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10 months ago
Curious Thing, I Used To Think That Sesshomaru's Light Whip From The Anime Was, Uhm, Like, Directly "attached"
Curious Thing, I Used To Think That Sesshomaru's Light Whip From The Anime Was, Uhm, Like, Directly "attached"
Curious Thing, I Used To Think That Sesshomaru's Light Whip From The Anime Was, Uhm, Like, Directly "attached"
Curious Thing, I Used To Think That Sesshomaru's Light Whip From The Anime Was, Uhm, Like, Directly "attached"
Curious Thing, I Used To Think That Sesshomaru's Light Whip From The Anime Was, Uhm, Like, Directly "attached"

Curious thing, I used to think that Sesshomaru's light whip from the anime was, uhm, like, directly "attached" (?) to his finger, but it turns out that paying attention you can easily notice a certain distance between the edge of the whip and his claws, as if produced from nowhere rather than (as it is) from his own youki. Okay, I don't know why I found this detail so fascinating, if had to guess maybe it's that... everything this guy does seems amazingly effortless and such a trifle just gives you that illusion.

(I need to put a stop to my hyperfixation for Inuyasha, for sure).

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