I Feel Like These Are Getting Less And Less Creative Each Time XD - Tumblr Posts
Your feelings had always been kept under lock and key. Maybe you and your F/O bonded over this shared habit, or perhaps they see a paradox of the person they love paired with this trait — having your emotions bottled so tightly isn’t healthy! They want to know and adore all of you, why don’t you simply let them? Nonetheless, you were the strong one.
So why did you feel so weak?
It was a small incident, really. Maybe the food you were eating went cold or a particularly annoying noise was grating against your ears; your F/O can’t help but notice the way your own walls crumble down before you, hands shaking, tears threatening to spill, perhaps a wayward fist slamming down on the nearest surface as the insufferable emotions simmer under your skin.
Soon enough, your F/O’s presence is wrapping around you, baffled yet filled with zeal, an eager resolve to chase away this eclipse and see the stunning joy on your face.
They coax you from your work and do their best to fix what had been broken/get somewhere away from the stressor (yes, even if they were perfectly content prior to this. They don’t wish to return there — how could they ever enjoy themselves knowing their beloved is in pain?) They listen to any teary rant you might have, no matter how incoherent or simple it might be. If you want, your F/O will sit beside you, breathing in sync as you lay in the dark, silent room where both of you can simply exist. Your beloved hugs you close the moment you wish it, murmuring soft words and stories into your ear so that the beast that tormented you might go back to sleep.
You don’t have to be strong all the time, not when you’re with them. And when the time comes your strength is needed? Your F/O will be right beside you to carry the load.