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All quiet on the western front Book vs Movie
(sorry for spelling mistakes)
So i have just watched All quiet on the western front (2022) and it was good. I liked it. But if you didn’t the movie was inspiered (and there’s a reason why i am not saying based on) by the book All Quiet on the Western front by Erich Maria Remarque.the book is inspiered by Remarque’s time in WW1. And i have read the book. Which is the reason that i even watched the Movie. And liked it. It was also good.
But here’s the thing. The movie and book are REALLY different and i wanna talk about. It doesn’t mean the movie was bad. Like i said earlier i enjoyed the movie but i just wanna talk about the differcens
Btw is has been over a year since i read the book and i don’t own it. I lent the book so sorry for mistakes.
So the first differcens is the beginning.
The movie
In the movie we see paul getting inspired to enlist in the army with his whole school? we see him get enlisted and the promtly sent into the war front.
The book
we get told that they get double rations today by paul (this also happens in the movie just at the end/ last 30 mins i think) because the lost half of their betalion. When then get introdoced to some characters. Kat is in the book as well in the movie. We also meet Paul classmate who is in the hospital and has lost the leg (He doesn’t make it BTW) Someone else ask for his boots since he won’t be needing them. Which is fucked op but the boots are giving away.
The next big differcens is that there is a charcter in the book but not the movie
Himmelstross is an post office in Paul town. He some how gets a high postion and he trains pauls classmates before they get sent out ( this doesn’t happen in the movie) Himmelstross is a total dick and absolutly power hungry. He at some point gets actully sent out to the front where paul and the others (those who survive) make fun of him. Tho himmelstross redemis himself a bit by saving one of Paul’s classmate but before that he is a total coward. (I’m not sure if he dies but i am pretty sure.
This is a scene in the book which doesn’t happen at all in the movie.
At some point in the book Paul gets sent home on break. Everything is the same in his home town nothings change. Whing unerves Paul. You’d think Paul’s happy but when he’s home is kinda miserable. Everybody is glorifying the war and nobody is notice that paul is in pain.everybody is asking when are they winning the war and stuff- The only who gets him is his mother who is sick. Anyway paul regrets going home. which is sad because he is fighting to get home.
the last thing i wanna talk about is pauls death in the end.
The movie
stabbed to that heart after saving a younger kid. Died just before the end of the war.
The book
He gets shot after seeing a butterfly( i am not sure) on the barricade i think. When he dies we see that he had something in his hands. A note saying All quiet on the western front (this is where the tital comes from) this also happened a few days before the end of the war i think?
Personaly i liked pauls death on the book.
There’re diffently more differences but these are the ones i remember and think are inportend.
tl:dr there a big differences between the movie and book but both are good stories and perfect to tell that war is hell.
Bartender Jungkook makes me 🥴
That being said, this one-shot is extremely well written, highly recommend 10/10. Just a warning tho, a cold shower WILL be needed after reading 😆
last call | jjk x reader

pairing: jungkook x reader
rating: 18+
word count: 4.4K
synopsis: jeon jungkook is the hottest bartender in the city. everyone has their sights set on him, but it seems he has his sights set on you.
warnings: oral (female receiving), protected sex, jungkook thirst, excessive jungkook thirst, hello we’re talking about jungkook here – there is a jungkook-sized amount of thirst, unsanitary use of a space designated for food and beverage
A/N: this fic is a commission for the @ficswithluv special project “Changes with Luv”. The awesome @dee-ehn made a donation to BLM for this fic and she asked for sexy times with long-haired JK with tattoos and dammit that’s what she’s gonna get. Thanks so much for making the donation, this is a cool way for authors like me to pitch in for an important cause!
Jeon Jungkook is the sexiest man in this city.
That’s not a matter of opinion, that’s an actual fact – voted into law by you and the rest of the Council of The Thirsty after a night of downing shots at The Black Swan. The four of you piled into the bar’s single-stall restroom to check lipstick and chat shit and it was decided, that was that.
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It's a another peak Netflix show and I was on board for Season 2 are 3 when they got announced.
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Hilda and the Mountain King blew me away, it was something I needed after finishing Kid Cosmic, I also like how it connects to the final season with the time skip.
But yeah, the final season was incredible, I'm going to miss these characters and their world as well, I felt that spark of nostalgia after Steven Universe ended when I finish this show, yet it felt like an opening a new door to a new story, It's been one hell of a journey but hey, it was all worth it!