How Dare A Vile Jonsa Degenerate Reblog This Meta That Is Irrelevant To Their Crackship & Their Glorified Self-insert;it Just Reeks Of+ - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

I made a post about Jon Snow being a Corn King figure here. So, this post references that one heavily. 

The Corn King is a term for a male fertility god/sacred king who dies or is sacrificed for the good of his people to bring fertility or spring back into the land. The Corn King is born at Yule, matures through the year, and dies at harvest, only to be reborn the next year. At Beltane, the Corn King weds an Earth Goddess (an aspect of the Earth Mother). The consummation of their wedding restores fertility to the land.

The king was the incarnation of a dying and reviving god, a solar deity who underwent a mystic marriage to a goddess of the Earth. He died at the harvest and was reincarnated in the spring. Frazer claims that this legend of rebirth is central to almost all of the world’s mythologies. FROM WIKI

I just wanted to make a ship-specific post as we know that Jon and Dany have both been set up as our savior figures to stop the Long Night, restore balance, and bring Spring back again. And, their convergence has been stated has being the point of the series. Does Dany fit the figure of an Earth Goddess, an Earth Mother? The Mother part is easy as Dany is connected to motherhood from the first book and first season onwards. Mhysa means “mother.” She’s the Mother of Dragons.  

Frazer, in The Golden Bough, uses Diana, the Roman moon and nature goddess (who has also been called Light Bringer interestingly) and her symbolic marriage to the priest-king Nemi “the two figuring as King and Queen of the Wood in a solemn marriage which was intended to make the earth gay with the blossoms of spring and the fruits of autumn.” Egyptian kings married their sisters and they impersonated Osiris and Isis in the rites of spring. 

In Barbara L Talcroft’s The Death of the Corn King which is built on Frazer’s The Golden Bough, she says:

Irish texts speak of the banais rigi or “the wedding of the kingship” which probably meant that the queen, who also impersonated the earth goddess,  chose a mate from among her war band and later to become the king-sacrifice. Mac Cana relates the story from Irish literature of King Eochaidh whose kingship was not recognized because his goddess-wife, Edain, had been taken away from him. Mac Cana concludes, “In the context of Irish tradition, the meaning of this is clear. Eochaidh had become king, but his kingship could be validated only by his union with the goddess of sovereignty, in this case, Edain. This union of king and goddess was at one time ritually enacted at the Feast of Tara.”

So, this part is interesting because it’s the Goddess of Sovereignty that gives the king legitimacy. Without her, his kingship is not validated. 

The ceremony so essential to the legitimacy of the king took place at his inauguration and had two parts- some form of drink offered by the goddess-bride to the king and the sexual union

Have I just talked myself into accepting Bran’s legitimacy VO while Jon/Dany are having sex? Heh.

The intricate relationship between king and Goddess, at least in the Celtic tradition, was undoubtedly caused by the conflicting emphases of the patriarchal sun religion represented by the king, and of the matriarchal earth and moon religion represented by the Goddess.

Moon symbology has figured in Daenerys’ story. ‘Moon of my life’ which Drogo called her is only one such example. The dragon creation myth is another. There are a lot of moon references in Dany’s chapters. But, there are even more moon references in Jon’s chapters. The Azor Ahai myth and R’hollorism is filled with sun, moon, and star references too. R’hllor specifically is connected to sun and stars.

“He told me the moon was an egg, Khaleesi, the Lysene girl said. Once there were two moons in the sky, but one wandered too close to the sun and cracked from the heat. A thousand thousand dragons poured forth, and drank the fire of the sun. That is why dragons breathe flame. One day the other moon will kiss the sun too, and then it will crack and the dragons will return.”

Melisandre says to Jon in ADWD  "You should look behind you, Lord Snow. The moon has kissed you and etched your shadow upon the ice twenty feet tall.“

R’hllor,” sang Melisandre, her arms upraised against the falling snow, “you are the light in our eyes, the fire in our hearts, the heat in our loins. Yours is the sun that warms our days, yours the stars that guard us in the dark of night.”

I was researching the Corn King mythology and I found the references to the Earth/Moon (often used interchangeably) Goddess and the role she plays in the Corn King story. It’s not just his death and rebirth that brings fertility to the land, but it’s the consummation of their marriage. I’m not taking this literally for Jon and Dany, but rather, that their partnership will be what helps saves the world and brings Spring again. 

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& even so sansa doesn't really have any parallels with Persephone like Arya & Dany actually do🙃🤦🏾‍♀️ how dare a vile jonsa degenerate reblog this meta that is irrelevant to their crackship & their glorified self-insert;it just reeks of+ +insecurity & screams threatened af as always with jonsas what else is new🤨😭☠️🤣 ofc jonsas have selective memory & rose colored classes for their cherry-picking & confirmation bias to force their crackship as if they+ +didn't use romeo comparing juliet's beauty to the sun & the other line from Shakespeare that the moon is sickly & envious since it doesn't+ +shine as bright as the sun when the moon is associated with beauty & romance & dany is associated connected to & paralleled with both the+ +moon & the sun (due to her development from Drogo's wife coming into her own agency & power as the she-king when she becomes the head of+ +khalasar then mother of dragons queen & mhysa mother to her people who she takes under her wing & upon herself to care for & protect like a +guardian;ntm dany's association connection to & parallels with the star as a symbol of hope for the people & the future the champion of+ +people the champion of Westeros as azor ahai/the prince who was promised/the stallion who mount the world/aegon the conqueror w/ teats/+ +aegon come again w/ her dragons which symbolizes freedom prosperity & good fortune in chinese culture like how fire is sacred across+ +various asian cultures considering grrm said “fire is love passion sexual ardor” while ice is the opposite “hate betrayal cold inhumanity & +all these things being played out in the books“ & ntm dany is also associated connected to & paralleled w/ the celestial body/star venus+ +associated w/ the deity associated w/ beauty & love & romance like dany is;but now somehow sansa who they took advantage of ned saying+ stark sisters were as different as the sun & the moon + jon observing sansa being so happy (radiant) w/ joffrey for 'beauty' when it means+ +how a person feel in that context like catelyn calling her sister lysa radiant too at her wedding as half-brother jon towards his sister+ +who wants to marry joffrey since jon & sansa are distant practically estranged siblings unlike his close relationship w/ all the other+ +starklings especially arya;but somehow all of sudden now sansa is associated w/ & connected to the moon while using dany & the moon + +Shakespearean writing romeo & juliet-that grrm is also subverting inverting deconstructing & reconstructing btw-to degrade dany b/c she+ +stands in the way of their crackship since jonsas are threatened by her main heroine status to the main hero besides having everything+ +they already covet for their glorifed fanon self-insert;jonsas are so full of shit/it🤡stop contradicting yourselves jonsas because you+ +can't go w/ one take then switch up to another of the opposite they conflicts w/ your bogus nonexistent 'reasoning' only when it suits yall fandom foolery fandom clownery fandom delusion dany is called the most beautiful woman in the world in canon for obvious reasons like all ladies of great beauties are in canon as a quite +a few other Targaryen women were titled from their ethereal otherworldly Valyrian features & ntm dany is related to 3 queens of love &+ +beauty:princess daenerys l daughter of alysanne & jaehaerys queen naerys & dany's mother rhaella all of which dany has parallels w/ +grrm makes sure to mention dany stronger than naerys even though they look alike & grrm makes sure to have dany say “they wanted her the+ +fire the life“ & dany stretches out her arms to them