I Hope They Make It - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

OH OH OH OH OH OH OH HOLY MOLY um iiiiiiiiiiiii excuse me i need a second i need a moment i need a shower? i need a 36 hour date pronto pardon ME WHAT

so the part one of this fic was one of the first that i randomly came across when i started reading bts fanfic and i was like oh!! this is so cute!! and fun!! and flirtyyyy and the tae vs jk drama was just SO entertaining i really wasn’t sure who would end up with who

and then to find out that not only was this fic written by HARROW but that they’ve written a SECOND PART akshhcjskkajjsnjwkanzbbsjajn (<- that is my brain at the moment if you cannot tell)

okokok enough backstory BESTIE i’m absolutely screaming and going feral please enjoy a list of my favorite parts and yes there are spoilers idk if that’s a given but 🤷‍♀️ we’re in the wild west here i’m currently vibrating

the absolute soft shy baby of jk who also KNOWS WHAT HE WANTS AND ASKS FOR IT 😫😫 the sheer dichotomy is EVERYTHING

we love our destructive king it’s the little things like the rattling of the oil and sauce bottles for me

their back and forth is top notch the smut in this is INCREDIBLE plus them falling for each other???

I LAUGHED OUT LOUD AT THE TAE REVEAL THAT WAS EXCELLENT YES ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC AHHHH plus the later cameo!!!!!!!!!! i was a little sad at the idea that one of them would be disappointed but NOPE 😂😂😂

100% obsessed with the dangerously pretty callback 🥰🥰🥰

and then my brain went beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep 🙈🥵

“do you want to sleep in tae’s room” “no” “then don’t” 😩😩


honestly spitting facts if you don’t go home IS it a hookup???

yoongi and jin being dramatic hoes i love them so much

i loved so many parts of this fic (read: ALL OF IT) this is definitely a non exhaustive list ahhhh

!!!!!!!! this was so lovely and such a delight to read plus an amazing mix of spice and fluff ahhh 🥰🥰🥰🥰

This Sordid Place 📲 2: I would be an idiot to let you go so easily

This Sordid Place 2: I Would Be An Idiot To Let You Go So Easily

Namjoon breaks down and installs Grindr after his friends complain he is “terminally single,” despite never really being into hook ups. Jungkook is an old pro at the hookup app.

Their connection is instant.

This Sordid Place 2: I Would Be An Idiot To Let You Go So Easily


📲 Namjoon x Jungkook 📲 word count: 16.8k words 📲 strangers to lovers, dating app au, smut, fluff, slash, nsfw, 18+ 📲 warnings: use of the word “slut” and "hoes" but not derogatorily, pining, flirting,  smut, (top nj, bottom jk, talk of switching, dirty talk, frotting and mutual masturbation, blow jobs, under the influence of alcohol, ass to mouth, spit as lube (but also lube), anal fingering, anal sex, praise, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, public blow job, spanking, teasing and begging, a hint of cockwarming) | side yoonjin with an appearance of taehyung. 📲 written for the BTS Found Fest! 📲 thanks to @neoneunnajimin for beta reading!  📲 posted march 2023 | read on ao3

This Sordid Place 2: I Would Be An Idiot To Let You Go So Easily

Once Namjoon pulls up to the noodle spot, he begins to overthink everything. He worries that he should have worn something a little nicer than a plain black shirt, that he should have used a little makeup to accentuate his eyes, or put on a little lip balm. Worries upon worries swim around his mind, and he squeezes the steering wheel until his knuckles turn white. 

But then he glances to his left, across the street from where he is parked, and he catches a glimpse of messy, wavy black hair, broad shoulders, and an oversized black tee. He is only somewhat certain that it is Jeongguk, but the assumption alone settles him, at least a little. 

Namjoon opens his car door and instantly pulls it back, realizing he has extended it into traffic without looking out for cars. He sighs, checks his mirror to make sure the road is clear, then gets out and sprints across the street, hitting the button on his key fob to lock his doors. 

He barely takes a moment to catch his breath before swinging the door open, turning to the man in the window, and feeling his breath hitch as they make eye contact. 

The man is unmistakably Jeongguk, with his wide, pretty doe eyes and a sharp cupid’s bow. They stare at one another for only a moment, but it feels like the earth halts for them to catch up. 

When Jeongguk finally blinks and shifts in his seat, Namjoon clears his throat, rubs a slightly clammy hand on his pants, then offers it to Jeongguk. Jeongguk takes Namjoon’s hand in both of his and stands awkwardly with the table in his way, bumping it with his thighs and causing bottles of oil and sauce to rattle. 

“Jeongguk,” Namjoon mutters with a small smile. 

“H-hi,” Jeongguk says softly, voice much sweeter than Namjoon imagined. 

Their handshake lasts too long, both with eyes wide and trained on one another. When they finally release, Namjoon pulls out the chair in front of Jeongguk and has a seat, scooting in a little too harshly and knocking his knee into the underside of the table, rattling the bottles of oil and sauce once more. He chuckles, then Jeongguk quietly laughs as he sits back down, and the mood that hangs between them definitely feels a bit tense, but Namjoon does his best not to overthink it.

"Thanks for saving us a seat," Namjoon says as he grabs a menu from a small stack wedged between wooden utensil and napkin holders on the edge of the table. He glances down momentarily, then feels nervous that Jeongguk has not yet responded, so he looks up. 

The expression on Jeongguk's face is adorable—eyes round and mouth agape with a pretty metal ring on the side of his lip. Namjoon chuckles and licks his lips, finding it hard to believe that this guy is picking up dudes left and right on a hookup app; he seems so shy.

"Is there something on my face?" Namjoon asks, hoping to break the tension. 

Jeongguk blinks heavily and shakes his head in quick, small movements. "N-no," he clears his throat, "sorry."

The server comes shortly after, and they both order food and a bottle of soju to split. It doesn't take long for the soju to come, and Jeongguk shakes it up and begins to pour them cups, all the while, he is so quiet that Namjoon begins to worry that something is wrong. When Jeongguk hands Namjoon his cup and their fingers brush, red begins to creep up Jeongguk's neck, and he stares ahead at a fixed point on the table. 

"Thank you," Namjoon says, gently holding the small cup with both hands. "What should we make a toast to?"

A shy smile creeps over Jeongguk's lips as he says, "Cheers to my Grindr date being hotter than I could have possibly imagined."

Now it is Namjoon's turn to blush as warmth covers his neck and cheeks. He must have a dumbfounded look on his face because Jeongguk begins to softly laugh.

"You're supposed to drink after someone has made a toast, Namjoon-ssi."

Namjoon scoffs at Jeongguk's formality. "Namjoon-ssi? Really?"

"What else do you want me to call you?" Jeongguk asks, raising an eyebrow, and Namjoon knows what he is thinking. Daddy. He thanks his lucky stars that Jeongguk seems too shy to say it aloud. 

"Hyung is fine," Namjoon says with a raise of his own eyebrows, "assuming the 97 in your screen name is the year you were born. 

Jeongguk smiles. "That is correct, hyung."

Realizing their glasses are still hovering in the air, Namjoon tilts his slightly forward. 

"Cheers to my Grindr date also being hotter than I could have possibly imagined."

Jeongguk grins and takes his shot, turning his face to the side but holding eye contact with Namjoon, who also shoots back the chilled, bittersweet liquid. Suddenly, the air feels shifted, and Namjoon takes a deep, slow breath, trying to contain it in his lungs. 

They make some small talk about their days. The food doesn’t take long to arrive, and Jeongguk eats like he has not eaten in weeks—slurps loudly with his eyebrows knit, barely taking time to breathe. Namjoon finds it adorable how, every time he bites into something particularly delicious, Jeongguk grimaces as if he is angry. 

Namjoon is still eating by the time Jeongguk sets his bowl aside, and he nods his chin toward the empty dish. 

“You really enjoyed it?”

Jeongguk smiles sheepishly and nods. 

“I eat fast. S-sorry.”

This makes Namjoon chuckle and shake his head. 

“Please don’t apologize. I'm glad you liked your food so much."

They hold eye contact for a moment, then Jeongguk breaks to pour more soju. Namjoon feels stunned by how easy it is to get lost in his eyes—as if Jeongguk has cast a spell on him. He definitely gets the appeal now, and would not be surprised if Jeongguk's tactic for picking people up is simply existing adorably and letting others gravitate naturally. 

"So, Jeongguk," Namjoon starts as he gathers a bite of noodles onto his chopsticks, "you never told me what kind of modeling you do."

Jeongguk cracks a smirk, sets the soju bottle down, then slides Namjoon's cup toward him. 

"My roommate is a photography student too, so I mostly model for him."

Namjoon has a mouthful of food, and he hums and nods his head to show he is interested, hoping that Jeongguk feels like providing more information without him having to ask. Luckily, he does.

"We have a friend who is trying to get into the fashion industry, so he sews clothing, I put them on, and Tae—my roommate—takes the photos."

His roommate Tae. Realization hits Namjoon like a bucket of ice water to the neck, and he nearly chokes on a noodle as he gasps. Luckily, the noodle does not make it far—just far enough to tickle the back of Namjoon's throat and cause him to cough. Jeongguk waits, appearing puzzled and a bit worried, and Namjoon takes a gulp of water before apologizing.

"Everything okay?" Jeongguk asks.

"Yeah," Namjoon responds with a rasp. "Just had a startling, terrible realization."

Jeongguk's mouth drops, and he looks even more worried. "What is it?"

"Your roommate Tae...is his name Taehyung?"

"Y-yeah," Jeongguk responds with widening eyes. 

Namjoon can feel heat rise to his cheeks as he admits, "I think I was flirting with him over Grindr. And over text."

A gasp follows Jeongguk breaking out into a wide, pretty smile. "You slut!" he whispers loudly. "I thought you were only flirting with me!"

Namjoon scoffs and crosses his arms over his chest defensively. 

"Please, as if you weren't flirting your way through the app? You told me point-blank that you were looking for a cutie to fuck. How many have you hooked up with since we started talking?"

The playfulness on Jeongguk's face dulls, and Namjoon wonders if he may have crossed a line. 

"Not that it's any of your business, but one," he admits softly.

Namjoon smirks. 

"How was he?"

Jeongguk shrugs. 


The mood feels charged, and Namjoon wants to explore it more, but he worries about making Jeongguk uncomfortable. Luckily, Jeongguk begins to chuckle and shake his head, pulling out his phone. 

"Why am I not surprised Tae pounced on you," Jeongguk mutters, then he holds his phone out, showing Namjoon a photo of him. The dark brown mop of curls, the boxy smile...that is definitely him.

"Yup," is all Namjoon can bring himself to say.

Jeongguk begins to laugh, throwing himself against the wooden bench with his head lolling back. His eyes are pulled into tight crescent moons, and his nose is scrunched—Namjoon thinks he is absolutely adorable.

"I'm going to tell him," Namjoon says, pulling out his phone.

"You're going to text another man during our date, wow!" Jeongguk accuses in a mocking tone before waving his hand in the air and asking the waiter for two more bottles of Soju.

"Two more?" Namjoon asks with wide eyes, glancing up from his screen.

There is a mischievous glint in Jeongguk's gaze that gives Namjoon a chill and makes him smile. Shy Jeongguk is slowly becoming a demon in front of his very eyes, and he cannot deny how excited the possibility makes him feel. 

This Sordid Place 2: I Would Be An Idiot To Let You Go So Easily

After the two bottles of soju, Namjoon and Jeongguk leave the restaurant for a nearby bar. He convinces Namjoon in part because it is a place where he can leave his car overnight, and because it happens to be within walking distance to Jeongguk's place, should he get too drunk to drive.

"Your crush TaeTae won't be home until tomorrow, so you can crash in his room if you need to," Jeongguk teases with a wiggle of his eyebrows as Namjoon turns the ignition off and checks his mirror before exiting the car. 

