I Swear Celia Already Pisses Me Off But Jisung - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago




“I know what you enjoy… no one can make you feel as good as I do, yeah?”


❇️ You’re left confused. On top of all the romantic drama going on with Felix, Hyunjin and Jeongin—as well as Jisung in the back of your mind—you’re now destined to find a husband within seven days. So, in order to fulfill this quest, you get out there, meeting none other than your crush’s best friend Minho—and he’s got some secrets to share about Jisung while he reminds you of the night between your longtime enemy and you that’s never been.

❕ [READ CAREFULLY] Select an option for the poll after reading a chapter! [polls will be up for 7 days and then the next part drops]

🧩 CONTENT INFO: skz ot8 x afab reader [not at the same time], smut/fluff/angst, parallel universe/video game au, sci-fi au


⛳️ CONTENT WARNING: explicit sexual content [includes protected piv, oral (f receiving), boss x secretary, slight degrading, name calling such as baby, princess, slut], betrayal and lies :)

💚 AUTHOR’S NOTE: sorry for the long wait and the slightly shorter chapter!! i hope you still enjoy tho :( if that’s the case please lmk with a reblog, comment, ask or dm. thank you so much for reading and your insane support so far. you guys are the best istg 🥹🫶🏻


Your heart is pounding out of your chest. What on earth? Or more like—fake earth?

You’re sure by now that none of this can be a dream. Especially, after being with Jeongin, you’re convinced you’re trapped in some weird copy of your universe.

So, you’re supposed to get married within a week? In order to escape this place and get back home? How are you supposed to accomplish that?

You blink once. Twice. A third time. When you open your eyes completely again, there’s a timer in front of your lenses, showing you a countdown.

6 days, 23 hours, 59 min, 20 seconds.

You take a deep breath.

6 days, 23 hours, 59 min, 12 seconds.

Fuck. Time is running. Literally.

“A-Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?” Jeongin asks, his voice shaking. Oh, God. He’s still here. Correct.

“Yeah! I’m fine. Just trying to figure out how to go back without embarrassment,” you explain, catching your lower lip between your teeth. Shit. You just let your new coworker that you met less than a day ago finger fuck you behind your neighbours house. That’s as wild as it gets, huh?

“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, Y/N,” Jeongin reassure you, gently placing a lose strand behind your ear. “It’s just a game, right?”

He’s said that before. And hearing it a second time just confuses you more as if there's more behind his words.

Is there… a possibility that Jeongin might be aware of being caught inside a parallel universe as well? And if so, does this mean that everyone you meet here and don’t know from real life experience the same as well?

Nah, that doesn’t make any sense. You’re sure, Jeongin is just some other character in this, too. Maybe it’s his weird way of flirting, who knows. Or he’s a no-strings-attached guy and it’s his way of telling you, letting you down gently.

“Correct,” you sigh, arranging your outfit and your colleague helps you. But for someone who’s not here for the long run, he’s a bit too… comforting, caring almost.

“Come on, I promise no one will give you weird glances or anything,” he says and you believe him. There’s something about the softness in his eyes and the brightness in his smile, that makes your heart feel all warm as if he’s laying a blanket all over you.

“Let’s go, yeah?”

You nod and follow him back to the group.

And Jeongin breaks his promise as soon as you head back and four pairs of eyes are darting holes into your skull. Yeah. That much for no weird glances.

“Look who’s back,” Miko teases, not meaning anything bad. She’s giggling, while pouring herself and Felix another drink but the freckled one declines.

You watch your childhood friend suddenly stand up and walk towards his little house, “I’m tired guys. Good night.”

Fuck. He’s pissed. Felix knows what you and Jeongin were doing behind your neighbour’s trailer and he isn’t that amazed about it.

When you drag your gaze towards Hyunjin, you notice some hints of jealousy in his face as well but he’s a lot better at hiding it.

“Don’t be shy, come back you two,” the artist encourages you, giving you a small smile to tell you that everything is fine.

Although it doesn’t feel like it. The rest of the night you opt for sipping on water, not really able to focus on what’s happening around you. First, the thoughts about that marriage quest aren’t leaving your head and, second, you’re left confused about the Felix situation.

You get that he’s mad at you. Emotionally, you understand why he’s reacted this way. But then again, it was just a game and he can’t be sure what actually happened between Jeongin and you. Sure, he basically confessed having a crush on you back in high school the other night but that doesn’t mean the two of you are dating now, right?

Sinking down further on your foldable chair, you watch your friends laugh together as they enter another discussion about some topic you’re not following anymore.


