I Dont Reblog Often At All But God Do I Love My Mutualsss - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

I’m doin goood today!! how ya doin broo? :)

have you ever mixed loose tobacco w your weed in a bong bowl? I promise it’s phenomenal!

only downside is every time I do it I throw up bc I’m not too used to the tobacco part and it hits way harder

it also def gets the bong dirty quicker

yess i have before it hits craaazy ivr also had a time when i had dabs but not butane n NO BUD so i put a lil tobacco in the bong n some concentrate on top. it probably aged me abt six months but it hit fs. not my favorite high nothing can pry me from sweet sweet cigarette but! id like to try rolling my own w loose tobacco sometime. thanks for the ask bby mwah mwah<33!!! how are u today???

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