"Ooh," Namjoon—who is probably too tipsy to have just driven—says as he gets out of the car. He leans his elbows on the roof, and as Jeongguk's head pops into view, he asks, "Is his bed nice? Will I like it there?"

Jeongguk tongues the inside of his cheek, then says, "Yeah, it's fine. But mine is nicer."

"Oh?" Namjoon continues as Jeongguk closes his door, rounds the hood of the car, and approaches.

Jeongguk hums in response, and leans toward Namjoon as he says, "Too bad you're a prude and will never find out."

The laugh that shakes through Namjoon as they begin for the bar is far more boisterous than he had intended. 

"I thought I was a slut? Now I'm a prude?"

Jeongguk shrugs as he reaches for the door, pulling it open and holding it for Namjoon to enter. 

"Not my fault you contain multitudes, daddy."

And there it is, that word, laced with something dark and playful. Namjoon raises an eyebrow at Jeongguk, then enters the dimly lit bar before the blush that rises quickly to his cheeks can be detected in all its glory.

Namjoon has never considered having a daddy kink before meeting Jeongguk. In fact, the whole thing has always felt silly to him. But, hearing the word roll off Jeongguk's tongue, mixing with all the already rapidly swirling thoughts and feelings that vibrate through him, he thinks he wants to hear it again and again. 

The bar is small—a rectangle with a counter on one half and booths on the other. Stained glass lamps with popular beer brands hang from the ceiling, giving the place a sometimes red, sometimes green glow, and everything is scratched up hardwood and cracked black leather. Some loud, upbeat music plays, something Namjoon might classify as punk, but he is not entirely sure.

"What'll it be, baby boy?" Namjoon asks, leaning back as he approaches the bar two steps ahead of Jeongguk, turning his head just enough so the other will hear him. 

Jeongguk closes the gap between them and says, directly into Namjoon's ear, "Gin and soda. Thanks, daddy."

Biting back a smirk and hoping that his giddiness is not too palpable, Namjoon leans over the bar and asks the waiting tender for two gin and sodas, then fishes for his card to open the tab. A glance over his shoulder shows Jeongguk has chosen a booth just behind him, and Namjoon instinctively arches his back a little, popping his ass out as he reaches over the counter to hand the bartender his card with a polite, "Thanks."

As he turns back to Jeongguk, Namjoon finds himself stunned in a moment of disbelief. Jeongguk is so handsome and so charming that it actually takes his breath away. The shyness—which has all but disappeared after some alcohol has hit his system—only makes him more intriguing and adorable. 

Namjoon sets the drinks down, one close to Jeongguk, and slides into the booth across from him. Jeongguk has his eyes on his phone, but shuts the screen off and pockets it, giving Namjoon his attention.

"Flirting with other cuties?" Namjoon teases.

Jeongguk raises an eyebrow and leans forward, elbows on the table as he asks, "Would you be jealous if I were?"

Although Namjoon thinks he might be disheartened to find out Jeongguk's attention was on someone else during their date, he really has no authority to tell him not to talk to other people, and he shrugs. 

"Not really. I mean...I prefer if you didn't, but if I'm boring you enough to make you want to seek the company of others, then you should be free to roam as you please."

Embarrassment creeps up Namjoon's neck, and he wonders why he said any of that—worried he sounded like a weirdo. Free to roam as you please? What does he think Jeongguk is, a wild buffalo?

Jeongguk licks his lips and smirks. 

"I would be."

Namjoon watches the movement—watches Jeongguk's tongue dart out and flick his lip ring. 



"Oh?" Namjoon asks, somewhat taken aback.

Jeongguk hums and picks up his drink, bringing it to his lips while his eyes study Namjoon. 

"I don't want you thinking about anyone else when you're with me. I want you all to myself."

"What if I'm boring?" Namjoon asks.

Jeongguk takes a sip of his drink, then says, "You're not."

Namjoon has a drink, too—lets the sour, piney gin coat his tongue, then sets his glass down. 

"What if I'm a bad kisser? Or bad in bed?"

This makes Jeongguk chuckle and glance down before looking back into Namjoon's eyes. There is a dark curiosity that swims in Jeongguk's gaze, and Namjoon wants to dive in head-first. 

"Are you?"

Namjoon shrugs. 

"I could be."

"I doubt it. But I guess I'll just have to find out, won't I?"

Suddenly, Namjoon is acutely aware of his surroundings. The cold, dampness of his glass, the music playing overhead, which seems louder than moments ago. Everything feels like too much and not enough, all at once. 

And his mouth. Sharp, pointed cupid's bow with a pretty metal ring hugging a soft, full bottom lip, leading Namjoon's attention continuously to it, especially when Jeongguk is so confidently talking about wanting to find out how he kisses and how he may be in bed. He wonders if this is why someone must get such a piercing—to draw attention to their lips. He wonders what it might taste like and if Jeongguk would like him to play with it, with his tongue.  

"Perhaps you will find out," Namjoon says as he raises his glass to his mouth with a smile. 

"Unless Taehyung beats me to it," Jeongguk teases as he takes a drink, and Namjoon nearly sprays his beverage through his nose. 

This Sordid Place 2: I Would Be An Idiot To Let You Go So Easily

Spending time with Jeongguk is easy, and Namjoon cannot help but smile at everything he says and does. Taehyung has also joined in on the fun, picking on Namjoon over text after he confessed to him what happened. 

Taehyung Guess that means our date is called off. :(

Namjoon We'll see...Jeongguk has yet to make a move.

Taehyung Ah, so you're saying there may be hope for me, yet? :D

By the time they decide to call it a night, it is late, and they are drunk. Not unreasonably drunk, but too drunk for Namjoon to drive home. 

"My plan worked," Jeongguk says with a smile as he wraps his arm around Namjoon's waist and steers him down the sidewalk, away from the bar. Namjoon likes being this close to Jeongguk—likes the faint hint of musky, sweet cologne that he picks up. 

"Your plan to get me drunk and have me sleep in your roommate's bed?" Namjoon asks, leaning a bit more into Jeongguk, causing him to stumble a few steps ahead.

Jeongguk hums and squeezes Namjoon's hip.

"Wow," Namjoon responds with a grin. "Here, I thought chivalry was dead."

They only walk two and a half blocks before they are entering an apartment building, and Namjoon glances around at the street. He is not too familiar with this particular area, but the bars he tends to frequent are not too far away. Jeongguk was definitely not lying the other night when he said the app placed them in a fairly close vicinity. 

Although he is tired, Namjoon is not sure he is ready to go to bed. Spending time with Jeongguk has been so much fun, and he definitely does not want to stop. But, he also has not been with anyone sexually in quite some time, and he worries about being able to please someone who seems to hook up with others often. Namjoon does not want to feel insecurity or shame, or any of those hard feelings while spending time with someone as radiant as Jeongguk, but it is hard not to.

They walk up three flights of steps, then down a short hallway, all with Jeongguk's arm wrapped tightly around Namjoon's waist. And, while Namjoon cannot deny that they have great chemistry, the closer they get to Jeongguk's place, the more his nerves begin to kick in. 

Once Jeongguk pushes the door to his apartment open, he finally lets go of Namjoon, and leans against the wall to take off his black sneakers, and Namjoon closes the door behind him and leans against it to pull off his black boots. It is silly, Namjoon thinks, how worried he was about being dressed down since Jeongguk showed up in an oversized black tee, baggy black jeans, and casual shoes, looking just as amazing as if he had bothered to dress up. 

Jeongguk motions for Namjoon to have a seat on the couch, and he walks through the room and flicks on a lamp, then rounds a corner. The sound of a cabinet opening and the sink running is heard before Jeongguk returns with a glass of water and sits beside Namjoon.

The apartment is small, and very much the home of two photography students. There are books, photographs, and paintings all over, along with several sad-looking plants, and a pile of fabric that faintly resembles articles of clothing draped over what Namjoon can only assume is an armchair. The space is cluttered but organized in its own way, which he appreciates. 

"So," Jeongguk says as he angles his body toward Namjoon, cradling the water in his fingers. "We could watch something. Or make out for a while. Or both?"

Namjoon is nervous as hell, but he cannot stop himself from saying, "Making out sounds good," causing Jeongguk to grin. 

Jeongguk sets down the glass of water and scoots closer, and Namjoon angles his body in Jeongguk's direction, though he is not sure how it will work sitting side by side on the couch. 

"Come here," Jeongguk mutters as he leans closer, and Namjoon places a hand on the cushion, leaning to meet him halfway.

"I haven't done this in a while," Namjoon confesses as he closes the gap between them. 

"I got you, don't worry," Jeongguk mutters as his lips faintly bush over Namjoon's.

Just the tiniest touch sends a shiver down Namjoon's spine—has the air caught in his lungs—and he leans in just a bit more to fully slot their lips together. Namjoon cannot help but groan at the slightly sweet taste of Jeongguk's mouth and the hint of cold metal, and he raises his free hand to Jeongguk's cheek, cupping it gently to hold him closer.

Jeongguk licks over Namjoon's bottom lip and sucks it into his mouth. The sparks that fly through Namjoon's body cause him to gasp and for his hand to slide down until just his fingertips rest on Jeongguk's clavicle. As Jeongguk sucks a little harder, Namjoon lets out a whimper that he is not all too proud of, feeling extra mortified when Jeongguk releases his lip with a pop and lets out a sweet giggle. 

"Wow," Jeongguk whispers, pressing his forehead against Namjoon's. 

From this close, all Namjoon can see are two big, dark eyes and the tips of their noses touching. 


"I like the way your lips feel," Jeongguk says as he slowly moves his head side-to-side, rubbing their noses together. "And I like the sweet little noises you make." He licks at Namjoon's lips, giggling as Namjoon begins to tilt forward, searching for a kiss. "I bet you taste just as sweet."

Namjoon feels as intoxicated from desire as he does from all the alcohol. 


Jeongguk nods and leans in for another kiss, this time putting his hands on Namjoon's shoulders and pressing into him. Namjoon angles his body, resting back somewhat against the arm of the couch and the backrest—wedged in the corner—as Jeongguk follows, sucking Namjoon's lip into his mouth once more as he begins to crawl into his lap. 

Namjoon attempts to reach out and grab onto him, brushing his palms over Jeongguk's thighs before finding his waist, and Jeongguk chuckles as he settles down. He feels heavier than Namjoon expected, until he remembers all the gym selfies—Jeongguk works out; he is buff under all of these baggy clothes. 

Being beneath Jeongguk feels nice—warm and secure. As Jeongguk licks the crease of Namjoon's lips, Namjoon melts beneath him, sinking into the corner of the couch despite being angled awkwardly. He parts his lips, and Jeongguk wastes no time skimming their tongues over one another. Both men groan, and Namjoon slides one hand from Jeongguk's waist to his back. 

"You can touch me," Jeongguk mutters against Namjoon's lips.

Namjoon hums—a questioning sound—unsure exactly what Jeongguk means; he is touching him.

"Under my shirt," Jeongguk clarifies. "Or we can move this to my room."

Between every other word, Jeongguk licks into Namjoon's mouth or sucks on his lip, and Namjoon feels too foggy to have a conversation this way, so he tilts his chin down to catch his breath and clear his head. 

Moving to Jeongguk's room would be nice, but he is not quite sure hooking up is in the cards, and he is definitely not sure how persuasive Jeongguk may be. Not that Namjoon thinks Jeongguk would struggle to take no for an answer—he absolutely does not worry the man would pressure him to do something he does not want to do.

"Are you sure that's wise?" Namjoon asks, inwardly cringing from how much of an old man he sounds.

Jeongguk's eyes widen, and he tilts his head, showing Namjoon his pouty lips. "You don't trust me?"

"It's not—I—"

"Or you don't trust yourself?"

Namjoon scoffs. If there is one thing he is almost certain about, it is his own resolve. Jeongguk may be a babe, but Namjoon has resisted the charms of many people in his day, and this one hot man is not going to test his willpower.

