I Am So Emo About That! How Dare You! The Hand Thing Is - Tumblr Posts

"Maybe you should have the tech department send you the evidence." A satisfied grin came to her face at that memory, the fact that she had elicited such a response from him made her a bit prideful. The more he challenged her, the more made it her goal to be the one to 'win', already thinking about the best way to do so.

"I dunno, maybe saying the word 'no'," she teased. "Of course I'm sure. I'd love to help you." With how busy things were, how his family all had things of their own to worry about and how work always seemed to stress him, her helping him with the one thing she could would be something she wouldn't hesitate to do. "Were you trying to convince me to say no, because that made me want to say yes even more. The only person that I would want to find me hot is you so that's another reason to say yes now." She'd be lying if she said that it didn't mean a lot to her that his mother liked her, even came to love her. "I love her too and you know she loves you more, don't be silly You're her son. Oh, let's send her a postcard, does she like those? Orion is starting a collection so I'm going to send him one. Think Annie would like one too?"
Hearing the way he said recharge made her laugh, knowing exactly what he was thinking. Which honestly, they always seemed to be on the same page about that. "As long as recharging doesn't take up all our time or we'll miss the whale cruise, mon amor." Exiting the car and following him she indulged in his request. "Well, they all do look very different so there's that. It can be quite easy to tell which whale you're looking at once you know what you're looking for and which ones are in the water." Reaching over, she grabbed one her bags, so he could have a free hand, not wanting to walk through the airport not holding his hand. There were very few moments in which they would be together and her not want her hand in his like it was where it had always belonged. "Its the way they communicate. The little melodic sounds they make, its to mate, find food, talk to each other. So they nickname the singers of the ocean. The museum has some recordings up for listening, it's really nice when you take the time to listen to it. Pretty beautiful."
As they made their way to check in for their flight, she took a second to think it over scrunching her mouth to the side trying to decide what to tell him next. "Well I don't want to give it all away, I want you to see a lot of it for yourself. But I'll give you one more, the humpback whale migrate from Iceland which is their typical feeding grounds to breeding grounds all the way out in tropical places like Mexico. And that's all you're going to get from me. No more spoilers." A big excited smile as she looked back at him as she waited for him to check them in. The fact that he would be seeing these places that she had seen so many times on her own for the first time made her excited about his reactions.

"Only failed because you did that combination of your mouth and hand and that wasn't fair." Would he really put this under a huge complaint, no. He was thoroughly satisfied. "So, that wasn't my fault." Giving a shrug he chuckled. "Can have tech department wipe that evidence." Wally had a solution for everything so he could very well bounce things from whatever she came out with. "Don't be such a scaredy cat." he tsked knowing that if he challenged her this would make her lean one way.
He gave a single head shake but smiled. There was an upside to being in the mix of it but he did distest the small talk. No one really had a handbook to handle being stupidly rich but some of these that came truly didn't know the meaning of humility. The ones that did usually got bullied into becoming selfish assholes. A soft sigh escaped him as she offered to help and that made him squeeze her hand in return. This was after all for his mother and he'd always do right by her and continue on her legacy that crushed the notion that wealthy people didn't know the meaning of humanity. "Now, how could I ever say no to your help? Might even be fun this time around with your magic touch. But are you sure?" Wally knew this could be a lot to handle being the one who put them on so he wanted to make sure she didn't feel pressured. "You get to boss rich people around. Crack the whip. Not gonna lie it's pretty hot when you think about it. You know she loves you. I might even be jealous on how much," he teased knowing his mom really did think of Liz as a third daughter or one she hoped to welcome into her family as one if Wally ever got it together as she'd say.

"Recharge for an hour?" Now his mind was right back to that gutter he liked to call home. "Sounds like we've got our schedule down for day one." As he parked he put the sticker he always did when he'd leave the car in the parking lot, thanks to work he was part of the airport. Always flying in and out. Before she could take her hand back, he pulled her over and grabbed her face to give her a kiss. "Come on." There was something in the way she'd pluck a topic to talk about whenever she didn't want quiet. This time he noticed it and smiled. He wasn't the only one who'd do that it seemed. That in itself made him chuckle softly. "Over twenty species of whales? Well, how do you tell them apart?" Getting out of the car he quickly went around and grabbed her door before getting her bags. "Singers of the sea, hmm how'd they get the name bestowed on them?" Whales to him sounded like you were underwater hearing some type of sonar. "Got anymore whale facts? I feel like we're ahead of the game before we even arrive."