I Love The Found Family Trope - Tumblr Posts

"okay, we will take family portraits next."
a few shuffles could be heard here and there after the photographer had announced that they would take a group picture once all the individual portraits had been done.
it had only been four months into the student exchange program and a lot had happened since the beginning, so you— who was just a mere human that they didn't know for so long— had never imagined to even have the honour of being in their own family picture. of course, things have calmed down after the incident with belphegor, yet you had never thought that they saw you as part of their family until now.
out of respect, you moved out of sight and stood behind the camera while the others got their clothes fixed for their next photo. they had been close brothers for thousands of years— even some time before their fall. it made you feel a bit dejected since you hadn't had the chance to visit your own family members back home, though you were glad to see that they looked a bit joyful to take their pictures together after such a long period.
"alright, we'll start taking pictures if everyone is set." the second and third oldest let out a couple curious mumbles as their eyes focused on the spot you were supposed to be sitting on. they all had consciously— yet maybe a little unconciously— left a space for you. the rest of the five demons looked over to the empty place on the gold and velvet couch as well before the seven pair of eyes scanned the room in search for you.
you were spacing out a bit as you sat on a chair near the photographer, staring at the humongous ceiling and back to the gold walls. you had taken self portraits a few moments before this, so you had thought that you finally got to remove the accessories that sat on your skin. fumbling with the metal, you were unconcious of the brothers' gazes on you.
"mc!" a familiar voice, which belonged to the avatar of greed, was the first one to snap you back into reality. there was a second of silence before you cocked your head to the side, a puzzled look sat on your face; why were they waving at you— some even pointing to an empty space next to lucifer on the sofa?
"come on, hon! we're waiting on you!" asmodeus exclaimed as a bright smile tugged on his lips. "maybe they needed to take a break to eat something really quick." beelzebub mumbled loud enough for you to hear. "i'm also quite hungry after all those photos that we shot."
the youngest brother chuckled at the red haired demon's comment. "that's only the case with you, beel. we've had plenty to eat this morning." you slowly stepped forward after a few more seconds of them staring at you fondly. there was a giddy feeling in your chest as you realized that they all had been waiting for you to sit on your designed place— in front of them, next to their oldest brother.
"isn't uhm– weren't you about to take a family portrait?" you muttered from under your breath, fidgeting with the material of your clothes. there was still an unsure feeling resting in your stomach because you didn't want to intrude their own special picture. "yes, we were."
lucifer spoke up and you lifted your head to look at him— his voice unusually soft. a slight smile appeared on his face as he reached out his gloved hand for you to hold on. "you are a part of our family now, aren't you?"
his response was followed by a few humms coming from behind him and so you took the demon's hand and slowly filled that empty space with your presence.
it was in that instant that you knew that you are going to be with them for the rest of your life, as a big and loving family. the fact that they accepted you this early on without you knowing or even thinking about that possibility, made tears swell up in your eyes.
you had finally found your own safe place— your own caring family. all eight of you completed each other.