"Did you just scoff at me?" Jeongguk asks, sitting back and looking affronted. There is still a hint of playfulness in his gaze, but Namjoon feels a tiny tinge of guilt pang in his ribs.


"Call me baby boy."

Namjoon can not hold back a smile. 

"Baby boy," he says slowly, pausing dramatically. "You are breathtaking...gorgeous...fun to kiss..."


"But," Namjoon lets his lips fall into a wide, genuine smile as Jeongguk's pout deepens. "But, I have denying people down to an art. And, as strong as my attraction to you is...my willpower is stronger."

At this, Jeongguk playfully sneers, and Namjoon's mouth falls open.

"You think so?" Jeongguk asks, still on Namjoon's legs, which are beginning to ache with him sitting up and putting most of his weight directly onto them.

Namjoon shrugs, attempting nonchalance. "Sorry, baby. I know so."

Jeongguk shakes his head, rolls his eyes, and gathers the bottom of his shirt with both hands. In a swift movement, he is shirtless, his hair is wild, framing his face in loose waves, and Namjoon is speechless. Mirror selfies at the gym posted to Grindr do not do him justice. In fact, Namjoon wonders if they might be older photos; Jeongguk looks way more ripped. 

In addition to the lean, cut muscle that Namjoon cannot tear his eyes from, he also has an unobstructed view of Jeongguk's tattoos—a full sleeve of dark shadows and vibrant colors. 

"How's that willpower of yours, daddy?" Jeongguk chides. 

Namjoon swallows the saliva that has pooled beneath his tongue, blinks heavily, and forces himself to meet Jeongguk's eye. 


"Fine?" Jeongguk asks, leaning in close.

Namjoon sinks back against the couch, nodding as he lets out a very unconvincing, "Uh-huh."

"You have no desire to touch me?" Jeongguk asks, snaking his arms around Namjoon's neck.

"W-why ever would I desire to do such a thing?" Namjoon stammers senselessly, gazing between Jeongguk's eyes and lips. 

Jeongguk smiles as he flicks his tongue over Namjoon's gaping mouth. 

"You are a terrible liar, daddy," he teases as Namjoon loses his composure as steals his lips, eager for one more kiss. 

This time, rather than a brief exploration, Namjoon opens his mouth, and Jeongguk licks inside, groaning as he twists his tongue over Namjoon's tongue and pushes his fingers into Namjoon's hair. 

This time, Namjoon does touch. With one hand, Namjoon places his palm against Jeongguk's hip—holds him loosely with his fingers splayed open. With the other, he reaches for Jeongguk's shoulder and slowly lets his hand glide down, over Jeongguk's pec, and up, rubbing his nipple with his palm. This is a surefire way to break down every ounce of his own resolve, but Namjoon cannot help himself. His rule is arbitrary, anyway. 

Jeongguk sucks Namjoon's lip again, pulling a groan from his throat before releasing him to sink helplessly, further into the couch. 

"Your willpower excuses groping?" Jeongguk asks playfully, then nips at Namjoon's lip. 

Namjoon groans weakly. "You're too enticing, baby boy."

"I think the term you're looking for is dangerously pretty," Jeongguk teases, making Namjoon let out another embarrassing sound.

Jeongguk's hands return to Namjoon's shoulders and rub first over his biceps, then down to his pecs. 

"You've been teasing me with this tight shirt all night, daddy," he pouts. "I want to see you."

If Namjoon were a stronger man, he would not let the pout of a buff man have such an effect on him. But, as it turns out, Namjoon is weak. He is beginning to think the only reason his willpower was strong in the past was that he was not sitting directly beneath any of his potential suitors with their very muscular breasts in his face. 

Namjoon struggles to untuck his shirt, but after some effort, he manages. Jeongguk eagerly assists, pulling the fabric up, over Namjoon's head before tossing it aside, then he lets out a gasp, muttering, "Damn," under his breath. It takes no time at all for Jeongguk to ask Namjoon for permission to touch and—once given a nod—to begin groping his chest and arms.

"Is this how you woo all of the cuties you bring home?" Namjoon asks with a smirk, delighting in being felt up by someone so pretty. 

Jeongguk chuckles, meeting Namjoon's eye with a dangerous glint in his. 

"Nah, if you were one of my typical dates, I would be fucking you by now."

A chill quakes through Namjoon. He should know by now—half-naked with kiss-slick lips, after spending a date with someone he met on Grindr—that Jeongguk is likely to be very forward and brash. Still, he cannot help how his breath hitches at the thought.

"You would be fucking me, hmm?" Namjoon asks with a tilt of his head, attempting to play it cool. 

Jeongguk has the audacity to shrug and appear unaffected. 

"Or you can fuck me. I'm open to anything."

It is dangerous—Namjoon knows it is dangerous—and he knows that he should not continue this line of conversation if he wants to attempt to not hook up on the first date. But Jeongguk is heavy and warm on his lap, and traces of him are still on his lips and tongue. He wants Jeongguk, despite wanting to take things a bit slower. He wants him badly, and he wants to make it known.

"I would like that," Namjoon says, running his hands over the cotton-polyester blend covering Jeongguk's thighs and around to gently grab his ass.

"What, exactly," Jeongguk asks, and Namjoon does not miss the way his voice trembles. 

Namjoon leans in close, inches from Jeongguk's lips as he says, "To fuck you."

Jeongguk gasps and rolls his hips down against Namjoon's lap. Namjoon is half-hard beneath his slacks, and although the angle of Jeongguk's movement does not directly cause friction, the feeling of his body teasing him has Namjoon struggling to exhale. 

"N-not tonight, I mean," Namjoon fumbles to clarify.

"But soon?" Jeongguk asks, voice lilting prettily at the end, pleadingly.

Namjoon nods in short, frantic movements as his palms rub up and down Jeongguk's muscular back. 

"Yeah. Soon."

Jeongguk hums and leaves Namjoon's lap, scooting back until he is sitting on the couch, and Namjoon—desperate to keep touching—follows Jeongguk, leaning toward him so that his hands never leave the warmth of his soft skin. Jeongguk grabs onto Namjoon's wrists and tugs him, causing him to get onto his knees and straddle Jeongguk, who begins to lay back.

"How would you want me?" the devil incarnate asks as he lies down and pulls Namjoon forward to settle between his parting thighs. "On my back? Or on my stomach?"

Namjoon has no doubt that Jeongguk's ass is a sight to behold—if the rest of his sculpted body is anything to go by—but he imagines the expression on Jeongguk's face when he is breathless and full must be absolutely astounding. He crawls between Jeongguk's legs, caging his head in with his arms as he settles over him.

"On your back."

This pleases Jeongguk, who groans as he wraps his legs around Namjoon's ass and pulls him close, down for a kiss. Namjoon's cock is completely hard as it rubs against Jeongguk—his slacks just thin enough to feel ridges of coarse denim. A shaky gasp leaves Namjoon's lips, which Jeongguk swallows whole as their kiss deepens—Jeongguk having full control.

"What if we—" Jeongguk begins, then stops, lips pressed against Namjoon's mouth. He goes in for another kiss, but Namjoon wants to hear his thoughts, so he trails his lips down Jeongguk's chin and jaw instead, listening for hints that Jeongguk likes how it feels. When Namjoon reaches Jeongguk's neck—just below his ear—his back arches as he whimpers, so Namjoon doubles down, kissing and licking the area more. 

"What if we what, baby boy?" Namjoon asks as he nips at the spit-slicked skin. 

Jeongguk moans soft pretty sounds that echo in the otherwise quiet room. 

"What if we—ah—jerked off together."

This is a new one, Namjoon thinks. Nobody has ever recommended mutual masturbation before, and considering how soon they just met, Namjoon is surprised Jeongguk is not too shy for something like that.

"Please, daddy," Jeongguk whimpers, and Namjoon groans from the sound, then anchors himself on his hands enough to hover over Jeongguk and look him in the eye.

"How do you want to do it?"

"Really?" Jeongguk asks, eyes wide and surprised. 

Namjoon chuckles, intrigued. 

"Well, I am pretty fucking hard, and it would be nice to get some relief."

Jeongguk nods emphatically and places his hands on Namjoon's chest to push him up and off of him. Namjoon struggles to get on his feet, feeling dizzy from being pulled and pushed around, and he reaches out for Jeongguk, chuckling as he seems equally affected and stumbles into him. 

"Come on," Jeongguk says, taking Namjoon's hand. "Let's go to my room."

Although Namjoon already misses Jeongguk's lips, there is a chaos to the way things are arranged throughout the apartment, and he resists the urge to attempt to kiss while walking, lest he knock something over. Jeongguk leads him by the hand through a living room, into a small hallway with three doors, and Namjoon wonders if he will only see one of the rooms tonight—if he will not be taking Taehyung's bed, after all. Although the whole situation is fairly funny, Namjoon thinks it may be better that he stays with Jeongguk, anyway.

Jeongguk flips a switch on the wall, but the bulb glows dim and purple, casting only enough light for them to see where they are going. His room is much tidier than the common space, and Namjoon has a very fleeting curiosity about what Taehyung's room must look like, but it is washed away by the warm press of Jeongguk's lips against his.

Gasps, low groans, and wet lips smacking together fill Namjoon's ears, and he reaches both hands to tug Jeongguk closer, but Jeongguk resists and, instead, pulls him toward the bed. Then, Jeongguk begins to work Namjoon's belt open while his kisses become needy.

"Is this okay?" Jeongguk pants into Namjoon's mouth, and Namjoon responds with a deep, "Mmhmm, yeah."

Namjoon reaches for Jeongguk's fly, flicking it open with just his thumb and index finger, then slowly pulls down the zipper. Jeongguk's movements are much more sloppy and rushed, making Namjoon gasp and smirk from the feeling of fingers grazing over his cock.

"Want me that badly, baby boy?" Namjoon teases as he pushes his hands into the sides of Jeongguk's oversized jeans and gropes at his hips and the sides of his ass. 

Just this little touch alone has confirmed something that Namjoon has been terrified of—and is elated to discover, in equal measures—which is that Jeongguk is just as ripped below the belt, after all. 

Jeongguk moans into Namjoon's mouth as Namjoon snakes his hands further back and properly grabs onto his ass—round and perky and soft; an absolute dream. Meanwhile, Jeongguk's hands make quick work shoving Namjoon's pants down and pawing at the waistband of his briefs.

The kiss breaks, and Jeongguk looks down at Namjoon, whose slacks are around his knees, leaving him in tight, dark blue briefs, and he gasps. 

"You're—you're so—oh, fuck."

"Cat got your tongue, baby boy?" Namjoon teases as he pulls his hands from Jeongguk's pants and begins to shove the denim down. 

"I could tell you would have a big dick, but this—"

Namjoon blushes. 


"I want to choke on you so bad," Jeongguk whines. "Please, daddy?"

From what Namjoon can glean, Jeongguk's package is impressive, as well, and he licks his lips at the thought of seeing it without the layer of soft black fabric in the way. But that will have to wait, it seems.

Jeongguk must take Namjoon's silence as a not-no, and he pushes his own jeans down to his ankles and sinks down to his knees. Namjoon's breath hitches at the sight of dangerously pretty Jeongguk kneeling before him, staring up at him through his lashes. 

"Please," Jeongguk tries again. 

Namjoon nods his head in a daze, and mutters, "Yeah. Yeah, okay."

With the most devious grin Namjoon has ever seen, Jeongguk rubs his thumb over his clothed cock, sending a violent wave of arousal crashing through him, making him shiver. Pleased with himself, Jeongguk leans forward and exhales over Namjoon's bulge, covering him in warmth as he nudges the tip of his nose against him. 

"Such a tease," Namjoon whines, though he does not mind; he loves the build-up—loves being pushed to the point of madness by desire. 

