I Have Much To Say - Tumblr Posts
Here's part 1: (link)
This is the perfect post for me to reblog and add my thoughts to. (I know that op is pro-Forever, so there is a bias. Bear with me.) I had shared them to my sister, and now I share to you.
First and foremost, this is NOT me condoning or condemning ForeverPlayer's actions. This is me criticizing how the internet responded.
Guys, remember all the various different viewpoints shared around during the fiasco? Remember the many social media accounts breaking down and picking apart the 3 different sides (the accuser, the accused, and the young woman who never started the accusations) involved in the situation? for analyzing?
If you do, then you should remember the weird detail of the fact that the accuser is a Forever anti. You can search through the "forever situation" tags to find the analytical/ investigative posts. There is proof that the accuser is a Forever anti. maybe also a Brazilian anti (is that considered racism?). They do not deny being an anti.
The worst part is...
It's not fair.
It's not fair that it is so easy for the internet to accuse someone of crimes or heinous acts. "N-zi, P-do, r-pist, homophobic, ab-ser," etc. Only for then realize that the situation is much more complicated than surface level. I agree with OP that it's so easy to slap on these bad words on your headlines because of how attention-grabbing they are.
It's not fair that it's so easy to cancel someone or to jump on the hate train because "everybody else is doing it."
It's not fair how easy it is to give so much power to internet trolls and accusers and antis. Seriously, look at how much recognition they gained once they made the accusations. Look at the effects. look at the chain of events. I repeat: The way how we responded to the events gave the accuser power.
and they won.
and that power will grow. This is a prediction. My prediction. But if all Tumblr chatter are theorizing correctly, then we must be very careful. Remember that other people analyzing the situation and the anti pointed out the detail of the anti trying to target Pac and other Brazilians? Whether or not that anti/accuser was the same person, there is proof that the Forever accuser is also a anti-Cellbit. I know very well, from experience of observing the internet, that we will not see the end of any type of accusations towards QSMP members.
The internet users will give fuel to the fire, in a blind rage. Because justice and righteousness is important than fact-checking. Why win points in doubt and scorn when you can win points in praise and agreements?
Those antis will not stop. they know they can get away so easy. If they won 1 battle, who's to say they can not win another?
"it worked! I got what I wanted!"
And we let them.
Part 2
I have seen amazing artists and content creators come and go, and some get taken out by cancellation. Whether it was true or not, I’ve seen the fellow painter and aspiring film maker be chased off respective platforms or generally scared away because of the negative effects of cancellation. They will be canceled over stupid things they did in the past close to a decade ago or over something that isn't true. And honestly, I'm sick of it. I don’t care who you cancellers are, I want to rip you apart with fangs and claws. And I'm sick all of you trolls getting what you want.
There was one artist I knew who made the most beautiful pieces and one random asshole one day called them out for being a pedo. Were they? No, and how would they even know anyway? But everyone just jumped up and dogpiled her. I tried my hardest to intervene and tell her not to listen to what they had to say, but the damage had been done, they succeeded and chased her off. And I will never forgive them for that. Such a talented person chased off and for what? To stroke someone's ego? Because they were jealous? It doesn’t matter. This terrible rage in my stomach has been building up with every artist running away with the fear of being cancelled and I can’t take it.
When it first began, the cancellation movement, some foresaw how bad it would be and realized that they didn’t want to face it. For example, my beloved Jenna Marbles. Who knows, maybe she was tired of the whole YouTube scene to begin with, she had been doing it for ten years after all, but she decided to do her own cancellation to free herself from someone bringing it up instead. Maybe she realized how dangerous this was and that she should just leave before it was too late, cause with 2020 and that cancelling movement on the horizon, I don’t think my girl had the strength to keep up. She did her own cancellation suicide and fucked off, escaping criticism by criticizing herself. And I was heartbroken. Still am. That it had gotten so bad that a content creator would freely air out her own dirty laundry to feed the rabid wolves and make her escape. And there were those who relished off of it. Happy she was gone. Making me sick and fueling my anger even more.
