I Like But Not Love - Tumblr Posts

NAME : gojo satoru , jujustu kaisen
SONG : goodies , ciara
SUMMARY : gojo satoru, your bodyguard. you whined to go shopping but you don't go before gojo gets some advice.
you can read part 1 here!
y/n was 19 and satoru was 20. by protecting y/n for 7 years, he was well trained, smart and able to protect her in any situation.
"but daddy! i wanna go shopping!"
"okay fine! be safe. gojo, go with her."
y/n excitingly looked at satoru and he smiled back at her.
"go wait at the door, needa tell gojo something."
y/n practically hopped towards the door in excitement, having already been dressed and her black card in her purse.
gojo walked towards y/n's father, standing infront of him, hands behind his back.
"yes sir?"
"keep her safe, stay next to her the whole time."
"yes sir, i'll keep her safe."
gojo bowed to him, walking away towards the door.
"let's go y/n."
satoru drove him and y/n to the mall, y/n sat in the passenger seat as satoru held her hand while driving with one hand.
"park over there, satoru."
"yes princess."
satoru looked at the place she pointed, y/n was typing on her phone, texting her friend and didn't seem to see the men in black suits infront of the mall entrance.
they started looking up towards the car satoru was driving with y/n. satoru narrowed his eyes towards them. they even started pointing, but then they walked inside.
satoru grimaced, glaring at them as he narrowed his eyes at them. he parked the car, getting out and opening the door for y/n as she waited for satoru to shut and close the car door to start walking quickly towards the mall.
"how do you think this looks?"
y/n questioned, holding a skirt up to her hips. it was a mini skirt, a plaid black and white design on it.
"i think it looks good."
satoru agreed. it had been 30 minutes and he was holding 3 different bags with clothes and cosmetics in one hand. y/n smiled, going back to rummaging through the clothes, walking to the other side of the store as she didn't notice that satoru punched the guy behind him with his free hand. unsuprisingly, they were the enemy. out to get y/n's father by aiming for his daughter and gojo.
y/n was swatching lip tints and lipsticks on her hand, humming a short tune to herself as she looked at satoru’s hand, him also having lip swatches all over his hand, including his knuckle.
“do you like this pinky tone? i might get these ones- oo! this one too!”
she pointed at one pink swatch on the top of his knuckle as satoru opened his hand to examine.
“yeah, you would look cute in it.”
satoru said, bringing up his hand to the side of y/n’s face to see how it would look on her. y/n excitedly picked up a few different lip products, going to the front to pay as satoru followed her close behind. as satoru walked, he punched a guy coming to their side as the lip products transferred a little from satoru’s knuckle to the guy’s temple.
y/n was changing in the changing rooms, satoru stood infront of the curtain holding it shut as it didn’t close all the way.
“satoru! can you get me this is a small/bigger size?”
y/n opened the curtain slightly, bringing out a shirt and satoru grabbed it gently from her hands.
“alright princess.”
satoru got up from the wall, walking into the store. the shelves were high and satoru spotted a man in a suit, a wire connecting to his ear as satoru snuck up behind him, choking him out in a headlock from behind and making him pass out.
unfortunately, a guy in a matching suit saw, running up towards satoru as satoru stepped back a bit, charging towards the man and tackling him into a clothing rack, making him disappear behind the racks of clothes as satoru straightened up, dusting off his suit.
satoru was still holding the shirt that y/n wanted a different size of, he walked to the end of the store where it was, shuffling through to find the correct size.
satoru grabbed it and placed the original shirt back onto the rack, as he turned, a man had attempted to punch satoru right in the face, but satoru dodged last minute, punching up into the man’s jaw from underneath sending him flying back.
satoru stepped over him, walking back to the change rooms to hand y/n the shirt.
“here, y/n.”
“thank you!”
y/n quickly took it and satoru re tracked his hand as she grab the clothing hanger.
satoru looked to the side, the exit of the changing rooms, seeing the group of men that were all wearing matching suits. satoru groaned out loud, y/n opening the curtain and looking out to where satoru was looking.
“ohh… go, let loose. finish quickly and you can see my outfit.”
y/n said, shutting the curtain and the sound of a zipper could be heard which made satoru excited, turning towards the group and immediately lunging towards them.