"Want you out of these," Jeongguk mutters as he shoves Namjoon's slacks lower. 

Namjoon makes a haphazard attempt at stepping from each leg, and Jeongguk gathers the garment and tosses it aside. 

"These too," Jeongguk says as he slides his palms over Namjoon's thighs and gathers the waistband of his briefs with his fingertips before tugging them down.

Namjoon feels a bit awkward and exposed, standing before someone as his last shred of clothing is being removed. He is distracted from his anxiety, however, when Jeongguk mutters something unintelligible under his breath as he becomes increasingly more eager to remove Namjoon's briefs. 

"Yes, baby boy?" Namjoon asks with a light chuckle.

Jeongguk shoves the briefs to Namjoon's feet, and Namjoon steps out of them as Jeongguk takes his cock in his hands and sits up high on his knees, slowly stroking his length with his mouth open and his tongue hanging out. It feels good, and Jeongguk looks like pure heaven. 

Before Namjoon has the chance to fully process what is happening, Jeongguk's lips are around his length, and he is sucking so eagerly, Namjoon's knees buckle, causing him to grab onto Jeongguk's head for stability. 

"Holy fuck," Namjoon groans as he widens his stance and attempts to keep himself from toppling over. 

Jeongguk takes him deep into his throat, slurping loudly and humming as he sucks, creating a lewd euphony of sound that has Namjoon's head absolutely spinning. This is certainly not what he expected to happen when he walked into this room, but he cannot say he minds. 

With a pleased moan, Jeongguk pulls off Namjoon's dick, holding his mouth open wide with spit hanging from his lips to Namjoon's tip. He looks absolutely sinful, staring up with tears dotting his eyelashes, and he smiles. 

"You're too big. Almost made me gag."

"You said you wanted to choke," Namjoon teases, making Jeongguk pout.

"It's a figure of speech."

Namjoon pushes a dark brown wave behind Jeongguk's ear, feeling a swell of affection and intense arousal. 

"You did so well, baby boy. You feel amazing."

Jeongguk strokes Namjoon's length, twisting his palm over the head, and giggles when a tremble of pleasure visibly quakes through him. Then, he stands and gently tugs Namjoon by the dick toward his bed.

"Come on, I want to rub our cocks together."

Jeongguk's candor makes Namjoon laugh, and he stumbles forward, watching as Jeongguk reaches the edge of his mattress and shoves at his briefs. A very pretty, long cock springs out, and Namjoon licks his lips. 

"You want to—to what?" he asks, in a daze as Jeongguk's words finally catch up to him.

Jeongguk chuckles and sits, then scoots to the center of the bed and pats the black comforter. "Grab the lube and come here."

On the bedside table is a bottle of lube, and Namjoon grabs it as he gets onto the bed, crawling on his knees to Jeongguk, who slowly strokes his own cock while on his back, but angled slightly on one hip. 

"Come here," Jeongguk says again, this time with his voice much lower and inviting. 

Namjoon sets the plastic bottle down on the comforter and leans forward, slotting his lips with Jeongguk's and groaning from how soft and sweet and pleasantly familiar they are. Jeongguk drapes an arm around Namjoon and pulls him close, and Namjoon feels a warm hand wrap around his hard length, making him groan. 

"Lube," Jeongguk says against Namjoon's lips, and Namjoon pats the comforter with his hand several times until he finds the bottle and hands it over. 

Jeongguk flips the cap open and squirts it directly onto their dicks, making both of them hiss, and Namjoon practically jumps out of his skin from how cold it is. A devious chuckle comes from Jeongguk, and Namjoon gently bites down on his bottom lip, making him whine. He almost scolds him for being such a brat, but then Jeongguk rubs the lube over his length and thrusts himself against him, making Namjoon practically black out from pleasure.

Namjoon attempts to situate himself better, wrapping his arm under Jeongguk's neck and resting it against a small pile of pillows. He props himself on his elbow so he can angle his hips while laying on his side, giving Jeongguk access to thrust against him. Then he grabs the bases of both their cocks, feeling them slide against his palm as he slowly begins to rut his hips in rhythm, forward when Jeongguk pulls back and backward when Jeongguk thrusts forward. 

"Wow," Jeongguk groans, lolling his head back. "I wasn't sure this would work but it feels amazing."

Namjoon leans forward and gently sucks at Jeongguk's jaw and throat, eager for more pretty sounds, which he receives in the form of whimpers. 

"Yeah? You like this, baby boy?"

The way Jeongguk's entire body trembles in response tells Namjoon all he needs to know, but he still revels in Jeongguk whimpering, "Yes, daddy."

Of all the things Namjoon anticipated might happen when he walked into this apartment drunk tonight, this was not on the list. Namjoon does not even know what the word for this is. Mutually masturbating with both cocks touching—wet and warm and heavenly—while Jeongguk continues calling him that ridiculous nickname that spurs something inside him to want to take charge and make Jeongguk whine. 

Jeongguk wraps his hand around Namjoon's tip and gently twists it as he strokes, and Namjoon chases the feeling, upstroking into his palm and using his hand to glide over Jeongguk's length. The sounds that leave Jeongguk's mouth—deep and low, punctuated with pretty, pitchy whines—are heaven, and Namjoon nuzzles against Jeongguk's neck, moaning lowly as he nips at his soft skin.

"Fuck, I wish I had this cock inside me," Jeongguk whines, sending a shiver down Namjoon's spine. "I bet you would fuck me so good, wouldn't you, daddy?"

"I would," Namjoon groans, feeling dizzy with pleasure. "Fuck, I would."

Namjoon almost cracks. He almost says to hell with it and rolls Jeongguk onto his stomach to stretch him on his fingers and turn him into a whimpering, begging mess. But, he still feels kind of drunk—not too drunk to be doing what they are doing, but perhaps too drunk to navigate fucking someone for the first time. He wants it to be perfect, or at least, he wants it to be good. 

And anyway, Jeongguk is trembling and thrusting and completely losing control, moaning as his back begins to bow and his legs push and pull along the comforter. He is definitely close.

"Want to cum watching you jerk off," Jeongguk whines, releasing Namjoon's dick and scooting away a few inches. 

Namjoon stays where he is, a bit dazed by the request and disappointed that the warmth of Jeongguk's body is leaving. But he strokes himself in long, steady movements, getting closer and closer to climax. Jeongguk's eyes on him make him feel a hint of shyness—never has someone requested to watch him jerk off before—and he lets his gaze fall to Jeongguk's chest, abs, and cock.

"Fuck," Namjoon moans as he watches Jeongguk's hand stroke his length. He looks good, and Namjoon wants to have that cock in his hand as he fucks Jeongguk into the mattress. "Moan for me, baby boy. I want to hear you."

Jeongguk complies, rubbing a hand over his pec while he fucks into his fist, making deep, lewd sounds of bliss. Namjoon plummets toward orgasm, rolling fully onto his back as he moans lowly. 

"That's it, baby. Fuck, you sound so good. Gonna make me cum."

Any ounce of shame that Namjoon may have felt about this scenario diminishes the moment Jeongguk's mouth falls open, and he whines, "Please, daddy, please cum for me."

Namjoon's hot, sticky release spurts onto his fist and stomach—orgasm rocking blissfully through him—and he slowly squeezes the head of his cock, pulling the last droplets of cum while pleasure trembles through his limbs. 

"Holy f—" Jeongguk mutters, then drops his head back, moaning loudly.

"That's it, baby boy; let me see you cum," Namjoon instructs with a low, fucked out voice. 

All Jeongguk manages is a weak, unintelligible utterance of sounds before he is also painting himself with his release. Namjoon fights the urge to bend and lick some of it from him—would likely do so if his own mess wasn't cooling to his skin and threatening to drip onto the comforter.

Jeongguk sinks back, letting his clean hand drop to the side while he stares at the ceiling wide-eyed, panting. He looks like he has a lot on his mind, and Namjoon waits for him to say anything before insisting on cleaning himself up. Although this was Jeongguk's idea in the first place, he worries about saying or doing something to freak the guy out. 

Luckily, Jeongguk finally turns to Namjoon with a lazy smile and says, "You are absolutely insane."

"I am?" Namjoon balks, feeling how cold his jizz is becoming on his skin. "You were the one who suggested this."

Jeongguk sits up, nods to the bedside table, and says, "There are tissues in the drawer."

With a groan, Namjoon does his best to maneuver himself, holding his soiled hand over his stomach to minimize mess while swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, causing cum to drip down his abdominals. With his clean hand, he reaches for a small drawer on the wooden bedside table, pulling it open to reveal a rectangular box of tissues and a pile of condoms.

Namjoon pulls out two tissues for himself, then removes the entire box, shouts, "Incoming!" and chucks it gently over his shoulder. The sound of the box hitting Jeongguk and falling to the bed has Namjoon chuckling while he wipes himself off, then he feels the cardboard slam into his back, making him laugh some more.

"Not funny!" Jeongguk complains, but when Namjoon twists around, he is also laughing. 

Suddenly, there is a lightness between them, despite a bit of tension that simmers along the edges. 

Suddenly, the air feels cooler and less charged, despite Namjoon having no idea what comes next. 

Suddenly, he feels substantially more sober than he had when they got to Jeongguk's place, despite considerably little time passing since.

"So," he says, attempting to break the ice. "Now what?"

Jeongguk bunches up his tissues in one hand, gets onto his knees, and begins to crawl toward Namjoon. He hooks his chin over Namjoon's shoulder, and asks, "What do you mean?"

For some inexplicable reason—or, perhaps for the very understandable reason of such a pretty man being so close—Namjoon feels nervous. 

"Uh—I mean, am I still sleeping in Tae's room?"

Jeongguk wraps his arms around Namjoon's shoulders and yanks onto him until he is falling backward, onto Jeongguk's legs. 

"Do you want to sleep in Tae's room?" he asks, but he bends down and slots their lips together too fast for him to answer, lazily licking against his tongue. 

"No," Namjoon mutters the moment their lips part, gazing up into Jeongguk's pretty eyes.

"Then don't," Jeongguk says, grabbing the spent tissues from Namjoon's hands and tossing them to the floor. Namjoon wants to remark on how gross it is, but he truly cannot care about anything else as Jeongguk closes the gap between their lips once more. 

They continue to kiss in this awkward position until Namjoon's lips are tingly and swollen, then they change position, get under the covers, and continue to kiss and smile and mutter sweet nothings until they fall asleep naked with their limbs tangled together. 

This Sordid Place 2: I Would Be An Idiot To Let You Go So Easily

Namjoon wakes up covered in sweat and a bit confused. He is no stranger to sweating in his sleep, but he feels hot. Hotter than usual. He also does not feel like he is under his favorite forest green blanket, and when he cracks an eye open, his suspicions are confirmed. 

Everything comes pouring back. Jeongguk, the drinking, the flirting, the jerking off in tandem and grinding their dicks together. In the slightly hungover haze of Namjoon's mind, he feels equal parts embarrassed and excited. 

Jeongguk stirs beside him and turns, cracking one of his eyes open, as well. "You sweat a lot," he complains, and Namjoon chuckles.

"That I do."

"I have the urge to lick it, but it probably just tastes like salt," Jeongguk mumbles, turning to wrap a warm arm and leg over Namjoon's already very warm body.

He would protest, but Jeongguk does not seem to mind, and it feels nice to be held onto. So, he lets Jeongguk nuzzle up beside him, sticky and warm, and holding on tight. 

"We should get up before Tae is home," Jeongguk says with his lips pressed into Namjoon's shoulder. 


Jeongguk hums. 

"He doesn't have a lot of boundaries when it comes to open doors, and we never shut mine."

Jeongguk's bedroom door is, in fact, still open, albeit just a crack. And, as if on cue, the door to the apartment opens, and Namjoon hears the sound of keys hitting a hard surface, followed by a surprisingly deep voice calling into the room. 

