs. Your glasses fog and you take them off. Dampness appears on the walls, smelling just like your sweaty bathwater.
You stagger and collapse on the toilet, squirming as you roll your underwater down and kick them off. Tossing them in a pile on the corner. You take your socks off and toss them on top of your boxers. You grip onto the sink as your cock becomes steel. You've never been this hard in your life.
I need to - I need to cum! Holy shit I need to CUM!
You flex your cock - voluntarily this time - and that's all it takes to start cumming. Your orgasm is mind numbingly intense. All you can do is curl your toes and clench your fists, throw your head back and squeeze your eyes shut as you shoot a fountain of cum, it splattering loudly on the tile floor.
After about a minute, it's over.
You open your eyes.
Your cock shouldn't still be hard.
You should be in your - in your - in your...
You should probably be a little scared at the fact that you cannot think of the term refractory period. In fact, it feels like 90% of higher thinking is just shut off for right now. The other 10% is frantically trying to claw back to the surface of this dense, but pleasant fog that's settled in your head. The 90% of you that's in command gets off the toilet and steps towards the alluring smell of your bathwater. You stare at the musky steam rising off it. Your dazed face looking back at you in the water.
You put one foot in. Then the other. You start hyperventilating like you're getting into a cold pool, but the water is so warm. So cozy and inviting. You hold onto the bathtub as you sink into the water. First your ass, then your legs, then your balls and twitching cock.
Then the rest of your body falls as you lose your balance, feet scrambling on the slippery floor as the water envelops your cock. The sensation is so intense you just spasm and let yourself fall. As the entirety of your body falls into the water, droplets landing into your open, panting mouth and on your flushed face, your body sinks a little into the water. You're more compact now. 5'5". Pocket sized really. That shedded mass lands squarely in your balls and they become swollen with your lost height. They touch the bottom of the tub as your legs kick and writhe, splashing water onto the floor. They grow into the huge baseballs you like squeezing when there's downtime, just to feel balls in your hands.
Bigger balls mean more hormones.
The flush of them causes your cock to stretch. And while it's stretching, your pubes grow into the perfect, tangled mess of a landing pad for the syrupy pre-cum that's leaking into the water. You surpass your average length of 4 and a half inches with ease and cruise steadily into 5 and a half. You're moaning with wanton abandon now. That 10% that was concerned about such silly things such as "modesty" has evaporated to like 5% now, and it's a losing battle, because you're leaking with no end in sight as your cock crests to 6 and a half inches. You pump an even larger amount of pre as your beard falls out and lands in the water. With each gush of thicker pre, your body hair just melts away and floats like flotsam in the water. Your armpit hair is still as thick - if not thicker. Your cock finally stops growing at 7 and a half, pulsing, throbbing, inches.
You try your damnedest to steady your breathing. Your cock sticks up proudly in the water, the swollen, purple-ish head nearly breaching the surface. You use all of your might to look down and see that bigger cock. The thicker pubes. Your legs are spread wide to make room for your balls. You place your hands on your lower stomach, your fingers caught in your pubes. It's trembling, quaking. As you look down, huffing and puffing, your chubby stomach suddenly collapses.
The fat doesn't disappear, no, it just makes its presence known behind your nipples which pop out like a distressed belly button. The skin stretches and the nubs pop out and into the water. You're practically screaming with pleasure as the fat in your stomach melts away and slides to your pecs, your abs popping out one by one into a tight six pack, cum gutters sprouting in your thicker waist and pointing to that unbelievably hard cock of yours.
Your pecs inflate with fat and muscle, like big floaties strapped to your chest. You can feel the weight of them as they blow up with muscle and fat, all of the underdeveloped muscles breaking and tearing, strengthening and becoming so much stronger, so much more powerful. You're squirming like a caught rattlesnake right now, water just going everywhere. The crease between your pecs is mouthwatering. Your pink nipples are so suckable. Your abs finally finish growing and settling in. Your pecs heave one final time and crest over them, your underboob just as sensitive as the massive flesh sacs above themselves. You're flooded with memories of your teammates tugging and playing with your tits. Some of them sucking on the fat nipples. Coach massaging oil onto them after a good workout.
Your cock is leaking a steady stream of actual cum but it's not a true orgasm, just a mini one because your body cannot handle this constant edging. Something has to give, right? There's less water in the tub since your body is absorbing the sweaty, thick water.
Your traps fan out and help your shoulders thicken with powerful muscle. You can feel how strong and powerful that neck of yours is. The growth flows downwards into your biceps, arms blowing up so quickly they start rubbing against your pecs, making up come harder and yelp. Your forearms thicken up and your hands - your small little hands - blow up into meaty paws. You take your arms out of the water - god they're so heavy - and expose your rank pit to the air.
None of your teammates are around so your own pit will have to do. Your other hand worships and rubs your abs.
You lick and kiss your fat, bulging bicep. Your feet stretch bigger, wider, longer. The less than 1% of the old you left marvels at your size 7 feet bloating into massive size 14 stompers, your toes and soles crawling up the tub and breaching the water's surface.
You're fucking an invisible ass. With every thrust of your stronger, wider hips, your own ass starts growing. You've experienced a massive amount of weight loss and fat redistribution, and conservation of mass requires that shaved off mass to go somewhere. It can't go to your pecs, so it fills up your ass and stretches your hole like it's made of rubber. Your ass is going to be the talk of the town. You won't be able to hide it. Visible through your pants, chewing up boxers and briefs, absolutely stretching out any jockstrap you wear. Jiggling and so enticing, literally striking men dumb and horny. And once they get a taste of that puckering hole - or even better, fuck it - they'll be just as blank and dumb as you are.
There's nothing left of the old you. All of those old worries and thoughts flood into your ass, converted into pure, strong muscle, making that fat ass perky and sit higher on your lower body.
Your thighs expand with muscle and fat, inflating and rubbing together, squeezing your balls and making you squeal. Your calves brush up against the tub, flexing and becoming massive. Your legs have the ability to carry that dumpy of yours and then some. You can carry your teammates for miles. You can straddle and ride a dick into the sunset. Your hole is built for milking every last drop out of your teammates' - and Coach's? - balls. They're pure bulk, those legs, and strong enough to crush a watermelon.
You scream as your face collapses and rearranges. Bone structure becomes more defined as your jaw hardens and your cheekbones become softly pronounced. Your nose pops bigger into the crook of your elbow and your sense of smell actually improves. You take in all your musk, and all the musk of the bathwater all at once. You can even smell the cum boiling in your balls, so you know you're closer than ever.
Your brain shrinks even further. You're only really able to piece together basic sentences and even then, it's gonna take a while for you to construct it and speak it. And when you're horny? Forget about it. You're only thinking about your teammates and pleasing Coach. The next game. You don't really play all that much, but you're a good distraction for the opposing team. No matter how good of a pitcher, they'll make easy mistakes because they'll be too busy staring at your bountiful ass squeezed into your uniform. And if you remember to wear a shirt, your nipples poking against the fabric and those swaying tits when you don't remember to wear a shirt. The latter option happens more often.
You grab your cock with both hands - yes it's a two-hander now - and you start fucking your fist. As you fuck your fist, your body goes through the last change. Your white skin begins darkening, well beyond a normal tan. You're changing race. You open your eyes, for just a second, as you watch your face rearrange one final time and you become Korean. You shut your eyes again as the tan spreads to your tits, beefs them up further, the color spreading to your pink nipples and making them dark and even more sensitive. It spreads down to your abs and arms. Wherever it touches, that area of your body beefs up.
Bigger biceps, bigger shoulders, stronger abs.
Thicker pubes.
Stronger thighs and bigger calves.
Then it hits your cock.
And you explode.
Your cock darkens and your balls become even bigger. You gain that half inch and become a full, mighty, 8 inches hard. Your cum is so thick. Musky. You hug yourself as you cum hands free, hips bucking, balls swinging. You don't see the water absorb your cum, keeping it clear but even smellier.
You finally stop cumming.
Open your eyes just a bit, prettier eyelashes fluttering.

