I Have Essentially Created A Rainbow - Tumblr Posts

note: This is entirely based off of @prometheanglory‘s idea of giving battle lines for OCs and whatnot ladjsaddsda (also, P.S., i luv u and ur art im crying ohgod)
also- this is-
[Quintin Blanpine] Battle Quotes
(VA: Miyu Irino)
Battle start: Can we hurry this up please? We’re running short on the dot…!!
Selected: Eh- wait- me?! I-I’ll, I, eh, uhm, awawaa… I-I’LL DO MY BEST!! *flustered*
Attacking: E-… Eei!!
Special/Critical attack: Maryann, please! Lend me a hand!
Team-up: Oh- uhm, l-let’s do our best okay…! And, uh… i-it’s nice working with youskaslkjsalf— ouch ouch, I accidentally bit my tongue… ouch….
(With any of the Heartslabyul members): *perks up* Ehehe, it really does feel a bit lighter when you’re together with your comrades… // (if it’s Riddle): R-Riddle-senpai?!?! Awawawa, I-I’ll do my best! Absolutely!! The roses will be painted red, the cake will be on time, and— *blah blah blah*
(With any of the Octavinelle or Diasomnia members): Urk…. N-no, sorry for that reaction…! I’m sorry!! Awawawa— please don’t hurt me-
(With any of the Scarabia members): Hmm… this isn’t too bad at all, heheh. Eh? Why’s that? W-Well, that’s…! I-It’s nothing really!!
Minor Injury: Ouch—! That hurt…!
Defeated: Haaaah… so we lost, huh… well, it’s not like I didn’t anticipate… this….
Victory: *deep sigh of relief* Somehow we managed to get out of that situation… never again…!! // H-How much time did we waste here…!? Oh dear oh dear oh dear…!! We can’t be late! Awawawa-
[Seisear Marchare] Battle Quotes
(VA: Miyano Mamoru or Ryohei Kimura)
Battle start: Well, let’s get this on shall we~?
Selected: Thy hast chosen moi? Kufufu, well I suppose I’ll do my best this time ‘square (‘(a)round)~.
Attacking: Here ya go~.
Special/Critical attack: Topsy-turvy, upside-down, left-n-right~, side-to-side, little birdie; who is behind you~?
Team-up: Hallo~! Welcome~! Ladies and gentlemen~! Oh oh, what you say we have a tea party later~?
(With any of the Heartslabyul members): Oooh~! It’s you guys~! Ahaha, this oughta be fun! What’s say all of us have a jolly good time together, m’kay~? // (if it’s Riddle): If it isn’t the tiny red queen~! Man, it’s such an honor to be by your side, hahahaha~.
(With any of the Octavinelle members): Ahaha, is this what they call “birds of a feather flock together”~? *laughs*
Minor Injury: Ouchies~!
Major Injury: Ngh…! Yeah, that one really hurt, not lying.
Defeated: Calm down, calm down… *breathes deeply* Nothing lost, yeah, it’s alright… right..?
Victory: H~ah, that was a good exercise. A good tea party is just what we need right about now~! // Lan-lan-ru~, Lan-lan-ru~, lan-lan— hm? Oh! It’s over already? Teehee~. Whoopsies.
[Lala-Phula Tigris] Battle Quotes
(VA: Rie Kugimiya)
Battle start: Alright, it’s time to start the hunt~! All of you are prey~.
Selected: *chuckles* Of course you’d pick the [king], that’s how it’s supposed to be~.
Attacking: Take~… this!
Special/Critical attack: … I guess I can take this just a tiny bit seriously~. *smiles*
Team-up: *pouts* I alone should be enough… oh well, can’t do anything ‘bout this~. Just don’t lag behind, okay~?
(With any of the Savanclaw members): Oooohh, now there’s more quality prey…! This is torture~!! *pout* // (if it’s Leona): After I deal with the herbivores right in front of us, I’ll eat you next~. Only one can be the [king] around here, after all.
(With any of the Octavinelle, Pomefiore or Ignihyde members): Ahaha, look what we have here, cute little fishies/birds/mice~! This ought to be fun~.
Minor Injury: Haha, you got me there~!
Major Injury: AHAHAHA!! That’s it, fight harder! MORE!!!
Defeated: Wow… so this is how it feels to lose, huh….. it doesn’t feel too bad… I think…
Victory: *stretches* Hhhmm… aaah! That was a good meal! Nyahuhu~. // Eeeehh~? That was it?? I didn’t even get to have my fill at all! *pout*
[Cirnu Alva Valirgethen] Battle Quotes
(VA: Sawashiro Miyuki or Nana Mizuki)
Battle start: [Iam hora noctis]. Now then, shall we dance the night away?
Selected: Ara ara~, so you have chosen me? Well, I’ll see to it that you obtain what you wish~. *chuckles*
Attacking: I do apologize.
Special/Critical attack: [Obumbratio et Inferno], ring the bells of [the] eve.
