I Mean Obviously Cause Drolta Never Had Kids And Obviously Had Something Going On With Elizabeth Lol - Tumblr Posts

I have a Castlevania OC >:3c. He and his story are still very work in progress stuff, but he’s got some rough concept doodles! And when I say rough I mean ROUGH cause one of his arms I erased so many times some of the layers of the paper were tearing so I had to just leave it as is and it looks a little short whoops— but yeah
His name is William “Billy” Danasty :3. I think I’m gonna have his story be set sometime around the height of the Satanic Panic with music and stuff, he’s kinda a bit of a metalhead. He seems all tough and scary, carries a switchblade at all times, and keeps everyone at a distance, but it’s not because he’s mean, he’s just afraid of people. He does make some friends eventually, but I don’t have drawings of them yet. I need to make a nice full color concept page for him someday hehehe.
Also, NES Castlevania style sprites are fun to make!!! :D