You are hot shit.
You slowly rise out of the water. Muscles exhausted. Cumming is its own workout. You step out of the tub and onto the tiles with your bigger feet. Your cock softens yes but it's gonna exist at a permanent, dripping semi 99% of the time. The 1% reserved for sleeping really.
"Oh, I should probably let the water out huhuh."
You reach into the water. Moaning as the smell hits you in the face. You let it drain, along with your cum and lost body hair.
You see your boxers and socks on the floor but even from here they look too small. You don't think anything of it - mostly because you can't really think anymore. You must've bought the wrong size by accident. You're not totally helpless - hey you've made it this far in life with that dull brain of yours, you've got your own apartment and everything - but sometimes you let easy things slip by you.
You stumble out of the bathroom. Holding onto the walls for support. You're not used to this weight. This sensitivity. The way everything feels so heavy. You let slip a dumb laugh as you creep into your bedroom.
Your laptop's on the bed. The screen open. It's buzzing with notifications. You don't recognize the names. You try your hardest to force a connection in your cotton candy brain but nothing comes up.
"What's a D&D?"
Your meaty chest rises and falls. You close out the text messaging app. People are asking for some guy whose name you don't even know, asking if you're ready for tomorrow's session. Probably the wrong number. The only thing you've got going on tomorrow is practice. Which lets be honest - the only thing getting "practiced" is that insatiable hole of yours, and your throat.
You search around but can't find anything to put in your twitching asshole. You shrug and stick two fingers in your ass and start fingering yourself. Your just used cock rising to attention, as you look at your computer screen.
Holy shit you forgot you were watching Chainsaw Man! You fill with glee. You love this show! Any anime really because it's pretty easy for you to follow and you don't get bored.
Now, if only you could just remember what episode you were on .....
Live Reenactment
Me when this was supposed to be posted yesterday. Was chugging along well until I got hit in the head with a migraine because my body responds to any weather changes like a demon being doused with holy water. Anyway, hope y'all have fun reading this!
Bradley blinks.
"You're into role play? That's not all that weird."
Parker wipes his mouth and laughs. Cleans it of Bradley's spit. He didn't expect Parker to be such a good kisser.
"Well it's not really role-play. How do I explain this? We kind of ... become the roles."
Bradley nods as if he understands. This sounds like some hyper-specific fetish but who cares? At least Parker's honest about it.
"Okay, sure."
Parker raises an eyebrow.
"Are you sure?"
"Dude you're like the most interesting person I've slept with." Bradley shrugs. Parker really isn't, but Parker is the first person in a very, very long time who has shown any remote interest in Bradley that he's afraid of letting him vanish into the ether of Grindr again. "I'm okay with it."
"Okay. Okay."
"So what do I have to do?"
Parker takes a big gulp of air. Lets it out. Bradley can feel the air current travel over to him, and its warmth surprises him, seems to blanket his body.
"Okay, all you gotta do now is just pretend you're loading laundry."
Bradley's feet, seemingly of their own will, walk over to the laundry machine and he gets down on his hands and knees, opens the door. What the fuck!?
"Let me know if you ever want to stop."
Before Bradley can say anything or ask a question, the horniness he was feeling earlier, lightened up a little bit since this whole roleplay talk, hits him like a brick wall. His mouth falls open and he moans into the washing machine, the sound coming out louder and more lewd than he'd wanted.
Or even expecting.
It's like something has seized him, an iron fist of hormones that makes his brain swim. He clutches onto the washing machine as his cock shoots straight out, practically feeling like it's going to fly off, and makes a huge tent in his sweatpants. Sweat pours out of him in buckets as his body heats like he's inside of an oven. He hears Parker moan behind him and Bradley looks over his shoulder and what looks like Parker's chest swelling, huge nipples pressing against his flannel as the buttons across his shirt strain as hair comes out from between the distressed shirt.
"Oh god, this feels so good!"
The deepening of Parker's voice into something gruff - older sounding too - makes Bradley tremble. Not in fear but in pure arousal, cock standing up harder and dripping in his pants, staining his underwear. He sighs in confused pleasure as his hole starts twitching and puckering. A need growing inside of it. The sensation makes his brain spin even faster. He'd never experienced a need for a cock in him. Never felt his hole pucker like this, like it's a hungry mouth looking for something big and fat to split it.
His clothes feel looser on his frame, almost like they're growing too big for him. The sudden arching of his back makes him moan and lose his grip on the washing machine, as he thrusts his ass out. His stomach bubbles and gurgles as he looks down, lifts his damp shirt and sees his small gut violently suck inwards. If the sensation of all his stubborn belly fat sucking inwards and dissolving was like having an orgasm focused entirely on his stomach, then the feeling of all of his loose fat moving to his flat ass, landing there squarely and fattening up those cheeks is like being edged by expert hands.
His voice swerves and cracks an octave or two higher. His once smooth voice sounds softer, twinkier.....
His flattening stomach loses its sparse coating of body hair. The new smooth skin feels foreign to his softening fingers, the thinning, shrinking digits sending sparks of pleasure up and down his spine. Holy fuck it's so sensitive.
"Damn, you sound sexy."
Parker grunts and growls a little as buttons fly off his shirt and land next to Bradley. Bradley looks away from his shrinking stomach, biting his lip as one of his hands starts teasing his sensitive, swollen cockhead. God his body feels like one big erogenous zone, like he's just sprouted nipples everywhere. More buttons land on the floor next to him and Bradley turns in time to see the final heave of Parker's massive pecs mount on his chest. They're huge with massive pegs for nipples on the front of his tit-flesh. His body is coated with dark, dense hair that swirls through the center of his tits and down his gyrating stomach, which is smoothing out and expanding and stretching as he's....growing taller!?
Or...is he?
"Am I shrinking?"
His shirt becomes entirely too big for him as another wave of fat and muscle expands Bradley's ass into a huge bubble that shakes through the fabric of his sweatpants. His twinky voice makes his cock spit out more pre into the palm of his hand that's still working his cock like a joystick.
"God you sound so hot!"
Bradley sees large, imposing abs press against Parker's rougher looking skin. Parker is grabbing his own cock and humping his hand, while the other tweaks his nipples as his biceps bloat and strain the sleeve of his shirt, his deep, resonant moans making Bradley quiver like the voice is fucking him.
Bradley strips off his damp shirt. The need in his asshole, deep in his body, makes him run a finger along his cavernous ass crack, making him shiver and moan and his cock jump in his sweatpants, and he feels all the hair down there basically receding into nothingness. When his finger crests his puckering hole - a light coating of hairs crowning the fleshy entrance - he wails in pleasure as his finger sinks right inside of it. His brain feels like hormonal soup right now as he fingerfucks himself. Cock going wild against his hand. He shoves his middle finger all the way down past the second knuckle as his index finger circles the pit of his asshole making him twitch and sigh.
"Yeah keep moaning like that baby."
More fat moves from his small manboobs and goes into his ass, some of it converted into muscle. He can feel his ass cheeks expanding around his fingers, fattening and pressing them together and making them go deeper into his ass, the need he'd just developed barely even satisfied. He whimpers and shakes like he's freezing cold as his index finger falls into his greedy ass. So deep. Rhythmically going in and out of his fattening ass.
His torso is so small now. He looks down and barely recognizes the tanning skin that's gracing his small torso. His girth and wideness has been siphoned into his ass and now growing thighs, whatever fat can't fit just flowing downwards as the excess fat in his thighs is dissolved and tightened into thin, athletic muscle to hold his big ass high and perky. He's whining and whimpering like he's in pain, but the sensation across his entire body is just so good it's blinding. His nipples are so hard and pointy that it's like his chest hasn't even gotten smaller. He takes his other hand off his cock and begins tweaking and pulling on his nipples. Taking his hand out of his ass and taking off his loosening sweatpants and briefs which are sliding off his thinning legs, waist sucking inwards while his hips pop outwards.
"Damn your ass looks good baby."
Bradley thrusts his ass out again as his thighs finish bloating and thinning, the smooth pillars of twink flesh enticing and milky, the tan stopping right at his ass giving him a tan line for the century.
"Does - does it?"
His voice is so high and breathy, his throat and Adam's apple thinning. Small abs imprint themselves on his flat stomach as Bradley squirms around, his stomach tightening and flexing as his strong core makes itself apparent against his skin. He turns and sees Parker playing with his nipples as his bulge bloats larger in his straining khakis, the button popped off and gone somewhere, the base of his cock curling with salt and pepper hairs visible through the soaked fabric of his underwear. Parker's cock snakes larger and his balls fill up, bloating larger and making Parker bellow with pleasure. Pre just oozing out of his cock like a broken water main. He smells Parker from here, the scent of a man who'd just gotten back from a hard workout, his thicker, older body coated with erotic sweat. He moves his hand off his chest and body and back to his cock.
"God you should smell my pits!"
Bradley can imagine it. He whimpers again as his own pit hair thins out, and his smell is still present - a musk underneath all that sweat and hormones - but it's definitely not as pungent as Parker.
Parker's smell makes Bradley's own cock twitch and he feels something at the base of it. His 6 incher stiff as a board against his hand, leaking all inside of his dryer with his pre. His abs finish pressing against the skin as he yells out in pleasure at his thinning calves. His feet slim down in his socks, the big size 11s shrinking to size 9s. His feet pop and pleasurably sink in, the loose fabric around his smaller feet being clenched between his curling toes. The shrinking of his feet caused another jolt at the base of his penis. He looks down and feels and sees the engorged length of his cock sucking inwards, the bulbous head going lower into his abdomen, feeling smaller but no less stiff in his smaller hand, the final shrinkage making his hands soft and smooth. The pubes above his cock turn blonde and get thicker, sprouting like a forest above his smaller cock. It smells like most of his lost stink is focused on his pubes, as the musk there is stronger but still lighter compared to..his old body and Parker behind him, moaning and groaning into his own pit. The shrinking feels like his cock is being sucked off from behind by the skin its sinking into. His cock spits out thick pre and it's like the worst edging session of his life. It feels incredible, unbelievable actually, but worst because he's so close to cumming but it's like his body is continually denying him the orgasm.
"I can't - I can't take anymore!"
Small pecs mount themselves behind his swollen nipples, the lost mass in his cock sliding upwards with some of it bloating his ass out further and the rest filling in the space of his pecs. The muscle expands and contracts, stretching his nipples even further and almost making him bump his head - the hair in top of it turning blonde and shaggier - on top of the washer.
"You want to stop babe."
"I just need to cum."
The fat around his biceps melts away and is replaced with toned, thin muscle. His back and shoulders broaden with muscle, this fat, like that in his biceps, slides easily into his ass and still fattening pecs.