You shift towards the man sitting next to you. He looks beautiful in the dim fairy lights that are hanging from Venessa’s to Felix’s house.

“Yeah?” you ask.

Jeongin smiles. “I think I’m gonna go home, I’ll need to get some sleep for tomorrow. For work, you know.”

You immediately fix your posture, before getting up. “Sure!”

“Thank you for inviting me. I’ve had a great time, as you know,” he flirts, when he pulls you into a hug. You don’t care that Hyunjin might still be watching—or Felix might be mad at you while being back in his house—you’ve had a great time tonight and you’re glad you met your colleague.

“Where are you heading to, Jeongin?” you suddenly hear Miko speak. Venessa said goodnight a while ago, so you’re only now realising Miko is the only woman that has to go back home in the dark.

You think about offering her to stay at your place, but Jeongin is faster to propose a better idea. “I live in Seoul. How are you getting home? Perhaps we can go together?”

“Great! I live in Seoul too,” she says, grabbing her purse. Then she turns around towards you.

“Thanks for the nice evening, Y/N. It was so good to see you again.” Miko grins, pulling you into a tight hug. You’re caught off guard a bit—both by the sudden touch and the way her pastel pink hair glitters in the moonlight.

“Text me when you both are home, okay?” you tell them, as they wave you goodbye.

“Goodnight, Y/N,” Miko says.

“See you tomorrow!”

“Goodnight,” you add when they’re already gone, no chance to be able to hear you.

Turning around on your feet, you walk towards the chairs again, only to find them empty. Weird. Wasn’t Hyunjin here a second ago? He didn’t even say goodbye to the others, you realise. Hopefully, he didn’t pull a Felix and just disappeared.

But when you walk a little further, staying as quiet as possible, you find him—under Felix’s veranda, talking to none other than your childhood best friend.

“No, you don’t get it,” Felix spits, severly angry.

“I actually do. You’re jealous. Fine,” Hyunjin interrupts hm. “It was just a game. Do you want to be mad at every guy that looks at her now? And why the hell didn’t you overreact that way when I kissed her? You don’t think I’m competition?”

You dont get it either. Well, partly you do. Felix and you spent a wonderful night after a wonderful day of showing you around together and you do have some very deep rooted history together. Feelings like these don’t just vanish overnight but you haven’t talked things out. You never do.

“Of course you’re not. You’re loyal. I know you’d never pull a Cecilia move like this,” he says.

Cecilia? She exists here too?

And what move—despite being a not so good best friend—did she pull in this universe?

“Oh, so that’s it?” Hyunjin questions.

“Yeah. Obviously. I understand why Y/N would kiss you for revenge,” Felix says.

Revenge? What revenge? Just because Cecilia only talks about her crush on Hyunjin and annoys you on a daily basis—as well as having the emotional intelligence of a toaster regarding you—doesn’t make you worthy of wanting to get revenge. That’s a little too exaggerated, right?

“She sure didn’t kiss me as if it was just for revenge,” Hyunjin points out, clicking his tongue.

Oh, fuck. That’s not what you wanted. There’s still a real Cecilia out there who didn’t do anything wrong—whatever this version did to you.

“Whatever. I’d understand it with what you told me about Cecilia and Jisung,” Felix adds, shrugging his shoulders.


Cecilia and Jisung?

They’ve never liked each other. Did she perhaps talk shit about you to him?

“I mean, she’s a bitch but I would have never expected him to be like this,” Hyunjin admits.

Does that mean Jisung believed whatever rumours she made up? Or isn’t it connected to gossiping?

“Are you sure that’s the whole story?” Felix asks.

“No, that’s just what Minho told me,” the taller one explains.

Hyunjin knows Minho? Minho exists in this universe too?

It feels as if this scene is giving you more questions than actual answers.

“Exactly. So, we shouldn’t jump to conclusions. We can hold Cecilia accountable, though. And I’m not just saying that because I hate her.” Hyunjin sighs, shaking his head. “Well, partly though.”

This version of Hyunjin seems to be even more annoyed about your so-called best friend and you truly wonder what happened in this parallel universe to make him so furious only speaking her name.

“I get it, man,” Felix says, nodding.

“And until then—get it together,” his friend tells him “You either talk to Y/N or you’re not allowed to throw a scene like this. You’re not teens anymore although I get that she makes you feel things you haven’t felt in ages.”

He’s right in some way. After all, there hasn’t been a solving discussion between you and Felix when there should have been one. But with less than seven days left to find a man to marry you, time flies by at the speed of light.

