I Cannot For The Life Of Me Watch Anime When Manga Is Right There - Tumblr Posts
all of my friends are huge anime fans so they’re always shocked by my disinterest in anime. most anime is shounen and i don’t read shounen manga very often, and the type of manga I do like (shoujo, seinen, etc) rarely, if ever, gets anime adaptations so after following you it’s kind of a relief to see there’s other people who prefer manga over anime.
Yeah, fandom is mostly focused on anime, isn't it! I don't really get it, to be honest, because manga has a wider variety of genres, themes, art styles, etc. and in general manga caters to a much, much wider audience.
Sometimes I see people complain at length about how anime is bad at portraying female characters, anime is bad at various minority issues, anime caters too much to young boys and/or male moe otaku etc. etc. etc. and my reaction is "Why are you forcing yourself to watch a medium which you evidently don't even enjoy when you could just, like, read manga." (I'm not talking about people simply criticizing anime, since criticism is fair game, I'm talking about people who seem to buckle down on being an "anime fan" while desperately looking for scraps of what they actually want, to the point that they sometimes twist anime to fit this thing they're looking for, e.g. "moe anime is feminist because female characters" or "moe anime is representation because yuri fan service". Like, why would you do this to yourself.)