I Like Blacked Out For Ten Minutes And Came Too With Whatever This Is - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

I have lots of complicated feelings about season 4 of Tua, but one of the things that bothered me the most is Five is just so nonchalant about the world ending?? Like I guess you could argue that he’s tired (which he is) and knows that they don’t have any other options, but that’s never stopped him before? I think it would’ve hit so much harder if we actually got a scene of Five grappling with the fact that the apocalypse is his fault. That nothing he has gone through to save his family mattered because the world was going to end anyway.

That if he hadn’t jumped forward in time at thirteen years old he would’ve died with his family the first time around, and it wouldn’t have changed anything .

He’s saved his family and watched the world end a ridiculous amount of times, everything he’s ever done (ignoring the 5 months at the greenhouse) (ignoring that forever actually) has been fueled by his need to protect his family, and now he learns that he has to ask them to willingly give themselves up? I know this time is different because he’s dying with them this time, he’s not alone, but he still has to watch.

I know I joked about wanting Five to have a mental breakdown, but also genuinely that would’ve made his arc so much more impactful. They had the perfect opportunity with the Five Deli, it’s literally a place outside of time full of Five’s who have already excepted that there’s nothing they can do. He could’ve had his big emotional realization and it wouldn’t have any impact on the timing or any characters except himself.

It wouldn’t even need to be full sobbing or anything, they could’ve just done an overhead shot of the Five he was talking to leaving the booth, all the other Five’s moving around talking while our Five sits by himself completely still clutching his coffee cup. A shot that focuses closer to his hands gripping the cup, or his face, his eyes watering or him just looking absolutely bone tired. Maybe even crying, but he doesn’t have to be. He gets up and leaves, either breaking the cup and that being the only signal to his inner turmoil, or him being completely calm setting the coffee back on the table and leaving while the chaos of the other Five’s moves around him.

Everything’s the same after that, his siblings don’t get a look into his mental state, but we do. We know how much guilt and anger he’s carrying, we know that he’s been fighting for them for 60 something years. We know it’s all been for nothing.

Let us see that this isn’t just Five accepting his fate, but excepting the fact that he failed, and he can’t fix it this time.

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