Team-up: *smiles* Let’s do our best, okay? Oh but I’ll assist you throughout of course. Should anything happen though, I promise to retaliate tenfold for you~.
(With any of the Diasomnia members): My my, it looks like we’ll be on the same team~. This is a nice feeling, it’s almost like a family get-together~. // (if it’s Malleus): Malleus, don’t scare the poor things too much okay? // (if it’s Lilia): Fufu, this is in a way nostalgic but not at the same time. How peculiar.
(With any of the other dorms members): Fufu, I’ll watch over you like I always do, so don’t despair and worry, please.
Minor Injury: Hmm. It’s fine, I’m quite alright.
Major Injury: This isn’t too good…
Defeated: The feeling of losing, huh… this has always been a peculiar but acceptable feeling… but it seems that I’m still not quite used to it, ahaha…
Victory: [Prodigiosus]. Well then, shall we continue on with our little journey together~? // The bells have tolled for our victory. Hereafter the chaos, the dawn has arrived finally.
[Ohphiou Chos Gorgos] Battle Quotes
(VA: Hiroshi Kamiya)
Battle start: Do we really have to? … Fine…. haaa—h. *deep and long exasperated sigh* Sorry about this, you guys.
Selected: …. You’ll just be disappointed in me. … But I guess I’ll try to impress.
Attacking: Hah… take that, and that.
Special/Critical attack: Want to turn to stone?
Team-up: Hey, uh, sorry about this but do the heavy lifting for the team okay? Okay? Good. *sighs deeply*
(With any of the Ignihyde members): *sighs* At least this won’t be awkward or anything, a bit… although I’m not so sure about this lineup…. // (if it’s Idia): … Hey, Idi, are you sure you’re alright coming out here and doing this? Just asking…
(With any of the Octavinelle or Diasomnia members): Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap—! Is it too late to switch teams already??!!? Shit-
(With any of the Scarabia members): *sighs heavily* Oh good. The sand people. Ah- No no, I have nothing against them, don’t mind me.
(With any of the Pomefiore members): …… Put me in a different team, now. I can’t stand the brightness and the heavy atmosphere here.
(With any of the Heartslabyul members): Now it’s the RRC guys huh. … Yaaay, time to count down until my beheading~. *sarcastic*
Minor Injury: Kuh—. I’m fine, I’m fine.
Major Injury: …. Alright alright, I’ll take this seriously now…
Defeated: … I’m not surprised about this conclusion… after all, fairy tales and reality are blurred lines.… (especially for things like me…)
Victory: …. Huh? We… actually won that? …. N-Nothing, that’s… good, I-I guess. // YAHOO!!! Ah. Eh, that’s, uhm, forget about what just happened RIGHT NOW!!!
[Berebis R. L’Ephegor] Battle Quotes
(VA: Takahiro Sakurai)
Battle start: *yawns* Fine, let’s just get this over with.
Selected: Dang, you picked me? *sighs deeply* Don’t expect much from me, okay.
Attacking: *dull tone of voice* Eei…
Special/Critical attack: Go to sleep already.
Team-up: I guess that’s my cue to get out of here— eh, no? *sighs* I’m so tired…
(With any of Diasomnia members): Oh, it’s you guys. Perfect timing, I’ll leave most of the heavy lifting to you… // (if it’s Malleus): Yo, dorm leader. … Hm? Why do I get the feeling that things will be better now you’re here? … Eh. Who cares.
(With any of the Scarabia or Pomefiore members): So this time it’s with you guys huh. Well, I don’t mind this really… not surprising, I know.
(With any of the Heartslabyul members): Ooh… tell me, how’s little red doing nowadays? Still being tsundere?
Minor Injury: *uninterested tone* Ouch~….
Major Injury: Not bad, not bad… I’m feeling fired up for once.
Defeated: Is it over? Can I finally sleep in peace?
Victory: *yawns* Boring. Drab. Dull. That was a huge waste of nap time… I’m sleeping this off again. // That was an unexpected turn of events… huh. This isn’t bad… only every once in a while.
[Fuyume Yukitosu] Battle Quotes
(VA: Kana Hanazawa or Ueda Kana)
Battle start: Onwards at once. Indecisiveness only breeds inaction, and in turn sows doubt.
Selected: I will do my upmost to live up to your expectations.
Attacking: Sincerest apologies.
Special/Critical attack: Freeze. Shatter. Then scatter into the wind.
Team-up: I humbly greet your arrival. Now then. Please do your duty as we all must.
(With any of the Pomefiore members): It is wondrous to have you here. We must act with synergy and cooperation, all right?
(With any of the Octavinelle members): Please do not extend your bothersome attitudes or contracts even here.
(With any of the Scarabia members): Apologies but I feel a slight discomfort, please don’t approach me.
Minor Injury: This is nothing.
Major Injury: Ah—.
Defeated: We lost. I see. It cannot be helped… but, then why do I feel a slight pain in my chest?
Victory: We are victorious. However it is not wise to get too conceited over only victory. // The sensation of winning……. *smiles* Eh. Why are the corners of my lips rising up…?