I Love You All My Mutuals - Tumblr Posts

4 months ago

Topaz jumpscare lol

This honestly made my day. Love ya, too 💜

Hello mutuals *I turn in my chair, petting my cat*

you may be wondering why I have tagged you in this post today, well, *Moo jumps from my lap as I sit forward with my fingers tented*

You see, I have a surprise for you, *I push my chair back and stand up, *I begin pacing in front of my desk*

I was looking through your blogs, searching, scanning looking for something when I found it. *I stop my pacing and face you all*

Now, please observe the surprise. *you all Hear the sound of a projector click on*


Now as Not evil evil me has said I have a surprise.

@crazycatbunker Lanternfly

Hello Mutuals *I Turn In My Chair, Petting My Cat*

@verrixstudios Caiman

Hello Mutuals *I Turn In My Chair, Petting My Cat*

@karmathehalflander Karma

Hello Mutuals *I Turn In My Chair, Petting My Cat*

@dawnxd Topaz

Hello Mutuals *I Turn In My Chair, Petting My Cat*

@minttea31 Terrane

Hello Mutuals *I Turn In My Chair, Petting My Cat*

@draconicsnail Phantom

Hello Mutuals *I Turn In My Chair, Petting My Cat*

@undignified-sad-sandwich Walrus

Hello Mutuals *I Turn In My Chair, Petting My Cat*

@abby-wolf Coal

Hello Mutuals *I Turn In My Chair, Petting My Cat*

I drew these for you guys, cause I love and appreciate all of you ❤️ hope you like.

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