His cock slips further away from his hand, now down to 4.5 inches, as he takes both hands - one off his cock and the other out of his ass - and begins groping and squeezing his small pecs. He's twerking that fat ass of his for Parker, whose hair is graying and receding, whose body is putting on the last few pounds of muscle. Parker growls pleasurably as his cock stops growing.
He can feel the fat roll around in his ass, the recoil making them clap together and Bradley's eyes to cross. His face collapses as his jawline and cheekbones become more chiseled and pronounced, the small amount of fat resting comfortably in his chest and thighs, perking them up further. Bradley feels a small spurt of cum fire out of the engorged tip of his 4 inch weiner. Smaller, but hard as steel. His balls aren't any smaller and in fact, they feel strangely heavier. His cock is still oozing pre, thickened with his cum that pumps out of him as his patchy facial hair recedes into his face, his lips bloat into proper, fat dick sucking lips sending sparks of pleasure into Bradley's overloaded brain.
Bradley grabs onto the washing machine and tries to steady himself. His legs quake underneath him as his cock drips and twitches, pulsing. Its small length is a little shocking but what's more shocking is how sensitive it is. He's scared to touch it. Because if he touches it, he's going to shoot cum everywhere in this washing machine. And as he steadies himself, off balance because of how light he feels, so used to the bulk of his old body and not this thin, lighter body, he cries out and collapses again, his arms giving out from the sensation of Parker's big meaty hands on his equally meaty ass.

"You need to cum babe?"
Parker kneads the soft cheeks, Bradley's hole winking at him as he does so. Bradley can't even form sentences. A babble of horny sounds and moans and words maybe come out of his mouth from the sensation of his big ass being fondled roughly. A spank across one of his cheeks makes Bradley burp up more cum out of his cock. But it's still not the full brunt of the orgasm his still overheating body denies him.
"P - Please, Daddy I need it."
Bradley works his ass against Parker's cock, the thick organ sliding between those plump cheeks.
Parker's massive cock - 10 inches! And so thick! - bounces above Bradley's ass crack as pre from Parker's mushroom head drips into his awaiting hole. Parker rubs Bradley's smaller torso, big rough fingers brushing against his swollen nipples. It gets him hornier hearing Bradley repeat the line from the porno.
He can feel Bradley shake from underneath him, the poor guy being mindfucked by so many hormones and lust that his brain is probably soup. Doesn't help that his cock has been ready to blow for the whole thirty minutes of the transformation. Parker let himself cum quite a bit inside of his stretched out briefs but that's only because he's had enough practice shifting and morphing to know how to let off steam.
Only if he knew how to do it for someone else.
He says his line: "You want Daddy's cock?"
Bradley looks behind him and nods, biting his lip, eyes practically begging for it.
So he wastes no time plunging his huge cock inside of Bradley's eagerly awaiting hole.
When Parker's cock enters him, all ten thick inches, Bradley sees stars. His brain lights up like a fuse and then blows. The sensation of being fucked by Parker is indescribable and he turns boneless as Parker hauls of him out of the washing machine and starts fucking him slow and hard, stimulating Bradley's sensitive, now hyperactive prostate with his massive cock. His rough hands tweak Bradley's nipple making him scream louder in pleasure. He's been screaming, probably, the sounds coming out of him are unlike any Bradley has ever made. So lusty, so satisfied. This is the best sex Bradley has ever had. Immaculate backshots from the best dick he's ever had in his entire life. After five expert pumps, Bradley cums violently, the orgasm that had been denied for him for so long ripping through him like a blade.
In the midst of this screamingly good orgasm, Parker hoists him up by his torso, and begins making out with him. Parker's scruffy beard feeling unimaginably good against Bradley's smooth cheeks, his rough Daddy lips making Bradley buck and cum harder, Parker's cock deep inside of him. There's a puddle of cum on the floor now as Parker breathily moans in Bradley's ear, which he nibbles and makes Bradley squirm.
"I can't hold it baby. MMPH, FUCK!"
The load he dumps into Bradley is huge. It makes Bradley cum one final time and collapse onto the cum-stained floor as he feels Parker's cock flex and dump load after load into him. Parker's big arms wrap around his body as he collapses into Bradley, bringing the two of them flat on the floor and cuddling with Parker's arms wrapped tightly around Bradley, his massive cock softening and flopping out of Bradley's hole. Bradley's cock finally softens and nestles into the bush of pubes at its base as his balls finally feel empty. The need of his hole seems to have listened into a dull buzz in the back of his mind. Parker's dense, heady smell feels like a warm blanket.
"That was amazing." Parker kisses Bradley's neck as Bradley pants, struggling to catch his breath. The fog in Bradley's mind seems to have lifted enough for him to get a few thoughts in before the rest are popped like bubbles. "How was it for you?"
"Amazing." He rubs Parker's bigger, hairer arm, looping his smaller fingers between Parker's bigger ones. "Hey, when - hah - when do we turn back? Do we turn back?"
Parker shrugs.
Eventually is a long time. It could be tomorrow. Next week. Next month. Next year. Now that he thinks of it, he has quite a lot of sick days stored up at work......
"Why don't we take a nap and we can go for round two?"
Parker's cock slowly engorges with blood, pushing against Bradley's soft cheeks and hole. Bradley's cock jumps to attention. The need in his hole crawls slowly to the forefront of his mind.
Eventually is a long time.
And Bradley knows that he's about to fill it - and get filled - for all the time he has in the world.

These two used to be the valedictorian and salutatorian of the school. Look at them now, two slutty twunks that are gladly used and abused by the entirety of the athletic department. They still have buckets of knowledge, but each tidbit of information in their brains has been replaced by sexual positions and techniques. Nothing makes them happier than being stuffed full of a jock’s cock and their alpha seed, left leaking out of their holes. They were never hated at all but now they’re beloved for their expert abilities when it comes to pleasing the important men of the school.
Trouble at the Bachelor Party
“Dude! This is sick!”
“Bro, you’re telling me.” Liam replied, as him and his two friends explored the penthouse.
It was fully decked out. A massive flatscreen in the living room, a fully stocked bar, a beautiful view of the beach. It was everything Liam could’ve wanted. Initially, when his soon to be father-in-law offered his penthouse for the bachelor party, Liam was shocked. Mr. Reynolds often used phrases like “irresponsible”, “waste of time”, and “not good enough for my daughter” when talking about Liam. And he wasn’t afraid to let Liam know too.
“Dude! There’s a flatscreen in each bedroom too!” Chris shouted from down the hall, “Fuck, you were right. This guy’s loaded!”
It was true. Liam was marrying the heiress of a massive tech company. And Mr. Reynonds was certainly loaded. But despite his reassurances that he loved Susie, not their money, the older man viewed him suspiciously. Liam came from a pretty humble background and the world of upper class living wasn’t something he was used to. But perhaps letting them use his penthouse was Mr. Reynolds’s way of showing acceptance.
“Okay boys.” Liam said, “We have a few days here. Let’s make ‘em count.” He tossed Jeremy and Chris each a beer. After a quick toast to what was going to be the most incredible bachelor party on Earth, they downed their beers.

