Hozier Music - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Me, ignorant, having only ever heard take me to church; Geez what is up the the hozier fandom???

Me, later, after listening to work song; *instanly transported to old woodland in a time long ago* oh.

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10 months ago

Why is it that every time Hozier’s voice rings through my brain I can’t remember my own name, and yet my soul is laid bare before my eyes?

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4 months ago

Wasteland baby! is the most under appreciated of the Hozier albums and truly what an album to be released just before the pandemic what a song to release before the pandemic. During an uncertain time an album about not being alone in a wasteland the way most of the songs are about devotion, to the point of fault, to the point of personal harm, to the point of manipulation, about doing everything to be with this person even when it's detrimental to you both or even when it's a person you've made up in your head, in a year when we couldn’t go out and see each other. Hozier releases an album that puts the yearning for love in the loneliness of the pandemic into words a full year before the pandemic even happened and we don’t even really talk about it and that should be a crime.

True that love in withdrawal was the weepin' of me That the sound of the saw must be known by the tree

god imagine hearing that in a pandemic and not going insane.

in this essay, I will-

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