I Love The Mother Daughter Dynamic Of Dulce And Noemi So Much!! - Tumblr Posts

By now, Dulce knows a thing or two about how to get likes and follows on social media. So, why not share her knowledge? She helped her mom create a Postres de Alegría account; not that it really needs it. Princess Jillian came to visit after all, remember? Still, it's a good way to engage with the community. Dulce has also been helping her boyfriend make a name for himself and to showcase his skills. She wonders about the kind of team they would make if they worked together.
Noemí: Does this look okay?
Dulce: Maybe try something with a bit more... pizzazz? You look kinda nervous.
Noemí: What about this?
Dulce: Perfect, I think we got it.
Caruso: Wow, Alegría. How do you do it? It’s kind of scary putting out my first video. Isn’t it overwhelming? Competing in a cooking competition show? Being interviewed for a magazine? Being recognized in public?
Dulce: Babe, you got this. You’ll get more comfortable as time goes by, trust me.
Dulce: Watch us become the ultimate celebrity chef power couple.
Caruso: Haha, yeah.