“Lookin’ good.” Liam chuckled as he inspected himself in the mirror, “Can’t believe you’re actually getting hitched.” He flexed his bicep, “Sorry ladies, I’m off the market. Oof, I’ll have to practice that line a bit.” He grinned.
Leaving the bathroom, he found Jeremy sipping a beer on the couch. He was shirtless, wearing a pair of blue swim trunks. His dark brown hair was well styled, and his face clean shaven. He had that bo-next- door look that caused the ladies to swoon.
“Yo Jeremy, what’s up?”
“Not much, just texting Sarah.” He replied, “I forgot to let her know I got here safe and she’s pissed.”
“Oh shit dude.” Liam patted his friend on the back, “I feel for you.” Sarah could be scary when she was angry, but otherwise she was a solid 10. Liam looked forward to the day Jeremy proposed.
“All good.” Jeremy sighed, “Where the fuck is Chris?” Liam shrugged, “He kept me up all fucking night. Fucker must’ve been horny. I’ve never heard anyone moan so loud in my life.”
“Not even Sarah?” Jeremy didn’t seem amused.
“Seriously, we need to get him a girlfriend or something.”
Liam chuckled, “I guess I slept through it.”
“Lucky you.” The door to Chris's room suddenly opened and both men turned.
“Hey boys, sorry to keep you waiting!” The sing songy voice threw them both off, and Liam’s jaw dropped when he saw Chris. His muscles were proudly on display as always. But it was the tight speedo showing off his impressive bulge that shocked him, “Oh, is something wrong?” His voice carried a breathy sultriness, which was unusual for their bro.
“Dude, I’m not one to judge, but don’t you think that’s a bit risqué?” Jeremy asked, raising an eyebrow, “What would Jesus say?” It was well known Chris was religious. In fact, Liam and Chris had met at their college’s church.
Chris shrugged and ran a hand through his curly light brown hair, “Oh this? You like?” He grinned and did a quick pose, “Come on boys, we’re burning daylight!” He said, sauntering towards the door.
The walk to the beach was uncomfortable. Chris walked ahead of his two buddies at an unusually fast pace, his firm ass jiggling with each step. Liam didn’t even know where to begin. What the fuck had gotten into Chris? Usually they’d have to drag him to parties and give him pep talks to boost his confidence. But now? He was certainly turning heads.
“Wait, guys! Did you see that?” Chris asked, turning to his friends and waving excitedly, “That guy over there was totally checking me out!”
“Um, so what?” Jeremy asked, “Why do you care?”
“Do you think I should go after him? He was totally cute. And that ass- just wow.” Liam and Jeremy’s eyes widened, “What?”
“Are you gay?” Liam asked bluntly.
Chris placed a hand to his chin and shrugged, “Like totally! Since like forever probably.”
“Makes sense.” Jeremy said, “Repressed religious guys. It’s a thing.” But Liam was still having a somewhat hard time believing it. Was all their prior bro talk really a lie?
“Oh! He’s getting away!” Chris whined, “I’ll catch up with you later!” He blew them each a kiss and briskly walked over to the man from earlier, leaving Liam shook.
Hours went by without hearing from Chris, and Liam’s mood tanked. Jeremy tried to cheer him up back at the penthouse. Beers and the big game on a flatscreen. Should’ve been perfect. But it wasn’t. Liam knew that Chris being gay shouldn’t matter. Good for him, right?
“Oh my god, that was incredible.” Chris said, gasping as he entered the penthouse, “How are my two besties doing?”
“Would’ve liked you around.” Liam replied, “It’s my bachelor party after all.”
Chris dramatically placed a hand to his sweaty chest, “Sue me for having fun!” His voice cracked and he headed towards his room, “If anyone needs me, I’ll be in my room.”
Liam didn’t reply. Sure, Chris is gay. Fine. But acting like a stereotypically fruity drama queen? That didn’t make sense to him. He turned to Jeremy.
“Look, its late and I’m tired. The game sucks anyway.” He said, “I’m off to bed.”
“Same bro. Gotta be up early for our tee time anyway.”
They went to their respective bedrooms. Once there, Jeremy sighed. He hated seeing his friend like this, but what could he do? Talk to Chris maybe? He'd try to salvage this party. But when he finally got comfortable in bed, the TV suddenly turned on. He was greeted by static.
“Weird.” He mumbled. He tried to turn it off with the remote, but failed. Sighing, he got out of bed to turn it off. But as he got closer, he could hear a voice. It was soft, but forceful.
“You are a gay slut. You like to fuck men.”
Jeremy raised an eyebrow, “What the fuck?” He whispered. But the voice only got louder.
“You are a gay slut. Your dick only gets hard for men.” Jeremy felt woozy as the voice reverberated in his head.
“No, I’m straight... I like...” He moaned loudly as the voice drowned out his thoughts. At this point, the screen was flashing various scenes of gay porn and Jeremy’s dick started to swell, “No... fuck...” He breathed out, “I-I... ughhh.” He tried to imagine tits and his nights with Sarah. But these thoughts were instead swapped out with images of juicy, jiggling bubble butts and twerking men.
“You are a dominant top. You only fuck men.”
“I-I’m a gay slut?” Jeremy questioned, “I only like to fuck men?” That didn't sound right. Right? He never...
"You're a dominant top. Twinks are lucky to ride your dick."
His eyes became half lidded and vacant as the words created his new reality.
“I’m a dominant top. Twinks are lucky to ride this cock." He said confidently, "I am a gay slut.”
Soon, the room filled with his pleasure-filled moans, his new reality taking hold over him.
When Liam entered the living room the next morning, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Jeremy was aggressively caressing Chris’s face, as the two made out on the couch with their erect dicks on full display.
“What the fuck?” Liam gasped as the two men turned towards him.
“Oh Liam! Good morning!” Chris sang, ending his kiss with Jeremy.
“Fuck, just who we were waiting for.” Jeremy commented in a lower, more gravelly voice, “We have something for you.”
“No, this is fucked. What the fuck?” Liam fumed, “What about Sarah? What were you thinking?”
Jeremy shrugged, “I only like fucking men.”
Liam shook his head, “No way, fuck that.” He replied, taking a step back.
“Oh goodness, you’re upset!” Chris whined, “No Liam baby, its okay. Here, watch this.”
Before Liam could say anything, Chris turned on the TV. Static filled his field of vision. But then he heard it. Faint at first, but present nonetheless.
“You are a gay slut.” It said, and Liam grabbed his head.
“What the fuck?” He cursed, stumbling slightly.
The voice was echoing from within his head. Desperately, he moved towards the TV, wanting to shut it off. But Jeremy grabbed his arm firmly and forced him to sit between them. Liam tried to fight back, to get away from his two friends, but he felt so disoriented. The voice continued.
“You are a gay slut. You like taking cock.” It said.
Liam yelped as a needle entered his skin. He looked down to see Chris dump the contents of a syringe into his arm.
“Wh-what was that?” Liam slurred.
“Don’t worry, cutie. Just listen to the voice.” He giggled.
Liam groaned as the voice got louder and louder, “You are a gay slut. A slutty bottom. You love taking cock.”
Liam looked down and watched as his body hair started to disappear. The light dusting of chest and belly hairs disappeared, leaving him smooth. At the same time, the scruff that framed his face vanished. He looked over to Jeremy, who smirked at this new development.
“Oh look at that! It’s totally working!” Chris giggled.
“No shit. Reynolds must’ve given us the good stuff.” Jeremy remarked, slowly massaging his cock.
“The good stuff?” Liam slurred, his voice cracking, “Like, what are you talking about?”
“Good because I was getting bored.” Chris sighed, “I mean, Jeremy baby, you’re an expert kisser, but like, I need a hole.” Jeremy nodded in agreement.
“A hole?” Liam whispered.
He let out a pained moan as his body temperature suddenly spiked. Sweat poured from him as his musculature vanished. His hard earned muscles atrophied before his terrified eyes. His arms became thin and lean, while his juicy pecs rapidly deflated. In a matter of minutes, years of workouts and optimal dieting were undone, leaving Liam slim and fragile.
“Wow, he’s so light now.” Jeremy chuckled as he man-handled his friend onto his lap. Liam yelped at the sensation of Jeremy’s erect cock grinding against his hole.
“Oh and he’s gotten shorter too! What a cutie.” Chris cooed.
“Ah, ass is still bony though.” Jeremy commented, giving it a firm squeeze.
But Liam barely registered any of this. Instead, his thoughts were filled with the words echoing from the TV. His eyes became half-lidded at this point and his resistance was fading.
“You’re just a bottom, a hole to be used by other men. You are a gay slut.” The words continued, “You like being used by other men. Your only pleasure is from getting fucked.”
“I-I’m straight... I like... I like tits.” His new feminine voice echoed through the apartment, “I’m a straight man.” Jeremy and Chris smirked, “I-I...” images of men getting fucked in all kinds of positions flashed on the TV, “Ohhhh I... I... I’m a...” Liam’s handsome face lost its masculine edge and his hair became lighter in color. At the same time, his cock started to shrink. Inch after inch lost, “Noooooo.... not my cock...” He moaned, tears now stinging at his eyes. His manhood, his masculinity. It was being stolen from him. And he was unable to stop it.
“Your only pleasure comes from your ass.”
Liam moaned again and this time his ass started to fill with jiggly fat. He could feel the extra padding build upon itself, his slim cheeks turning into mounds of soft flesh. And as Jeremy squeezed his ass again, pleasure filled his slim frame.
“Much better.” Jeremy remarked, his fingers massaging Liam’s hole, “Fuck, this is gonna feel so good.”
“Mhmm.” Chris replied, grabbing his own fistful of Liam’s juicy ass.
“Ohhhhhhhh yesssssss.” Liam slurred.
“So, what are you?” Jeremy asked.
“I-I’m...” Part of him didn’t want to say it. Didn’t want to acknowledge it. But as his lips plumped up into gorgeous cock suckers, and Jeremy’s teasing fingers penetrated him deeper, Liam was drowning in pleasure, “I...I...” The voice was so loud. It egged him on, beckoned him to admit his new truth, “I’m like a total gay slut! I love cock.” He turned his head to look at Jeremy, then Chris, “Please daddies, use me! I need your cocks!” He begged.
And his new lovers were happy to oblige.
In the afterglow of sex, the three men sat panting heavily on the couch. Liam was curled up between his two lovers, still rubbing their dicks. Despite draining them each multiple times over, he needed more. But his horny thoughts were interrupted by a video call. He grabbed his phone and smiled.
“Hey Mr. Reynolds!” Liam slurred, “Like, we love your penthouse.”
Mr. Reynolds grinned, “I can tell.” His eyes sparkled with satisfaction, “Look at you Liam. My god. You turned out better than expected. The boys at the lab earned their salaries with this one.” Liam nodded along, not really understanding the implication, “How do you feel?”
“Like a total gay slut.” He grinned, “And I love it, like so much, Mr. Reynolds.”
“Well I’m glad to hear.” he chuckled, “And are your friends treating you well?” Liam adjusted the phone so the older man could see his two lovers, who were both fast asleep, “Well looks like you have two very satisfied customers.”
Liam grinned, “Like totally.” A sense of satisfaction filling him, “Oh! Like, can you let Susie know the wedding is off? I’m like, so sorry.”
“Of course, it would be my pleasure. She’ll understand.” Mr. Reynolds replied- mission accomplished, “Now, get back to your party. Enjoy the penthouse for as long as you want.”
Liam’s eyes lit up, “OMG thank you!” The call ended, “Did you hear that?” Liam asked, his two lovers stirring awake.
And so their party continued- and it would for days. Their lives forever changed, and them none the wiser to it. But if their pleasure filled moans were anything to judge by, they certainly weren’t complaining.

