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1 year ago

Please stop having magic destroy synthetics and talking about how terrible, the medicines all stopped working! If all synthetically created things are destroyed, that’s a lot of genetically engineered seeds gone, planes vanishing midair, buildings crumbling and all that, yes.

It also means a very large portion of the population of first world countries are suddenly skyclad. Betcha the clothing industry never crossed your mind while setting up this scenario, huh?

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6 years ago
Sadiq Khan gives go-ahead for giant ‘ANGRY TRUMP BABY’ to fly over London during visit
LONDON Mayor Sadiq Khan has given his go-ahead for the giant balloon of an angry baby with the face of Donald Trump to fly over Parliament during the visit to the UK of the US president.

Protesters: We’d like to publicly humiliate Trump with a 20ft balloon when he comes to London.

Mayor of London (a British Muslim): ...approved.

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