I Definitely Think Hes An Interesting Character - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Last boss was labeled a NEET in the manga, so in some ways is correct, I wouldn’t dub him quite an incel though, he was a shut in that didn’t socialize and he was obsessed with famous travelers will to survive in perilous situations (to the point of obsessively blogging about it despite nobody seeing it). Thus when he entered the Borderlands he didn’t want to leave as he had become the one needing to survive (or something akin to that it’s been awhile since I read 🤡) I can understand peoples fascination with him! Especially given the katana and face tattoos- he caught my attention at first in the adaption-

But as soon as I watched him walk weird I was like BYE 😭 HAHAHA I definitely think he’d be extremely socially awkward and doesn’t understand social cues because...mans was a shut in, but he’s otherwise I think he’s a fairly neural in personality for those in the fandom to develop however they like!

It's funny how everyone is thirsting over last boss like he isnt most likely an incel. Like, are they intentionally blocking out his flashback?? He never left his room which was filled with trash and was disgusting. He was most likely like the neckbeards i have argued with before on reddit. He's probably the type of guy that would call you a slut under his breath if you rejected him. It baffles me that people are into him.

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