Hey! I love your stories. I’m a twinky ginger and wish for a change. I’ve always thought it would be hot to basically be a living sex doll (big bubble butt, huge pecs, big lips, etc). Could you help me out with achieving that look?
Well lucky you we've just introduced a new line of energy drinks!

This beautiful, pink lemonade concocted with just the perfect dose of caffeine and hot musky man sweat from yours truly is called BoyToy and should be the perfect thing to get you revved up.
How's it taste?
I can see your cock hardening under those khakis. Love khaki shorts! They're really good at showcasing a nice boner like yours. Even better - wow you're really chugging that thing! Good to know the signature Hot Coffee flavor hasn't been lost - is that I can see just how much pre-cum you're leaking. Don't be embarrassed! This is a totally normal reaction! I can see your blush starting to fade though as you take bigger gulps, sucking in some of the ice cubes as well as no doubt your throat's already expanding - you're gonna be a bonafide throat GOAT by the end of this - because, well...
Our energy drinks go right to your brain. And I mean your brain is pretty much being dissolved right now and all your thinking is dropping into your balls. Those big, fattening balls. Their outline is like two slowly inflating basketballs full of cum straining the zipper of your shorts, filling out all that space pushing the zipper down even. You must've had a lot of intelligence up there because your balls are blowing up huge and swollen. You're moaning and groaning so loudly now I have to wonder if you've got a vibrator up your puckering hole now. You're so horny all you can really think about, as those last few brain cells get converted to cum, is how you're gonna get off. Getting fucked or fucking something. You swallow the last ice cube and shake and moan as your cock grows even harder, you can feel the veins expand just to make room for the sheer amount of blood flow dropping into your cock.
You grip onto the counter and start thrusting, breaking open the front of your pants, splitting the zipper and flopping your huge cock on the counter. It's 7 inches now and still growing!
Your mouth hangs open in pure lust as you're sliding your fattening cock all over the countertop, one hand on your shaft and the other hand playing with a nipple. I don't mind, but I don't think you've got enough brain capacity to feel shame or embarrassed right now as you grind your cock on the smooth countertop. It's a nice view honestly. Seeing your head flare, becoming all red and sensitive, bloating into this huge mushroom cap on that expanding shaft. You're gonna have a kielbasa down there, your ginger pubes darkening more into a brunette color. It's stretching forward, gushing precum like a broken water main. Your pubes becoming just this cloud of pure, sweaty musk as your balls pump insane levels of testosterone through your body, nipples hardening against your shirt. Fuck your cock must be like 10 inches now. That's a fuckstick right there.
Let me help.
Drag my finger along that slick, sensitive head, so wet with the sheer amount of pre that you're oozing all over the counter. Damn I need two hands to get a good grip on this thing, so slick with pre and sweat, so unwieldy. Beer can thick, the word schlong is the only way to describe this monster. You're bellowing with pleasure, stripping out of your button down that's soaked with scent, thick with your still strengthening scent. You play with your widening nipples as you feel the first tingles of pure horny heat settle behind them, really lights them up like two jumper cables to the 9-volt of your cock.
The muscles in your chest surge forward. Pure muscle and fat being created out of whatever excess cum you've got in your balls, because your body, at this point, just needs to get rid of it. The pleasure blows out whatever brain cells haven't been destroyed yet, as you go from tugging and flicking your nipples, to massaging the still growing mounds on your chest that stretch your shoulders wider. Flat Twink chest no more! Your pecs are growing so voluptuous, the muscles inflating and stretching the skin so nicely, rubbing against your flat biceps as your nipples are like pegs on the end of them. Wide, stretched and sensitive areolas. The crease under your tits over your now expanding stomach feels so horribly sensitive, so fucking good you start cumming. That load your body has been holding back, churning in your balls, shoots all over my hand and counter. Damn you're getting it all in my chest hair. You're moaning like a horny bull, voice cracking and lowering as you bounce your pecs through one final surge of growth, one final splattering load as they finish growing.
As your abs stack themselves into your stomach, waist popping wider to make them fill out, you stretch taller. Your shorts pull tight against your thighs and ass as you stretch into the 6 feet territory, your six-pack piling into your stomach and making you writhe and arch forward into my hand, cock still hard and ready to blow again. Your balls are still so full, so stretched and heavy. Your abs finish growing and then they soften a little, some fat pouring into them and puffing out your stomach a little. Still a solid wall of muscle, but so soft, squeezable like your pecs. That torso of yours is like a big stress ball, and by the way you're playing with your pecs with your now expanding hands, making your cock jump and pulse even harder in my hand, everything must be feeling so good. Bolts of pleasure going through your empty head as you lift your arms, throwing them behind your head.
Your pits sprout thick, tangled, dark hair. Wet and musky, the smell of you makes me hard. You moan through filling lips as you thrust your ass back, as if you're trying to catch a dick between them. When you do that, a huge wave of fat and muscle hits both of your ass cheeks, the bloating globes filling like water balloons and clapping, your sensitive hole quivering at the sensation. Your moans turn to horny whimpers as you continue sniffing your pit, your ass ripping through your soaked briefs, pressing tight against your shorts and fighting for space. I work my fingers under your huge balls while still jerking you off, and I feel your thighs expand, splitting the seams along your shorts as they grow big and strong enough to take the load off your lower back as your ass continues growing. It splits through the back of your strained shorts with ease, a delicious sliver of your cavernous ass crack visible through the tear. You slam your meaty paws on the counter as you fully assume a bottom position, ass fully stuck out in the air and helping both cheeks spread through the massive tear in your pants. Your hips creak as they spread outwards and break open your shorts, the button flying behind the counter and landing somewhere behind me. The shake of your ass makes you go cross eyed as several shots of cum fire into my hand. Your shorts slide to the ground as you look at me, whimpering, taking your hands off the counter and spreading and playing with your fatty cheeks as a final surge of growth makes them fill your palms all the way.
Your hole is self-lubricating now. Isn't that neat? The slick substance feeling almost like your pre as your thighs continue growing, pushing your balls out more and making you spread your legs to let them hang. Both thighs being huge meaty slabs of muscle and fat, the surge of growth landing in your calves and making them diamond cutters, hard and defined like you've played baseball all your life. You're almost fully on the counter now, thrusting your cock in and out of my fists. Fat fills some of the space in your thighs and the strength of them is undeniable.
I let go of your cock and you yelp in disappointment as you were so close to cumming again. But I can see the way you're sticking multiple fingers in your ass, desperate to get at that itch, that emptiness that's taking hold back there. I walk from behind the counter as your feet begin growing in your sneakers, stretching the laces with your toes colliding with the front of them, the huge stompers wasting no time tearing through your socks. Those size 8s bloat into size 10s in no time, the thick soles ripping through your shoes as I position myself behind your huge ass. It's so wide, the cheeks so voluptuous. I knead them like dough as slutty moans leave your mouth, as you arch your back into my hands, thrusting your ass as overwhelming pleasure completely overrides your body. Tease your hole with the giant head of my cock as a dark beard takes over your face, the ginger hair on your head darkening as well as your back muscles grow and expand, sliding underneath the skin and making a few drops of cum leave your cock.
Your feet burst out of what's left of your shoes and stretch wider into musky, hairy size 13s. Thick toes and muscular soles, dense with veins and strong muscle. Your entire body trembles as I ease the head of my cock inside, the moan that leaves your mouth is like a tornado siren of sex. Inch by inch, I enter you and stretch your hole, wrapping my arm around your body and grabbing onto those huge muscle tits. Grab that thick throat and pull you up so I can kiss you on those fat lips. The entirety of my cock bottoms out inside of you and you literally see stars.
I fuck you as your biceps expand. Your big hands grip onto the counter as a surge of power flows through your bulging biceps, thickening and widening your forearms and wrists, spreading your fingers and hands bigger and longer on the counter. Huge boulders of biceps, the muscles rolling underneath your skin as you spread an ass cheek with your hand. You feel incredible. Your hole flexing and tightening as I fuck you, hitting your prostate and making you leak everywhere. On the floor, spilling all over the counter.
Flex for me, baby.
Feel those biceps. Feel them grow and push against the skin, stretching and making space in your arms. Feel me squeeze and shake and play with your thick pecs, run my hand along those abs and dive into that thick bush of pubes, my fingers on the base of that fat cock. Your face goes numb as it collapses, the bones and skin and fat rearranging to give you a handsome, dumb, horny face. Big nose, better to smell musk and horniness off of passing men. Dumb, sweet, horny eyes. Thick head of dark hair. God you're beautiful.
Even better your ass milks my cock into oblivion. Fuck.
I grab onto you as my cum pours into your ass. A huge orgasm just rips through you as your old life, the old you, comes out in thick, dense cum. It splatters on the floor behind the counter, and I lock you into a kiss as my cum fills you out more. More muscle and fat in your pecs, surging them larger in my hand. Bigger ass squeezing my cock and pushing against my thighs. Speaking of thighs, damn those things could save lives, so thick and juicy. Easy to grab onto when you're fucking someone. You've got a strong, powerful body built for sex. Everything about you designed to give you and your sexual partner maximum pleasure. Most of your brain power is gonna be dedicated to sucking and fucking, with whatever else being used for basic survival skills.
Here, let me pull out so you can take a look at yourself.
You dumbly chuckle as you stumble, your heavy pecs and fat ass throwing off your balance. But I'm not going anywhere, I'm not gonna let you fall. My hand is on your lower back, so close to those bubbly cheeks, your cock sinking into a semi but still hard and drippy. You're not as horny but you could definitely go another round.
Or two.
Or three.