"Ggukie, are you in there?"

"Don't come in!" Jeongguk grumbles in an attempted shout, but it is too late. 

Namjoon turns his head to find a dark tuft of hair sticking into the room, and Taehyung's face brightens with excitement as he gasps, staring with wide eyes and a wider smile.

"Bonsai father, we meet at last."

Namjoon chuckles and warmth rises to his cheeks; he feels exposed despite being under a thick comforter.

"TaeTae, hello," Namjoon responds.

Jeongguk groans and squeezes Namjoon with his limbs in a tight full-body hug before sitting up. 

"I already claimed him. He's mine. Be gone!"

Taehyung chuckles. "Awe, come on Ggukie, didn't your parents teach you to share?"

Jeongguk lifts a pillow and chucks it at the door, sending it flying. Taehyung's face disappears, only to reappear once the pillow has made impact and fallen to the floor. 

"I'll make you some breakfast," Taehyung offers, "Joon, baby, how do you like your eggs?"

Namjoon hesitates, then Jeongguk mutters, "He's a decent cook, we can accept his offer," so he informs Taehyung that however he and Jeongguk usually have their eggs is fine with him.

"Three omelets, coming right up!" Taehyung sing-songs, as he leaves the room without closing the door. 

"Thank you for staking your claim on me," Namjoon says once Taehyung is gone, turning to smile at Jeongguk.

With a shrug, Jeongguk says, "If he wants you, he'll try anyway," and Namjoon laughs, choosing to leave it at that. 

This Sordid Place 2: I Would Be An Idiot To Let You Go So Easily

Jeongguk finds Namjoon a toothbrush once they manage to get dressed, which is a relief, because Namjoon was feeling self-conscious about how close Jeongguk—who is surprisingly flirtatious first thing in the morning—was getting to his face.

Breakfast is surprisingly chill; Namjoon had expected the dramatics to last, but once they were dressed—Namjoon in one of Jeongguk's plain black t-shirts, and a pair of black joggers—and seated at the small dining table, everyone falls into conversation about how their week was, joking about Namjoon being a two-timing slut, and remarking about how unseasonably nice the weather has been, lately. 

But once Taehyung begins clearing plates, anxiety starts to seep into Namjoon's pores, and he worries that perhaps he is overstaying his welcome. He is pretty sure that Jeongguk had fun with him last night, but he does not want to seem clingy or weird. 

"So," he says, standing from the table. "I don't want to impose or anything, so if you guys have something to do, I can always go."

Jeongguk shrugs. 

"I have nothing going on, but if you want to go home, you can. Otherwise, I was going to suggest we continue what we started yesterday."

"Oh?" Namjoon asks, somewhat surprised by Jeongguk's response. 

And Jeongguk, the devil that he is, stands from his chair, leans in, lips to Namjoon's ear, and mutters, "It's not just a hookup if we spend twenty-four hours together, right?"

Goosebumps cover Namjoon, and he mulls it over. This rule feels completely made up, but such is the case with most rules in life. 

"I suppose you're right."

"Good," Jeongguk responds, still so close, his lips graze Namjoon's ear. "Because I really want you to fuck me, daddy."

Namjoon chokes on nothing, coughing and attempting to cover it by clearing his throat. But Jeongguk is obviously well aware of the effect he has and smacks a kiss to Namjoon's temple before walking away with a giggle.

The rest of the day is a whirlwind of Namjoon becoming surprisingly comfortable in their home. Taehyung shows him some of his favorite photographs of Jeongguk modeling their friend's clothing, and even asks his opinion of some of the more recent pieces their friend has sewn. They convince Jeongguk to try some of them on—mostly flowy, formless articles of fabric—and Taehyung shoots some candids of the two of them, simply for the fun of it. 

When the sun begins to hang low in the sky, and he and Jeongguk are deciding on what to have for dinner, Namjoon is surprised by how much time has passed so quickly. Taehyung excuses himself, saying he is going to stay with someone for the night, and winks on his way out, leaving the two of them alone. 

"How do you feel about fried chicken?" Jeongguk asks before Namjoon has a chance to dwell on whatever may come next. 

"I like fried chicken."

Jeongguk stands from his place on the floor in front of the couch, and Namjoon cranes his neck before standing and joining him. 

"There's a spot just down the street. They have beer, too. If you want to drink again."

"I could drink a little again," Namjoon says. 

"Want to change? Or are you comfortable in my joggers?"

Jeongguk is also dressed in a tee and joggers, so Namjoon does not see the issue of wearing more or less the same clothing. 

"This is fine," he responds.

And with that, they are off. Jeongguk makes his way to the door and begins to slide his shoes on, offering a pair of sneakers to Namjoon, so he does not have to wear his boots. And Namjoon follows suit, sliding into the shoes—which fit perfectly—willing to let Jeongguk lead him out the door and anywhere he pleases. 

They walk a little over a block away. Namjoon begins lamenting as soon as they get outside that he is not quite dressed for the warm day to cool with the lowering sun, but he hardly has a chance to feel uncomfortably cold before Jeongguk is pulling open a door and ushering him inside. 

The restaurant is surprisingly raucous, with patrons shouting over televisions playing baseball games, and there is a steady echo of bottles and glasses hitting wooden tables in nice, hollow thunks. Jeongguk finds them a seat in the center of the space—a small, square wooden table that hardly looks big enough for the two of them—and Namjoon pulls out a rickety wooden chair and sits. 

Namjoon likes these restaurants because the quality of the food speaks for itself. The actual dining room is a little dank with walls splattered in stains he would rather not overthink, and the furniture is all past the point of being safe—and is certainly not comfortable, by any means. But one does not come to a spot like this for the ambiance. One comes for the fried chicken and the drink specials. 

They order a variety of chicken, some with sauces and some plain, along with a pitcher of beer, and two bottles of fresh soju. It only takes a few minutes for drinks to arrive, and Jeongguk grabs for one of the bottles to crack it open while Namjoon makes quick but delicate work filling two chilled pint glasses with beer. 

Jeongguk reaches to set a cup of soju in front of Namjoon, and Namjoon glances with a smile before looking back at the beer that he slowly pours, careful not to let too much foam build. Seokjin and Yoongi have never let him live down the one time he poured too quickly and had a cup that was close to eighty percent foam. Lesson learned.

"So," Jeongguk says, pulling Namjoon's gaze as he reaches to set the beer in front of the younger and begins pouring his own glass. "How has this very long date been for you, daddy?"

Namjoon glances around, nervous that someone may have heard him referred to as daddy, then looks at Jeongguk with a smile before focusing on his half-full glass. 

"It's been fun."

Jeongguk hums, and Namjoon wonders if his answer was unsatisfactory, so he continues. 

"I really like being in your company. And Taehyung's. But mostly yours."

"So you're saying I won't have to fight my roommate for you, after all?" Jeongguk teases. 

Namjoon chuckles and sets the partially empty pitcher aside, then smiles at Jeongguk, raising his glass to his lips. 

"I don't know; maybe he will return tonight unexpectedly and make his move."

Jeongguk laughs, then picks up his beer and has a drink. Namjoon also drinks, letting the cold, carbonated liquid chill him to the bone. Then, Jeongguk sets his beer aside, lifts his shot of soju, and holds it up, waiting for Namjoon to do the same. 

"To my roommate staying gone until I have had a chance to deflower you," Jeongguk says with a wide, devilish smile.

The sound that comes from Namjoon's chest can hardly be considered a laugh. It is more like a deep, awkward bark, and as soon as it passes his lips, he feels embarrassed. Still, he taps his small glass cup to Jeongguk's and shoots the liquid back, feeling the sting of the clear liquor against his taste buds as they settle into the feeling. 

"You are always so unserious," Namjoon complains, though he absolutely does not mind. 

"You love it," Jeongguk beams with a cheesy smile. 

And it is true. Namjoon is smitten by Jeongguk's goofy antics. So much so that he already anticipates really missing him the moment this very long date has to inevitably come to an end. 

With a sigh, Namjoon grumbles, "Somehow, I am charmed by it, yes."

And although Namjoon is feigning annoyance, there is a genuine spark of something in Jeongguk's eye—excitement, perhaps. Namjoon takes another pull from his beer, suddenly feeling nervous to have to fill the space with more discussion—unsure what to say to Jeongguk despite having spent the entire day with him. 

There are many things he would like to discuss—like how fun the impromptu fashion show was, and how much he enjoys the way Jeongguk and Taehyung seem to feed off one another, sharing similar energy and playing along easily with one another. But he overthinks how it may sound. He overthinks the possibility of saying something wrong. Silly, really, since Jeongguk has given him no reason to.

"You seem lost in thought," Jeongguk teases. 

Namjoon hums and lies, "Just hungry. I guess I am spacing out some."

"It's okay, hyung. You can tell me how excited you are to bend me over, later. I won't mind. In fact, I love the attention."

The longer Jeongguk talks, the higher Namjoon feels his nervous giddiness rise, and he shifts in his seat. Jeongguk must pick up on the effect he is having and grins. 

"Shameless," Namjoon grumbles. 

"What do I have to feel shame for?" Jeongguk challenges, leaning forward with his elbows on the table and his glass of beer hanging between his fingers. "Hmm?"

Namjoon searches for something clever to say in response but comes up short. Instead, he shrugs and takes another drink of his beer. He is beginning to feel lightheaded and is grateful for the server who comes along carrying a tray of fried chicken. 

The food is amazing—crispy skin breaking away to juicy, flavorful meat. Namjoon watches with a smile as Jeongguk frowns into his first bite, and they exchange pleased groans before getting their fill. By the time the plates are empty, the pitcher is, too, and Namjoon sits back in his rickety chair, contemplating whether they should drink more or get back to Jeongguk's apartment. Despite all they have had to drink, Namjoon only feels faintly tipsy, thanks to the greasy food, so if Jeongguk did want to continue drinking, he thinks he could handle a little more before calling it quits.

Jeongguk clears his throat, pulling Namjoon's attention. 

"You're spacing out again, hyung."

"I am," Namjoon sighs, feeling a bit embarrassed to be caught in the act. "I was just thinking about how much I want to get you home."

"Oh fuck, say less," Jeongguk says as he stands quickly, sending his wooden chair scraping against the worn floor while he fishes his wallet from his pocket. 

Before Namjoon has a chance to protest and insist on paying, Jeongguk snatches the check from the table and makes his way to the counter. Namjoon takes a moment to chuckle and catch his breath, somehow already feeling his nerves build and begin to get the best of him. He wants to make Jeongguk feel good, and he hopes that, after talking a big game, he is able to perform.

But first, Namjoon needs to use the restroom. He stands and glances around, finding a wooden door in the back, then fishes out his phone, ignoring nosey messages from his best friends as he shoots Jeongguk a text that simply says, "Bathroom," and makes his way through the crowded restaurant.

Namjoon yanks on the handle, expecting it to be a room with several stalls, and is surprised to find it is a single room with just a toilet, a urinal, and a sink. Although the smell of cleaner is overwhelming, the room is surprisingly tidy, and Namjoon locks the door behind him and approaches the urinal to undo his pants and relieve his bladder. 

A chill goes down Namjoon's spine, and he tips his head back with a happy sigh. The last twenty-four-ish hours have been a whirlwind and this moment of silence and reprieve is welcome. Once finished, Namjoon gives himself a little shake, tucks himself back into his borrowed joggers, and makes his way to the sink to wash his hands. The reflection staring at him in the mirror is tired but glowing, and it takes him a bit by surprise. Happiness looks good on him.

Once his hands are dry, Namjoon returns to the door, twists the lock, and pulls it open. Before he has a chance to take a step out into the restaurant, two firm hands press him backward, causing him to stumble back into the bright fluorescent light and smell of cleaner. 

"Jeongguk," Namjoon chuckles, watching as Jeongguk enters and locks the door behind him. "Baby, you live a block away."

