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3 years ago

TRICKSTER x READER (Dead by Daylight)

A/N: So, Trickster is the newest killer in the Dead By Daylight universe. He isn't even "official" yet, as far as I know he is just in the BETA-build as test version. I actually don't know that much about him, just what's in the DBD-Wikia. But I am already in love with this dude, i mean, just LOOK AT HIM! Anyways let's go on with the story-

(Y/n) wakes up on the map of the Gideon Meat Plantage. Her/His head hurts abit and she/he gets up. "Oh god.. Not another trial.. It's the fifth trial I'm in this day!!", (Y/n) cusses and starts walking around. After a while, the girl/boy finds the first generator near the basement and starts working on it. "I wonder where my other teammates are... I haven't seen them since the start of the trial..!" Suddenly (Y/n) could hear a painful scream from the basement and quickly hides in a locker hoping the killer won't find her/him. She/He lurks out from a small gap of the locker and could see Zarina Kassir being dragged to the hook by no one else than the Trickster. Quietly waiting for Trickster to leave (Y/n) waits to save Zarina so she could still be in the trial and not be sacrificed by the entity. 

Trickster finally leaves the basement and (Y/n) slowly pushes the door open and runs to her team mate who is dangling at the hook. "I'll save you, just don't scream!", the girl/boy hisses at Zarina and helps her from the hook. "Thank you, (Y/n).. We gotta leave the basement before the killer comes back..!" She limps out of the basement and (Y/n) runs after her injured friend. 

After a while of running Zarina stops behind a big rock and kneels down. "Could you heal me please?", she says and (Y/n) nods patching up Zarinas wounds. "There.. All done! Let's stick together until the end of the trial.. It's more save that way..!" The two survivors quietly start walking around looking for a generator when they could hear another teammate being wounded by the killer. "Shit.. I think that was Yui.. We should fix these gens! C'mon!!" Zarina hisses and (Y/n) looks in Yuis direction. "I think we should help Yui..!" Zarina sighs. "We said we'll stick together... Okay then, go help her, I'll see if I can fix the gens." 

Quietly (Y/n) runs off for Yuis rescue but just as she/he arrives, the Trickster moris Yui. He throws her lifeless body to the floor and grins while playing around with his pocket knifes. Just as he was about to go away, he sees Nea hiding behind a rock. She also had the same idea to save Yui from the killers grasp. The Trickster runs after her and (Y/n) sighs. "Nea is giving us enough time to make the gens work..!" The girl/boy runs to a gen near her/him and starts working on it while hearing Nea scream in pain. "I would love to help but I can't risk getting killed.. I want to get out of here alive..!" 

Meanwhile four gens are fixed and Zarina meets (Y/n) at the last gen. After a short amount of time the gen clicks and the sirens start to howl. The doors are now able to get opened. Running around like lost dogs, Zarina and (Y/n) try to find the exit and finally find the gate. (Y/n) pushes the handle down and after a few minutes the door starts to open. But the exit is locked with spikes coming out from the ground. "SHIT!! The killers perk has activated.. We need to find another gate!" Zarina yells but suddenly gets hit with a pocket knife. She screams and starts limping away quickly. "Zarina!", (Y/n) yells and tries to run after her but she/he could hear the Tricksters wicked laugh ringing through the cold air. Quickly, (Y/n) hides behind a bush full of thorny roses and cuts her-/hisself accidentaly. The girl/boy hisses and looks at her/his injured hand, which starts bleeding slightly. Suddenly Zarinas scream could be heard. 

(Y/n) looks around and gasps. She/He has the perk called Empathy, so she/he can see their allies auras. Zarina is just getting moried by the killer. Quietly gasping (Y/n) crawls around. She/He is now far away from both exit gates. The girl/boy gets up and looks around. The killer is good at hiding and tricking people so the last survivor has to be really careful now. (Y/n) runs around as her/his heartbeat increases which means, that the killer is near her/him. Suddenly the girl/boy gets hit by a knife and immediately falls to the ground. "OW!!" The Tricksters evil laugh could be heard right behind her/him. 

"I already thought I lost you, darling!" He grins and kneels down beside his injured prey. "I am sure my fans would've loved you. You look so pure and delicate. A perfect girl for the perfect K-Pop-Idol!" He stands up and laughs like a maniac while (Y/n) is trying to crawl to the hatch that has just spawned. "Uh uh uh! Where are you going kkoch*?" Trickster stands in front of the hatch and closes it right in before (Y/n) could escape. He smiles and grabs the girls/boys body and carries her/him bridal style to one of the hooks which are standing nearby. The ruthless killer puts his victim on the hook and watches as the girl/boy gets stabbed by the entity and sucked up into the sky. 

Grinning Trickster waves after her/him. "Goodbye aga**! I'll see you at the campfire!" The man sends a kiss after her and turns around walking to the exit.

*Kkoch = Flower, **Aga = Baby

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