See, look at you! Let's get you in some briefs that fit. That's gonna be the real focal point of your powerful musk and pheromones. As well as those pits and that leaky ass. One whiff from either of them when you're horny will have any guy within six feet of you trying to get a whiff, to suck you off or for you to suck them off, to blow your back out and vice versa.
You're hard just looking at yourself.
Horny again?
That's alright, we don't open for another hour or so officially.
So you can make yourself comfortable in the booth right there. Or on the table. Or on the counter.
Ah fuck it, we've got time and plenty of stamina. Why don't we try all three?
"You're my 1:30?"
Leo nearly jumps out of skin and looks up at the CEO in front of him.

Leo fumbles as he stands up, awkwardly shoving his sweaty palm for the man to shake. The man, Costas Mandelieu, is not only hot as fuck, but also the CEO of some hugely popular coffee company that has a bunch of locations around the country. Leo remembered there being a location on campus before he graduated, and then noticing a rather large influx of hot gay men walking around campus. The place became this kind of second gay bar.
And he never stepped foot inside.
He was confident he would've been laughed right out the door. Everyone there was thickly built meatheads or otherwise muscular jocks. And Leo? Leo was a chubby little nerd who kept his head down so no one would notice him. Granted, the guys walking in and out of the coffee shop looked big and intimidating but they were genuinely some of the nicest (and dumbest) people Leo had ever spoken to.
But still, one too many cruel rejections later has taught Leo not to judge books by their covers.
"Pleasure to meet you."
Costas' voice is rich, deep, coming right out of his thick chest. Leo tries to ignore the flush of horny bashfulness that overtakes him. This is professional. The job interview that could set him up for life.
Costas' smile, warm and inviting, sends a flurry of butterflies in Leo's stomach as he follows Costas to his office. Inside, it's all warm wood and the smell of a rich, cedarwood air freshener hits his nose. It's the most beautiful space Leo has ever been in, and he gawks at everything openly as Costas shuts the door behind him.

Imposter syndrome sets in like a knife. Surely there's other candidates out here? Why him? And....is his hand on Leo's lower back? This close Leo can smell him - his expensive cologne, the heady smell of masculine sweat underneath - as Costas gently guides the befuddled man some leather chairs by his desk. He motions for Leo to sit and he does, confused and feeling a not entirely unwelcome horniness settle in his body. Costas makes a glass of tea. Leo closes his legs as he watches Costas sit and rearrange himself, his massive bulge obvious through his slacks.
"Now this position is a very intimate lifetime position with me, so I don't want you to get caught off guard if I ask some personal questions."
Leo nods and looks around. The job description was so coy with details he wouldn't be surprised (or upset) if Costas was asking him to be a personal sex toy.
Costas smiles again and Leo's insides melt.
Costas clears his throat. He takes a sip from his tea and sets it down again. The tea smells....weird. A funky odor normally associated with the gym seems to waft from the cup. It's not gross....but it does increase the haze of horniness that's really taking root in Leo's head.
"So how old are you Leo?"
"23?" Costas whistles as if this is some impressive age. "I remember when I was your age I had a hair trigger at the best of times."
It all happens so fast.
One second he's listening to Costas, then the next he's gasping for air, clutching onto the chair's armrest and trying to stifle his moans as his cock shoots to full attention and makes a very, very obvious imprint on his jeans. Even worse: his cock starts firing like a hose, a huge wet spot spreading across his crotch.
"Oh my god! Oh my god! I'm so sorry. I don't -."
He lifts his crotch in the air as he cums, as if he's angling for one of the ropes of cum he's firing to splatter on the floor. The entirety of his dick and balls is lit up with warmth like a Christmas tree of pleasure. Costas holds up his hands and makes placating, calming a startled horse gestures.
"It's alright. No really it's okay. You didn't masturbate today, did you?"
No. No he didn't.
That's why he's so pent up.
When he finally stops cumming, he settles down and tries to cover the huge wet spot on his jeans. God he can smell it from here. And it's so much. He's never produced that much cum before, right? He sits down and when he readjusts himself, his eyes widen when he notices that his balls feel much bigger than they should, their weight is obvious and pressing down on the chair.
"How often do you usually masturbate?"
"Onc - uh - four times a day usually. Wait that's not true."
"I understand. I've got a pair of knockers down there as well."
With that, Leo's balls swell further. His cock once again springing to attention as his nuts droop and sag under their weight. Half of his bulge now seems to be made of his churning, swelling balls. He feels like he's being edged, cock dancing just on the edge of a lightning rod orgasm before pulling back. He's grinding his flabby ass against the seat, trying to relieve the sudden sexual pressure. He's white-knuckling the chair and gritting his teeth as beads of sweat drip down his forehead. He brings his knees together tight.
"What the fuck is - huff huff - happening?"
"An interview."
"No, something's ... Oh...."
Leo's cock begins raining pre. He can feel it travel up his cock and ooze out of the swollen mushroom head at the top. It doesn't help either that Costas is touching his own cock, the massive fuckstick spreading against his thigh.
"It's 10 inches." Costas smiles as Leo rocks back and forth in the chair. "And, sheesh, yours is, what, eight?"
Leo throws his head back, mouth falling open, as a chorus of sexual moans and sounds fall out of his mouth. His locked legs fly open into a huge V. He feels like he's actually being fucked, or an expert is giving him the best handjob of his life. His cock pulses and pounds with blood as it stretches forward, cum leaking to no end out of his cockhead, those 6 inches growing with each pulse of blood that forces his prized organ larger and larger. It swells against his thigh, thickening with proportional girth as well, slipping out of his underwear as the sensitive head flops against his hairy thigh. Leo whimpers as his cock pushes forward. It's taking all of his willpower not to touch it, stroke it like Costas is stroking his cock through his pants. He finally manages to look down at his now big cock, straining the fabric of his jeans, feeling so stifled with those massive balls, the zipper of his jeans pulling down to try and accommodate his newly massive genitals. His cock oozes more pre, as if his balls are taking advantage of the extra space to pump and produce more sexual fluids out of his cock. His brain feels like it's landed squarely in his balls. Whatever thoughts of escaping whatever Costas is doing to him are immediately interrupted by a new burning need to cum, by the dense thundercloud of hormones tearing through his body.
Costas has taken off his jacket and he's just in his expensive button down. He reaches into his shirt and gropes one of his huge pecs. Leo is so hard, so sweaty, so turned on by this. Mouth hanging open as he tries to focus on anything. But his brain is going haywire.
"Hung bottoms are my weakness."
Leo pitches forward, moaning like he's being fucked as his asshole twitches and throbs. He hangs onto the armrests to prevent from falling as his cock throbs harder, his bigger dick making him moan even more lewdly. It's pure pornography coming out of his mouth as his voice shoots up an octave, cracking a little as his gut gurgles and shifts. Everyone in this fucking office building can probably hear him.
But he.....doesn't care?
He feels the fat in his stomach sliding down into his tightening ass, the underused muscles strengthening and flexing against the onslaught of fatty mass that lands solidly in his ass, pushing it outwards and making it firm but still bouncy, and jiggly. He grits his teeth, hissing with pleasure as his ass rips through his underwear, and screams in pleasure as the sensitive, jiggling globes press against his jeans, putting immense pressure on them as the seams start breaking apart to let his massive ass take up the space it needs. He loses several inches in height, the lost mass resettling in his still inflating ass, the sensation mind-numbingly good.
The bones in his hands pop and rearrange, the palms inflating a little but not a lot, his fingers sucking away excess fat and moving it to his ass. His newly sensitive hole feels like it's burning. Burning with emptiness. He gyrates his massive ass - god they're like beach balls!! - against the leather, desperate for some relief in his increasingly horny, frazzled mind. It's the ass of his dreams. Except it's now hanging off his lower back at a severe angle, and he can feel the weight of it over his trembling thighs, as heat pours into them.
His thighs become fleshy pillars to support his fat ass. He squeezes his eyes shut as he feels the muscles grow and tone, solidifying as whatever excess fat his body can suck away in his flattening stomach falls into them, growing them big enough to split the seams of his jeans. He squeezes his thighs, like he's trying to prevent them from growing bigger, splitting apart his jeans as the muscles flex and continue growing. His calves harden and become solid diamonds pressing against his jeans. He rubs the smooth - wait, smooth!? - flesh of his thighs and shakes his legs, the rolling muscles making his eyes cross with pleasure as they close around the space of his overheated balls.
"M - Mr. Mandelieu."
Costas' Mr. Mandelieu's cock is in his hand, all 10 slick glorious inches.
Leo's feet shrink and collapse. The size 12s rearranging onto soft size 9s, his shoes slipping off and collapsing on the floor. His socks hanging off his diminished feet. He flexes his still shrinking toes and bucks, literally thrusts into the air like a bull, as his cock starts spurting cum again, this time breaking the zipper of his jeans and flopping out, firing all over the expensive carpet and his shirt, the cum raining down on his denser, muskier pubes. With each volley of cum, he feels more of himself slipping away. His head feels emptier, his thoughts taking longer to manifest and come together. He feels a little afraid as Mr. Mandelieu says, "You don't ever skip chest day, do you?"
Leo's nipples press so hard against his shirt his hands fly off the chair and grab them, twist and pull as the fat in his chest recedes into his ass and thighs, growing them bigger and causing more fabric to buckle and break under the pressure. A great slither of his crack sits against the leather making him moan and groan, pull his nipples harder as muscle swells behind them.
"Ahhh AH!"
His back arches as small, hard pecs begin mounting on his chest, right above his flat stomach. The muscles are tightening and expanding around his skin. He yanks and pulls on his nipples like he's trying to force milk out of his growing chest. But really he's just pulling his pecs forward, coaxing pure muscle into his hands as the pink buds in his hands bloat into sensitive salamis. His chest broadens and forces his shoulders wider to make room for his burgeoning chest, muscles flexing without his control as they surge forward, big tight slabs of jock muscle that split the buttons of his shirt with their size. It takes him more than a moment to realize the little strands of his chest hair he once grew are no longer there. When he looks into his waistband, he sees that the only hair on his body is the dense bush of pubes crowning his cock. And the smell....it's so...strong. His musk and man stink has never really been that intense. Now it smells like he's just been sweating all day in a jockstrap. The flesh behind his nipples surge one final time with muscle and his pecs firmly mount themselves on his upper torso, making him unleash a low, whiny groan.
Mr. Mandelieu's pants are down now. Cock and huge balls fully in view. The gamey wallop of his scent hits Leo in the nose and makes him moan louder, as he cums again. But this time, the orgasm doesn't even scratch the surface of his horny mind. It feels good, yes, but god there's a better orgasm hiding underneath that.
"Mr. - pant pant - Mandelieu."
He's tweaking one of his own nipples now, heaving his hairy pecs out of his shirt. Leo tries his best to resettle, sitting on his cushion-like ass and spasming the unfamiliar pleasure racing through him.
"Do you want to stop?"
Do I?
"I just want to cum."
"Then cum."
That better orgasm lances through him like a sword. He arches his back into the bridge position and just lets cum rain all over his smooth, tight chest, his smaller torso. This time, he begins to feel...scratchy in his clothes. Like they're really not fitting him right. He takes off his torn jeans and his broken shirt. Stripping out of them as his orgasm begins to subside, his still dripping cock sending droplets of cum all over the carpet. He's vaguely aware of the seductive way he's stripping out of his clothes, like a stripper almost. Thrusting out his chest, cock, and ass. Throwing his clothes away and just lying there in his ruined briefs, which finally tear off as his hips creak wider and stronger, allowing a final flood of fatty muscle to land in his ass and send another cum rocket out of his cock.
"You're turning out nicely."
"Thank you Mr. - Sir."
He places his hands on his stomach, writhing in the chair, completely naked, the leather sending sparks of jittery pleasure up his body because of how sensitive his sweaty skin is. The flatness is weird. Hot, but weird. He runs his smaller hands over it, afraid to go higher and accidentally touch one of his thumbtack hard, and sized, nipples.
"Sir, what's - what's happening to me?"
"Well I'll tell you. But first I have to compliment that core of yours."
The wind is knocked out of him in a breathy moan, as his stomach tightens. The tightening is accompanied by a rush of blood to his kind of softening cock, as cum gutters - genuine cum gutters - carve into his waist. He throws his head back against the headrest in pure bliss as abs forge their way through his taut and sensitive skin. He barely understands what Mr. Sir is saying. But from what he can gather from his increasingly addled mind is that that previous horny wish of being a personal sex toy might actually be happening.
Leo groans and shifts in his seat as his abs and core continue strengthening, his core strong enough along with his thighs, hips, and ass, to ride and milk a dick to within an inch of its life. His cock is just oozing, each pulse forcing out more cum like he's squeezing a dish rag full of cum.
"My usual, they're busy running the gym and all the other Coffee shops. I'm just looking for someone more consistent."
Leo's abs settle into place. They're beautiful. All lined up in a neat row. He runs his fingers up and down the tight, cobblestone skin.
"You smell so good sir."
"Thank you."
His laugh makes Leo whimper and moan.
"Why don't you come over here and give me a kiss with those big fat lips of yours."
And he does. He gets up and nearly falls backwards due to the weight hanging on his lower body. Sir meets him halfway and pulls him in, hand tantalizingly close to his round, voluptuous ass.
Leo's lips plump up and expand. Kissable, perky, lips to wrap around a cock and never let go. The kiss with Sir makes Leo nearly cum right then and there, made even more unbearable by Sir's big, massive hands rubbing and caressing, and spanking those bountiful cheeks. He has to stand on his tiptoes to meet Sir's beautiful lips.
Then he breaks it. Leo just whimpers.
"Flex for me."
His soft, flabby biceps expand and grow. It's an orgasm via his biceps, the fat redistributing throughout his body. Lower and into his pecs, filling them out more. Even lower and into his ass that pushes against Sir's hand as his pit hair grows bushier and stronger. He collapsed into Sir's body as his arms continue to grow lithe and muscular, strong but not overly large biceps. He kisses Sir's neck, grinding against his thigh, their fat cocks brushing against each other as Sir's grumbling moans resonate and bounce around in Leo's emptying skull. The world around him seems to warp and shimmer.
"Why don't you take a look at yourself?"
Suddenly, they're not in the office but a pool. Sir is in a Speedo with his fat cock visible right through it, the bulge making Leo's hole twinge.

