I Feel Like Most Of My Mutuals Have Done This Already Fsdjfsdf - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

thanks for tagging me @dilfdraco!!

last song: i see you - MISSIO (ive been listening to my jonmartin playlist on repeat fjsdfsdf)

last movie: american psycho. it was my first time watching it and ik its a cult classic or whatever but to me it was just like 'white man gets away with everything' 👁️👄👁️

currently watching: tbh haven't been watching anything lately. i rewatch schitt's creek occasionally

currently reading: the last book i read was prisoner of azkaban in june and it was for a class fjdsfsdf i havent read a proper book in ages. i currently only have the brain capacity to read fluffy fanfics

currently craving: could go for a cinnabon tbh

tagging: @maesmora @crimsonhead-ache @grey-edges and anyone else that wants to do it!

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