I Am Actually Crying - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

Okay but have you noticed how the bts rap line stans are literally like their biases? Allow me to explain.

Yoongi stans

🌟The literal stars of our galaxy🌟

Dull dark pretty aesthetics

Don’t remember the last time they’ve give fucks

Are the softest

Hold their hands please

Pretty sensitive but choose against showing it unless they really love someone

Really small

Worship seesaw

Usually thought of as “rude” or something but in reality they just protect what they love most regardless of what way they do it in

If they’re passionate about something then they’re PASSIONATE about it

☆ They kinda feel so close and comfortable with yoongi because at times they’ve related to his past and it gives them a bit of hope ☆

Hoseok stans

☀️brightest suns in the universe☀️

Always choose against mentioning how they might be in pain, for some goddamn reason

Can not stay in one place- muST MOVE

Have no trouble in giving love to even random strangers

Their playlist is filled with songs that literally explore every genre

ARE LOUD but hate loud sounds???

If sad then just quiet down but never talk about it

Insecure of tiny things

Grateful for small things

Prettiest smiles

Still sleep with stuffed animals

The word “hope” means a lot to them

☆ The caring energy and shinning aura of hoseok is what they enjoy the most, in all he gives them energy in a lot of ways☆

Namjoon stans

🌙Children of the moon 🌓

Either the most intelligent or the most illiterate, depends on their mood

Have a sense of wanting to protect people they love and to be protected sometimes

Underline sentences in books they love, or keep reading that one page that got to them

Think too much about small details, cause they care too much

Kinda want to save the world

Ironically love slow sad songs

Rain enthusiasts

“I must obtain aLL FORMS OF KNOWLEDGE”

Love talking about emotions, seasons, their friends and all their favourite scents

Want to keep a journal but fail every 7 days

Break everything, please keep them away from valuable times

☆ They get really attached to joon because they see a lot of themselves in his own being and growth, and feel like they’ll be safe under his cover. ☆

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5 months ago

I love scams here on Tumblr because they're so funny.

It can go from just donation asks to porn bots.

But I never thought that I would get a dm from someone I don't know advertising what is most likely drugs and stuff

Tbh I saw this and just fucking laughed. Tumblr is an absolutely mental place.

(Blurred it so this doesn't get taken down.)

I Love Scams Here On Tumblr Because They're So Funny.

But it's just straight up drugs or whatever it is

Scams these days are wild.

Tbh I'm hoping this is a scam.

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3 years ago


(remus Lupin X Reader)

(remus lupin x reader)

(remus Lupin X Reader)

all of you had sat in a large circle in the common room and passed around all your christmas gifts to eachother, everyone was loving it, no matter how big or small the gift they had received, everybody was so grateful.

everyone except remus had given out their presents and once all eyes were looking to him, you noticed he seemed a bit flustered and nervous, playing around with the rings in his fingers.

“um, i know these aren’t the best gifts, i just couldn’t afford anything big for all of you, i wish i could-“

“remmy..” you interrupted, “marlene got us all a bracelet made of sticks and leaves from outside that she enchanted to bend all together, and we all love it because she took the time to make it herself-“

“well i didn’t actually do it-“ marlene laughed quietly, thinking about the time she spent reading on how to get branches and leaves to make a bracelet of themselves by themselves just so she wouldn’t have to do it.

“marlene put in 5% effort on her gift, but we all love it anyway, i’m positive we’ll all love yours” you told him

he smiled gratefully at you before pulling out multiple gifts all wrapped in newspaper from the daily prophet and all your names written on the paper so he wouldn’t forget who’s was who’s, all a fairly similar rectangular shape, and he passed them out to each of you.

you all began unwrapping and once you’d opened yours up you had to hold yourself from blushing tomato red, so you instead looked up at him with a wide smile to find him already looking at you, with soft anxious eyes, biting his nails to stop him fidgeting with his hands.

“rem.. you did this for all of us?”

you’d all been given one of remus’ books from his large book collection, he’d taken so much time not only picking which book should go to who, but putting in a message on the first page.

“well , yeah, is that okay? i didn’t know what to get and you guys always seem to find looking through my notes in all the books amusing so-“

he was interrupted by you smashing into him with a great hug hug.

“thankyou so much rem, i love it so much”

you could feel him smile into your neck, “i’m glad you like it” he responded quietly for you only to hear.

“moony this is great!” you heard james, you pulled away from remus and gave him a little smile before going back to your spot in the circle.

sirius was flicking through his book with a boyish smile, and turned to remus “moons this is awesome, it has all your thoughts in it, now i’ll get to find out just how your mind works huh?” he ruffled remus’ hair with a laugh

“this is really sweet rem, thankyou so much” lily told him, looking through her own book of romeo and juliet, from what you could see, the message on her first page may or may not have had the name ‘james’ written somewhere in it …

and as you looked around, at all your friends skimming though rem’s annotated gifts, with grins up to their eyes chatting quietly to themselves, you realised there was nowhere else you’d rather be.

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4 years ago

alright so i wanted to know what year a 14 year old would be born so i asked google “how old would a 14 year old be”

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