I Love The Way U Think !! - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

I think Taylor's whole public image is to be a normal struggling young woman in life and the closest, most human ever to her audience. She doesn't need to dress cool, or on trend, or act edgy, or nonchalant... You can see clearly how she has gained her success over the years—by hardworks, definitely not an overnight trend or that kind of sensational popstar who blew up because people suddenly discover their exquisite talent; she works her ass off to get where she is. Sometimes that can cause people to think she's just being mid and mediorce all the time, because she tries her best to stay where she is, which is a shame why society doesn't appreciate being passionate and smart and hard-working anymore? Instead, praising unrealistic talent only that sometimes might even require overusing drugs and other stimulants...? I'm not saying every talented artist are like that, I consider Taylor to be very very talented too despite what some people might disagree, but talent is something... we could say, personal, something quite unique which nobody else can have it the same way. Each person will have their own talent, and to find it it's not at all easy like some proved out to be, it takes works, and it's a journey of your own. No one gets it the same way, again; some people have it overnight, some people take 5 years, 10 years, 30 years... or even their whole life to know where they're at.

So that is probably why I love Taylor so much.

She never said things like Oh, it's just naturally coming, or I didn't want to do it, but people force it in my hand so I just unsophisticatedly create a masterpiece that no one else could have thought of,... You'll always find her speaking passionately about her ideas, how she has to wake up at 2am to sing into her phone, what pitched her to write a song, and how she feels while doing it. You get a full insight look in that whole progress of creating her crafts, that are approachable, very inspiring and encouraging especially for young artists and creators. Artists always have doubts and sometimes can feel like they're lost, or they're not talented enough, and seeing how she manages her whole career from a wide-eyed wishful teenager to this beautiful successful billionare is kinda like, a pat on their shoulder.

Because if you work hard enough, if you love what you do, if you're smart, you're passionate, you're ambitous, you know clearly what you want, there is a very high chance that you'll get what you wish for.

I Think Taylor's Whole Public Image Is To Be A Normal Struggling Young Woman In Life And The Closest,

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