"Want you now," Jeongguk whines with two hands on Namjoon's hips, leading him back until his ass rests against the sink. 

Jeongguk takes two paper towels and places them on the floor, then sinks to his knees, and Namjoon cannot help but chuckle at his attention to detail. His laughter, however, dies in his throat when Jeongguk begins to palm over his cock, sending blood rushing toward the touch. 

"Baby, we can do this at your place," Namjoon tries again, not really against doing this here, if that is what Jeongguk wants, just concerned for his comfort. 

But if Jeongguk wants to kneel over brown paper towels on a cold, hard tile floor and pull Namjoon's cock out with that devious, pretty look in his eyes, then who is he to stop him?

It takes mere moments for Namjoon to get hard, and Jeongguk wastes no time taking him into his mouth as far as he can. Pleasure quakes through Namjoon and he bites back a moan, gripping tightly to the sink behind him, but Jeongguk reaches and takes one of Namjoon's hands, and places it on his head, pressing his hand against him.

"Want me to guide your head, baby?" Namjoon asks, threading his fingers in Jeongguk's hair.

Jeongguk looks up with tears in his eyes and attempts to nod. The sight is so sweet, Namjoon lets out a pleased sigh. 

"Want me to be gentle?" 

Jeongguk attempts to shake his head, blinking his eyelashes invitingly. 

"Want me to be rough?"

Jeongguk pulls back, mouth open with his tongue held flat and still touching the tip of Namjoon's dick as he nods. Then he takes Namjoon's length back into his mouth, deep, deep into his throat, and Namjoon trembles through the feeling and grips tightly onto his hair.

Although he has been given permission to be rough, Namjoon takes it slow, applying gentle pressure to Jeongguk's head. When Jeongguk's throat contracts and he gags, Namjoon lets up, but Jeongguk shakes his head as best as he can and whimpers, coming up for air, then eagerly taking him as far as he can once more.

Last night, choking on his cock was just a figure of speech, and today it is a serious want, and Namjoon is definitely reeling a bit from the switch in demeanor, but willing to give Jeongguk anything, pressing on his head as he gently thrusts his hips. 

The two of them build a rhythm of slow thrusts, with Jeongguk swallowing around him before coming back for air, eagerly sucking at the tip between his lips before shoving it back into the tight clutch of his throat. Arousal builds, coursing through Namjoon's blood like oxygen, and he feels himself slowly climbing toward orgasm.

As if the feeling could not get any better, Jeongguk picks up the pace and pulls at Namjoon's hips, urging him to fuck his face. Namjoon can hardly believe his eyes as he watches tears stream down Jeongguk's pretty cheeks, looking at him with an expression that begs for debauchery.

"Close," Namjoon mutters, feeling his high build to the breaking point. 

Jeongguk continues to stare up as Namjoon uses his throat, thrusting deep enough to trigger the muscles to spasm but not far enough to make Jeongguk fully gag around him. It feels like heaven, and Namjoon squeezes Jeongguk's hair tightly in his grip.

From outside, the handle is rattled, followed by a knock on the door, and a wave of excitement mingling with shame crashes over Namjoon as he picks up his pace, determined to cum quickly and get the fuck out of there.

"One moment," Namjoon attempts to shout evenly, though it definitely sounds like each word is laced with pleasure. 

Jeongguk swallows hard, sucking in his cheeks and moaning around him, and it is just what Namjoon needs to sink into bliss. With a loosened grip, in case Jeongguk does not want jizz in his mouth, Namjoon mutters, "Gonna cum, baby."

A moan vibrates over his cock in response as Jeongguk continues to swallow hard and pull pleasure from him. Orgasm quakes through Namjoon, threatening to throw him to the floor, and he grips one hand against the sink as the other continues to press and guide Jeongguk's head. It is taking absolutely everything in Namjoon's power not to moan, and he gasps and pants through gritted teeth, letting soft whimpers squeak out between barely parted lips. 

As his cum spurts into Jeongguk's mouth, the younger pulls his head back enough to let his tongue fall flat, and he uses a hand on Namjoon's shaft to milk him of the rest of his release, painting his pretty pink tongue white. The sight is absolutely sinful—tears streaking his face while his mouth is full of thick, viscous liquid—and Namjoon has to hold back from falling to his knees.

"Holy fuck, baby," Namjoon groans, voice coming out shattered and breathy.

Post-nut euphoria has Namjoon practically begging Jeongguk to marry him right there on the spot. Luckily, post-nut clarity washes over him quickly enough that he is able to tuck himself into his borrowed pants and help the pretty boy of his dreams up off the floor. Jeongguk swallows back Namjoon's load and nuzzles against his neck with a pleased purr, causing affection to burst and bloom in his chest. 

"Let's get out of here," Namjoon mutters, rubbing his hands over Jeongguk's arms, and Jeongguk presses a kiss against Namjoon's skin.

As they exit the bathroom, Namjoon bows his head down to the person waiting outside, eyes on the floor. Jeongguk cheekily tells the person, "It's all yours!" as he takes Namjoon by the hand and yanks him through the busy restaurant and out into the cold night air. 

The sun has completely set, and the breeze hits Namjoon unpleasantly as they turn to head back to the apartment. Luckily, Jeongguk tugs Namjoon close, nearly causing them to trip over one another's feet, warming up the left side of his body.

"Wow!" Namjoon practically shouts, gripping Jeongguk's side tight. "That was…god damn, baby."

"You liked that?" Jeongguk has the audacity to ask, making Namjoon laugh.

"Did I like that? It was incredible. Pretty sure I saw god."

"You did," Jeongguk teases. "You were staring down at me the entire time."

Cheeky, Namjoon thinks. Cheeky and sexy and absolutely perfect. He cannot wait to return the favor and is thrilled at the prospect by the time they are approaching Jeongguk's place.

"Do you mind if I shower?" Jeongguk asks as he unlocks the door to the building and holds it open for Namjoon to step inside. 

"Why would I mind?" 

"I don't know," Jeongguk mutters as they make their way up the stairs. "Don't want you to get bored."

Being bored in the organized chaos of two art student's apartment is not something that Namjoon is terribly worried about, but he simply shrugs and says, "I'll be fine. Just don't stretch yourself too much while you're in there."

Jeongguk lifts his hand to punch in the code to his apartment door, but it hovers over the buttons. He turns to Namjoon with one eyebrow raised. 



The minuscule space between them is closed as Jeongguk steps close and asks, "Eager to stretch me, yourself?"

Namjoon smiles. 

"Of course I am."

The look that flashes in Jeongguk's eyes is bright and eager, and he seems to struggle with reality for a split moment before remembering where they are. Jeongguk clears his throat, then turns back to the keypad, entering the code that gains them access—wrong first before getting it right. 

As soon as the door is open, Jeongguk tugs Namjoon inside and pulls him into a deep, eager kiss. Namjoon tastes heady remnants of himself on Jeongguk's tongue and groans as Jeongguk nibbles on his bottom lip. 

"You can join me in the shower if you want to," Jeongguk offers. 

And although the prospect of seeing Jeongguk naked as quickly as possible is very enticing, there is never a good way for two broad bodies to stay warm in one shower, so Namjoon shakes his head and says, "I can wait, baby. I don't mind."

Jeongguk licks once more into Namjoon's mouth, raking his palms up and down Namjoon's pecs, then he breaks the kiss, kicks his sneakers off in a hurry, and shouts, "Be right back!" as he runs through his apartment, toward the bathroom. 

Fond laughter rocks through Namjoon's chest, and he toes out of his borrowed sneakers and lightly kicks them onto the pile, then makes his way through the apartment, into Jeongguk's purple-lit room. Throughout the course of the day, he has felt texts coming in—probably from at least one of his best friends—but he has managed to ignore them until now, and he plops down onto Jeongguk's bed to check his phone, finding four messages in their group chat. 

Yoongi How was the date last night?

Yoongi It is unlike you to sleep past noon, so I am going to assume it was really great, or you are dead. 

Yoongi Namjoonah. You have until midnight to respond before I file a missing person's report.

Seokjin Earth to Namjoon! Yoongi is a mess! Respond to him before I go insane. We are supposed to be watching Chopped, but he keeps checking his phone. 

Namjoon shakes his head and chuckles as he reads over the messages. How did two of the most dramatic men he has ever met find one another? They truly are perfect for each other, he thinks.

Namjoon Sorry for making you two worry. 

It takes exactly five seconds for the two of them to respond. 

Seokjin Yah! He lives!

Yoongi For fuck's sake, finally!

Namjoon Sorry, hyungs. I spent all day with Jeongguk. Haven't been checking my phone.

Yoongi I knew we would completely lose you, but I didn't think it would happen this fast. 

Seokjin With him all day, huh? And is it safe to assume you stayed the night?

Namjoon I did.

Yoongi The slut-shamer truly has become the slut. We love to see it.

Seokjin Is he as buff in real life as he is in his pictures?

Namjoon He is definitely more buff. But hold your slut remarks, hyung. We haven't fucked yet.

Seokjin What on earth have you been doing for the past twenty-seven hours?

Namjoon Other things.

Yoongi Other slutty things?

A laugh rocks through Namjoon's chest; these two are incorrigible. 

Namjoon Yes, I suppose we have been doing other slutty things. 

Seokjin And you like him? Are you going to see him again?

The sound of a faucet being shut off—a metallic whine coming from deep within the pipes—cries through the wall, and Namjoon bites his lip as a smile blooms over his face. 

Namjoon Yes, very soon. In about a minute, actually.

Yoongi Oh?

Namjoon hears the bathroom door open, and he quickly types his last message—

Namjoon He's out of the shower. Bye, hyungs! Don't wait up for me!

—and then flings his phone face-down onto Jeongguk's bedside table just in time for Jeongguk to appear in the doorway toweling off his hair while standing in the nude. 

Last night, Namjoon only saw Jeongguk while laying in his bed, and he was so overwhelmed by everything that was happening, that he really did not get a good look at his body. So the sight of Jeongguk walking in, muscular thighs flexing with each step while his cock hangs heavy and partially erect has Namjoon's mouth watering in seconds. 

"Like what you see, daddy?" Jeongguk has the audacity to ask.

Namjoon is stunned into silence as he nods, letting out a weak, "Uh-huh."

Beside him, his phone buzzes loudly on the small wooden table, and Jeongguk glances at it, then grins. 

"Texting other hoes?"

Namjoon nods, then realizes what Jeongguk asked and shakes his head, struggling with how the sight of Jeongguk nude and approaching has his brain buffering so hard. 

"Best friends," he mutters. "Probably excited that I am about to do slutty things with the man of my dreams."

Jeongguk raises an eyebrow, asking, "Man of your dreams, hmm?" 

All Namjoon can do is smile back at him, lost in his wide, shimmering eyes.

Jeongguk laughs, bright and pretty, warming Namjoon's chest. The closer he gets, the more Namjoon tells himself that he needs to stop being an absolute fool and get a hold of himself. Luckily, Jeongguk wrapping his arms over Namjoon's shoulders and straddling his lap seems to bring him back to reality. The familiar heavy warmth is back, and Namjoon hugs his arms around Jeongguk's body, rubbing his palms across his ribs and back. 

"It's cute how flustered I make you," Jeongguk teases, leaning down to slot their lips together. 

"Glad I amuse you," Namjoon responds with a soft smile, feeling his heart go haywire in his chest. 

"Do you have any idea how hard it was to resist fingering myself while thinking of you?" Jeongguk asks against Namjoon's lips, sending a chill through him. 

Namjoon slides his hands down to Jeongguk's ass and grips tight enough to make him gasp.

"Is that so?"

Jeongguk's confidence seems to crumble just a little, and he pouts as he nods and says, "Yes, daddy."

Namjoon drops his voice lower and gently spreads Jeongguk with his hands. "But you were a good boy and didn't finger yourself, I hope?"

