Hos - Tumblr Posts

Peaceful morning
News about the new Kiana battlesuit was on fire last night lol
Meanwhile someone's having a vacation...

I saw the tweet and knew that I need to draw this
This was so satisfying to watch. Their synchronization, their unique styles, the finger hearts. Don't separate jihope. Someone is going to have to check on Jimin when Jhope enlists 😢
230304 Big Hit’s Tweet and TikTok
#on_the_street 에서 벌어지는 훈훈한 투샷💜 🔗 https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS8xHgPfh/
#지민 #Jimin #제이홉 #jhope #홉온스 #jhope_onthestreet #줴홉온더스트릿
The heartwarming two-shot happening #on_the_street💜 🔗 http://vt.tiktok.com/ZS8xHgPfh/
#Jimin #jhope #HOS* #jhope_onthestreet #jwehopeonthestreet
(T/N: *Abbreviation for ‘hope on the street’.)
Trans cr; Ali @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS