I Know Lol But Its All So Fun To Think About!!! - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

my favorite obscure underrated castlevania character: the mysterious woman who only appears in the simon's quest instruction booklet that tells simon about the curse and all the shit he needs to get

My Favorite Obscure Underrated Castlevania Character: The Mysterious Woman Who Only Appears In The Simon's

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castlevania castlevania games text post reblogs I’ve heard a lot of really good theories on who she could be I ran into a group of people on a forum I didn’t have an account on or anything that were discussing the possibility of her being Selena or whatever you like to name Simon’s wife lol some people thought she was a living woman who would marry Simon after the events of the game and others were dead set on the idea that Simon dies at the end of the game and that she’s a ghost hence why she disappears into mist just a lot of crazy in a good way ideas ong on one hand I wouldn’t wanna just make Selena the dead wife trope but on the other hand Simon’s Quest already as a game subverts a lot of tropes of the time so it might make sense for her to be a subversion of that trope? incoherent rambling I know lol but it’s all so fun to think about!!! maybe she is just some random woman! although I lean on her being a ghost because she appears and disappears with the mist in the graveyard I’ve seen some people suggest Sara and as much as I’d like to give Sara some more moments it doesn’t make sense to me Sara wasn’t made as a character when Simon’s Quest came out and making her the random call to action character again is ehhhh she also wasn’t married to Leon and appears in the Belmont family graveyard and sad fact she probably wouldn’t have been buried there besides she’s also already the whip and she’s never appeared to anyone else like this in any other game idk I could see this concept being done well tho ngl there’s also the weird fact that she deliberately doesn’t tell Simon about the last piece of Dracula making her the first misleading NPC of the game which is WEIRD like why did she do that it’s so ironic too that the first character to help him is the first to trick him too like aaaaa the irony in this game is insane in a way I prefer her being left mysterious to keep the game vague and unnerving idk maybe I should rant about her sometime tho this game is fun as hell to speculate about