A sigh falls between Jeongguk's parted lips, which he licks as he nods again, saying, "I was a good boy."

"Show me," Namjoon commands, giving Jeongguk's ass a little smack before letting him go.

Jeongguk scrambles to get off Namjoon's lap and crawls to the middle of the bed. He hugs a pillow and his black comforter as he settles on his elbows and knees, and if Namjoon is not mistaken, he looks a little shy. 

And god, the sight of him. Jeongguk is soft yet muscular, skin graced with tan lines and tattoos. Faint stretch marks on his thigh and hip adorn him like tiny, pretty tiger stripes, and Namjoon dances his fingertips over them, feeling the barely-there rise and dip of skin. 

Namjoon reaches for the bottle of lube on the bedside table and tosses it aside, on the comforter, then gets onto his hands and knees and takes his place behind Jeongguk. The slope of his perfectly round ass, cascading into a thin, sculpted waist and thick, muscular thighs…Namjoon could study Jeongguk's topography as art; place him on a pedestal between the statues Aphrodite of Milos and David.

A long, slow sigh leaves Jeongguk's lips as Namjoon traces his fingertips down the expanse of his ass and gently spreads him wide. Puckered skin greets him like an invitation and Namjoon licks his lips and feels a warm sheen of sweat cover him as he imagines just how good Jeongguk must taste. 

"So pretty," Namjoon groans, rubbing his thumbs affectionately over Jeongguk's skin. 

A soft chuckle greets Namjoon, followed by a gasp of, "Are you just staring at my asshole?"

Namjoon laughs, looking to Jeongguk's face affectionately, which is partially buried in his blanket. 

"Does it make you shy?" he teases. 

With a groan, Jeongguk responds, "A little."

Namjoon rubs his hands up and down the swells of Jeongguk's ass, hoping to soothe his anxiety. 

"I am an appreciator of art, baby. Let me appreciate you."

Jeongguk lets out a whiny little groan in response, and Namjoon lifts his hand and gives him a playful smack on the ass that stings his palm ever so slightly. With a low whimper, Jeongguk trembles, and Namjoon gives the skin a little squeeze, causing even more pretty sounds to fill the room.

"Do you like being spanked, baby?"

"Yes," Jeongguk whimpers sweetly. "I also like being fucked and you're teasing me so much."

Although it is fair for Jeongguk to be so eager—especially after his stunt in the bathroom of that restaurant—Namjoon gives Jeongguk's ass another smack and squeezes. 

"So needy," he taunts, grinning widely when Jeongguk responds with an impatient groan. 

Namjoon leans forward and flicks the tip of his tongue against Jeongguk's rim, watching as the skin puckers and absolutely reveling in the moan that falls from Jeongguk's lips. 

"Please," Jeongguk whimpers, and Namjoon thinks he can hear blunt fingernails scratching at the black comforter. 

"Yes, baby?" Namjoon asks, dragging his lips over the soft swell of Jeongguk's cheek, close to his pretty little hole. 

"Need you, please," Jeongguk whines desperately, giving his hips a little wiggle. "I'm so fucking horny, hyung, please."

Namjoon chuckles at the use of hyung over daddy. Jeongguk must really be desperate if he is falling back to something slightly more formal. 

"What can hyung do for you, baby?" Namjoon teases as he leaves wet kisses along the cleft of Jeongguk's ass, up to his lower back.

"Touch me."

Namjoon squeezes the soft skin in his palms, muttering, "I am touching you, baby."

The groan Jeongguk graces Namjoon with is so frustrated and pretty, Namjoon almost feels bad for working him up to his point. Almost. 

"Eat me out, finger me, fuck me, anything, please, daddy."

Namjoon settles on his knees, releasing Jeongguk from his hold long enough to pull the borrowed shirt over his head and fling it to the floor. Then he takes Jeongguk forcefully in his hands—making the poor man gasp—and says, "Well, since you said please," as he leans forward and licks a firm, slow stripe over Jeongguk's hole. 

"F-f-fuck," Jeongguk whimpers as Namjoon laps over him, eagerly tasting and giving him exactly what he wants. 

Jeongguk is faintly tangy-sweet, and Namjoon groans as his tongue breaches his tight hole, met with resistance as he stretches him. The sounds Jeongguk makes are music to Namjoon's ears—deep and low with pitchy squeaks and whines.

Namjoon fucks his tongue into Jeongguk's hole as drool drips down his chin, alternating slurping over the rim and swirling his tongue, groaning as he devours him. Pleasuring Jeongguk is so satisfying, Namjoon's cock is instantly full and leaking in his briefs, somewhat uncomfortable in the constricting material, and he reaches down with one hand to adjust himself, whimpering from the brush of his own fingertips against his length. Then he grabs the small plastic bottle of lube and flips the cap open with his thumb while his mouth stays busy.

Carefully, Namjoon squirts lube onto his fingertips without bothering to look, sucking and licking at Jeongguk's rim, making a wet fucking mess of him. Moans and whimpers roll nonstop from Jeongguk's lips, and Namjoon rubs the lube over his index finger and snakes it up to his rim, tapping it against him enough to make him tremble. 

"This what you want, baby?" Namjoon groans, pressing the tip of his finger into Jeongguk's hole while dragging his lips, teeth, and tongue over any skin he can reach.

"Yes," Jeongguk whimpers, "yes, please."

Slowly, gently, Namjoon presses his finger into Jeongguk, feeling the rings of muscle tighten and relax, attempting to accommodate to the intrusion. Jeongguk lets out a loud, shattered moan, and Namjoon works his finger out and back in, pressing forward a little more each time. 

When Jeongguk is finally adjusted to one finger—no longer panting and gasping like he is in peril—Namjoon slicks up his middle finger and gradually inserts it. Jeongguk's legs tremble hard, and Namjoon litters his thighs and cheeks with kisses.

"Need me to stop or slow down?" Namjoon asks softly, nipping at skin. 

"No," Jeongguk whimpers, "'s fine. Don't stop."

Despite Jeongguk's insistence, Namjoon does take it slow. When his knuckles catch, struggling to push past the rim, Namjoon lets a stream of spit drop from his lips to his fingers and slowly pulls out, watching as the fluids squelch on the press back in. Jeongguk gasps and whimpers, and although it takes him a little while longer to accommodate two fingers, by the time he does, he begins to beg for more. 

"Please," he whimpers, panting with a glossy sheen of sweat covering his body. "Feels so good, daddy."

The nickname makes Namjoon chuckle—still not fully used to it—and he picks up the bottle of lube, flicks the cap open, and dribbles some of the cold liquid directly onto Jeongguk's hole, which is stretched around two finders. Payback from the night before.

Jeongguk squeals and nearly tugs Namjoon's fingers out of him as his hips buck downward, and Namjoon gives his ass a light little smack, chuckling at all the bratty huffs coming from him. Namjoon uses the two fingers inserted to spread Jeongguk to the side, then uses his other index finger to stretch him further, watching as he is swallowed whole by Jeongguk's pretty, taupe-pink inner muscles. 

The petulant sounds from Jeongguk are quickly replaced by gasps and moans, and Namjoon lets his eyes follow the perfect curves of Jeongguk's body, to his face smashed against a pillow, and back to his ass. 

"So perfect," Namjoon praises as he works his fingers in and out, pushing his left while pulling his right, back and forth. 

"Please," Jeongguk whimpers. "Need you. Please."

Namjoon chuckles and leans to nip on the soft skin of Jeongguk's ass. 

"Oh, baby. You're not stretched enough to handle my cock, yet."

The groan that leaves Jeongguk's mouth is one of deep frustration, and Namjoon cannot help but laugh. Of course he would be a needy little brat when he bottoms. 

Namjoon sucks marks into both cheeks, nipping at the sensitive skin and making Jeongguk whimper while he slowly continues to stretch him on three fingers. Then, he dribbles spit into Jeongguk's hole and slowly begins to insert his other middle finger, prising him open with both hands. 

"H-holy f-f-fuck," Jeongguk moans. 

His entire body trembles, and Namjoon watches and listens for any little hint that Jeongguk needs him to slow or stop. But Jeongguk just sobs and shakes and whimpers loose consonants that may or may not be attempts at words. 

"Feel good, baby?"

Shattered sounds fall before Jeongguk manages an intelligible, "S-s-so good," making Namjoon smile.

"You're almost ready for me," Namjoon groans, moving two of his fingers to hook on the bottom of Jeongguk's rim while he twists his other two inside, feeling for his prostate. 

Jeongguk's body tenses and he practically screams as Namjoon applies pressure to his sweet spot, and Namjoon continues to dribble spit into his stretched hole to keep his rim nice and wet while he pulls and prods. 

"Can you cum untouched like this, pretty baby?"

Jeongguk whimpers in response, and Namjoon continues to prod at his prostate, gently attempting to push him over the edge. One of Jeongguk's shoulders moves, and Namjoon cocks his head, watching as he reaches for his own cock. With a click of his tongue to the roof of his mouth, Namjoon stops his movements, making Jeongguk whine. 

"Hands above your head, baby."

"But why—" Jeongguk sobs as he reaches both hands above his head. 

"Only good boys get fucked," Namjoon teases, dropping his voice low. "Are you going to be a good boy for me?"

Jeongguk moans an eager, "Uh-huh," to which Namjoon says, "Use your words for me, baby."

"Yes!" Jeongguk sobs. "Yes, daddy. I will be good for you."

Namjoon continues to prod into Jeongguk, twisting his fingers and rubbing against his prostate. Jeongguk quickly becomes a sobbing, blubbering mess, trembling harshly the louder his voice becomes. 

"Is my baby gonna cum?" Namjoon asks, and Jeongguk sobs out a, "Yes!" that is borderline unrecognizable, muffled by fabric. 

Gaped and prodded, Jeongguk's body quakes hard, voice coming out ragged. The scene is downright filthy, and Namjoon cannot get enough. One of Jeongguk's legs slides out from underneath him, and then he gradually sinks the other down, laying flat onto the mattress and either intentionally or involuntarily rutting his hips down against the bed.

"Is my dirty boy gonna cum from humping his comforter," Namjoon teases.

Jeongguk only sobs. 

It does not take long for Jeongguk to cum without warning, crying into the pillow, muffled but still a delightful sound. Only when Jeongguk begins to scramble—nails digging and body quaking—while begging Namjoon to stop, does Namjoon slowly pull his fingers free. 

Jeongguk's hole is puffy and stretched, and Namjoon bends low to lave his tongue soothingly over it, causing Jeongguk to let out a deep, strangled moan while melting into the bed. The taste of him is covered by the sickly sweet flavor of lube, but he still groans and licks as if this is a flavor he craves, if only to continue to unravel Jeongguk completely. Then, he sits high on his knees and gives Jeongguk's ass a playful smack, delighting in how it jiggles on impact.

"On your back, baby," Namjoon commands. "I want to see that pretty face."

Jeongguk groans as he gets onto his elbows and knees haphazardly, then falls to his side and slides to the edge of the bed, standing just enough to yank his cum-stained comforter out of the way. His hair is a wild mess of sweat and waves, sticking out in every direction with some clung to his forehead. When he sits back on the bed, Namjoon stands and moves more of the comforter to the side, then hooks his thumbs into the waistbands of his briefs and borrowed joggers and pushes them down. 

"How is my pretty boy feeling?" Namjoon asks affectionately as he watches Jeongguk watch him undress. 

"Good," Jeongguk mutters with his eyes glued to Namjoon's hard, leaking cock. "No one's ever done that before. I thought I was gonna pass out."

The praise instantly goes to Namjoon's head, and he climbs onto his hands and knees and crawls between Jeongguk's spread legs. 

"No one has ever fingered you open with both hands and played with your prostate until you came?"

"No," Jeongguk responds with a chuckle, shaking his head slowly with his eyes wide and a little dazed. 

