I Have Never Wanted To Write Fanfic Before But Im Half Considering Writing It Now - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Alrighty, more organizational posting because I’m cooking but I WILL forget everything if I don’t write it down:

- Talk about Cadaver and Malice

- Talk about phase 2 China

Aaaaand for everything AU related:

- Talk about the phase 3 buildup leading to the main AU

- Talk about the University

- Talk about Cadaver and Harpy Valkyrie

- Talk about the Darquesse cult

- Maybe talk about the necromancers? It’s not really necessary but it could be cool information

- Should maybe talk about Ghastly and/or Tanith more specifically than I have been

- Ooooh I should talk about Fletcher and Militsa

- W I T C H E S

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