House Rabbit - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

The Story of My Easter Bunny

We got Bella one year ago, on Easter. He had lived with a friend of mine happily for his whole life. Chosen from a regular old pet shop, it was four years until he had to leave his first owner. One of the family members had a rabbit allergy, and he couldn't stay. He found his way into the hands of a biology teacher. I came across him by luck and was offered the opportunity to take him home. "She's the sweetest bunny I've ever met!" Was all the bio teacher would say about him. That's right! We thought he was a girl. Well, we found out a week later he was a boy, and we kept the name since he knew it. The trip to our home was a perilous one. He had to sit outside in his cage, covered in coats donated by my friends to keep him out of the sleet while we waited for our ride. He didn't enjoy the car very much, but finally, he was home! We had a week to decide to keep him. Otherwise, we could take him back to the biology teacher. Of course, we couldn't give him up. We fell in love with him.

Yes, we got Bella on Easter. But he's a lot of work! So if you want your own Easter bunny, make sure you know what you're getting into! They aren't cheap to take care of, and they need attention, lots of play time, brushing and nail trimmings. That's just the beginning. Plus, they live a very long time, which is a big commitment. Bunnies make great pets, but only if you have the time, effort, patience and money for them.

The Story Of My Easter Bunny

Happy Easter!

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6 years ago

He's a bad influence

Okay, my boy Bella has taken to shaking the sides of his cage when he wants something. I have no idea how he learned this.

So NOW, my guinea pig ALSO shakes the sides of her cage when she wants something. I think she can see him through the kitchen.

Not only that, whenever one of them gets a treat the other HAS TO HAVE that treat.

He's A Bad Influence
He's A Bad Influence

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6 years ago

I've been getting up earlier and I found out that Bella loves sitting in the morning sunlight. Every day, he moves to sit in the sunshine and closes his eyes. He always looks so happy ☺️☀️

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6 years ago

Bella's Summertime Treats

I gave Bella some new treats to try! Pictures will follow

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6 years ago

A little help

Bella had two corn kernels a few minutes ago. He seems fine now, but I know they're bad for him. Is that enough to take him to a vet?

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6 years ago

I love your buns and their adorable names! Reblogging for the cuteness factor and to boost awareness because almost the same thing happened to me

Your bunnies are so cute, and I love their names! How do you pronounce them?

thank you!! here’s a bonus pic of them eating corn :D

Your Bunnies Are So Cute, And I Love Their Names! How Do You Pronounce Them?

koekie (black one) is dutch for cookie and it’s pronounced kookey! Jetje (white one) is just a name but it’s pronounced yetyuh!

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6 years ago
Here He Is!

Here he is!

I Like Bun Butts And I Cannot Lie
I Like Bun Butts And I Cannot Lie

I like bun butts and I cannot lie

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6 years ago
Bella Was Being Taken Care Of By His Very Special Caretaker All Week! So, With No New Pictures All I

Bella was being taken care of by his very special caretaker all week! So, with no new pictures all I can do is supply this old one. If you don't tell anyone, they won't know the difference. Take my word for it; he's doing fine! Bouncety. I'll have new pictures soon. 🐰

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6 years ago
Right Profile, Dark Eyes. We See The Subject Weary, Alert, Yet Still In High Spirits. Truly A Moving

Right profile, dark eyes. We see the subject weary, alert, yet still in high spirits. Truly a moving shot.

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6 years ago

Hey guys!

I'm taking Bella with me to visit family on Thanksgiving! This will be his first semi-lengthy car ride (about 3 hours) that I know of. I'd like to get him a pet carrier for this trip and for taking him to the vet. Does anyone have any recommendations for what I should look for or how I should pad it down?

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