Namjoon sits on his knees and gently rubs his palms up and down Jeongguk's thighs, and Jeongguk's eyes flutter closed as he leans his head against the wall and smiles. 

"Do you need a break?" Namjoon asks, and Jeongguk keeps his eyes closed as he shakes his head and mutters, "No."

"Some water?"

Another slow shake of the head, "I'm good."

"Alright," Namjoon says as he gently tugs at Jeongguk's legs. "Lay down for me." 

Jeongguk complies, scooting low until his head meets the pillow, staring up at Namjoon. Never has Namjoon seen someone look so pretty with wild hair, covered in sweat, and he crawls between Jeongguk's legs, cages his head in with his hands, and leans in for a kiss. 

With a groan, Jeongguk wraps his arms around Namjoon and sinks his legs into the bed, and Namjoon licks and nips at Jeongguk's lips until his mouth sighs open, pliant for him to explore as he likes. 

"How do you like to be fucked?" Namjoon asks against Jeongguk's lips, making him gasp. 

It takes a few seconds for Jeongguk to groan, "However you want to fuck me. Just want to feel you."

Namjoon chuckles, plays with Jeongguk's lip ring between his teeth, then nudges their noses together. 

"Do you like it rough?"

Jeongguk nods and opens his eyes pleadingly. 

"I do like it rough."

"Alright," Namjoon groans, kissing Jeongguk nice and deep before sitting high on his knees once more, searching the tangled comforter for the lube. 

His fingertips graze plastic, and he lifts the bottle and flicks it open, then squirts some onto his palm. Using both hands, he warms the liquid, then coats his cock while reaching to smear some over Jeongguk's hole. 

Jeongguk gasps and fists the comforter by his sides, eyes wide and eager, and Namjoon crawls forward and hooks Jeongguk's legs around his hips, then begins to line himself up. It has been far too long since he has had the pleasure of sinking his cock into someone, and he hopes like hell he does not cum too fast, wanting to give Jeongguk as much pleasure as he can. 

Slowly, gently, Namjoon presses his slick, blunt tip into Jeongguk's tight, wet hole, watching intently as Jeongguk's expression twists and widens before relaxing, only to twist again. The squeeze is almost too much, and Namjoon works slowly in before pulling a bit out, over and over until Jeongguk finally swallows him whole. 

Incoherent sobs and a sputtering of syllables fall from Jeongguk's lips, and he fists the blanket tighter the more he becomes a panting, sweating mess. Namjoon stills his hips as Jeongguk adjusts to the stretch, waiting for him to give him to go ahead, rubbing his hands up and down Jeongguk's thighs and over his knees. 

"You feel so good, baby," Namjoon coos sweetly, touching Jeongguk as if he is something delicate.

"T-too big," Jeongguk whimpers, screwing his eyes tightly shut before opening them wide. 

"Shh, you can take it, baby. You can be so good for me."

Jeongguk nods slowly, muttering, "S-so good for you," as his eyelids flutter prettily. 

"Do you have a safe word?" Namjoon asks, fingertips cascading over kneecaps.

After a few seconds, Jeongguk shakes his head. "I'll just tell you to slow if I need it."

Namjoon rolls his hips back slowly, and Jeongguk reaches both hands above his head, stretching them until his knuckles graze the wall while letting out a deep moan. Then Namjoon snaps his hips forward, forcing Jeongguk's back to arc as he sobs.

"Too hard?" Namjoon asks, rolling his hips back once more, and Jeongguk frantically shakes his head.

"Perfect," he mutters, gazing up as if Namjoon and himself have swapped places to be god. "So good."

"Good," Namjoon responds as he snaps his hips again, then he grips onto Jeongguk's spread thighs and begins to set a hard, punishing pace. 

Jeongguk immediately begins to babble nonsense, interspersing a series of, "Yes, yes, yes," cried out almost desperately, and Namjoon cannot get enough.

"So tight," Namjoon praises, winning a pitchy sob. 

"You feel so incredible, baby," he adds, and Jeongguk answers with sounds that could hardly be considered words. 

Jeongguk's hard cock slaps against his tummy, leaving a wet little splatter of precum on his skin, and Namjoon considers gripping his length and finding out how quickly he can make the poor man cum again—wonders how many times Jeongguk can orgasm until he really does lose his mind completely. 

But instead, he takes his time pushing Jeongguk to his second orgasm. The sight of him bouncing on his cock, thighs splayed and screaming with his hands gripping uselessly for purchase above his head is too irresistible to bring to an end so soon, even if Jeongguk could handle several more orgasms. Namjoon is in no rush. 

“You take my cock so well,” Namjoon praises, grinning as Jeongguk sobs and nods his head in a daze. “You should see yourself. Breathtaking.”

With a whimper, Jeongguk covers his face under one arm. Namjoon reaches for his wrist and gently tugs it away, above his head, then leans forward, pinning him down and changing the angle of his thrusts. His abdomen rubs against Jeongguk's cock, causing Jeongguk to tense and tremble, and he clenches Namjoon's cock like a vise grip.

"Fuck, baby, I won't last if you squeeze me so hard," Namjoon groans, lolling his face toward the ceiling to give himself a break from looking down at the fucked out, devastatingly pretty man beneath him. 

"G-gonna c-cum," Jeongguk mutters, causing Namjoon to snap his hips forward a bit harder.

"Yeah?" Namjoon taunts, looking back down at Jeongguk, whose eyes are glossed over with tears, which pool at the edges. "You gonna make a mess of yourself for me, baby?"

Jeongguk nods and whimpers, then begs, mouth hanging agape as his back arches. "Please make me cum."

Namjoon sits back on his knees, making Jeongguk whine—undoubtedly from a loss of friction—then he gently brushes his fingertips over Jeongguk's messy cockhead, watching him squirm for more before wrapping his fingers around his length and gently stroking. 

"This what you need, baby?"

"Yes," Jeongguk whimpers, trembling from limb to limb. He sounds mindless as he mutters, "Please, please," over and over like a prayer. 

Namjoon grits his teeth, fucking Jeongguk so hard and deep, sweat drips down the side of his face.

"You like way I fuck you?" 

"Yes!" Jeongguk sobs. "I love the way you fuck me, daddy!"

Unsure where the sudden ego trip is coming from, Namjoon asks, "And has anyone every fucked you this good before?"

Jeongguk shakes his head eagerly from side to side, knitting his brows. "No! Only you!"

"That's right," Namjoon growls, squeezing his eyes shut momentarily in the hope of chasing off his looming orgasm. "Only me."

"Only you, daddy," Jeongguk mutters softly. "Only you."

Namjoon wishes he could capture this moment and save it for later, enraptured by the visual of Jeongguk sprawled and heavenly, praising him so sweetly while Namjoon tugs at his cock and fucks him into his mattress. 

Jeongguk's utterances of, "Please, please," continue, and Namjoon gives his dick a squeeze, ready to let Jeongguk have what he so desperately wants, feeling Jeongguk's muscles flutter and pulsate around his length.

"Cum for me, baby," Namjoon groans, voice deep and full of want, and Jeongguk moans loudly, gripping the pillow above his head as his back arches. "You've been so good; let me see you cum."

Jeongguk's cock twitches in Namjoon's fist as his cum spurts out onto his chest and belly, and he squeezes Namjoon so tightly, Namjoon feels himself hurtle toward orgasm. And maybe, just maybe, Namjoon would be able to hold back and stave it off a little longer if it weren't for the moans punctuated by choked sobs that leave Jeongguk's pretty lips. 

"I'm gonna cum too," Namjoon whines, succumbing to the feeling despite wanting to last much longer. 

"Inside," Jeongguk pleads as the final drops of his release slide down Namjoon's fist. "Fill me, please."

A deep moan bursts from Namjoon's lungs as pleasure claws at him, dragging him down to the depths of hell, orgasm hitting him so dizzyingly hard that he releases Jeongguk's cock and nearly falls forward. Namjoon quakes and trembles, pressing himself deep into Jeongguk, who continues to squeeze rhythmically around him, milking him of his release, and Namjoon thinks he sees stars.

Two warm, soft arms wrap around Namjoon's neck and pull him gently forward, and only then does Namjoon realize that his eyes have been squeezed tightly shut. As he allows Jeongguk to guide him down, laying on his cum and sweat-covered body, Jeongguk runs his hands over his hair and neck, praising him softly.

"So good, daddy," Jeongguk coos, rubbing the tip of his nose just under Namjoon's ear and making him shiver. "You felt so fucking good."

Namjoon allows himself to be held and wraps his arms around Jeongguk's neck, burying his face against sweaty hair and skin that already smell like home. He makes no move to pull his soft, spent cock from Jeongguk, and Jeongguk does not seem to mind, holding him impossibly closer. 

"God damn, that was incredible," Namjoon grumbles when he finally finds his voice. His mouth feels dry and raw, and he desperately needs water, but he does not want it badly enough to move. 

Silence, save for the sounds of their deep, shattered breaths, fill the space, and they finally readjust with the two of them on their sides facing one another, sadly without Jeongguk cockwarming Namjoon anymore. Fingertips brush through Namjoon's hair, and he opens his eyes to find Jeongguk watching him and smiling with something like reverence in his gaze. 

"I meant it, you know," Jeongguk says, and Namjoon attempts to remember anything either of them may have said in the last hour or so before simply asking, "Hmm?"

Jeongguk chuckles. 

"When I said nobody has ever fucked me as good. I meant it."

A soft laugh pushes from Namjoon's lungs, and he feels heat rise to his cheeks from the sudden onslaught of vulnerability. 

"So you'll let me do it again?" he asks, sheepishly. 

"Of course," Jeongguk responds sweetly, rubbing the tips of their noses together. "I would be an idiot to let you go so easily."

Affection bursts behind Namjoon's ribs and he pulls Jeongguk close as he mutters, "Good."

This Sordid Place 2: I Would Be An Idiot To Let You Go So Easily

Namjoon would be surprised by how easy it is to fall into step beside Jeongguk, becoming a regular facet in his life, but, truth be told, everything with Jeongguk is easy. 

From the time he returns home from his long date with Jeongguk—after having to very reluctantly peel himself from the younger's bed the morning after—it takes Namjoon approximately ten minutes to delete Grindr from his phone, and another three minutes to text Jeongguk to ask when he wants to see him again. 

They schedule their second date for the following evening, with plans to keep it low-key and simple, which Namjoon thwarts the second he decides to put together a picnic and surprise Jeongguk at one of his favorite parks near the river. And that night, Jeongguk returns to Namjoon's home, and it takes several days for him to leave, doing coursework beside Namjoon as he works from home, taking up a space that Namjoon had never realized was so empty. 

And just like that, the two of them become inseparable. Namjoon introduces Jeongguk and Taehyung to some friends who are in charge of local galleries and DIY art spaces, and slowly, more and more of Jeongguk's items find their way into Namjoon's apartment, just as easily as Jeongguk finds his way into Namjoon's heart. Their friend groups grow and blossom, intertwining beautifully, and Namjoon often waxes poetic about the sordid place that, against many odds, brought the two of them together finally feeling complete.

This Sordid Place 2: I Would Be An Idiot To Let You Go So Easily

okay, yeah, the very ending is a bit rushed tbh because i didn’t want to end on smut but was so brain-empty to go on any longer. but it’s sweet ok so whatever lolol. sorry this took me months to complete, but i hope it was worth the wait! as always, please don't be a silent reader! comments and reblogs are so helpful, and likes are nice, too!

tags: @codeinebelle ​@dasexydevitt13 @giriiboyy  @katskeigo  @moonleeai  @m1sss1mp ​ @spookyminyunki  @yoongiofmine 📲 this fic is over, but if you would like to be tagged in future works, dm me!

This Sordid Place 2: I Would Be An Idiot To Let You Go So Easily


This Sordid Place is copyright 2022-2023 Nabi Olive, all rights reserved. Let’s be friends on Twitter!

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