“Sorry, man. I didn’t want to… embarrass all of you,” Felix says, blushing which you can see because he’s standing right under those fairy lights. He feels weird about how he behaved earlier and if it was about him he would go to your place now and instantly apologise. However, it’s late at night and he thinks you’re already asleep.

“You didn’t. But talk to her tomorrow, yeah?” Hyunjin says, already on his way to grab his stuff to go home.

But Felix makes him stop in his tracks, “Hyune?”

“Yeah?” he asks, turning around again.

“Do you like her?”

Felix’s breath hitches when the words spill from his lips and he tries his best to hide it—successfully failing at his attempt.

“I think it’s better if I don’t answer that question,” is all that Hyunjin is able to share. “Good night, Lix.”

“Goodnight,” Felix whispers, barely audible.

Fucking hell. What have you just witnessed?

On your tippy toes, you step towards your little house, praying neither of them catches you spying on them. When Hyunjin is out of sight and Felix has walked inside his own home, you discreetly open your front door and enter too.

You shut the door behind you again, before your back meets the hard wood. That’s the first time you let go off that breath you’ve been holding, all the air leaving your lungs.

You need answers. You’re overwhelmed. For a second you thought being caught inside your own video game would be funny but you underestimated all the riddles and quests.

First, you have to get married to someone within seven days. As if this wasn’t terrifying enough it proposes more thoughts—what will this mean to your life in the real world? Is there even a real world or are you just caught in another universe?

What do your actions here mean to your actual life? Are there consequences? And vice versa?

At some point, you fall asleep, closing your eyes. Your body just gives out although your mind is still occupied with trying to solve this riddle.


Fortunately, you are still able to get a bit of rest and despite Doli not really being easy on you, Jeongin always manages to put a smile on your face no matter what. For lunch, he shows you a new street food place and you get to have a look at a different side of this version of Seoul.

The city is entirely different—mostly high above the clouds, endless platforms connecting the skyscrapers with one another. If you knew any better, the architecture and city concept would make you get reminded of Singapore instead.

“How’s your food?” Jeongin asks, his mouth full.

“Its great! Thank you for showing me this place.”

“Anything for you,” he replies with a wink. That menace. You wished you could get into more flirting with him but your mind is occupied with the same stupid topics again—the marriage deal and that Jisung might be around here, breaking hearts including your own.

After lunch, the two of you head back to the company, getting ready for another three hours of useless scolding by your boss but it goes straight into one ear and out the other way.

You’ve got plans. You want to check out this cute coffee shop that Jeongin told you about during your shared break but you’re going to go there alone. It’s not that you don’t want him to accompany you, but in order to solve those two cases you need full focus. And that’s it possible when your colleague is wearing a tight grey shirt, showing off his arms and hands, turning you into a mad woman.

You say your goodbyes once you’re done and take the subway to the little café. Once you’re there, you enter, searching for a spot.

Until you hear a familiar voice calling your name, “Y/N?”

You turn towards him. Oh, God. He’s part of the puzzle that needs to be solved. And that’s not all there is. In real life, he’s your absolutely annoying boss that’s been your enemy ever since you used to compete against each other in college and you would have thought that’s your destiny with him—until that one night that’s never been.

“Minho?” you ask and he’s already approaching you. The man pulls you into a hug—quite unusual but you let him—and when he disconnects again, a text appears in front of your eyes.

“Minho Lee. Food critic [Level 5]. 26 years old. Busan Bay. Traits: foodie, cat lover [3 more hidden traits]. Friends: Justin Delgato, Supriya Delgato, Jisung Han, Akira Kibo. Enemies: Cecilia Kang.”

Han Jisung?

But what makes your heart stop another time is a different name.

Cecilia Kang. It’s actually your Cecilia who Felix and Hyunjin talked about.

Your best friend is part of this universe too? Why hasn’t she visited you yet? And the same counts for Jisung. Well, perhaps in this universe you’ve never met him. But what makes no sense at all is why you wouldn’t be friends with Cecilia—whom you’ve known since school—when you met Hyunjin and Felix at the same place.

“Wow, long time no see. I didn’t expect to meet you here. Especially, after that move you pulled,” Minho confesses.


The hell did parallel universe Y/N do?

“I mean, I’ve always known that you’re attracted to me but you didn’t have to change jobs after our night together, hm?”

Oh. So a night shared with your mortal enemy exists here too. Great. As if the actual one night stand with him didn’t mess with your feelings enough.

[Memory]: Minho and you used to be colleagues, working in the same restaurant. One night after a long shift and you getting in a fight with your former best friend over a man, he helped you relax a little. The next day—fully embarrassed—you quit your job. Minho did the same, as he’s now working as a restaurant critic instead.

