Hs Roleplay - Tumblr Posts
5 months ago
Decided to join grumblr!!
I can’t @ it so I’m making this a link to it instead
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8 months ago
what does the /card suit mean like /<3< or /c3< or whatever
>They're 6ased }o{n the r}o{mance sym6}o{ls, helmhead.<
>6ut I 9uess I can explain f}o{r the wri99lers;<
>/<3< is the spade ♠️ f}o{r p}o{sts with m}o{re anim}o{sity or tension.<
>/o3< is the clu6 ♣️ f}o{r c}o{ncerned & mediative p}o{sts<
>/<3 is the heart ♥️ f}o{r affecti}o{nate }o{r p}o{sitive p}o{sts<
>/<> is the diam}o{nd ♦️ f}o{r vulnera6le & safe p}o{sts<
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