And then there were more. Mostly men, cancelled here and there. I won't name names, but we know them. Know who they are if you followed any cancellation ever. And chased off usually over some stupid shit they said in their twenties or being accused of grooming. Which the former most of the time seems easier to bounce back from then the later. Being called a racist, homophobic, etc., can be subjective. Especially during this day and age when the internet is so unbelievably sensitive to everything because they read every word with malicious intent towards themselves specifically. But so many content creators get targeted at the height of popularity or just because they were extremely popular. It’s obvious. So well known, and the bigger they are, the harder they fall. And some if not many, y'know, don’t deserve it. Some if not many don’t deserve cancellation and I will bite with so much rage in my being on their part. I know they can probably take care of themselves, but there are so many who can’t. They can’t hold on in these seas of accusations.
And then there are those who bounce back. Many will argue that they shouldn’t, but after time many seem to have forgiven what they were canceled about or just simply don’t care. Like Mr. Logan Paul for example. The man had such a lack of sense that he filmed a dead body and posted that on Youtube. And now he is doing interviews for Mr Beast. I just find that one... Interesting? Now, I don’t know much about Logan Paul except for all his drama. I don’t care too much for him cause he’s pretty loud and that hurts my ears. Nor is his content for me. I don’t know much about him as a person at all and can’t speak on behalf of his character. I don't know if Logan Paul grew up or gained some common sense, but what I do know is that he held out. He washed off all the judgment and accusations, drama or whatever and held on. Which seems to be the only cure for cancel culture on the internet. Is to endure.
And I don't want these trolls to feel more empowered than they already do. Cause I hate these trolls and want to cave their teeth in. Or maybe expose them too. Show your face, cowards behind the screen. You accuse those who are wide out in the open of the most terrible things, at least have the balls to say it to their faces instead of hiding in your monitors.
And frankly, when has cancellation ever helped anyone? I find it very useless and it just hurts people. Maybe if it was directed at large corporations or films making ugly versions of sonic, then I could see that as impactful. But no, it usually goes after the individual which is just so stupid. Hounding them about the past and past shit they said. So idiotic, it baffles me that people still allow it. To let the trolls say they have moral superiority over you and what they say goes. Gross. And you just know that these bastards on the other side of the screen have done shit too. They’ve said the wrong thing to the wrong person. Probably worse. Made the nastiest of jokes and comments. And are just being hypocritical and immature. I know I am also not above people and stupid dark jokes and these trolls should quickly learn this too if they know what’s good for them.
And these cancellers certainly have a lot of time on their hands. They might be young. Maybe. Might be a stupid kid which if so I could expand the notion, that if it is a stupid kid, then yeah, they could be forgiven for what they've done one day as I would expect these content creators to be forgiven for the stupid shit they said in their youth one day too. But also, what they did was horrible. I would respect Forever if he actually went about suing someone, but I don’t think he can sue a child. But still, what a horrible child. If only their parents knew. That they are dismantling lives just because they find someone annoying.
But to be for real and realistic, I think this person is some sad boring unemployed troll who resents him for whatever reason and this is their way of retaliation. And with that... Forever get their ass. He is upending your life and attempted to do the same to some of your friends. Get em.
And lastly, if Forever really was a creep, which no he is not, I want to ask Quackity if he did background checks on any of these content creators? Or did he just invite them in which I could see as a major oversight. Because these creators, I feel like when inviting them into something like a Minecraft server, it’s akin to a sponsorship. It supports your project but you have to do a thorough background check to see if they are safe for stream. Which is just why I found that it doesn't make sense at all that at least Quackity wouldn't know about Forever’s past! With how rife and pungent cancel culture is now, if I was him, I'd be so on edge. Especially if it’s my passion project was on the line. And he should know what it's like, even at his young age, he should know from what he's seen. And maybe the QSMP was seen as something small at first so he didn’t make the precautions, but once QSMP was getting bigger, wouldn’t he have checked? He should have been able to as well. Some rando online found these tweets thanks to pure spite, I'm sure Quackity and co could have done some digging sooner, months earlier and have made a decision. So this, this here, makes the least sense to me out of this entire nonsensical situation.
But hey, if Forever somehow is a freak which I can tell he’s not, then I will eat my words. But that is not today.
(Same with part 1. I will block you if I find you too annoying. My temper is short and my block button is sincerely right there.)
(But I have said what I wanted to say. There is probably more. But Goodbye for now.)