A big sprawling house looms in the distance. Leo looks around, his dumbing mind confused but not at all frightened. When he sees himself in the reflection of the pool house's glass, he's floored.

Sir's Daddy's hand stays firmly on Leo's ass. Everything feels blindingly good. Except the emptiness that's been in his ass the entire time his body has been morphed and bent to Sir's will.
He's guided to one of the many couches and sits Leo on his lap, the sensation of Daddy's swollen cock between his massive ass, teasing that sensitive hole rocks Leo to his core.
"Do you want to be my himbo?"
Leo feverishly nods. To keep feeling everything this good. He doesn't feel worried, or afraid, or concerned. His old life drips and drops out of his cock. He knows that as soon as Daddy's cock enters him, that old life will be like a long dream.
A lifetime position.
Daddy lifts him up and is about to position him above his massive cock.
He pauses.
"We can still stop if you don't want this."
Leo sheepishly looks around the gorgeous property. All his. His to use. His to fuck in. Do whatever.
"Can you make me a little beefier?"
Daddy nods.
Then he plunges all of his cock into Leo's ass. His brain ignites with pleasure, a huge campfire of sex just lit up. The Big One - the No Going Back orgasm - rocks his frame and he paints Daddy's big, broad chest with his cum as he bounces on Daddy's cock like a pogo stick. Working Daddy's cock deeper inside of him, stretching his hole and pounding his prostate, literally making him howl with sexual gratification. He sifts through his dulling mind and realizes that, okay, he can do basic math. He can still take care of himself. But whenever he tries reaching into that well of higher thought and concern, he simply draws a blank. Daddy wraps his arms around Leo as he cums, thick ropey cum landing deep in Leo's body.
This cum is then distributed around Leo's tight body as he groans and shakes, cum firing out of his cock again. His pecs become fuller, softer, fat filling in the space around his muscles, stretching and dragging his nipples and chest across Daddy's body, intensifying his orgasm. His ass and thighs grow jigglier but no less strong, squeezing Daddy's cock and making him groan. His abs bloat slightly and push against Daddy's stomach. He hugs Daddy tightly as he's overwhelmed with love and deep affection for him.
The horny fog finally lifts.
When Costas pulls out with a slick pop! , Leo sees his finalized form as he slumps into the empty space on the couch, exhausted and content.

"How do you feel big guy?"
Leo rests his head on Costas' chest, wraps his thicker, beefier arms around his body and begins drifting off to sleep with a faint smile on his face. Costas laughs and kisses Leo on the top of his head, pulling him in tight.
Truthfully, Leo's the happiest he's ever been.