Fuck. That’s a bit too close to the real world. The real Minho and you share a secret that none of your friends know about. It happened last year at a firm event—more like a party—when the two of you had that cheap bottle of vodka together and he bent you over his desk in his office. Yes. Your boss. In real life, he unfortunately is your boss and not just some colleague.

You remember every detail of it, as if it was yesterday. Despite not being sober at all.

Minho had your body pressed against the hard surface of his desk, your stomach meeting the wood, as he pushed your dress up high. He spent hours eating you out—at least it felt like it, when he made you edge again and again. When you became a little impatient, he finally gave in.

He was positioned right behind you, pumping his hardening dick that was leaking with his juices—begging to be inside you, having your wet warm walls wrapped around him. Your boss reached for a condom, pulled it down his length before he started brushing over your soaking entrance with the tip of his dick.

“You sure you want this, Y/N? Come on, look at me,” he said. You turned around, lust swirling in your eyes, awaiting the utmost pleasure that you were about to experience.

“Don't make me wait any longer,” you told him.

Minho scoffed, “You’re okay with it despite being drunk?”

“Absolutely. I’ve dreamt about this while being sober, so…” you confessed, throwing away your brain—or pussy—to mouth filter.

Minho chuckled. “Naughty girl… walking around in my office waiting to get fucked, hm? Is that what it is?”

You giggled, arching your back and spreading your legs for the man who had been getting on your nerves for half a decade now. But that’s what you needed. Get rid off the tension by having him rail you into oblivion, fuck the brat out of you, make you scream his name–

“Fuck, this pussy’s so good. I knew you wouldn’t be able to r-resist me forever, hm?”

He made you feel so full, when his cock was entering you, filling you more and more until the tip was touching your cervix.

“R-Right there, Minho…” is all that you managed to let out.

“Nah, we’re still using honorifics. Does your little brain get that, Y/N?”

Oh, God. You were sure you’d see heaven that night. At least being with Minho like this felt exactly like a taste of it.

“Y-Yes, sir—fuck, this feels so good,” you told him.

He continued picking up his pace, sneaking his hand between your legs from the front. When two of his fingers collided with your clit and made it their utmost goal of the night to make you come, you knew you wouldn’t be able to hold back that much longer.

And the things he oh so shamelessly whispered into your ear. As if it was the most normal thing on this planet. All of this had been hiding inside him for so long. You do sure wished you would have allowed him to fuck you sooner.

At some point, you almost forgot that there was another man trying to conquer your heart—yes even back then, half a year ago.

But whenever that happened, Minho made sure to remind you of who was currently making you feel so good.

“You’re such a good slut for my cock… I’ve waited long enough for this. We should have done this so much sooner, huh?”

You were on the same page about it. At least he thought so.

“Absolutely, fuck–“

Minho came closer to your ear, softly whispering, “Come on, baby, let go for me, yeah?” 

The Monday morning after that night, you pretended that nothing happened. And when Minho saw that you were avoiding him at all cost, he dropped his idea of asking you out on a date as well. You’d never see him this way, after all.

“You didn’t even say goodbye,” parallel universe Minho says, dragging you out of that flashback scene.

Fuck. What are you supposed to do now? You don’t know what this version of yourself said or did to Minho? It all seems so different although it’s not.

“I… I received a new job offer. Uhm, I work in the social media field now,” you explain. After all, this isn’t a lie. Maybe you haven’t talked to him because you’ve been so busy… right?

“Me too,” he tells you. “Hey, look. I know things between us have been bumpy, especially after… you know… but I told you that night, I’m always here for you, especially after what Jisung did to you.”


“What do you mean?”

Now you probably look like the stupidest person on this planet.

“Princess, you seem a bit confused. It’s probably the weather. Wait a second—can we get a bottle of water please? With ice, yeah?” he tells the waitress before he points to the empty chair besides him. “Come here.”

And there’s something about this dominant behaviour that makes your knees go so weak that you actually have no choice but to sit down.

At least that’s how you justify it, when you get closer to your not-so-anymore enemy that seems to play a very different role in your alternative life here.

“You’re… since when are you so kind to me?” it blurts out of you, with zero control.

But this Minho is confused. Perhaps, in a timeline like this, you’ve never become that much of each others professional haters. And it plays with your head. All those scenarios of what could have been if we just talked it out.

What a cliche, right?

“What do you mean? I– I know we’ve been rivals and all in college and that held on for a bit when we started the same job, but… I seriously thought we went past that… after last week when we…” Minho says, his voice slightly shaking.