The three burly, hairy, football jocks thought they were slick, vandalizing the side of KOK'S Frat house. They thought that I wouldn't find out who wrote the slurs, who spray painted COCKSUCKER, BOTTOM BITCH and FAGGOT. It's always funny for these types of men to get what's coming to them and deliver some justice, whether you see my method as ironic or karmic is up to you. All I know is if they wanted to fuck with KOK, KOK was going to fuck them.
The first change was small, the trio of douchebags found themselves unwilling to separate. They went about the next day getting up, hanging out and skipping their courses, shooting the shit none the wiser the more time they spent together, the more they found themselves getting HORNIER. They just mentally told themselves it had been awhile, or pulled out their phone to excuse it as seeing some hot girl on social media.
The next change was fun, as Jock number one, the one who spray painted COCKSUCKER, found his mouth PARCHED. His THROAT was so HUNGRY, he had no idea how to feed it, one of his bros that morning had pointed out to him his lips looked SWOLLEN. That same BRO now was looking at his PLUMP, DSL's and couldnt help but think of them sliding across his member. Sure Jock number one was a BRO the other two douchebags thought, but he was obviously such a COCKSUCKER that it be no problem to fuck his mouth. How had they never seen it before, I mean after accepting he was a COCKSUCKER, it was like they had to rub their eyes because BRO had always screamed that with their smooth skin, LISPY VOICE, their toned, lithe muscles, and their round muscled ass.
Jock number two, the one who wrote BOTTOM BITCHES across our walls was the next to change. He found his CHEEKS more sensitive, his old underwear that was becoming uncomfortable shifted to a KOKSTRAP unbeknownst to him. His ass which kept feeling ITCHY around his virgin hole, was attracting ALL the attention as with each step those jiggling mounds grew becoming almost too big for his sweatpants. His BROS pointed out to him with a SLAP of his gorgeous globes, that his OBSESSION with leg day was catching up to him. That slap had caused jock number two to bite his lip but his BROS still heard his moan. When the other two, one a douchebag and one a COCKSUCKER, heard the moans it took them a second to realize just how fuckable their bro was they had to listen to it again causing them to SLAP his other cheek. It was so clear to them as his ass JIGGLED that their BRO wasn't ever a hairy football player of a man, he'd always been such a BOTTOM BITCH, his ass always pushed out in his too tight sweatpants, his cock print always visible but just a soft decoration as he always was craving something in his smooth cheeks. I mean how else would a clean shaven hungry muscle bottom like him get anything else.
At this point my magic had to work quickly as the HORNY BROS were down to one man who was starting to get worried. His mind conflicted with dissonance as memories of two worlds collided. Jock number three the one who wrote FAGGOTS on our doors was confused as to why he was hanging with these two fairies. But as that confusion ate away at his mind his BROS, one COCKSUCKER and one BOTTOM BITCH began to lead him to the KOK house. The closer they walked, the more they talked the more Jock number three changed, each step took his muscles, each step replaced them with soft hairless skin. His masculinity being vanquished as he walked through my doors, his body becoming more feminine, his hips and ass growing, his lips plumping, his height shrinking. His BROS couldn't deny he wasa FAGGOT, I mean they all were. As they got to my room and laid on my bed I smiled and walked out to them. It was going to be a fun night!

Rent-a-Cop: Advancing Self Interest Part II
Continuation of a much beloved spin-off
Inmate 6: Fisher, Martin

"New Name: Marty Fernandez, a 34 years old adult entertainer, escort and drug supplier to the rich and powerful. Pierced tits and nose, flexible and sexually attractive physique that can make anyone swoon quickly, he's one of the main stars in the roster. But his jobs enabled him to snitch to the police department about big-time users or interesting rich people that can be blackmailed into submission like trust fund kids or some college stars that don't want to risk their future in exchange for him getting a special fuck from Captain Noah Bartlett. Retain memories of old life but totally have no recollection on how he is transformed into his new form. He just remembered that he somehow turned into a brand new man as a second chance to serve his boss further. Antonetti's command can be override by Captain Noah Bartlett anytime,"

"Move aside, fella, your session is done. Up next!
Inmate 7 & 8: Gil, Alfonso & Courneyer, Daniel

New name: Alfie Houghton and Daniel Court. Lose body fat by 30%, increase muscle mass by 30% instead. Reduce age by 25%. Gil. . Change both into fitness influencers turned entrepreneur, creating and selling sportswear in which the warehouse also served as a logistic hub for Antonetti's business. Change sexuality to homosexual. Retain memories of old life but totally have no recollection on how they transformed into their new form. They just remembered that they somehow turned into brand new men as a second chance to serve their boss further. Antonetti's command can be override by Captain Noah Bartlett anytime. Randomized new look based on other indicators mentioned earlier,"
"Oh you're making them extra hot, huh?" chirped Antonetti suddenly appearing in the control room still in his male prostitute form

"Antonetti, what are you doing here?"
"Well, cannot stand by as a man whore, am I? I got business to run, after all. Besides, neat little trick you did there, "Antonetti's command can be override by Captain Noah Bartlett anytime." Planning to backstab me or something? Using my boys to deliver the blow to me?" And as he said that, several guys appeared right behind Antonetti, swarming the room with their gun drawn and directed to the caught-red-handed Bartlett
"Do you really think I'll fully believe you? Oh no, Bartlett, pigs like you can never be trusted,"
"N---no, it's not that. I----" he failed to even completed his pleadings before the bullets hit his body and led the corrupt cop to his uneventful death.
They transported the machine out from the police station after making all the night shift cops forget about the existence of the machine, and with that, they own the machine for good.
- That's the ending of scheme 1 -
"Do you really think I'll fully believe you? Oh no, Bartlett, pigs like you can never be trusted,"
"W--wait. Calm down, Antonetti. No need for all of this. Remember, there's a CCTV in this room that can only be accessed by me and there's still the feed of tonight's event, every second of it. You don't want to make drastic moves that can jeopardize you and your group. Come on, you haven't even changed back. Let me change you back first and then we can talk further,"
Antonetti signed his goons to lower their gun, and they obeyed immediately.
"Okay, change me back then. But no funny business. Emilio," barked Antonetti as he left the room with 3 of his goons while a young Italian guy, cannot possibly aged beyond 25, pressed his gun to Bartlett's skull.
"Okay Antonetti. Tell your boys to go to the opposite room, it's the procedure, remember?"
And the 3 goons entered the room in the opposite, welcomed by two of the inmates not yet converted, while Antonetti stands up in the middle of the "change room". That's when Bartlett swiftly switched the intercom from the change room to the control room where he's on the verge of getting killed, as he then proceeded to speak
"Emilio, freeze,"
And just like that, the man behind him freeze, his pupil dilated due to the shock of suddenly losing his bodily senses.
"Goddamn I was this close to death! Oh fuck, okay, Subject: Emilio DiPaglia will submit only to Captain Noah Bartlett's command. Change personality to submissive, sleazy and loyal. He will idly wait for my order in the corner of this room with his gun tucked in his pants. Command established!"

Noah sighed with relief and quickly switched the intercom back before Antonetti realized anything amiss. Several minutes later, Antonetti is back to his original appearance and smiled as he looked at his form.

His goons in the opposite room plus the 2 inmates left then filed into the change room and that's when Antonetti heard "click" from the outside. His smile quickly fades as he realized the vacant eyes of his goons and the way Bartlett and Emilio appeared in the outside of the room. The goons then pinned him down to the floor, their command already kicked in and despite a valiant fight, Antonetti found himself splayed on the floor with his clothes tattered in pieces. His goons clothes also thrown off to the floor as their breath becomes short and their eyes fixated to their "former" boss looking up at them. Bartlett then waved his hand in delight to the cowering Antonetti as he whispered to the mic with the most sinister smirk possible
"Load: Carlo Antonetti. Let's call him Carl Antoinette for starter, a live-in cum dump for the thugs working for Captain Noah Bartlett---"

Dylan looks delicious! I’d love to call dibs!
Of course, and with the blink of an eye you find yourself as Dylan taking a mirror selfie.

"HOW GREAT" you think to yourself, a big muscled stud with a great bulge, surely his wish will make you even better looking, even bigger, even greater.
You suddenly feel as your new 7inch member twitches and comes to life, bouncing almost like it was pleasuring itself. An incredible sensation washes out from your pelvis making you feel lighter than air and you watch as your new dick grows, 8 inches, 9inches, 10inches, with each surge of pleasure you watch as it gets bigger, thicker until it can barely hold its own weight. You swear this thing hangs down to you knee. You let out a moan as it unloads the biggest load you've ever seen all over the floor of your new bathroom, and again and again.
You watch as it doesn't end, a constant wave of pleasure washing over you and releasing. You are so over taken that you have to sit down on the edge of the bath. It is so powerful almost too much, but you couldn't stop it even if you tried. You fall back into the bathtub moaning feeling your muscles as your body autopilots. As you rub your muscles you feel them, become fuller, more plump. Almost soft.
You are too engrossed in pleasure to even realise what is happening to you.
You feel the space in the bathtub become tighter, but you are in too much pleasure to notice what has become of you.

Grown into a big beefy bear, you can hardly even stand up. You are constantly trapped in permanent never ending pleasure as your dick continues to squirt load after load endlessly.
Before you made the swap Dylan had spent the past 16 days in a row working 12 hour shifts, he just wanted a break and made a simple wish "To get bigger and experience incredible joy and pleasure", once he figured out what was going to happen to him he wanted out, but I'm sure you'll be fine in his place.
Fuck. Thank god you’re here. I can’t stop. Been jacking off since I woke up. 8 fucking hours ago. And now… now I sound like this… all dumb, saying ‘bro’ all the sudden… and… I look like this… muscles dude… I get bigger more and more each time I fuckin cum.
How’d it start? Like no idea. Woke up horny as hell. Came so fast I thought it was over, but that was nothin. I just got horny again and again… and it like gets harder… mmm… harder to resist each time. Plus, like, I’m bigger everywhere dude. Each time I cum. Bigger. Thicker… mmmm… cock.
Oh shit I can’t resist dude. Like feels too damn good. Like can barely think straight. Just wanna get my hands on my shaft… feel it grow… huhu… and get this body bigger… thicker… mmm fuck yeah… turnin into such a dumb stud….
So ya gonna help me or what? No use tryin to stop anymore… now that you’re here.