God dammit. You seriously hope that the Y/N you must have changed spots with is treating your Minho from real life with so much care to make up for the hurt you’re unintentionally causing right now.

“I mean… yeah… I’m just confused, I guess,” you tell him, hoping it’ll work. “It’s the heat. Just too hot these days.”

“I get it,” he says with a wink—almost making you spit out your water—before he turns dead serious against That’s just some type of superpower that he owns. “Like I said, with Jisung… but I don’t want to remind you of that. Are you okay, tho? How have you been?”

What the hell did Jisung do?

“F-Fine. Well, I moved to Starlost Boulevard. My new job is great… I met an old friend again,” you say, unsure if it sounds like rambling. But maybe with whatever information you share, you’ll find out more about what happened before you lived that life you’re currently starring in like a main character.

“That’s great, Y/N. I’m really happy for you… although I’m sad you didn’t say anything after our night and just… disappeared,” he tells you.

For some reason, the tension and dynamic oddly reminds you of Felix. The whole motif of disappearing is mostly responsible for it but it seems as if this world is filled with so many words that have been left unspoken that you know it won’t get easier from here.

“I’m– Im sorry,” you apologise.

Minho is… so different. Although it’s him. You’re truly sure.

What you’re not aware of is the fact that this parallel universe Minho is the version of the real one who isn’t afraid of his own feelings. Hopefully, once you get back home, the one you’ve known for years can adapt to this one a bit.

And that’s why you allow the man who’s sitting with you to stay with you for a while. The two of you talk—mainly about your new jobs and you also get some more information about Hyunjin. Minho unfortunately avoids the whole Jisung topic at all because he seems to have done some severe damage in this world that you can’t quite explain.

When you’re done with eating—sharing a blueberry cheesecake together—Minho calls the waitress again, asking for the bill.

“Let me pay, yeah?” he tells you, reaching for his wallet.

“Minho… why are you… so kind?”

“Is it too much? If I’m making you uncomfortable, please tell me,” he asks, sincerely.

You shake your head, “N-No. Not at all. I just… I thought we didn’t like each other…”

“Well, I do like you. I told you the other night. Before you disappeared. I wanted to ask you out on a date.”

Now, thinking back to real life, you wonder if this applies to earth Minho, too. God, you make him sound like an alien. 

And in the meantime, Minho’s guilty conscience is haunting him again. Sure, when he slept with you, he wasn’t aware of his best friend’s feelings for you. And he’s sure they must have changed, considering he’s with another woman now. Sometimes, he wonders if Jisung just said he’s in love with you so Minho backs off. For whatever reason.

But he won’t figure that out. After all, he hasn’t talked to his best friend ever since that moment shared with you in the restaurant you used to work at.

“I’m glad I found you again, Y/N,” he dares to admit. Fuck this. Jisung has had his chance. And when your best friend gets together with your crush, Minho might as well go to hell for the same thing.


“More, Minho… please,” you moan, having your legs spread in an angle that your muscles will be sour tomorrow. That you are sure of. Still, the man between your thighs adjusts his position, as he lets his tongue graze over your clit. Very soaked clit. From your own arousal and the fact that Minho has been passionately making out with your pussy for what feels like hours.

And it reminds you of that night shared in real life. He’s had you like this too—only that you’re in your comfortable bed this time—tears filling your vision, when his fingers hit that certain spot inside you. He edged you over and over again—but this Minho is quite the opposite.

You’ve lost count on how many times he’s made you come tonight and you don’t even care. All you know is that you need more.

That’s exactly what you get, when he tells you, “Anything for you, princess.”

Minho gets up from your mattress, walking towards his discarded pants and fishing out a condom. Once he’s ready, he grabs you by your waist and manhandles you around until your stomach meets the soft surface underneath you. Some things never change. Not even in a parallel universe.

“Right there–“ you whine, once he enters you, filling you up so deliciously.

“I know what you enjoy… no one can make you feel as good as I do, yeah?”

“Correct, Min,” you let out, feeling your brain go all foggy.

“I love when you call me by that name,” he admits, rutting even deeper into you. He’s hitting that certain spot again, as he watched you drool all over the pillow underneath your face. What a sight for him to witness.

“Yeah?” you manage to ask, while arching your back further.

“Hm,” he whispers. “Come on, I know you can take it.”


You wake up in the middle of the night, a distant memory of Minho taking care of your body and tugging you into bed a few hours ago making you smile. When you check your phone, a notification hits you.

It’s festival season! And you’re still without a lover to call your husband soon. In order to find him, check out these options:


© j-One25 2024 | copying, translating or stealing my work is prohibited

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